220,381 research outputs found

    Downflows in sunspot umbral dots

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    We study the velocity field of umbral dots at a resolution of 0.14". Our analysis is based on full Stokes spectropolarimetric measurements of a pore taken with the CRISP instrument at the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope. We determine the flow velocity at different heights in the photosphere from a bisector analysis of the Fe I 630 nm lines. In addtion, we use the observed Stokes Q, U, and V profiles to characterize the magnetic properties of these structures. We find that most umbral dots are associated with strong upflows in deep photospheric layers. Some of them also show concentrated patches of downflows at their edges, with sizes of about 0.25", velocities of up to 1000 m/s, and enhanced net circular polarization signals. The downflows evolve rapidly and have lifetimes of only a few minutes. These results appear to validate numerical models of magnetoconvection in the presence of strong magnetic fields.Comment: Final published version. For best quality figures, please download the PS versio

    Stokes imaging polarimetry using image restoration at the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope

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    Aims: We aim to achieve high spatial resolution as well as high polarimetric sensitivity, using an earth-based 1m-class solar telescope, for the study of magnetic fine structure on the Sun. Methods: We use a setup with 3 high-speed, low-noise cameras to construct datasets with interleaved polarimetric states, particularly suitable for Multi-Object Multi-Frame Blind Deconvolution image restorations. We discuss the polarimetric calibration routine as well as various potential sources of error in the results. Results: We obtained near diffraction limited images, with a noise level of approximately 10^(-3) I(cont). We confirm that dark-cores have a weaker magnetic field and at a lower inclination angle with respect to the solar surface than the edges of the penumbral filament. We show that the magnetic field strength in faculae-striations is significantly lower than in other nearby parts of the faculae.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics, 12 pages, 11 figure

    Mozambique Channel Eddies in GCMs: A question of resolution and slippage

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    Hydrographic observations in the 21st century have shown that the flow within the MozambiqueChannel is best described by a series of large poleward-propagating anticyclonic eddies, rather than, aspreviously thought, a continuous intense western boundary current. The portrayal of this region in various runs of the NEMO 75-level model is found to vary between those two descriptions depending upon the resolution used and the implementation of the model's lateral boundary conditions. In a comparison of 1/4 ? resolution runs, the change of these conditions from free-slip to no-slip leads to the mean southward flow moving further offshore, with greater variability in the zonal and meridional velocities as the flow organises itself into eddies, and a reduction in total transport. If a realization of a model is unable to get these aspects of the physical flow correct, then this will significantly reduce its ability to show a realistic biological signal or long-term response to climate change. Further south, beyond Durban, the application of no-slip conditions similarly causes the mean Agulhas Current to lie further offshore, making it much more able to simulate Natal Pulses.<br/

    CRISP Spectropolarimetric Imaging of Penumbral Fine Structure

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    We discuss penumbral fine structure in a small part of a pore, observed with the CRISP imaging spectropolarimeter at the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope (SST), close to its diffraction limit of 0.16 arcsec. Milne-Eddington inversions applied to these Stokes data reveal large variations of field strength and inclination angle over dark-cored penumbral intrusions and a dark-cored light bridge. The mid-outer part of this penumbra structure shows 0.3 arcsec wide spines, separated by 1.6 arcsec (1200 km) and associated with 30 deg inclination variations. Between these spines, there are no small-scale magnetic structures that easily can be be identified with individual flux tubes. A structure with nearly 10 deg more vertical and weaker magnetic field is seen midways between two spines. This structure is co-spatial with the brightest penumbral filament, possibly indicating the location of a convective upflow from below.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJL 17 Oct 2008. One Figure adde

    Structure of W3(OH) from Very High Spectral Resolution Observations of 5 Centimeter OH Masers

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    Recent studies of methanol and ground-state OH masers at very high spectral resolution have shed new light on small-scale maser processes. The nearby source W3(OH), which contains numerous bright masers in several different transitions, provides an excellent laboratory for high spectral resolution techniques. We present a model of W3(OH) based on EVN observations of the rotationally-excited 6030 and 6035 MHz OH masers taken at 0.024 km/s spectral resolution. The 6.0 GHz masers are becoming brighter with time and show evidence for tangential proper motions. We confirm the existence of a region of magnetic field oriented toward the observer to the southeast and find another such region to the northeast in W3(OH), near the champagne flow. The 6.0 GHz masers trace the inner edge of a counterclockwise rotating torus feature. Masers at 6030 MHz are usually a factor of a few weaker than at 6035 MHz but trace the same material. Velocity gradients of nearby Zeeman components are much more closely correlated than in the ground state, likely due to the smaller spatial separation between Zeeman components. Hydroxyl maser peaks at very long baseline interferometric resolution appear to have structure on scales both smaller than that resolvable as well as on larger scales.Comment: 21 pages using emulateapj.cls including 16 figures and 2 tables, accepted to Ap

    Local simulations of the magnetized Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in neutron-star mergers

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    Context. Global MHD simulations show Kelvin-Helmholtz (KH) instabilities at the contact surface of two merging neutron stars. That region has been identified as the site of efficient amplification of magnetic fields. However, these global simulations, due to numerical limitations, were unable to determine the saturation level of the field strength, and thus the possible back-reaction of the magnetic field onto the flow. Aims. We investigate the amplification of initially weak fields in KH unstable shear flows, and the back-reaction of the field onto the flow. Methods. We use a high-resolution ideal MHD code to perform 2D and 3D local simulations of shear flows. Results. In 2D, the magnetic field is amplified in less than 0.01ms until it reaches locally equipartition with the kinetic energy. Subsequently, it saturates due to resistive instabilities that disrupt the KH vortex and decelerate the shear flow on a secular time scale. We determine scaling laws of the field amplification with the initial field strength and the grid resolution. In 3D, this hydromagnetic mechanism may be dominated by purely hydrodynamic instabilities limiting the amplification. We find maximum magnetic fields of 10^16 G locally, and r.m.s. maxima within the box of 10^15 G. However, such strong fields exist only for a short period. In the saturated state, the magnetic field is mainly oriented parallel to the shear flow for strong initial fields, while weaker initial fields tend to lead to a more balanced distribution of the field energy. In all models the flow shows small-scale features. The magnetic field is at most in equipartition with the decaying shear flow. (abridged)Comment: 26 pages, 22 figures (figure quality reduced); accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    The Photospheric Poynting Flux and Coronal Heating

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    Some models of coronal heating suppose that convective motions at the photosphere shuffle the footpoints of coronal magnetic fields and thereby inject sufficient magnetic energy upward to account for observed coronal and chromospheric energy losses in active regions. Using high-resolution observations of plage magnetic fields made with the Solar Optical Telescope aboard the Hinode satellite, we investigate this idea by estimating the upward transport of magnetic energy --- the vertical Poynting flux, S_z --- across the photosphere in a plage region. To do so, we combine: (i) estimates of photospheric horizontal velocities, v_h, determined by local correlation tracking applied to a sequence of line-of-sight magnetic field maps from the Narrowband Filter Imager, with (ii) a vector magnetic field measurement from the SpectroPolarimeter. Plage fields are ideal observational targets for estimating energy injection by convection, because they are: (i) strong enough to be measured with relatively small uncertainties; (ii) not so strong that convection is heavily suppressed (as within umbrae); and (iii) unipolar, so S_z in plage is not influenced by mixed-polarity processes (e.g., flux emergence) unrelated to heating in stable, active-region fields. In this plage region, we found that the average S_z varied in space, but was positive (upward) and sufficient to explain coronal heating, with values near (5 +/- 1) x 10^7 erg/cm^2/s. We find the energy input per unit magnetic flux to be on the order of 10^5 erg/s/Mx. A comparison of intensity in a Ca II image co-registered with the this plage shows stronger spatial correlations with both total field, B, and unsigned vertical field, |B_z|, than either S_z or horizontal field, B_h. The observed Ca II brightness enhancement, however, probably contains a strong contribution from a near-photosphere hot-wall effect unrelated to atmospheric heating.Comment: 30 pages, 11 figures, accepted by Pub. Astron. Soc. Japa

    Positivity of Chern Classes for Reflexive Sheaves on P^N

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    It is well known that the Chern classes cic_i of a rank nn vector bundle on \PP^N, generated by global sections, are non-negative if i≤ni\leq n and vanish otherwise. This paper deals with the following question: does the above result hold for the wider class of reflexive sheaves? We show that the Chern numbers cic_i with i≥4i\geq 4 can be arbitrarily negative for reflexive sheaves of any rank; on the contrary for i≤3i\leq 3 we show positivity of the cic_i with weaker hypothesis. We obtain lower bounds for c1c_1, c2c_2 and c3c_3 for every reflexive sheaf \FF which is generated by H^0\FF on some non-empty open subset and completely classify sheaves for which either of them reach the minimum allowed, or some value close to it.Comment: 16 pages, no figure
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