789 research outputs found

    Resilience and Controllability of Dynamic Collective Behaviors

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    The network paradigm is used to gain insight into the structural root causes of the resilience of consensus in dynamic collective behaviors, and to analyze the controllability of the swarm dynamics. Here we devise the dynamic signaling network which is the information transfer channel underpinning the swarm dynamics of the directed interagent connectivity based on a topological neighborhood of interactions. The study of the connectedness of the swarm signaling network reveals the profound relationship between group size and number of interacting neighbors, which is found to be in good agreement with field observations on flock of starlings [Ballerini et al. (2008) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 105: 1232]. Using a dynamical model, we generate dynamic collective behaviors enabling us to uncover that the swarm signaling network is a homogeneous clustered small-world network, thus facilitating emergent outcomes if connectedness is maintained. Resilience of the emergent consensus is tested by introducing exogenous environmental noise, which ultimately stresses how deeply intertwined are the swarm dynamics in the physical and network spaces. The availability of the signaling network allows us to analytically establish for the first time the number of driver agents necessary to fully control the swarm dynamics

    Stimulus and task-dependent gamma activity in monkey V1

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    The single unit doctrine proposes that each one of our percepts and sensations is represented by the activity of specialized high-level cells in the brain. A common criticism applied to this proposal is the one referred to as the "combinatorial problem". We are constantly confronted with unlimited combinations of elements and features, and yet we face no problem in recognizing patterns and objects present in visual scenes. Are there enough neurons in the brain to singly code for each one of our percepts? Or is it the case that perceptions are represented by the distributed activity of different neuronal ensembles? We lack a general theory capable of explaining how distributed information can be efficiently integrated into single percepts. The working hypothesis here is that distributed neuronal ensembles signal relations present in the stimulus by selectively synchronizing their spiking responses. Synchronization is generally associated with oscillatory activity in the brain. Gamma oscillations in particular have been linked to various integrative processes in the visual system. Studies in anesthetized animals have shown a conspicuous increase in power for the gamma frequency band (30 to 60 Hz) in response to visual stimuli. Recently, these observations have been extended to behavioral studies which addressed the role of gamma activity in cognitive processes demanding selective attention. The initial motivation for carrying out this work was to test if the binding-by-synchronization (BBS) hypothesis serves as a neuronal mechanism for perceptual grouping in the visual system. To this aim we used single and superimposed grating stimuli. Superimposed gratings (plaids) are bi-stable stimuli capable of eliciting different percepts depending on their physical characteristics. In this way, plaids can be perceived either as a single moving surface (pattern plaids), or as two segregated surfaces drifting in different directions (component plaids). While testing the BBS hypothesis, we performed various experiments which addressed the role of both stimulus and cortical architecture on the properties of gamma oscillations in the primary visual cortex (V1) of monkeys. Additionally, we investigated whether gamma activity could also be modulated by allocating attention in time. Finally, we report on gamma-phase shifts in area V1, and how they depend on the level of neuronal activation. ...Einleitung: Die visuelle Hirnforschung hat eine große Informationsmenge über die analytischen Fähigkeiten des Nervensystems zusammengetragen. Die Einführung von Einzelzellableitungen ermöglichte eine detaillierte Beschreibung der Eigenschaften rezeptiver Felder im Sehsystem. Konzentrische rezeptive Felder in der Netzhaut antworten optimal auf einen Luminanzkontrast in ihren On- und Off-Regionen. Antworteigenschaften entwickeln sich schrittweise entlang der Sehbahn, indem zunehmend komplexere Eigenschaften des visuellen Reizes extrahiert werden. Die Pionierarbeiten von David Hubel und Torsten Wiesel beschrieben zunächst Orientierung- und Richtungsselektivität von Neuronen in frühen visuellen Kortexarealen. Später fand man Einzelzellen im medialen Temporallappen, die auf komplexe Objekte wie Hände und Gesichter antworten. Die Hirnforschung ist daher lange davon ausgegangen, dass die Repräsentation komplexer Objekte eine natürliche Entfaltung von Konvergenz entlang der Sehbahn darstellt. Zellen, welche auf elementare Merkmale des Stimulus antworteten, bildeten so durch ihr Muster anatomischer Verbindungen schrittweise die spezialisierten Neurone in höheren visuellen Arealen. Diese Sichtweise zeigt allerdings Limitationen auf. Eine beständige Kritik, die an der "Einzelzelldoktrin" geübt wird, ist das sogenannte kombinatorische Problem. Obwohl wir ständig mit einer unbegrenzten Fülle an Kombinationen verschiedener Elemente und Merkmale konfrontiert sind, laufen wir selten Gefahr, Muster und Objekte in einer visuellen Szene nicht zu erkennen. Ist es überhaupt möglich, dass jedes unserer möglichen Perzepte durch die Antwort eines einzelnen hoch spezialisierten Neurons im Hirn kodiert wird? Falls nicht, welcher Mechanismus könnte einen relationalen Code darstellen, der es ermöglicht, die Aktivität verschiedener neuronaler Ensembles zu integrieren? Die Anforderungen an einen solchen Mechanismus treten besonders hervor, wenn man sich die verteilte Struktur der visuellen Verarbeitung verdeutlicht. Die Merkmalsextraktion entlang der Sehbahn führt unvermeidbar zu einer räumlich verstreuten Repräsentation eines visuellen Reizes. Zusätzlich kommen parallele Bahnen neuronaler Verarbeitung im Hirn häufig vor. Es fehlt eine universale Theorie darüber, wie die verteilte Information effizient in eine einzige Wahrnehmung integriert wird. Die Arbeitshypothese hier lautet, dass das Hirn die Zeitdomäne benutzt, um visuelle Informationen zu integrieren und zu verarbeiten. Konkret würden neuronale Ensemble die aus dem Stimulus hervorgehenden Beziehungen durch eine selektive Synchronisation ihrer Aktionspotenziale signalisieren. Synchronisation ist normalerweise mit oszillatorischer Hirnaktivität assoziiert. Besonders die Oszillationen im Gamma Frequenzband sind mit verschiedensten integrativen Prozessen im Sehsystem in Verbindung gebracht worden. Arbeiten an anästhesierten Tieren haben einen auffälligen Anstieg von Energie im Gamma Frequenzband (30-60 Hz) unter visueller Stimulation gezeigt. Kürzlich sind diese Beobachtungen auf Verhaltensstudien ausgeweitet worden, welche die Rolle von Gamma Aktivität bei der für kognitive Prozesse erforderlichen gerichteten Aufmerksamkeit untersuchen. Die ursprüngliche Motivation dieser Arbeit war es, die von Wolf Singer und Mitarbeitern formulierte "binding-bysynchronization (BBS)" Hypothese zu testen. Dies wurde durch die Ableitung neuronaler Antworten in V1 bei Darbietung eines Paars übereinander gelegter Balkengitter ("Plaid" Stimulus) angegangen. Physikalische Manipulationen der Luminanz in Unterregionen des Plaid-Stimulus können die Wahrnehmung zugunsten der Bewegung der Einzelkomponenten (zwei Objekte, die sich übereinander schieben) oder der Bewegung des Gesamtmusters (ein einziges sich in eine gemeinsame Richtung bewegendes Objekt) beeinflussen. Die gleichzeitige Ableitung von zwei Neuronen, die jeweils nur selektiv auf eines der beiden Balkengitter antworteten, ermöglichte es uns, zwei Vorhersagen der BBS Hypothese zu testen. Falls beide V1 Neurone auf dasselbe Balkengitter antworteten, sollten sie ihre Aktivität unabhängig davon, ob das Plaid in Einzelkomponenten oder als Gesamtmuster wahrgenommen würde, synchronisieren. Der Grund dafür wäre, dass beide Neurone auf dasselbe Objekt reagierten. Im zweiten Fall antworten beide Ableitstellen auf jeweils eine der beiden Balkengitterkomponenten. Hier sagt die BBS Hypothese voraus, dass beide ihre Aktivität nur bei Gesamtmusterbewegung synchronisieren würden, da sie nur in dieser Bedingung auf dasselbe Objekt antworten würden. ..

    The wake dynamics and flight forces of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster

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    We have used flow visualizations and instantaneous force measurements of tethered fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster) to study the dynamics of force generation during flight. During each complete stroke cycle, the flies generate one single vortex loop consisting of vorticity shed during the downstroke and ventral flip. This gross pattern of wake structure in Drosophila is similar to those described for hovering birds and some other insects. The wake structure differed from those previously described, however, in that the vortex filaments shed during ventral stroke reversal did not fuse to complete a circular ring, but rather attached temporarily to the body to complete an inverted heart-shaped vortex loop. The attached ventral filaments of the loop subsequently slide along the length of the body and eventually fuse at the tip of the abdomen. We found no evidence for the shedding of wing-tip vorticity during the upstroke, and argue that this is due to an extreme form of the Wagner effect acting at that time. The flow visualizations predicted that maximum flight forces would be generated during the downstroke and ventral reversal, with little or no force generated during the upstroke. The instantaneous force measurements using laser-interferometry verified the periodic nature of force generation. Within each stroke cycle, there was one plateau of high force generation followed by a period of low force, which roughly correlated with the upstroke and downstroke periods. However, the fluctuations in force lagged behind their expected occurrence within the wing-stroke cycle by approximately 1 ms or one-fifth of the complete stroke cycle. This temporal discrepancy exceeds the range of expected inaccuracies and artifacts in the measurements, and we tentatively discuss the potential retarding effects within the underlying fluid mechanics

    Boolean Delay Equations: A simple way of looking at complex systems

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    Boolean Delay Equations (BDEs) are semi-discrete dynamical models with Boolean-valued variables that evolve in continuous time. Systems of BDEs can be classified into conservative or dissipative, in a manner that parallels the classification of ordinary or partial differential equations. Solutions to certain conservative BDEs exhibit growth of complexity in time. They represent therewith metaphors for biological evolution or human history. Dissipative BDEs are structurally stable and exhibit multiple equilibria and limit cycles, as well as more complex, fractal solution sets, such as Devil's staircases and ``fractal sunbursts``. All known solutions of dissipative BDEs have stationary variance. BDE systems of this type, both free and forced, have been used as highly idealized models of climate change on interannual, interdecadal and paleoclimatic time scales. BDEs are also being used as flexible, highly efficient models of colliding cascades in earthquake modeling and prediction, as well as in genetics. In this paper we review the theory of systems of BDEs and illustrate their applications to climatic and solid earth problems. The former have used small systems of BDEs, while the latter have used large networks of BDEs. We moreover introduce BDEs with an infinite number of variables distributed in space (``partial BDEs``) and discuss connections with other types of dynamical systems, including cellular automata and Boolean networks. This research-and-review paper concludes with a set of open questions.Comment: Latex, 67 pages with 15 eps figures. Revised version, in particular the discussion on partial BDEs is updated and enlarge

    Aerodynamics, kinematics, and ecology of slow flight in birds

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    The overarching goal of my dissertation is to elucidate the force production mechanisms of slow flight in birds. Slow flight is extremely energetically costly per unit time, yet highly important for takeoff and survival in birds. However, at slow speeds it is presently thought that most birds do not produce beneficial aerodynamic forces during the entire wingbeat: instead, they fold or flex their wings during upstroke, prompting the long-standing prediction that the upstroke produces trivial forces. Here, I examined the kinematics, aerodynamics, skeletal drivers, and potential ecological influences of force production in flight. In chapter one, I establish that wings in upstroke posture are capable of producing beneficial aerodynamic forces. Chapter two illustrates diamond doves that keep their wings extended in a “wingtip-reversal” upstroke (at Re=50,000) produce a kinematic and aerodynamic signature similar to the clap-and-peel mechanism previously reported only in insects (Re=8,000). In contrast, zebra finch use a “flexed-wing” upstroke that is aerodynamically inactive. Integrating an XROMM (X-ray Reconstruction of Moving Morphology) study of pigeons and starlings in chapter three, I demonstrate that both upstroke styles have similar skeletal kinematics (with a few notable exceptions), but the timing and extent of motion differs. Lastly, chapter four faces birds with an ecologically relevant task: transitioning from a compliant substrate reduces initial flight velocities, and birds do not appear to modulate force production to compensate. Collectively, I reveal that the clap and fling mechanism utilized by many species is a wing motion that is aerodynamically beneficial and largely due to an interaction of the skeletal elements. These four chapters illuminate an energetically costly and ecologically relevant period of flight

    Transduction of the Geomagnetic Field as Evidenced from Alpha-band Activity in the Human Brain

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    Magnetoreception, the perception of the geomagnetic field, is a sensory modality well-established across all major groups of vertebrates and some invertebrates, but its presence in humans has been tested rarely, yielding inconclusive results. We report here a strong, specific human brain response to ecologically-relevant rotations of Earth-strength magnetic fields. Following geomagnetic stimulation, a drop in amplitude of EEG alpha oscillations (8-13 Hz) occurred in a repeatable manner. Termed alpha event-related desynchronization (alpha-ERD), such a response has been associated previously with sensory and cognitive processing of external stimuli including vision, auditory and somatosensory cues. Alpha-ERD in response to the geomagnetic field was triggered only by horizontal rotations when the static vertical magnetic field was directed downwards, as it is in the Northern Hemisphere; no brain responses were elicited by the same horizontal rotations when the static vertical component was directed upwards. This implicates a biological response tuned to the ecology of the local human population, rather than a generic physical effect. Biophysical tests showed that the neural response was sensitive to static components of the magnetic field. This rules out all forms of electrical induction (including artifacts from the electrodes) which are determined solely on dynamic components of the field. The neural response was also sensitive to the polarity of the magnetic field. This rules out free-radical 'quantum compass' mechanisms like the cryptochrome hypothesis, which can detect only axial alignment. Ferromagnetism remains a viable biophysical mechanism for sensory transduction and provides a basis to start the behavioral exploration of human magnetoreception

    Information processing in a midbrain visual pathway

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    Visual information is processed in brain via the intricate interactions between neurons. We investigated a midbrain visual pathway: optic tectum and its isthmic nucleus) that is motion sensitive and is thought as part of attentional system. We determined the physiological properties of individual neurons as well as their synaptic connections with intracellular recordings. We reproduced the center-surround receptive field structure of tectal neurons in a dynamical recurrent feedback loop. We reveal in a computational model that the anti-topographic inhibitory feedback could mediate competitive stimulus selection in a complex visual scene. We also investigated the dynamics of the competitive selection in a rate model. The isthmotectal feedback loop gates the information transfer from tectum to thalamic rotundus. We discussed the role of a localized feedback projection in contributing to the gating mechanisms with both experimental and numerical approaches. We further discussed the dynamics of the isthmotectal system by considering the propagation delays between different components. We conclude that the isthmotectal system is involved in attention-like competitive stimulus selection and control the information coding in the motion sensitive SGC-I neurons by modulating the retino-tectal synaptic transmission

    The Mechanisms And Roles Of Feedback Loops For Visual Processing

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    Signal flow in the brain is not unidirectional; feedback represents a key element in neural signal processing. To address the question on how do neural feedback loops work in terms of synapses, microcircuitry, and systems dynamics, we developed a chick midbrain slice preparation to study and characterize one important feedback loop within the avian visual system: isthmotectal feedbackloop. The isthmotectal feedback loop consists of the optic tectum: OT) and three nucleus isthmi: Imc, Ipc and SLu. The tectal layer 10 neurons project to ipsilateral Imc, Ipc and SLu in a topographic way. In turn Ipc and SLu send back topographical: local) cholinergic terminals to the OT, whereas Imc sends non-topographical: global) GABAergic projections to the OT, and also to the Ipc and the SLu. We first study the cellular properties of Ipc neurons and found that almost all Ipc cells exhibited spontaneous activity characterized with a barrage of EPSPs and occasional spikes. Further experiments reveal the involvement of GABA in mediating the spontaneous synaptic inputs to the Ipc neurons. Next we investigate the mechanisms of oscillatory bursting in Ipc, which is observed in vivo, by building a model network based on the in vitro experimental results. Our simulation results conclude that strong feedforward excitation and spike-rate adaptation can generate oscillatory bursting in Ipc neuron in response to a constant input. Then we consider the effect of distributed synaptic delays measured within the isthmotectal feedback loop and elucidate that distributed delays can stabilize the system and lead to an increased range of parameters for which the system converges to a stable fixed point. Next we explore the functional features of GABAergic projection from Imc to Ipc and find that Imc has a regulatory role on actions of Ipc neurons in that stimulating Imc can evoke action potentials in Ipc neurons while it also can suppress the firing in Ipc neurons which is generated by somatic current injection. The mechanism of regulatory action is further studied by a two-compartment neuron model. Last, we lay out several open questions in this area which may worth further investigation

    Investigating Habits: Strategies,Technologies and Models

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    Understanding habits at a biological level requires a combination of behavioral observations and measures of ongoing neural activity. Theoretical frameworks as well as definitions of habitual behaviors emerging from classic behavioral research have been enriched by new approaches taking account of the identification of brain regions and circuits related to habitual behavior. Together, this combination of experimental and theoretical work has provided key insights into how brain circuits underlying action-learning and action-selection are organized, and how a balance between behavioral flexibility and fixity is achieved. New methods to monitor and manipulate neural activity in real time are allowing us to have a first look under the hood of a habit as it is formed and expressed. Here we discuss ideas emerging from such approaches. We pay special attention to the unexpected findings that have arisen from our own experiments suggesting that habitual behaviors likely require the simultaneous activity of multiple distinct components, or operators, seen as responsible for the contrasting dynamics of neural activity in both cortico-limbic and sensorimotor circuits recorded concurrently during different stages of habit learning. The neural dynamics identified thus far do not fully meet expectations derived from traditional models of the structure of habits, and the behavioral measures of habits that we have made also are not fully aligned with these models. We explore these new clues as opportunities to refine an understanding of habits