20,546 research outputs found

    Locus coeruleus imaging as a biomarker for noradrenergic dysfunction in neurodegenerative diseases.

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    Pathological alterations to the locus coeruleus, the major source of noradrenaline in the brain, are histologically evident in early stages of neurodegenerative diseases. Novel MRI approaches now provide an opportunity to quantify structural features of the locus coeruleus in vivo during disease progression. In combination with neuropathological biomarkers, in vivo locus coeruleus imaging could help to understand the contribution of locus coeruleus neurodegeneration to clinical and pathological manifestations in Alzheimer's disease, atypical neurodegenerative dementias and Parkinson's disease. Moreover, as the functional sensitivity of the noradrenergic system is likely to change with disease progression, in vivo measures of locus coeruleus integrity could provide new pathophysiological insights into cognitive and behavioural symptoms. Locus coeruleus imaging also holds the promise to stratify patients into clinical trials according to noradrenergic dysfunction. In this article, we present a consensus on how non-invasive in vivo assessment of locus coeruleus integrity can be used for clinical research in neurodegenerative diseases. We outline the next steps for in vivo, post-mortem and clinical studies that can lay the groundwork to evaluate the potential of locus coeruleus imaging as a biomarker for neurodegenerative diseases.Includes MRC, NIHR, Wellcome Trust, H2020 and FP7

    Gulf War Syndrome: A role for organophosphate induced plasticity of locus coeruleus neurons

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    Gulf War syndrome is a chronic multi-symptom illness that has affected about a quarter of the deployed veterans of the 1991 Gulf War. Exposure to prolonged low-level organophosphate insecticides and other toxic chemicals is now thought to be responsible. Chlorpyrifos was one commonly used insecticide. The metabolite of chlorpyrifos, chlorpyrifos oxon, is a potent irreversible inhibitor of acetylcholinesterase, much like the nerve agent Sarin. To date, the target brain region(s) most susceptible to the neuroactive effects of chlorpyrifos oxon have yet to be identified. To address this we tested ability of chlorpyrifos oxon to influence neuronal excitability and induce lasting changes in the locus coeruleus, a brain region implicated in anxiety, substance use, attention and emotional response to stress. Here we used an ex vivo rodent model to identify a dramatic effect of chlorpyrifos oxon on locus coeruleus noradrenergic neuronal activity. Prolonged exposure to chlorpyrifos oxon caused acute inhibition and a lasting rebound excitatory state expressed after days of exposure and subsequent withdrawal. Our findings indicate that the locus coeruleus is a brain region vulnerable to chlorpyrifos oxon-induced neuroplastic changes possibly leading to the neurological symptoms affecting veterans of the Gulf War

    The Locus coeruleus in Parkinson’s disease - from basic research to new translational perspectives -

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    This cumulative dissertation summarizes three peer-reviewed publications addressing different aspects of the prodromal and manifest phase of Parkinson’s disease with special emphasis on the vulnerability of the noradrenergic locus coeruleus. The first publication represents an original article describing the establishment and characterization of the first ever α-synuclein overexpression mouse model for the locus coeruleus. Narrative articles two and three discuss the importance of the locus coeruleus in context of prodromal Parkinson’s disease, and the heterogeneity of the affected mesencephalic and extramesencephalic dopaminergic systems in manifest Parkinson’s disease. The first publication entitled “A53T-α-synuclein overexpression in murine locus coeruleus induces Parkinson’s disease-like pathology in neurons and glia” describes the establishment of the first locus coeruleus α-synucleinopathy mouse model. The data show that viral vector mediated focal overexpression of human A53T-α-synuclein triggered time-dependent neurodegeneration of noradrenergic locus coeruleus neurons, accompanied by progressive α-synuclein phosphorylation, formation of proteinase K-resistant α-synuclein-aggregates, accumulation of Ubi-1- and p62-positive inclusions in microglial cells and induction of progressive micro- and astrogliosis. Apart from this local pathology, we observed abundant α-synuclein positive axons in LC output regions, indicating rapid anterograde axonal transport of A53T-α-synuclein. The second publication entitled “The locus coeruleus – another vulnerability target in Parkinson’s disease” addresses the role of the locus coeruleus noradrenergic system in prodromal and manifest Parkinson’s disease. Within this review we provide a comprehensive description of the neuroanatomical basis of the locus coeruleus system and its implication in Parkinson’s disease, summarize highly relevant vulnerability factors, and list all animal studies conducted so far investigating locus coeruleus pathology in experimental research. Further, we provide a therapeutic outlook on how noradrenergic replacement therapy has already been successfully tested in manifest Parkinson’s disease patients and how locus coeruleus dysfunction can be of use for the development of disease modifying therapy approaches and disease progression biomarkers. Within the third publication entitled “Mesencephalic and extramesencephalic dopaminergic systems in Parkinson’s disease”, we provide a historical overview over the key milestones of Parkinson’s disease pathogenesis and therapy, dissect the dopaminergic basis of the cardinal parkinsonian motor symptomatology, summarize the anatomical features of the ten dopaminergic systems of the mammalian central nervous system and their involvement in Parkinson’s disease, illustrate how the advanced dopaminergic imaging techniques contribute to optimized differential diagnosis and pathogenetic knowledge, and explain how dopaminergic replacement therapy improves the cardinal motor symptomatology while simultaneously inducing a new set of symptoms based on a hyperdopaminergic status

    Pain exacerbates chronic mild stress-induced changes in noradrenergic transmission in rats

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    Depression can influence pain and vice versa, yet the biological mechanisms underlying how one influences the pathophysiology of the other remains unclear. Dysregulation of locus coeruleus-noradrenergic transmission is implicated in both conditions, although it is not known whether this effect is exacerbated in cases of co-morbid depression and chronic pain. We studied locus coeruleus activity using immunofluorescence and electrophysiological approaches in rats subjected to unpredictable chronic mild stress (CMS, an experimental model of depression) and/or chronic constriction injury (CCI, a model of chronic neuropathic pain) for 2 weeks. CCI alone had no effect on any of the locus coeruleus parameters studied, while CMS led to a slight reduction in the electrophysiological activity of the locus coeruleus. Furthermore, CMS was associated with an increase in the number of tyrosine hydroxylase-positive cells in the locus coeruleus, although they were smaller in size. Interestingly, these effects of CMS were exacerbated when combined with CCI, even though no changes in the α2-adrenoreceptors or the noradrenaline transporter were observed in any group. Together, these findings suggest that CMS triggers several modifications in locus coeruleus-noradrenergic transmission that are exacerbated by co-morbid chronic pain

    Cell-type-specific optogenetic stimulation of the locus coeruleus induces slow-onset potentiation and enhances everyday memory in rats

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    Memory formation is typically divided into phases associated with encoding, storage, consolidation, and retrieval. The neural determinants of these phases are thought to differ. This study first investigated the impact of the experience of novelty in rats incurred at a different time, before or after, the precise moment of memory encoding. Memory retention was enhanced. Optogenetic activation of the locus coeruleus mimicked this enhancement induced by novelty, both when given before and after the moment of encoding. Optogenetic activation of the locus coeruleus also induced a slow-onset potentiation of field potentials in area CA1 of the hippocampus evoked by CA3 stimulation. Despite the locus coeruleus being considered a primarily noradrenergic area, both effects of such stimulation were blocked by the dopamine D1/D5 receptor antagonist SCH 23390. These findings substantiate and enrich the evidence implicating the locus coeruleus in cellular aspects of memory consolidation in hippocampus.</p

    Pain and depression comorbidity causes asymmetric plasticity in the locus coeruleus neurons

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    There is strong comorbidity between chronic pain and depression, although the neural circuits and mechanisms underlying this association remain unclear. By combining immunohistochemistry, tracing studies and western blotting, with the use of different DREADDS (designer receptor exclusively activated by designer drugs) and behavioural approaches in a rat model of neuropathic pain (chronic constriction injury), we explore how this comorbidity arises. To this end, we evaluated the time-dependent plasticity of noradrenergic locus coeruleus neurons relative to the site of injury: ipsilateral (LCipsi) or contralateral (LCcontra) locus coeruleus at three different time points: short (2 days), mid (7 days) and long term (30-35 days from nerve injury). Nerve injury led to sensorial hypersensitivity from the onset of injury, whereas depressive-like behaviour was only evident following long-term pain. Global chemogenetic blockade of the LCipsi system alone increased short-term pain sensitivity while the blockade of the LCipsi or LCcontra relieved pain-induced depression. The asymmetric contribution of locus coeruleus modules was also evident as neuropathy develops. Hence, chemogenetic blockade of the LCipsi -> spinal cord projection, increased pain-related behaviours in the short term. However, this lateralized circuit is not universal as the bilateral chemogenetic inactivation of the locus coeruleus-rostral anterior cingulate cortex pathway or the intra-rostral anterior cingulate cortex antagonism of alpha1- and alpha2-adrenoreceptors reversed long-term pain-induced depression. Furthermore, chemogenetic locus coeruleus to spinal cord activation, mainly through LCipsi, reduced sensorial hypersensitivity irrespective of the time post-injury. Our results indicate that asymmetric activation of specific locus coeruleus modules promotes early restorative analgesia, as well as late depressive-like behaviour in chronic pain and depression comorbidity.Peer reviewe

    Altered brainstem responses to modafinil in schizophrenia: implications for adjunctive treatment of cognition.

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    Candidate pro-cognitive drugs for schizophrenia targeting several neurochemical systems have consistently failed to demonstrate robust efficacy. It remains untested whether concurrent antipsychotic medications exert pharmacodynamic interactions that mitigate pro-cognitive action in patients. We used functional MRI (fMRI) in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled within-subject crossover test of single-dose modafinil effects in 27 medicated schizophrenia patients, interrogating brainstem regions where catecholamine systems arise to innervate the cortex, to link cellular and systems-level models of cognitive control. Modafinil effects were evaluated both within this patient group and compared to a healthy subject group. Modafinil modulated activity in the locus coeruleus (LC) and ventral tegmental area (VTA) in the patient group. However, compared to the healthy comparison group, these effects were altered as a function of task demands: the control-independent drug effect on deactivation was relatively attenuated (shallower) in the LC and exaggerated (deeper) in the VTA; in contrast, again compared to the comparison group, the control-related drug effects on positive activation were attenuated in LC, VTA and the cortical cognitive control network. These altered effects in the LC and VTA were significantly and specifically associated with the degree of antagonism of alpha-2 adrenergic and dopamine-2 receptors, respectively, by concurrently prescribed antipsychotics. These sources of evidence suggest interacting effects on catecholamine neurons of chronic antipsychotic treatment, which respectively increase and decrease sustained neuronal activity in LC and VTA. This is the first direct evidence in a clinical population to suggest that antipsychotic medications alter catecholamine neuronal activity to mitigate pro-cognitive drug action on cortical circuits

    Chemoanatomical organization of the noradrenergic input from locus coeruleus to the olfactory bulb of the adult rat.

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    The locus coeruleus contains noradrenergic neurons which project widely throughout the CNS. A major target of locus coeruleus projections in the rat is the olfactory bulb (Shipley et al.: Brain Res. 329:294–299, '85) but the organization of the projections within the bulb has not been systematically examined. In this study, the laminar distribution and densities of locus coeruleus-noradrenergic fibers in the main and accessory olfactory bulbs were determined with anterograde tracing and immunocytochemical techniques. Following iontophoretic injections of 1% wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase into the locus coeruleus, the densest anterograde label in the accessory olfactory bulb was observed in the external plexiform layer, granule cell layer, and especially in the internal part of the mitral cell layer. Virtually no label was observed in the glomerular layer. In the main olfactory bulb, labelled axons were observed in the granule cell layer, in the internal and external plexiform layers, occasionally in the mitral cell layer, and least often in the glomerular layer. Noradrenergic fibers in the olfactory bulb were identified by using immunocytochemistry with an antibody to dopamine-ÎČ-hydroxylase. Laminar patterns and densities of noradrenergic innervation were determined with quantitative image analysis. In the accessory olfactory bulb, the densest innervation was in the innermost portion of the mitral cell layer followed by the granule cell layer, the superficial part of the mitral cell layer, and the external plexiform layer. The density of fibers in the glomerular layer was least. The laminar pattern of noradrenergic fiber distribution in the main olfactory bulb was similar to that in accessory olfactory bulb. The present studies demonstrate that locus coeruleus-noradrenergic fibers terminate preferentially in the internal plexiform, granule cell, and external plexiform layers. This suggests that the major influence of the locus coeruleus input to both the main and accessory the olfactory bulbs is on the predominant neuronal element in those layers, the granule cells. Additional studies are needed to resolve how this input influences specific olfactory bulb circuits
