9 research outputs found

    A note on approximating the min–max vertex disjoint paths on directed acyclic graphs

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    AbstractThis paper shows that the FPTAS for the min–max disjoint paths problem on directed acyclic graphs by Yu et al. (2010) [7] can be improved by a rounding and searching technique

    Shortest Vertex-Disjoint Two-Face Paths in Planar Graphs

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    Let GG be a directed planar graph of complexity~nn, each arc having a nonnegative length. Let ss and~tt be two distinct faces of~GG; let s1,ldots,sks_1,ldots,s_k be vertices incident with~ss; let t1,ldots,tkt_1,ldots,t_k be vertices incident with~tt. We give an algorithm to compute kk pairwise vertex-disjoint paths connecting the pairs (si,ti)(s_i,t_i) in~GG, with minimal total length, in O(knlogn)O(knlog n) time

    Maximum thick paths in static and dynamic environments

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    AbstractWe consider the problem of finding a large number of disjoint paths for unit disks moving amidst static or dynamic obstacles. The problem is motivated by the capacity estimation problem in air traffic management, in which one must determine how many aircraft can safely move through a domain while avoiding each other and avoiding “no-fly zones” and predicted weather hazards. For the static case we give efficient exact algorithms, based on adapting the “continuous uppermost path” paradigm. As a by-product, we establish a continuous analogue of Menger's Theorem.Next we study the dynamic problem in which the obstacles may move, appear and disappear, and otherwise change with time in a known manner; in addition, the disks are required to enter/exit the domain during prescribed time intervals. Deciding the existence of just one path, even for a 0-radius disk, moving with bounded speed is NP-hard, as shown by Canny and Reif [J. Canny, J.H. Reif, New lower bound techniques for robot motion planning problems, in: Proc. 28th Annu. IEEE Sympos. Found. Comput. Sci., 1987, pp. 49–60]. Moreover, we observe that determining the existence of a given number of paths is hard even if the obstacles are static, and only the entry/exit time intervals are specified for the disks. This motivates studying “dual” approximations, compromising on the radius of the disks and on the maximum speed of motion.Our main result is a pseudopolynomial-time dual-approximation algorithm. If K unit disks, each moving with speed at most 1, can be routed through an environment, our algorithm finds (at least) K paths for disks of radius somewhat smaller than 1 moving with speed somewhat larger than 1

    Shortest k-Disjoint Paths via Determinants

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    The well-known kk-disjoint path problem (kk-DPP) asks for pairwise vertex-disjoint paths between kk specified pairs of vertices (si,ti)(s_i, t_i) in a given graph, if they exist. The decision version of the shortest kk-DPP asks for the length of the shortest (in terms of total length) such paths. Similarly the search and counting versions ask for one such and the number of such shortest set of paths, respectively. We restrict attention to the shortest kk-DPP instances on undirected planar graphs where all sources and sinks lie on a single face or on a pair of faces. We provide efficient sequential and parallel algorithms for the search versions of the problem answering one of the main open questions raised by Colin de Verdiere and Schrijver for the general one-face problem. We do so by providing a randomised NC2NC^2 algorithm along with an O(nω)O(n^{\omega}) time randomised sequential algorithm. We also obtain deterministic algorithms with similar resource bounds for the counting and search versions. In contrast, previously, only the sequential complexity of decision and search versions of the "well-ordered" case has been studied. For the one-face case, sequential versions of our routines have better running times for constantly many terminals. In addition, the earlier best known sequential algorithms (e.g. Borradaile et al.) were randomised while ours are also deterministic. The algorithms are based on a bijection between a shortest kk-tuple of disjoint paths in the given graph and cycle covers in a related digraph. This allows us to non-trivially modify established techniques relating counting cycle covers to the determinant. We further need to do a controlled inclusion-exclusion to produce a polynomial sum of determinants such that all "bad" cycle covers cancel out in the sum allowing us to count "good" cycle covers.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figure

    Shortest disjoint paths on a grid

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    The well-known k-disjoint paths problem involves finding pairwise vertex-disjoint paths between k specified pairs of vertices within a given graph if they exist. In the shortest k-disjoint paths problem one looks for such paths of minimum total length. Despite nearly 50 years of active research on the k-disjoint paths problem, many open problems and complexity gaps still persist. A particularly well-defined scenario, inspired by VLSI design, focuses on infinite rectangular grids where the terminals are placed at arbitrary grid points. While the decision problem in this context remains NP-hard, no prior research has provided any positive results for the optimization version. The main result of this paper is a fixed-parameter tractable (FPT) algorithm for this scenario. It is important to stress that this is the first result achieving the FPT complexity of the shortest disjoint paths problem in any, even very restricted classes of graphs where we do not put any restriction on the placements of the terminals

    Algorithms for flows and disjoint paths in planar graphs

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    In this dissertation we describe several algorithms for computing flows, connectivity, and disjoint paths in planar graphs. In all cases, the algorithms are either the first polynomial-time algorithms or are faster than all previously-known algorithms. First, we describe algorithms for the maximum flow problem in directed planar graphs with integer capacities on both vertices and arcs and with multiple sources and sinks. The algorithms are the first to solve the problem in near-linear time when the number of terminals is fixed and the capacities are polynomially bounded. As a byproduct, we get the first algorithm to solve the vertex-disjoint S-T paths problem in near-linear time when the number of terminals is fixed but greater than 2. We also modify our algorithms to handle real capacities in near-linear time when they are three terminals. Second, we describe algorithms to compute element-connectivity and a related structure called the reduced graph. We show that global element-connectivity in planar graphs can be found in linear time if the terminals can be covered by O(1) faces. We also show that the reduced graph can be computed in subquadratic time in planar graphs if the number of terminals is fixed. Third, we describe algorithms for solving or approximately solving the vertex-disjoint paths problem when we want to minimize the total length of the paths. For planar graphs, we describe: (1) an exact algorithm for the case of four pairs of terminals on a single face; and (2) a k-approximation algorithm for the case of k pairs of terminals on a single face. Fourth, we describe algorithms and a hardness result for the ideal orientation problem. We show that the problem is NP-hard in planar graphs. On the other hand, we show that the problem is polynomial-time solvable in planar graphs when the number of terminals is fixed, the terminals are all on the same face, and no two of the terminal pairs cross. We also describe an algorithm for serial instances of a generalization of the ideal orientation problem called the k-min-sum orientation problem

    Length-bounded disjoint paths in planar graphs

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    The following problem is considered: given: an undirected planar graph G=(V,E) embedded in , distinct pairs of vertices {r1,s1},…,{rk,sk} of G adjacent to the unbounded face, positive integers b1,…,bk and a function ; find: pairwise vertex-disjoint paths P1,…,Pk such that for each i=1,…,k, Pi is a ri-si-path and the sum of the l-length of all edges in Pi is at most bi. It is shown that the problem is NP-hard in the strong sense. A pseudo-polynomial-time algorithm is given for the case of k=2