16 research outputs found

    A simple strategy to maintain diversity and reduce crowding in particle swarm optimization

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    Each particle in a swarm maintains its current position and its personal best position. It is useful to think of these personal best positions as a population of attractors -- updates to current positions are based on attractions to these personal best positions. If the population of attractors has high diversity, it will encourage a broad exploration of the search space with particles being drawn in many different directions. However, the population of attractors can converge quickly -- attractors can draw other particles towards them, and these particles can update their own personal bests to be near the first attractor. This convergence of attractors can be reduced by having a particle update the attractor it has approached rather than its own attractor/personal best. This simple change to the update procedure in particle swarm optimization incurs minimal computational cost, and it can lead to large performance improvements in multi-modal search spaces

    Benchmarking of Optimization Algorithms

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    In this paper, we present an empirical approach for objective and quantitative benchmarking of optimization algorithms with respect to characteristics induced by the forward calculation. Due to the professional background of the authors, this benchmarking strategy is illustrated on a selection of search methods in regard to expected characteristics of geotechnical parameter back calculation problems. Starting from brief introduction into the approach employed, a strategy for optimization algorithm benchmarking is introduced. The benchmarking utilizes statistical tests carried out on well-known test functions superposed with perturbations, both chosen to mimic objective function topologies found for geotechnical objective function topologies. Here, the moved axis parallel hyper-ellipsoid test function and the generalized Ackley test function in conjunction with an adjustable quantity of objective function topology roughness and fraction of failing forward calculations is analyzed. In total, results for 5 optimization algorithms are presented, compared and discussed

    Particle swarm optimization with thresheld convergence

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    Many heuristic search techniques have concurrent processes of exploration and exploitation. In particle swarm optimization, an improved 'pbest' position can represent a new more promising region of the search space (exploration) or a better solution within the current region (exploitation). The latter can interfere with the former since the identification of a new more promising region depends on finding a (random) solution in that region which is better than the current 'pbest'. Ideally, every sampled solution will have the same relative fitness with respect to its nearby local optimum – finding the best region to exploit then becomes the problem of finding the best random solution. However, a locally optimized solution from a poor region of the search space can be better than a random solution from a good region of the search space. Since exploitation can interfere with subsequent/concurrent exploration, it should be prevented during the early stages of the search process. In thresheld convergence, early exploitation is “held” back by a threshold function. Experiments show that the addition of thresheld convergence to particle swarm optimization can lead to large performance improvements in multi-modal search spaces

    Fault Detection and Identification Method Based on Genetic Algorithms to Monitor Degradation of Electrohydraulic Servomechanisms

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    Electro Hydraulic Actuators (EHAs) keep their role as the leading solution for the control of current generation primary flight control systems: the main reason can be found in their high power to weight ratio, much better than other comparable technologies. To enhance efficiency and reliability of modern EHAs, it is possible to leverage the diagnostics and prognostics disciplines; these two tools allow reducing life cycle costs without losing reliability, and provide the bases for health management of integrated systems, in compliance with regulations. This paper is focused on the development of a fault detection algorithm able to identify the early signs of EHA faults, through the recognition of their precursors and related degradation patterns. Our methodology provides the advantage of anticipating incoming failures, triggering proper alerts for the maintenance team to schedule adequate corrective actions, such as the replacement of the degraded component. A new EHA model-based fault detection and identification (FDI) method is proposed; it is based on deterministic and heuristic solvers able to converge to the actual state of wear of the tested actuator. Three different progressive failure modes were chosen as test cases for the proposed FDI strategy: clogging of the first stage of the flapper-nozzle valve, spool-sleeve friction increase, and jack-cylinder friction increase. A dedicated simulation model was created for the purpose. The results highlighted that the method is adequate in robustness, since EHA malfunctions were identified with a low occurrence of false alarms or missed failures

    Running Up Those Hills: Multi-Modal Search with the Niching Migratory Multi-Swarm Optimiser

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    Copyright © 2014 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.2014 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Beijing, China, 6 - 11 July 2014The codebase for this paper, containing the NMMSO algorithm, is at https://github.com/fieldsend/ieee_cec_2014_nmmsoWe present a new multi-modal evolutionary optimiser, the niching migratory multi-swarm optimiser (NMMSO), which dynamically manages many particle swarms. These sub-swarms are concerned with optimising separate local modes, and employ measures to allow swarm elements to migrate away from their parent swarm if they are identified as being in the vicinity of a separate peak, and to merge swarms together if they are identified as being concerned with the same peak. We employ coarse peak identification to facilitate the mode identification required. Swarm members are not constrained to particular sub- regions of the parameter space, however members are initialised in the vicinity of a swarm’s local mode estimate. NMMSO is shown to cope with a range of problem types, and to produce results competitive with the state-of-the-art on the CEC 2013 multi-modal optimisation competition test problems, providing new benchmark results in the field

    Orion GN&C Fault Management System Verification: Scope And Methodology

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    In order to ensure long-term ability to meet mission goals and to provide for the safety of the public, ground personnel, and any crew members, nearly all spacecraft include a fault management (FM) system. For a manned vehicle such as Orion, the safety of the crew is of paramount importance. The goal of the Orion Guidance, Navigation and Control (GN&C) fault management system is to detect, isolate, and respond to faults before they can result in harm to the human crew or loss of the spacecraft. Verification of fault management/fault protection capability is challenging due to the large number of possible faults in a complex spacecraft, the inherent unpredictability of faults, the complexity of interactions among the various spacecraft components, and the inability to easily quantify human reactions to failure scenarios. The Orion GN&C Fault Detection, Isolation, and Recovery (FDIR) team has developed a methodology for bounding the scope of FM system verification while ensuring sufficient coverage of the failure space and providing high confidence that the fault management system meets all safety requirements. The methodology utilizes a swarm search algorithm to identify failure cases that can result in catastrophic loss of the crew or the vehicle and rare event sequential Monte Carlo to verify safety and FDIR performance requirements

    Identifying the attack sources of botnets for a renewable energy management system by using a revised locust swarm optimisation scheme

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    Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks often use botnets to generate a high volume of packets and adopt controlled zombies for flooding a victim’s network over the Internet. Analysing the multiple sources of DDoS attacks typically involves reconstructing attack paths between the victim and attackers by using Internet protocol traceback (IPTBK) schemes. In general, traditional route-searching algorithms, such as particle swarm optimisation (PSO), have a high convergence speed for IPTBK, but easily fall into the local optima. This paper proposes an IPTBK analysis scheme for multimodal optimisation problems by applying a revised locust swarm optimisation (LSO) algorithm to the reconstructed attack path in order to identify the most probable attack paths. For evaluating the effectiveness of the DDoS control centres, networks with a topology size of 32 and 64 nodes were simulated using the ns-3 tool. The average accuracy of the LS-PSO algorithm reached 97.06 for the effects of dynamic traffic in two experimental networks (number of nodes = 32 and 64). Compared with traditional PSO algorithms, the revised LSO algorithm exhibited a superior searching performance in multimodal optimisation problems and increased the accuracy in traceability analysis for IPTBK problems

    PSO-Particle Swarm Optimization

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    Práce se zabývá optimalizací na bázi částicových hejn. V teoretické části je nejprve stručně popsána problematika optimalizace. Poté se značná část věnuje celkovému popisu optimalizačního algoritmu na bázi částicových hejn (PSO). Jsou popsány jeho princip, chování, parametry, struktura a modifikace. Následuje rešerše variant PSO, včetně hybridizací PSO. V praktické části práce jsou nejprve blíže rozebrány dynamické problémy. Poté je popsán nově navržený algoritmus pro dynamické problémy AHPSO (z čeho vychází, čím byl inspirován a jaké prvky používá a proč). Algoritmus je spuštěn na sadě úloh (Moving peaks benchmark) a porovnán s dosud nejlepšími veřejně dostupnými algoritmy variant PSO na dynamické problémy.This work deals with particle swarm optimization. The theoretic part briefly describes the problem of optimization. The considerable part focuses on the overall description of particle swarm optimization (PSO). The principle, behavior, parameters, structure and modifications of PSO are described. The next part of the work is a recherché of variants of PSO, including hybridizations of PSO. In practical part the dynamic problems are analyzed and new designed algorithm for dynamic problems AHPSO is described (what it is based on, what was inspired, what elements are used and why). Algorithm is executed on the set of tasks (Moving peaks benchmark) and compared with the best publicly available variants of algorithm PSO on dynamic problems so far.

    Locust Swarms - A new multi-optima search technique

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