18,767 research outputs found

    An inexact Newton-Krylov algorithm for constrained diffeomorphic image registration

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    We propose numerical algorithms for solving large deformation diffeomorphic image registration problems. We formulate the nonrigid image registration problem as a problem of optimal control. This leads to an infinite-dimensional partial differential equation (PDE) constrained optimization problem. The PDE constraint consists, in its simplest form, of a hyperbolic transport equation for the evolution of the image intensity. The control variable is the velocity field. Tikhonov regularization on the control ensures well-posedness. We consider standard smoothness regularization based on H1H^1- or H2H^2-seminorms. We augment this regularization scheme with a constraint on the divergence of the velocity field rendering the deformation incompressible and thus ensuring that the determinant of the deformation gradient is equal to one, up to the numerical error. We use a Fourier pseudospectral discretization in space and a Chebyshev pseudospectral discretization in time. We use a preconditioned, globalized, matrix-free, inexact Newton-Krylov method for numerical optimization. A parameter continuation is designed to estimate an optimal regularization parameter. Regularity is ensured by controlling the geometric properties of the deformation field. Overall, we arrive at a black-box solver. We study spectral properties of the Hessian, grid convergence, numerical accuracy, computational efficiency, and deformation regularity of our scheme. We compare the designed Newton-Krylov methods with a globalized preconditioned gradient descent. We study the influence of a varying number of unknowns in time. The reported results demonstrate excellent numerical accuracy, guaranteed local deformation regularity, and computational efficiency with an optional control on local mass conservation. The Newton-Krylov methods clearly outperform the Picard method if high accuracy of the inversion is required.Comment: 32 pages; 10 figures; 9 table

    Markov models for fMRI correlation structure: is brain functional connectivity small world, or decomposable into networks?

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    Correlations in the signal observed via functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI), are expected to reveal the interactions in the underlying neural populations through hemodynamic response. In particular, they highlight distributed set of mutually correlated regions that correspond to brain networks related to different cognitive functions. Yet graph-theoretical studies of neural connections give a different picture: that of a highly integrated system with small-world properties: local clustering but with short pathways across the complete structure. We examine the conditional independence properties of the fMRI signal, i.e. its Markov structure, to find realistic assumptions on the connectivity structure that are required to explain the observed functional connectivity. In particular we seek a decomposition of the Markov structure into segregated functional networks using decomposable graphs: a set of strongly-connected and partially overlapping cliques. We introduce a new method to efficiently extract such cliques on a large, strongly-connected graph. We compare methods learning different graph structures from functional connectivity by testing the goodness of fit of the model they learn on new data. We find that summarizing the structure as strongly-connected networks can give a good description only for very large and overlapping networks. These results highlight that Markov models are good tools to identify the structure of brain connectivity from fMRI signals, but for this purpose they must reflect the small-world properties of the underlying neural systems

    Diffeomorphic Iterative Centroid Methods for Template Estimation on Large Datasets

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    International audienceA common approach for analysis of anatomical variability relies on the stimation of a template representative of the population. The Large Deformation Diffeomorphic Metric Mapping is an attractive framework for that purpose. However, template estimation using LDDMM is computationally expensive, which is a limitation for the study of large datasets. This paper presents an iterative method which quickly provides a centroid of the population in the shape space. This centroid can be used as a rough template estimate or as initialization of a template estimation method. The approach is evaluated on datasets of real and synthetic hippocampi segmented from brain MRI. The results show that the centroid is correctly centered within the population and is stable for different orderings of subjects. When used as an initialization, the approach allows to substantially reduce the computation time of template estimation

    Inter-individual deep image reconstruction via hierarchical neural code conversion

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    The sensory cortex is characterized by general organizational principles such as topography and hierarchy. However, measured brain activity given identical input exhibits substantially different patterns across individuals. Although anatomical and functional alignment methods have been proposed in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies, it remains unclear whether and how hierarchical and fine-grained representations can be converted between individuals while preserving the encoded perceptual content. In this study, we trained a method of functional alignment called neural code converter that predicts a target subject’s brain activity pattern from a source subject given the same stimulus, and analyzed the converted patterns by decoding hierarchical visual features and reconstructing perceived images. The converters were trained on fMRI responses to identical sets of natural images presented to pairs of individuals, using the voxels on the visual cortex that covers from V1 through the ventral object areas without explicit labels of the visual areas. We decoded the converted brain activity patterns into the hierarchical visual features of a deep neural network using decoders pre-trained on the target subject and then reconstructed images via the decoded features. Without explicit information about the visual cortical hierarchy, the converters automatically learned the correspondence between visual areas of the same levels. Deep neural network feature decoding at each layer showed higher decoding accuracies from corresponding levels of visual areas, indicating that hierarchical representations were preserved after conversion. The visual images were reconstructed with recognizable silhouettes of objects even with relatively small numbers of data for converter training. The decoders trained on pooled data from multiple individuals through conversions led to a slight improvement over those trained on a single individual. These results demonstrate that the hierarchical and fine-grained representation can be converted by functional alignment, while preserving sufficient visual information to enable inter-individual visual image reconstruction

    Distributed-memory large deformation diffeomorphic 3D image registration

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    We present a parallel distributed-memory algorithm for large deformation diffeomorphic registration of volumetric images that produces large isochoric deformations (locally volume preserving). Image registration is a key technology in medical image analysis. Our algorithm uses a partial differential equation constrained optimal control formulation. Finding the optimal deformation map requires the solution of a highly nonlinear problem that involves pseudo-differential operators, biharmonic operators, and pure advection operators both forward and back- ward in time. A key issue is the time to solution, which poses the demand for efficient optimization methods as well as an effective utilization of high performance computing resources. To address this problem we use a preconditioned, inexact, Gauss-Newton- Krylov solver. Our algorithm integrates several components: a spectral discretization in space, a semi-Lagrangian formulation in time, analytic adjoints, different regularization functionals (including volume-preserving ones), a spectral preconditioner, a highly optimized distributed Fast Fourier Transform, and a cubic interpolation scheme for the semi-Lagrangian time-stepping. We demonstrate the scalability of our algorithm on images with resolution of up to 102431024^3 on the "Maverick" and "Stampede" systems at the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC). The critical problem in the medical imaging application domain is strong scaling, that is, solving registration problems of a moderate size of 2563256^3---a typical resolution for medical images. We are able to solve the registration problem for images of this size in less than five seconds on 64 x86 nodes of TACC's "Maverick" system.Comment: accepted for publication at SC16 in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA; November 201

    Aligning individual brains with Fused Unbalanced Gromov-Wasserstein

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    Individual brains vary in both anatomy and functional organization, even within a given species. Inter-individual variability is a major impediment when trying to draw generalizable conclusions from neuroimaging data collected on groups of subjects. Current co-registration procedures rely on limited data, and thus lead to very coarse inter-subject alignments. In this work, we present a novel method for inter-subject alignment based on Optimal Transport, denoted as Fused Unbalanced Gromov Wasserstein (FUGW). The method aligns cortical surfaces based on the similarity of their functional signatures in response to a variety of stimulation settings, while penalizing large deformations of individual topographic organization. We demonstrate that FUGW is well-suited for whole-brain landmark-free alignment. The unbalanced feature allows to deal with the fact that functional areas vary in size across subjects. Our results show that FUGW alignment significantly increases between-subject correlation of activity for independent functional data, and leads to more precise mapping at the group level