284,223 research outputs found

    Collaboration and motivation in an online learning environment: students’ perceptions of collaborative activities and attitudes towards online learning

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    The report about distance learning in higher education in Portugal (2009) states that only a small percentage of HE enrolments are in DL courses, that the demand for the modality is growing, and that the Portuguese research in DL needs development, to support innovation in the modality. This study aimed to identify the collaborative activities that the 122 students enrolled in Masters’ courses between 2009-2012, in two Portuguese Universities, considered more motivating, their preferred type of assignment, the tools’ perceived ease of use, the social and cognitive aspects of teamwork, the tutor’s influence on teamwork and preferred team organization. The results indicate that the students feel comfortable participating, interacting and debating and that some collaborative activities such as designing projects, simulations, problem-based activities, discussions and written reports are more motivating than others. The results also show that the students have positive attitudes towards online learning, that online trust takes time to develop, that both face-to-face meetings and videoconference increase trust, though time flexibility is a practical advantage of online collaboration and that the way that collaborative assignments are designed can facilitate or hinder adequate collaboration

    Online Learning from Home with Cisco Webex

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    This article aims to evaluate the use of online learning application named Cisco Webex. Cisco Webex allows users to meet online, collaborate, and share content. Cisco Webex provides a breakthrough in disseminating home learning using Webex meetings. The home learning approach can certainly cause students to miss the opportunity to understand the subject matter more deeply the subject matter and not all parents have the ability to provide understanding for their children. To overcome this problem, schools utilizesmany online learning methods and one of it is Cisco Webex application which is intended to facilitate the students to learn at home during this pandemic outbreak.   Keyword: learning from home, online learning, Cisco Webex     Abstrak   Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi penggunaan rumah belajar secara daring dengan Cisco Webex sebagai pembelajaran daring Cisco Webex memungkinkan pengguna untuk bertemu secara daring, berkolaborasi dan berbagi konten. Cisco Webex memberikan terobosan di dalam menyebarluaskan Rumah Belajar dengan menggunakan Webex Meetings. Pendekatan pembelajaran di rumah pastinya dapat menyebabkan siswa kehilangan kesempatan untuk memahami dan mengerti dengan lebih dalam materi pelajaran yang diberikan dan tidak semua orang tua punya kemampuan untuk memberikan pemahaman kepada putra atau putrinya. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut, sekolah kami memanfaatkan banyak cara pembelajaran daring melalui aplikasi Cisco Webex agar dapat memfasilitasi semua siswa untuk tetap dapat belajar di rumah, aman, nyaman, dan tentram.   Kata kunci: belajar dari rumah, pembelajaran daring, Cisco Webex &nbsp

    Implementing a Flipped Classroom Approach in an Online Medical-Surgical Nursing Course

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    Background: According to Park, et. al. (2021) a flipped classroom consists of pre-class activities that expose students to the subject matter, in-class activities that promote interaction between classmates, learners and instructors and post-class activities that help solidify information. This method of education is thought to be more effective at promoting clinical judgement than traditional lecture-based classrooms. Delivery of course content through virtual meetings can also allow for additional flexibility in students’ schedules, while still allowing for engagement with classmates and promoting students’ engagement in their learning and motivations to learn (Philips & O’Flaherty, 2019). The nation-wide restrictions on 2020-2021 academic year required that all courses in the Nashville State Community College department of nursing be transitioned to an online format with mandatory weekly meetings with students via videoconference. To facilitate this transition, a flipped “virtual classroom” approach was implemented for the Medical-Surgical Nursing 2 course. Implementation: The course operated on a weekly schedule, with a format of asynchronous lecture content, homework assignments and synchronous online meetings. Asynchronous lecture content: asynchronous lectures were provided as 10-40 minute videos and presented in .mp4 format. The majority of students spent 2-4 hours viewing recorded lecture content. Homework assignments: each week, students spent an average of 1-2 hours outside of the scheduled class time completing homework assignments. Homework assignments served to help students apply the course material and consisted of several short case studies, one long-form patient case study, flowcharts or concept maps. Synchronous online meetings: synchronous online meetings were held via videoconference at a set date and time each week. Student attendance at meetings was mandatory. In synchronous online meetings the instructor reviewed the material from the homework assignments using online polling or quizzes, discussion and student feedback. Synchronous meetings were automatically recorded and provided for student review. Evaluation: Student learning outcomes: course outcomes for each student cohort are evaluated based on student achievement on nationally normed, standardized tests. The score designated by NSCC indicates mastery of content in the 50th percentile or higher nationwide. In two virtual semesters, 100% of students achieved the designated percentile on standardized tests. The average percentile rank was 91.8%. Student feedback: A total of 27 students were polled via survey monkey. Student feedback was generally positive: 81% of students ranked this course format as better than online courses that contained only asynchronous lecture with no weekly meetings or outside assignments. 93% of students ranked this course format as better than online courses that contained only synchronous lecture via videoconferencing. In addition, 63% of students ranked this course format as better than fully in-person courses. Implications: Course outcomes were met for both virtual semesters and students responded positively to the course format. This suggests that the virtual flipped classroom approach can be used to achieve student learning outcomes

    Inclusive, Interactive Classroom as Student-Learning Facilitator

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    Using principles underlying the social constructivist approach, we redesigned an undergraduate course on social problems, seeking to employ three learning activities (online assignments and small-group and class discussions) to facilitate knowledge construction by students and promote their intellectual capabilities and critical-thinking skills. We collected qualitative and quantitative data from students enrolled in the redesigned, hybrid course (it comprised class meetings on campus plus online work), two sections of which were taught. Students in both sections completed two feedback evaluation surveys about satisfaction and learning; this survey data comprised narrative comments completed across the fall and spring semesters of 2010–2011. We examined the data, seeking social processes linking the three learning activities to student satisfaction and to student learning. Results showed a link between student satisfaction and student learning generated from, notably, in-class small-group and class discussions. Some implications for pedagogy are outlined

    Analisis Pandangan Siswa Kelas VI SD Negeri Purbo 03 terhadap Pembelajaran Daring Via Zoom Meeting

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    Internet-based learning that is carried out online has become very intense by teachers in Indonesia since the covid-19 pandemic, one of which is SD N Purbo 03. SD N Purbo 03 teachers as users of distance learning services have a very significant role in transferring knowledge, facilitate, and assist students in learning. So, before seeing further how the learning process through applications, it is very necessary to know in advance how the students view the current conditions and in particular the use of Zoom Meeting media as a media for distance learning. This study uses a qualitative method by presenting sources as research subjects. The results showed that online learning in class VI SD N Purbo 03 with Zoom Meeting was divided into three stages, namely the learning planning stage, learning implementation and evaluation. Students' views on online learning through Zoom Meetings based on student experiences show that Zoom Meeting gives a pleasant impression of learning because in the implementation of learning Zoom Meeting gives the impression of learning like in a school where students and teachers are connected to each other even though virtually, the successful implementation of Zoom Meeting as a learning medium can not be separated from the involvement of parents in monitoring the online learning process


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    This research aims to formulate a discovery learning model with online learning mode. This type of research is descriptive qualitative with participants consisting of 24 students and 2 teachers taken based on purposive sampling technique. The instruments used were questionnaires and unstructured interviews which were processed using triangulation techniques. The results of this study show that: 1) At the stimulation stage, teachers provide stimulation to students through zoom meetings or google meet synchronously; 2) At the problem identification stage, the teacher does it synchronously and asynchronously; 3) At the data collection stage, students asynchronously collect data using observation tables that have been provided or designed by students, the teacher can also facilitate it with google form; 4) At the data processing stage, the teacher invites students to communicate synchronously through zoom meetings or google meet; 5) At the proof stage, teachers and students also communicate synchronously through zoom meetings or google meet. This synchronous communication aims to verify the data that students find, 6) At the conclusion stage it is also done synchronously


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    This research aims to formulate a discovery learning model with online learning mode. This type of research is descriptive qualitative with participants consisting of 24 students and 2 teachers taken based on purposive sampling technique. The instruments used were questionnaires and unstructured interviews which were processed using triangulation techniques. The results of this study show that: 1) At the stimulation stage, teachers provide stimulation to students through zoom meetings or google meet synchronously; 2) At the problem identification stage, the teacher does it synchronously and asynchronously; 3) At the data collection stage, students asynchronously collect data using observation tables that have been provided or designed by students, the teacher can also facilitate it with google form; 4) At the data processing stage, the teacher invites students to communicate synchronously through zoom meetings or google meet; 5) At the proof stage, teachers and students also communicate synchronously through zoom meetings or google meet. This synchronous communication aims to verify the data that students find, 6) At the conclusion stage it is also done synchronously

    PEER REVIEW Analysis of Online Learning Impact of The Covid-19 Pandemic from the Perspective of Biology Educators

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    The physical distancing policy implemented by the government prohibits physical meetings to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus including all activities in the educational process. The online learning system is implemented to facilitate teaching and learning activities without physical meetings between lecturers and students. This study aims to analyze online learning from the perspective of the lecturers biology education departement in courses based on pedagogical competences and scientific work skills or practicum activity. Surveys and interviews were used to obtain data with a quantitative approach. The results of the study provide information that:1) online learning still allows interactive activities in class; 2) online learning platforms are used in an integrated by lecturers; 3) WhatsApp Zoom and Google Meet are the most widely used platforms because they support synchronous and asynchronous learning; 4) practical activities are carried out using materials available at students' homes and with the help of practical tutorial videos from lecturers and virtual laboratories. Through the full online learning system for even one semester the lecturers of the biology education departement have carried out the learning process well by always providing feedback and the interactive learning between students and lecturers online with the help of various learning platforms. This study provides information about the information of full online leraning at university
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