3,339,094 research outputs found

    A/C Energy Management and Vehicle Cabin Thermal Comfort Control

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    This paper introduces a novel multi-objective controller which regulates A/C system operation in a trade-off between vehicle cabin comfort and fuel consumption for a conventional vehicle with internal combustion engine. The controller has been developed and tested in a simulated environment, where an energy-based model of the A/C system is combined with a thermal dynamic model of the cabin which considers heat transfer to the environment. The control algorithm proposed herein is compared with two widely used control techniques in the industry, respectively the thermostat and PI control, under different driving cycles. This novel method is implementable in real-time, and simulation results show a reduction of up to 2% in A/C system fuel consumption compared to existing methods with similar thermal performance

    Kernel-based methods for persistent homology and their applications to Alzheimer's Disease

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    Kernel-based methods are powerful tools that are widely applied in many applications and fields of research. In recent years, methods from computational topology have emerged for characterizing the intrinsic geometry of data. Persistence homology is a central tool in topological data analysis, which allows to capture the evolution of topological features of the data. Persistence diagrams represent a natural way to summarize these features, but they can not be directly used in machine learning algorithms. To deal with them, we first analyse various kernel-based methods of recent development, then we propose and apply Variable Scaled Kernels (VSKs) to the persistence diagrams framework. We therefore discuss the application of these kernels in medical imaging in the context of Alzheimer’s Disease classification. Taking into account the cortical thickness measures on the cortical surface, we build the persistence diagrams upon different MRI subjects and we perform some classification tests using the support vector machines classifier.ope

    The impact of culturalism in the translation of STDs and HIV/Aids materials

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    FACULTY OF HUMANITIES School of Literature and Language Studies 9511112w [email protected] scourge of HIV/AIDS continues to worsen in the country in spite of efforts made by government and other stakeholders to combat this disease. This is reflected by the everincreasing statistics of new cases of HIV infection that are reported every minute. This rate of infection is believed to be influenced by factors such as cultural constructions that inhibit efforts to educate the populace about the disease. The research focuses on the extent to which cultural ideologies, as reflected in figurative expressions, render the task of educating people about sexually related diseases difficult. Translators seem to prefer figurative instead of literal language when they translate STDs and AIDS-related education materials. The preference of the former renders the message inaccessible to the average target audience. This study neither strives to conscientise and sensitise the doubting Thomases about the danger of HIV/AIDS and STDs nor does it seek a cure or treatment but a new way of communicating about these diseases. Ratzan maintains that “until a vaccine or cure for HIV infection is discovered, communication is all that we have” (1990: 257). This study deals with communication about HIV/AIDS. It is believed that the research’s findings can be used to help reduce the rate of transmission of this life-threatening infectious disease

    Essays in Household Finance

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    Name: Lot RahmatProgram Studi: Pendidikan Dokter GigiFaculty: Kedokteran GigiTitle: Tingkat Kepuasan Dokter Gigi Yang Bertugas Di Poliklinik Gigi Rumah Sakit Pemerintah Di Banda Aceh Tahun 2015Kepuasan kerja merupakan perasaan seseorang yang menyenangkan dan nyaman yang dirasakan disaat maupun setelah melakukan pekerjaannya. Kepuasan kerja dokter gigi secara individu sangat berpengaruh terhadap kinerja rumah sakit. Dokter gigi yang bekerja di poliklinik gigi rumah sakit pemerintah di Banda Aceh memiliki tingkat kepuasan yang berbeda. Kepuasan kerja dokter gigi dipengaruhi oleh faktor intrinsik meliputi keberhasilan; pengakuan; tanggungjawab; kemajuan, dan faktor ekstrinsik meliputi kebijakan dan administrasi umum; supervisi; upah/gaji; hubungan dengan rekan sekerja; kondisi kerja. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat kepuasan dokter gigi yang bertugas di poliklinik gigi rumah sakit pemerintah di Banda Aceh pada tahun 2015. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif yang dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui tingkat kepuasan dokter gigi yang bekerja di rumah sakit Banda Aceh. Penelitian ini dilakukan di rumah sakit pemerintah Banda Aceh yaitu di RSUD Zainoel Abidin, RSUD Meuraxa, dan RS Bhayangkara Banda Aceh. Penelitian ini melibatkan sebanyak delapan dokter gigi yang bertugas di RSUD Zainoel Abidin, empat dokter gigi yang bertugas di RSUD Meuraxa, dan dua dokter gigi yang bertugas di RS Bhayangkara Banda Aceh. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa seluruh dokter gigi menyatakan puas bekerja di poliklinik gigi rumah di sakit pemerintah Banda Aceh.Kata Kunci: kepuasan kerja, dokter gigi, rumah sakit pemerintah, faktor intrinsik, dan faktor ekstrinsik

    Land Grant Application- Sturtevant, Lot (Waterville)

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    Land grant application submitted to the Maine Land Office for Lot Sturtevant for service in the Revolutionary War.https://digitalmaine.com/revolutionary_war_me_land_office/1873/thumbnail.jp

    Legislação sanitária federal básica

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    Divulgação dos SUMÁRIOS das obras recentemente incorporadas ao acervo da Biblioteca Ministro Oscar Saraiva do STJ. Em respeito à lei de Direitos Autorais, não disponibilizamos a obra na íntegra. STJ00073051 614.3(81)(094) L514

    Photocatalytic activity of encapsulated Ag:TiO2 powder in Ag:TiO2/PVA nanofibers layers / Norizan Mohammed Lot

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    TiO2 powder is a precious photocatalyst material which is widely used as cleansing agent especially for waste water treatment Silver doping was carried out to increase the efficiency of the TiO2. For easy removal and multi-cycle used, the encapsulated Ag:TiO2 powder in Ag:TiO2/PVA nanofibers layers was successfully prepared via sol gel and electrospinning techniques by immobilize Ag doped TiO2 powder on the nanofibers and encapsulated in ‘he layers between nanofibers. The optimum concentration of Ag dopant is based on its photocatalytic activity which varied from different annealing temperature and different Ag content. All the samples were tested under UV and Solar irradiations. From the Photocatalytic result of pure TiO2 with different annealing temperature, it was found that temperature which have mixed phase of anatase and rutile was shown best performance compare to anatase m rutile phase alone. Moreover, for doping TiO2 with different Ag concentration, it was found that, 0.5wt% Ag doped TiO2 powder heated at 750°C showed to be the most effective proportion as photocatalyst with ratio of anatase to rutile is 75:25. FTIR results showed that, peak at 546cm-1 was assigned to the stretching vibration mode of Ti-O-Ti bond. After making detail analysis on FTIR band, 0.5wt% Ag doped TiO2 powder has IR band at 3410cm-1 and 1642cm-1 which capable to increase the photocatalytic activity by providing more hydroxyl radical during degradation activity. The average diameter of Ag doped is 600 nm -700 nm. The crystallite size for anatase and rutile for encapsulated Ag:TiO2 powder in Ag:TiO2/PVA nanofibers layers is 39.1nm and 61 .95nm, respectively. Encapsulated Ag:TiO2 powder in Ag:TiO2/PVA nanofibers layers succeeded to degrade the methyl orange (MO) solution within 150 minutes when expose to the UV light with kapp, value and kr, value is 33.4 x 10-3min-1 and 0.1952 mmoll-1min-1, respectively. Additionally, the performance test was conducted on the encapsulated Ag:TiO2 powder in Ag:TiO2/PVA nanofibers layers for its recycle and reuse capability. It was found then the sample can be reused to at least five complete cycles with almost consistent rate of degradation. The new finding is on the structural of the encapsulated Ag:TiO2 powder in Ag:TiO2/PVA nanofibers layers in which it can reuse for several times with consistent performance and directly give opportunity for cost saving

    Distribución y uso tradicional de Sagittaria macrophylla Zucc. y S. latifolia Willd. en el Estado de México

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    Sagittaria macrophylla y S. latifolia son plantas acuáticas emergentes que crecen en las orillas y zonas poco profundas de los cuerpos de agua limpios y de poca corriente. La primera es endémica de México, su distribución se restringe a la región del río Lerma y valle de México y está en peligro de extinción. Sagittarial latifolia se distribuye desde Canadá hasta el noroeste de Sudamérica. En México se localiza al menos en 11 estados. El análisis de la distribución de ambas especies muestra una disminución en el Estado de México; los factores que aparentemente están contribuyendo a este fenómeno son, en general, la explosión demográfica, la pérdida del hábitat y la sobreexplotación. No había registros del uso de S. latifolia en México, actualmente se reconoce que sus tubérculos o 'papas de agua' tienen importancia económica en la región del río Lerma. El uso tradicional de ambas especies indica que podrían ser una alternativa más en la dieta humana y animal.Sagittaria macrophylla y S. latifolia son plantas acuáticas emergentes que crecen en las orillas y zonas poco profundas de los cuerpos de agua limpios y de poca corriente. La primera es endémica de México, su distribución se restringe a la región del río Lerma y valle de México y está en peligro de extinción. Sagittarial latifolia se distribuye desde Canadá hasta el noroeste de Sudamérica. En México se localiza al menos en 11 estados. El análisis de la distribución de ambas especies muestra una disminución en el Estado de México; los factores que aparentemente están contribuyendo a este fenómeno son, en general, la explosión demográfica, la pérdida del hábitat y la sobreexplotación. No había registros del uso de S. latifolia en México, actualmente se reconoce que sus tubérculos o ‘papas de agua’ tienen importancia económica en la región del río Lerma. El uso tradicional de ambas especies indica que podrían ser una alternativa más en la dieta humana y animal


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