11 research outputs found

    A Linear Logic Based Approach to Timed Petri Nets

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    1.1 Relationship between Petri net and linear logic Petri nets were first introduced by Petri in his seminal Ph.D. thesis, and both the theory and the applications of his model have flourished in concurrency theory (Reisig & Rozenberg, 1998a; Reisig & Rozenberg, 1998b)

    Debits and Credits in Petri Nets and Linear Logic

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    Exchanging resources often involves situations where a participant gives a resource without obtaining immediately the expected reward. For instance, one can buy an item without paying it in advance, but contracting a debt which must be eventually honoured. Resources, credits and debits can be represented, either implicitly or explicitly, in several formal models, among which Petri nets and linear logic. In this paper we study the relations between two of these models, namely intuitionistic linear logic with mix and Debit Petri nets. In particular, we establish a natural correspondence between provability in the logic, and marking reachability in nets

    On The Decidability Of MELL: Reachability In Petri Nets With Split/Join Transitions

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    We define Petri nets with split and join transitions, a new model that extends Petri nets. We prove that reachability in this model without join transitions is equivalent to the decidability of \MELL. We define a suitable notion of covering graph for the model, and prove its finiteness and effective constructibility

    Coverability in a NonFunctional Extension of BVASS

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    We define Vector Addition with Sates and Split/Join Transitions, a new model that extends VASS and BVASS. We define a suitable notion of covering graph for the model, and prove its finiteness and effective constructibility, and prove a coverability theorem

    The Undecidability of Boolean BI through Phase Semantics

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    International audienceWe solve the open problem of the decidability of Boolean BI logic (BBI), which can be considered as the core of separation and spatial logics. For this, we define a complete phase semantics for BBI and characterize it as trivial phase semantics. We deduce an embedding between trivial phase semantics for intuitionistic linear logic (ILL) and Kripke semantics for BBI. We single out a fragment of ILL which is both undecidable and complete for trivial phase semantics. Therefore, we obtain the undecidability of BBI

    Linear logic as a tool for planning under temporal uncertainty

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    AbstractThe typical AI problem is that of making a plan of the actions to be performed by a controller so that it could get into a set of final situations, if it started with a certain initial situation.The plans, and related winning strategies, happen to be finite in the case of a finite number of states and a finite number of instant actions.The situation becomes much more complex when we deal with planning under temporal uncertainty caused by actions with delayed effects.Here we introduce a tree-based formalism to express plans, or winning strategies, in finite state systems in which actions may have quantitatively delayed effects. Since the delays are non-deterministic and continuous, we need an infinite branching to display all possible delays. Nevertheless, under reasonable assumptions, we show that infinite winning strategies which may arise in this context can be captured by finite plans.The above planning problem is specified in logical terms within a Horn fragment of affine logic. Among other things, the advantage of linear logic approach is that we can easily capture ‘preemptive/anticipative’ plans (in which a new action β may be taken at some moment within the running time of an action α being carried out, in order to be prepared before completion of action α).In this paper we propose a comprehensive and adequate logical model of strong planning under temporal uncertainty which addresses infinity concerns. In particular, we establish a direct correspondence between linear logic proofs and plans, or winning strategies, for the actions with quantitative delayed effects

    Karp-Miller Trees for a Branching Extension of VASS

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    We study BVASS (Branching VASS) which extend VASS (Vector Addition Systems with States) by allowing addition transitions that merge two configurations. Runs in BVASS are tree-like structures instead of linear ones as for VASS. We show that the construction of Karp-Miller trees for VASS can be extended to BVASS. This entails that the coverability set for BVASS is computable. This allows us to obtain decidability results for certain classes of equational tree automata with an associative-commutative symbol. Recent independent work by de Groote et al. implies that decidability of reachability in BVASS is equivalent to decidability of provability in MELL (multiplicative exponential linear logic), which is still an open problem. Hence our results are also a step towards answering this question in the affirmative

    LinGraph: a graph-based automated planner for concurrent task planning based on linear logic

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    In this paper, we introduce an automated planner for deterministic, concurrent domains, formulated as a graph-based theorem prover for a propositional fragment of intuitionistic linear logic, relying on the previously established connection between intuitionistic linear logic and planning problems. The new graph-based theorem prover we introduce improves planning performance by reducing proof permutations that are irrelevant to planning problems particularly in the presence of large numbers of objects and agents with identical properties (e.g. robots within a swarm, or parts in a large factory). We first present our graph-based automated planner, the Linear Logic Graph Planner (LinGraph). Subsequently we illustrate its application for planning within a concurrent manufacturing domain and provide comparisons with four existing automated planners, BlackBox, Symba-2, Metis and the Temporal Fast Downward (TFD), covering a wide range of state-of-the-art automated planning techniques and implementations. We show that even though LinGraph does not rely on any heuristics, it still outperforms these systems for concurrent domains with large numbers of identical objects and agents. These gains persist even when existing methods on symmetry reduction and numerical fluents are used, with LinGraph capable of handling problems with thousands of objects. Following these results, we also show that plan construction with LinGraph is equivalent to multiset rewriting systems, formally relating LinGraph to intuitionistic linear logic. © 2017, Springer Science+Business Media New York