30 research outputs found

    from pss to cps design a real industrial use case toward industry 4 0

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    Abstract During the last 10 years, manufacturing companies have faced new challenges for improving their value proposition and being more efficient and effective on the market, satisfying the customer needs. According to this trend, several technologies have been developed and applied in different sectors and with different aims, in order to support such the companies in their reconfiguration. For example, the recent advances in Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) could give also to manufacturing industries the competences required to develop novel sustainable products embedded with a dedicated infrastructure able to provide more service functionalities to customer. In this context, the application of Internet of Things (IoT) have allowed developing the so named Product Service Systems (PSSs). Moreover, the cross-fertilization between such the technologies with the development of other ones have fostered the application of these novel ICT technologies inside the manufacturing companies also at process level. This approach has encouraged the study and development of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs). The present paper deals with a real industrial use case, where the application of ICT technologies and specifically the adoption of IoT at a plant of plastic extrusion pipes have allowed optimizing the production process in terms of energy efficiency

    How Lean Thinking affects Product Service Systems Development Process

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    PSS development involves together, through the servitization phenomenon, both manufacturing and service workers carrying great potential to pursue industrial competitiveness, customer satisfaction and sustainable improvement. The belief is that the development level of PSS design is slowly evolving through a path strongly driven by the evolution of the technology and the progressive involvement of the industry in its application. However companies still need best practices able to improve the PSS development processes performances in a more systematic way. Lean techniques already managed to provide these procedures in a product context allowing the improvement of both product manufacturing and product development processes. The evolution of Lean to an intangible dimension also guided companies' convergence strategy from mass production to mass customization in an efficient and effective way. For this reasons the paper aims to investigate the literature about Lean Thinking evolvement from manufacturing to design phases, as well as from product to service. On this basis, the definition of which are Lean Thinking aspects which could positively affect also PSSs Development will enable the authors to understand which are the more suitable tools to develop Lean PSS and how to provide companies best practices able to improve the PSS development processes performances in a more systematic way. This opens the way to new opportunities and challenges through many further research and industrial projects

    Design Product-Service Systems by Using a Hybrid Approach: The Fashion Renting Business Model

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    As is known, sustainability issues represent one of the main challenges companies have to face. Among all, the fashion industry is considered one of the most impactful, both in terms of resource utilization and pollution. Fashion renting is a recent business model for companies to reduce their environmental footprint, following a circular economy approach. The study aims to develop and discuss the proposed hybrid approach to effectively support fashion companies in designing new business models, taking into account both the customer and the company perspective. On the one hand, agent-based modeling (ABM) allow us to represent customers’ behaviour and interaction. On the other hand, discrete event simulation (DES) paradigm is used to model fashion renting processes. Because customers’ attitude to that service reflects its successful implementation, motivators and barriers have been investigated to be included in the model. The practical implication is defining a model to support fashion companies in designing rental business models before implementing them. From a theoretical point of view, it overcomes the literature gap about the definition of a unique model for fashion renting, including processes, customers and interactions between agents. Follow-up research will include the presentation of simulation results

    Lifecycle Management in the Smart City Context: Smart Parking Use-Case

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    Lifecycle management enables enterprises to manage their products, services and product-service bundles. IoT and CPS have made products and services smarter by closing the loop of data across different phases of lifecycle. Similarly, CPS and IoT empower cities with real-time data streams from heterogeneous objects. Yet, cities are smarter and more powerful when relevant data can be exchanged between different systems across different domains. From engineering perspective, smart city can be seen as a System of Systems composed of interrelated/ interdependent smart systems and objects. To better integrate people, processes, and systems in the smart city ecosystem, this paper discusses the use of Lifecycle Management in the smart city context. Considering the differences between ordinary and smart service systems, this paper seeks better understanding of lifecycle aspects in the smart city context. For better understanding, some of the discussed lifecycle aspects are demonstrated in a smart parking use-case

    Towards a Lean Product Service Systems (PSS) Design: State of the Art, Opportunities and Challenges

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    AbstractAs for conventional products, the profit generation and the market success of Product Service Systems (PSS) critically depend on the decisions taken during the initial lifecycle stages, when PSSs are conceptualized, designed, developed and engineered. Successful cases show the adoption of lean techniques in the early stages of products development, impelling the authors to assess the application of the same approaches also to PSS development. For this reasons the paper aims to report the state of the art of PSS Design research, relating this strategic process to the Lean Thinking approaches typically applied in traditional Product Development and Manufacturing. The literature about PSS is classified and Lean Thinking evolvement from product manufacturing to design phases is described. On this basis, the paper defines which are the aspects of Lean Thinking already applied in PSS Development also uncovering gaps and lacks of the methods proposed by the scientific literature so far. This opens the way to new opportunities and challenges through many further research and industrial projects

    A Review of the Roles of Digital Twin in CPS-based Production Systems

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    The Digital Twin (DT) is one of the main concepts associated to the Industry 4.0 wave. This term is more and more used in industry and research initiatives; however, the scientific literature does not provide a unique definition of this concept. The paper aims at analyzing the definitions of the DT concept in scientific literature, retracing it from the initial conceptualization in the aerospace field, to the most recent interpretations in the manufacturing domain and more specifically in Industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing research. DT provides virtual representations of systems along their lifecycle. Optimizations and decisions making would then rely on the same data that are updated in real-time with the physical system, through synchronization enabled by sensors. The paper also proposes the definition of DT for Industry 4.0 manufacturing, elaborated by the European H2020 project MAYA, as a contribution to the research discussion about DT concept

    Diseño inmaterial - Hacia la desmaterialización y digitalización de productos y servicios como herramienta de sostenibilidad

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    [EN] The environmental crisis is also a behavioral issue, and not one simply of technology, production, and volume. Thus, with the evolution and advances in technology, processes and production methods for development of new products, it is necessary to analyze the new role of design in today´s society. The proposed aim of this paper is to describe the relationship between dematerialization and digitalization (or informationalization) of products and services into sustainability. The research is carried out from a case study with a qualitative approach and an analyticaldescriptive emphasis, how factors such as technological advances along with behavior and emotions of users influence the configuration of products and services and its relationship to sustainability. It is important to stress to what extent the "know how" from the Designer can feel threatened with the appearance of increasingly frequent dematerialized and/or digitalized products and services. And in this sense, it might be stated that rather than a threat, it could be an opportunity to evolve, considering systemic approaches from a multi-objective, multidimensional and multidisciplinary perspective. This analysis could provide clues to field of knowledge taking into account the immaterial context, to develop dematerialized and/or digitalized products and services committed with a more sustainable society.[ES] La crisis ambiental es también un problema de comportamiento, y no está limitado sólamente a tecnología, producción y volumen. Por lo tanto, con la evolución y los avances en la tecnología, los procesos y métodos de producción para desarrar nuevos productos y servicios, es necesario analizar el nuevo papel del diseño en la sociedad actual. El objetivo propuesto de este estudio es el de describir la relación entre dinámicas de desmaterialización y digitalización (o informacionalización) de productos y servicios y la sostenibilidad. La investigación se lleva a cabo a partir de un estudio de caso con un enfoque cualitativo y un énfasis analítico-descriptivo, sobre la manera en que factores tales como los avances tecnológicos, junto con los comportamientos y las emociones de los usuarios influyen en la configuración de productos y servicios y su relación con la sostenibilidad. Es importante resaltar hasta qué punto se puede sentir amenazado el "know how" del diseñador con la aparición, cada vez más frecuente, de productos y servicios desmaterializados y/o digitalizados. En este sentido, se plantea que, más que una amenaza, puede ser una oportunidad para evolucionar, considerando enfoques sistémicos desde una perspectiva multi-objetivo, multidimensional y multidisciplinaria. El presente análisis podría proporcionar pistas en el campo del diseño, teniendo en cuenta el contexto inmaterial para desarrollar productos y servicios desmaterializados y digitalizados, comprometidos con una sociedad más sostenible.Rivera Pedroza, JC.; Hernandis Ortuño, B. (2016). Diseño inmaterial - Hacia la desmaterialización y digitalización de productos y servicios como herramienta de sostenibilidad. En Systems&design:beyond processes and thinking. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 42-56. https://doi.org/10.4995/IFDP.2016.3695OCS425

    Pharma 4.0 e a realidade no Brasil

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    As grandes revoluções industriais foram eventos necessários e disruptivos que causaram grande impacto na sociedade, trazendo desenvolvimento econômico e social. A indústria 4.0 é um conceito situado dentro da quarta revolução industrial que trouxe tecnologias como internet das coisas, big data, inteligência artificial e computação em nuvem, que juntas são capazes de conectar máquinas e sistemas, criando redes inteligentes e autônomas. Com a implementação das novas tecnologias, é possível aumentar de forma significativa a agilidade, eficiência, flexibilidade e qualidade da produção industrial e proporcionar novos modelos de negócios. Na indústria farmacêutica, esta abordagem é denominada de Pharma 4.0. Atualmente a indústria farmacêutica brasileira está estruturada nos moldes da terceira revolução industrial, mas ainda não atingiu toda sua magnitude, pois boa parte dos processos são manuais ou parcialmente automatizados. Com exigências cada vez maiores para a fabricação de medicamentos, as indústrias precisam se tornar cada vez mais competitivas em nível global, sendo necessário maiores investimentos, para que seus processos sejam cada vez mais otimizados e enxutos e os produtos mais seguros e eficazes. Para alcançar o nível de maturidade da Pharma 4.0, a indústria brasileira precisa superar grandes desafios, tais como investimento em tecnologia digital, equipamentos e mão-de-obra qualificada. Este trabalho tem por objetivo, discutir e avaliar as perspectivas da implementação da Pharma 4.0 no Brasil, de modo a identificar quais os caminhos que a indústria brasileira precisará trilhar para iniciar e consolidar este novo modelo operacional.The great industrial revolutions were necessary and disruptive events that had a major impact on society, bringing about economic and social development. Industry 4.0 is a concept situated within the fourth industrial revolution that brought technologies such as the internet of things, big data, artificial intelligence and cloud computing, which together are capable to connect machines and systems, creating intelligent and autonomous networks. With the implementation of new technologies, it is possible to significantly increase the agility, efficiency, flexibility, and quality of industrial production and provide new business models. In the pharmaceutical industry, this approach is called Pharma 4.0. Currently, the Brazilian pharmaceutical industry is structured along the lines of the third industrial revolution, but it has not yet reached its full magnitude, because most of the processes are manual or partially automated. With increasing demands for the manufacturing of medicines, the industries need to become more and more competitive on a global level, requiring greater investments, so that their processes are increasingly optimized and leaner, and the products are safer and more effective. To reach Pharma 4.0 maturity level, the Brazilian industry needs to overcome major challenges, such as investment in digital technology, equipment and skilled labor. This work aims to discuss and evaluate the perspectives of Pharma 4.0 implementation in Brazil, in order to identify which paths the Brazilian industry will need to follow to start and consolidate this new operational model

    The Digitization of Design and Manufacturing: A State-of-the-Art Report on the Transition from Strategic Vision to Implementation in Industry

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    Almost a decade ago, the research community embarked on a journey to realize the old vision of Industry 4.0. Part of this vision was to digitize design and manufacturing systems and processes, aimed at advancing their vertical and horizontal integration into decentralized ecosystems across the entire product development value chain. This process was to include the provision of new data-driven operation and business models, advances in cybersecurity, and the development of a bespoke Industry 4.0 workforce. In this paper, the authors review the state-of-the-art in regard to the progress made to date, from initial vision towards implementation in industry. They identify critical research challenges and gaps that need to be addressed to further advance this transition. The paper closes with a strategic perspective on how the authors anticipate Industry 4.0 to evolve over the next 5 years

    Quantified economic and environmental values through Functional Productization: a simulation approach

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    Industrial companies rely on hardware and services from external providers to deliver functions that are critical to their operations, increasingly demanding solutions that not only meet technical and availability requirements but are sustainable too. Traditionally, industrial companies choose and purchase hardware and maintenance support to fulfil their functional requirements. An alternative arrangement, known as Functional Product (FP), involves external providers supplying customers with the functionality they require through contracts that specify guaranteed functional availability whilst giving providers freedom to choose and retain ownership of the supplied hardware and services. This paper describes an innovative simulation modelling and optimization approach to quantitatively compare economic and environmental values resulting from transition from traditional to FP arrangements. The approach is demonstrated through the analysis of a scenario involving a hydraulic drive system provider and set of customers in Sweden, with the results exhibiting simultaneous improvement in economic and environmental values at each stage of the transition