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    Pengaruh Penggunaan Strategi LRD (Listen-Read-Discuss) dan Penguasaan Kosakata bahasa arab Terhadap Kemampuan Membaca Siswa Kelas 8 MTs Nurul Huda Malangnengah Tangerang

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    Reading is an ability that must be possessed by students, especially in language learning, in learning Arabic. The lack of teachers in mastering learning strategies and the lack of students in mastering Arabic vocabulary can both be the cause of the problem of the lack of students' reading skills, it has become a must for teachers to master several learning strategies, especially strategies that are suitable for learning to read so that learning does not become boring and the objectives of learning to read can be achieved well. One of the strategies that are suitable for learning to read is the LRD Strategy (Listen-Read-Discuss) because this strategy can improve reading skills as well students should memorize a lot of mastering Arabic vocabulary to improve their reading skills so that the objectives of learning to read can be achieved properly.Reading is an ability that must be possessed by students, especially in language learning, in learning Arabic. The lack of teachers in mastering learning strategies and the lack of students in mastering Arabic vocabulary can both be the cause of the problem of the lack of students' reading skills, it has become a must for teachers to master several learning strategies, especially strategies that are suitable for learning to read so that learning does not become boring and the objectives of learning to read can be achieved well. One of the strategies that are suitable for learning to read is the LRD Strategy (Listen-Read-Discuss) because this strategy can improve reading skills as well students should memorize a lot of mastering Arabic vocabulary to improve their reading skills so that the objectives of learning to read can be achieved properly

    Use of Big Book Learning Media to Improve Studentsā€™ Beginning Reading Skills in Primary Schools

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    This study is motivated by the fact that there are still many lower grade students who have not been able to read fluently. Big book learning media can be used by teachers to teach beginning reading to lower grade students. The purpose of this study is to describe the use of big book learning media to improve beginning reading skills. The study employed a qualitative descriptive method. The subjects were second-grade primary school students who were still unable to read. The research was conducted in one of the primary schools in Tasikmalaya City. The results revealed that students were more enthusiastic in learning to read using big book learning media, which could be seen from an increase in students' reading skills in each meeting. By using big book learning media, in addition to learning to read through a series of letters, students were able to learn to read through images followed by the writing. Therefore, big book learning media can be used to improve students' reading skills.

    The politics of the teaching of reading

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    Historically, political debates have broken out over how to teach reading in primary schools and infant classrooms. These debates and ā€œreading warsā€ have often resulted from public concerns and media reportage of a fall in reading standards. They also reflect the importance placed on learning to read by parents, teachers, employers, and politicians. Public and media-driven controversies over the teaching of reading have resulted in intense public and professional debates over which specific methods and materials to use with beginning readers and with children who have reading difficulties. Recently, such debates have led to a renewed emphasis on reading proficiency and ā€œstandardizedā€ approaches to teaching reading and engaging with literacy. The universal acceptance of the importance of learning to read has also led to vested interests in specific methods, reading programmes, and early literacy assessments amongst professional, business, commercial, and parental lobbying groups. This article traces these debates and the resulting growing support for a quantitative reductionist approach to early-reading programmes

    Efeectivenes Of PQ4R Metacognitive Strategy Based Reading Learning Models in Junior High School

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    The objective of research is to find out the efectivenes of metacognitive Preview, Question, Read, Reflect, Recite, Review (PQ4R) strategy based reading learning model to improve SMP studentsĆ¢ā‚¬ā„¢ reading ability. The method applied in this study is research and development by using both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The research result shows that the ideal learning model needed by the students is metacognitive PQ4R strategy based reading learning model. Structurally, this learning model is viable, relevant, and suitable with the principles of learning model development, both from substantial view and the structural model. Based on the trial result with experimental research design (experimental and control groups), metacognitive PQ4R strategy based reading learning model is effective to be used to improve SMP studentsĆ¢ā‚¬ā„¢ reading ability. Even the learning outcome is better than the reading class done by the teacher who does not use metacognitive PQ4R strategy. learning metacognitive reading strategies based PQ4R junior high school students are more effective than learning to read that teachers without the use of metacognitive strategies PQ4R with the calculation results of test of 5.975 t test is greater than t table 1.67. So it can be concluded that the learning model based reading metacognitive strategies PQ4R effective and fit for use in secondary schools

    Implementasi Layanan Bimbingan Dan Konseling Dalam Mengatasi Kesulitan Belajar Membaca Siswa Kelas 3 Di SD Negeri Kebon Gulo, Kabupaten Boyolali Tahun Ajaran 2017/2018

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    This study aims to describe 1) Type of learning services to read, 2) Implementation of guidance and counseling services 3) Factors causing learning difficulty reading, 4) Solutions to overcome learning difficulties to read. Data collection techniques used are observation, interview, and documentation. Data were analyzed through data reduction steps, data presentation and conclusions. Technique examination of data validity is done by technique triangulation of source and tekhnik. The type of research used is qualitative research with case study design. Informants in this research are principals, 3rd grade teachers and children who have problems learning to read. The results of the research indicate that: 1) Types of guidance and counseling done in overcoming learning difficulties of reading are: a) Learning services conducted during the lesson, b) Individual / individual counseling services conducted by classroom teachers with face-to-face way to children who have problems, c) Group counseling services, where teachers provide assistance to children who have difficulty with group dynamics, 2) Implementation of guidance and counseling services in overcoming the problem of learning difficulty reading given after 30 minutes after school. 3) The factors that cause learning difficulties of reading are based on the child's self such as a) Lazy and lost concentration, b) Less understanding of children in reading, c) Less children's learning motivation, d) Children prefer to play with friends during lessons, e) and peers . 4) Solutions to overcome learning difficulties of reading a) Interesting learning, b) Remind and pay more attention, c) Confidence of children to be able, d) Teacher mobilization e) rolling seats. Keywords: counseling guidance service, learning difficulty readin

    Distinct neural specializations for learning to read words and name objects

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    Understanding the neural systems that underpin reading acquisition is key if neuroscientific findings are to inform educational practice. We provide a unique window into these systems by teaching 19 adults to read 24 novel words written in unfamiliar letters and to name 24 novel objects while in an MRI scanner. Behavioral performance on trained items was equivalent for the two stimulus types. However, componential letter-sound associations were extracted when learning to read, as shown by correct reading of untrained words, whereas object-name associations were holistic and arbitrary. Activity in bilateral anterior fusiformgyri was greater during object name learning than learning to read, and ROI analyses indicated that left mid-fusiform activity was predictive of success in object name learning but not in learning to read. In contrast, activity in bilateral parietal cortices was predictive of success for both stimulus types but was greater during learning and recall of written word pronunciations relative to object names. We argue that mid-to-anterior fusiform gyri preferentially process whole items and contribute to learning their spoken form associations, processes that are required for skilled reading. In contrast, parietal cortices preferentially process componential visual-verbal mappings, a process that is crucial for early reading development

    Upaya Meningkatkan Kemampuan Membaca Pemahaman bagi Siswa Berkesulitan Belajar Membaca Melalui Strategi KWL (Know, Want, Learned) Pada Siswa Kelas III Sekolah Dasar Negeri Muncul 02

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    The habit of reading in everyday life is an important thing. Students who like to read can gain information, experience new knowledge, and improve their learning abilities. At the elementary school level, students get many benefits through Indonesian subjects, especially in learning to read. By learning to read, students can improve their ability to communicate properly and correctly and improve their ability to understand the content of reading. Many ways can be done in learning to read, one of which is through reading comprehension. However, based on observations of third-grade students at SDN Muncul 02, some students had difficulty in reading comprehension. The problems experienced by some of these students can cause students to have difficulty understanding the contents of the reading and not be able to follow the lesson well. In delivering the material, the teacher uses less varied learning methods so that students become less active. The author conducted this research using a case study method with a qualitative research approach. The author obtained the data in this study by observation, interviews, tests, and documentation. The KWL (know, want, learned) strategy that the author uses as an effort to improve reading comprehension skills has undergone a much better change which can be seen from the reflection of the results of learning I and II as well as changes in student attitudes in learning. In the results of the learning process, the use of the KWL strategy has not been able to solve the existing problems. Therefore, it is still necessary to conduct learning simulation II because the ability of students who have reading difficulties has not achieved optimal results. In the results of the learning process II, using the KWL strategy, there was a better improvement in students' reading learning activities which had an impact on increasing students' reading interest and students' ability in reading comprehension. Thus, the KWL (know, want, learned) strategy can be said to be able to improve reading comprehension skills for grade III SDN 02 students who have difficulty understanding reading content because there has been a significant increase in student activity

    Penerapan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Autoplay Media Studio Untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Membaca Teks Puisi Pada Siswa Kelas II SD

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    This research departs from the problems experienced by second grade elementary school students in learning to read poetry, such as the lack of students' interest in poetry, teachers who are not good at demonstrating interesting poetry readings, the absence of interesting learning media for reading poetry material, and the ability to read poetry at school. students receive less attention from both Indonesian language teachers and teachers of other fields of study. This study aims to improve the process and student learning outcomes in learning to read poetry by applying learning media based on Auto Play Media Study. This research is a type of Classroom Action Research (PTK) by adopting the PTK design model Kemmis & Taggart, (1981). Data collection techniques in this study, namely interviews, observation, tests and documentation. Based on the research results, there was a significant increase in student learning outcomes, especially in poetry reading ability tests. Where in cycle 1 the average score obtained by students was 69.06 and there was an increase in learning outcomes in cycle 2 with an average score of 76.88. Thus the application of learning media based on Auto Play Media Studio to poetry reading materials in grade II elementary schools can improve student learning processes and outcomes

    Analisis Penggunaan Pias-Pias Kata dalam Meningkatkan Minat Membaca Siswa Kelas 1 Min 1 Probolinggo

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    In this modern era, almost every village, even the city, already has learning institution facilities, namely education. Education is needed to grow generations that are beneficial to the State and Religion. Beginning with a knowledge process in which a student is required to be able to read and understand the text. In this case the researcher used descriptive qualitative research. The purpose of reading is so that students can find news, information, and knowledge from the results of reading, with this reading is also carried out by several institutions, namely MIN 1 Probolinggo to educate the nation by learning to read. Interest in reading is part of the initial process for students to be able to open up a space of knowledge, experience and insight. In terms of learning the teacher uses word fragment media with letter fragments that make it easier for students to spell letters so as to produce words. This method is done so that students can read well quickly. All efforts made have obstacles, namely each student's different character and low student interest in reading. With this learning method, each student will definitely be able to read over time

    Upaya Penerapan Evaluasi Membaca Di Kelas Tinggi

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    Reading is a cognitive activity or process that aims to find various information contained in written information. This means that reading is a thought process to understand the contents of the text read. Evaluation of learning to read is a series of activities or steps taken after the completion of the main activities to obtain information about the results of learning to read, then manage and interpret them using benchmarks and goals and certain criteria. This type of research is library research, namely research conducted by analyzing and making written literature scientific journals as well as the main source. So the evaluation of learning to read is the process of determining studentsā€™ understanding, acceptance, categorization, analysis and reasoning abilities, as well as the accuracy of studentsā€™ pronunciation and intonation when taking reading tests in the target language. The purpose of learning to read is so that students can understand and use language in practice, it is not enough to measure it with mere mechanical abilities. The assessment of reading ability must be seen from the general reading ability as a whole, so that when assessing skills other than mechanical skills, it is also necessary to measure reading ability, for example understanding the content or meaning of sentences. The purpose of this study is to find out how the effort to implement the evaluation of studentsā€™ reading learning
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