378 research outputs found

    Sail intelligent terminal evaluation

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    Engineering assessments, recommendations, and equipment necessary to solve the operational problems are described, and operational flexibility of the intelligent terminal facility are extended. The following capabilities were considered: (1) the operation of at least two D/D stations and one remote graphics terminal simultaneously; (2) the capability to run plotter, AIDS and FORTRAN programs simultaneously; (3) simultaneous use of system utility routines of D/D stations and remote graphics terminal; (4) the capability to provide large volume hardcopy of data and graphics; and (5) the capability to eliminate or at least ease the current operation/programming problems with related labor costs. The overall intelligent terminal development, and plans guiding the analysis and equipment acquisitions were studied, and the assessments and analyses performed are also summarized

    Linux kernel compaction through cold code swapping

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    There is a growing trend to use general-purpose operating systems like Linux in embedded systems. Previous research focused on using compaction and specialization techniques to adapt a general-purpose OS to the memory-constrained environment, presented by most, embedded systems. However, there is still room for improvement: it has been shown that even after application of the aforementioned techniques more than 50% of the kernel code remains unexecuted under normal system operation. We introduce a new technique that reduces the Linux kernel code memory footprint, through on-demand code loading of infrequently executed code, for systems that support virtual memory. In this paper, we describe our general approach, and we study code placement algorithms to minimize the performance impact of the code loading. A code, size reduction of 68% is achieved, with a 2.2% execution speedup of the system-mode execution time, for a case study based on the MediaBench II benchmark suite

    Predicting Quiescence: The Dependence of Specific Star Formation Rate on Galaxy Size and Central Density at 0.5<z<2.5

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    In this paper, we investigate the relationship between star formation and structure, using a mass-complete sample of 27,893 galaxies at 0.5<z<2.50.5<z<2.5 selected from 3D-HST. We confirm that star-forming galaxies are larger than quiescent galaxies at fixed stellar mass (M_{\star}). However, in contrast with some simulations, there is only a weak relation between star formation rate (SFR) and size within the star-forming population: when dividing into quartiles based on residual offsets in SFR, we find that the sizes of star-forming galaxies in the lowest quartile are 0.27±\pm0.06 dex smaller than the highest quartile. We show that 50% of star formation in galaxies at fixed M_{\star} takes place within a narrow range of sizes (0.26 dex). Taken together, these results suggest that there is an abrupt cessation of star formation after galaxies attain particular structural properties. Confirming earlier results, we find that central stellar density within a 1 kpc fixed physical radius is the key parameter connecting galaxy morphology and star formation histories: galaxies with high central densities are red and have increasingly lower SFR/M_{\star}, whereas galaxies with low central densities are blue and have a roughly constant (higher) SFR/M_{\star} at a given redshift. We find remarkably little scatter in the average trends and a strong evolution of >>0.5 dex in the central density threshold correlated with quiescence from z0.72.0z\sim0.7-2.0. Neither a compact size nor high-nn are sufficient to assess the likelihood of quiescence for the average galaxy; rather, the combination of these two parameters together with M_{\star} results in a unique quenching threshold in central density/velocity.Comment: 20 pages, 15 figures, and 2 tables; Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Link-time smart card code hardening

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    This paper presents a feasibility study to protect smart card software against fault-injection attacks by means of link-time code rewriting. This approach avoids the drawbacks of source code hardening, avoids the need for manual assembly writing, and is applicable in conjunction with closed third-party compilers. We implemented a range of cookbook code hardening recipes in a prototype link-time rewriter and evaluate their coverage and associated overhead to conclude that this approach is promising. We demonstrate that the overhead of using an automated link-time approach is not significantly higher than what can be obtained with compile-time hardening or with manual hardening of compiler-generated assembly code

    Reductie van het geheugengebruik van besturingssysteemkernen Memory Footprint Reduction for Operating System Kernels

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    In ingebedde systemen is er vaak maar een beperkte hoeveelheid geheugen beschikbaar. Daarom wordt er veel aandacht besteed aan het produceren van compacte programma's voor deze systemen, en zijn er allerhande technieken ontwikkeld die automatisch het geheugengebruik van programma's kunnen verkleinen. Tot nu toe richtten die technieken zich voornamelijk op de toepassingssoftware die op het systeem draait, en werd het besturingssysteem over het hoofd gezien. In dit proefschrift worden een aantal technieken beschreven die het mogelijk maken om op een geautomatiseerde manier het geheugengebruik van een besturingssysteemkern gevoelig te verkleinen. Daarbij wordt in eerste instantie gebruik gemaakt van compactietransformaties tijdens het linken. Als we de hardware en software waaruit het systeem samengesteld is kennen, is het mogelijk om nog verdere reducties te bekomen. Daartoe wordt de kern gespecialiseerd voor een bepaalde hardware-software combinatie. Overbodige functionaliteit wordt opgespoord en uit de kern verwijderd, terwijl de resterende functionaliteit wordt aangepast aan de specifieke gebruikspatronen die uit de hardware en software kunnen afgeleid worden. Als laatste worden technieken voorgesteld die het mogelijk maken om weinig of niet uitgevoerde code (bijvoorbeeld code voor het afhandelen van slechts zeldzaam optredende foutcondities) uit het geheugen te verwijderen. Deze code wordt dan enkel ingeladen op het moment dat ze effectief nodig is. Voor ons testsysteem kunnen we met de gecombineerde technieken het geheugengebruik van een Linux 2.4 kern met meer dan 48% verminderen

    Enterprise storage report for the 1990's

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    Data processing has become an increasingly vital function, if not the most vital function, in most businesses today. No longer only a mainframe domain, the data processing enterprise also includes the midrange and workstation platforms, either local or remote. This expanded view of the enterprise has encouraged more and more businesses to take a strategic, long-range view of information management rather than the short-term tactical approaches of the past. Some of the significant aspects of data storage in the enterprise for the 1990's are highlighted

    Code generation and reorganization in the presence of pipeline constraints

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    Estudo e avaliação de conjuntos de instruções compactos

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    Orientador: Rodolfo Jardim de AzevedoTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Sistemas embarcados modernos são compostos de SoC heterogêneos, variando entre processadores de baixo e alto custo. Apesar de processadores RISC serem o padrão para estes dispositivos, a situação mudou recentemente: fabricantes estão construindo sistemas embarcados utilizando processadores RISC - ARM e MIPS - e CISC (x86). A adição de novas funcionalidades em software embarcados requer maior utilização da memória, um recurso caro e escasso em SoCs. Assim, o tamanho de código executável é crítico, porque afeta diretamente o número de misses na cache de instruções. Processadores CISC costumavam possuir maior densidade de código do que processadores RISC, uma vez que a codificação de instruções com tamanho variável beneficia as instruções mais usadas, os programas são menores. No entanto, com a adição de novas extensões e instruções mais longas, a densidade do CISC em aplicativos recentes tornou-se similar ao RISC. Nesta tese de doutorado, investigamos a compressibilidade de processadores RISC e CISC; SPARC e x86. Nós propomos uma extensão de 16-bits para o processador SPARC, o SPARC16. Apresentamos também, a primeira metodologia para gerar ISAs de 16-bits e avaliamos a compressão atingida em comparação com outras extensões de 16-bits. Programas do SPARC16 podem atingir taxas de compressão melhores do que outros ISAs, atingindo taxas de até 67%. O SPARC16 também reduz taxas de cache miss em até 9%, podendo usar caches menores do que processadores SPARC mas atingindo o mesmo desempenho; a redução pode chegar à um fator de 16. Estudamos também como novas extensões constantemente introduzem novas funcionalidades para o x86, levando ao inchaço do ISA - com o total de 1300 instruções em 2013. Alem disso, 57 instruções se tornam inutilizadas entre 1995 e 2012. Resolvemos este problema propondo um mecanismo de reciclagem de opcodes utilizando emulação de instruções legadas, sem quebrar compatibilidade com softwares antigos. Incluímos um estudo de caso onde instruções x86 da extensão AVX são recodificadas usando codificações menores, oriundas de instruções inutilizadas, atingindo até 14% de redução no tamanho de código e 53% de diminuição do número de cache misses. Os resultados finais mostram que usando nossa técnica, até 40% das instruções do x86 podem ser removidas com menos de 5% de perda de desempenhoAbstract: Modern embedded devices are composed of heterogeneous SoC systems ranging from low to high-end processor chips. Although RISC has been the traditional processor for these devices, the situation changed recently; manufacturers are building embedded systems using both RISC - ARM and MIPS - and CISC processors (x86). New functionalities in embedded software require more memory space, an expensive and rare resource in SoCs. Hence, executable code size is critical since performance is directly affected by instruction cache misses. CISC processors used to have a higher code density than RISC since variable length encoding benefits most used instructions, yielding smaller programs. However, with the addition of new extensions and longer instructions, CISC density in recent applications became similar to RISC. In this thesis, we investigate compressibility of RISC and CISC processors, namely SPARC and x86. We propose a 16-bit extension to the SPARC processor, the SPARC16. Additionally, we provide the first methodology for generating 16-bit ISAs and evaluate compression among different 16-bit extensions. SPARC16 programs can achieve better compression ratios than other ISAs, attaining results as low as 67%. SPARC16 also reduces cache miss rates up to 9%, requiring smaller caches than SPARC processors to achieve the same performance; a cache size reduction that can reach a factor of 16. Furthermore, we study how new extensions are constantly introducing new functionalities to x86, leading to the ISA bloat at the cost a complex microprocessor front-end design, area and energy consumption - the x86 ISA reached over 1300 different instructions in 2013. Moreover, analyzed x86 code from 5 Windows versions and 7 Linux distributions in the range from 1995 to 2012 shows that up to 57 instructions get unused with time. To solve this problem, we propose a mechanism to recycle instruction opcodes through legacy instruction emulation without breaking backward software compatibility. We present a case study of the AVX x86 SIMD instructions with shorter instruction encodings from other unused instructions to yield up to 14% code size reduction and 53% instruction cache miss reduction in SPEC CPU2006 floating-point programs. Finally, our results show that up to 40% of the x86 instructions can be removed with less than 5% of overhead through our technique without breaking any legacy codeDoutoradoCiência da ComputaçãoDoutor em Ciência da Computaçã