10 research outputs found

    Resumo do Mapeamento Sistemático sobre o método Problem Based Learning

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    A metodologia de Aprendizagem Baseada em Problemas (PBL) é adotada no curso de Engenharia de Computação da UEFS desde seu surgimento em 2003, representando um importante diferencial na formação do aluno [1, 2]. O método PBL propõe que o aluno aprenda o conteúdo proposto de forma diferente, simulando um ambiente de criação e discussão de projetos, como nas empresas.Um método desta natureza requer constante aprimoramento dos atores envolvidos em sua aplicação. Vários aspectos envolvem a aplicação do método de forma adequada. Um deles é a uniformidade de aplicação do PBL no curso. Outra se refere ao impacto causado na aprendizagem do estudante. Há também a necessidade de os tutores seguirem um modelo adequado e uniforme de avaliação e atuação com suas turmas.Uma das dificuldades em tratar estas questões é que a maior parte dos professores envolvidos no PBL do curso de Engenharia da Computação não possui formação que enfoque métodos pedagógicos de ensino. A maior parte dos professores teve contato com o método quando ingressaram na UEFS e no curso de Engenharia de Computação. Este contato tipicamente ocorreu a partir de oficinas e recomendações de leituras realizadas pelos próprios professores do curso. Uma das dificuldades que os professores enfrentam, entretanto, é que as atividades de pesquisa, ensino e extensão dificultam a disponibilização de tempo para o aprimoramento constante sobre o método PBL. Atualmente há um extenso conjunto de estudos sendo realizados sobre o método PBL [3, 4, 5, 6]. O problema é tornar este conhecimento acessível e útil para a aplicação do PBL no curso de Engenharia da Computação

    ne-Course for Learning Programming

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    Difficulties in learning programming are a constant concern in engineering courses. In many research studies involving the learning programming must of the solutions presented, from the beginning of the first programming languages, was to apply different type of problems analysis. Literature relating to the understanding of nature of learning programming skills has been focused explicitly on the teaching methodology and few of them focus on abilities, characteristics and knowledge acquired over the life cycle of learning programming in each student. Most of the students enrolled in engineering courses, where programming is a crucial competence, never had the opportunity to develop skills of computational thinking. In this paper, we focus our work on the learning programming developing and applying a set of exercises where students with more difficulties can express and develop their skills in computational thinking. In order to understand some programming students difficulties we have create a set of exercises, and apply it to a pre-programming course, that allows teachers to understand how students analyse and comprehend aspects such as visualization, spatial interpretation and physical manipulation. This paper also reports on results obtained from a class experiment where Memory Transfer Language was used by students to learn programming. All the exercises must be resolved without any type of technology, designed as a ne-course (no electronic course) for learning programming

    ne-Course for Learning Programming

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    Difficulties in learning programming are a constant concern in engineering courses. In many research studies involving the learning programming must of the solutions presented, from the beginning of the first programming languages, was to apply different type of problems analysis. Literature relating to the understanding of nature of learning programming skills has been focused explicitly on the teaching methodology and few of them focus on abilities, characteristics and knowledge acquired over the life cycle of learning programming in each student. Most of the students enrolled in engineering courses, where programming is a crucial competence, never had the opportunity to develop skills of computational thinking. In this paper, we focus our work on the learning programming developing and applying a set of exercises where students with more difficulties can express and develop their skills in computational thinking. In order to understand some programming students difficulties we have create a set of exercises, and apply it to a pre-programming course, that allows teachers to understand how students analyse and comprehend aspects such as visualization, spatial interpretation and physical manipulation. This paper also reports on results obtained from a class experiment where Memory Transfer Language was used by students to learn programming. All the exercises must be resolved without any type of technology, designed as a ne-course (no electronic course) for learning programming

    Addressing drop-out and sustained effort issues with large practical groups using an automated delivery and assessment system

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    The acquisition of programming skills specially in introductory programming courses poses an important challenge for freshmen students of engineering programs. These courses require students to devote a sustained effort during the whole course and a failure to do so may contribute to not passing the course. However, it is difficult for the teaching staff to deploy measures to enforce a pattern of continuous work without significantly increasing the required management tasks. A significant reduction of this workload can be achieved with the automation of time consuming tasks such as the delivery of activities or submission grading. This paper presents a case of study where a technology based orchestration of learning scripts was applied in a large enrollment course to promote student sustained effort through the course and keep the workload on teaching staff within reasonable margins. The orchestration system, based on IMS Learning Design and Generic Service Integration, automatically evaluated the student submissions and gradually unlocked the following activities depending on the received results. Such system was used during a semester supporting 425 students and 8 instructors. The analysis of the case of study followed a mixed method based on qualitative and quantitative data, and revealed a significant reduction of the orchestration workload on the teaching staff, allowing the strategy of continuous work to be applied in a course with high enrollment. Additionally, the application of these techniques show statistically significant differences in the drop out rate with respect to previous editions of the course.Work partially funded by the EEE project, “Plan Nacional de I+D+I TIN2011-28308-C03-01” and the “Emadrid: Investigación y desarrollo de tecnologías para el e-learning en la Comunidad de Madrid” project (S2009/TIC-1650)

    Problem-based Learning for Programming Education

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    Computer Programming is a core subject in Computer Science. This course requires the analysis and solving of problem critically. These skills are also required in preparing Computer Science students for the career world. Problem-based Learning is thus regarded as one of the suitable methods for Teaching and Learning programming. Although this method has been proven to hone student skills in other areas such as Medicine, its usage in Computer Programming courses has yet to bring about any impacts. This is because, to date, Problem-based Learning has been employed based on the practitioner’s intuition without specifically meeting the principles and concepts of Programming courses from the human, process, and product aspects. The human aspect involves practitioners during the process. The framework for this study is built using a qualitative method that combines theoretical and empirical studies. The theoretical study includes reviews of the implementation of previous Problem-based Learning in Computer Science as well as other fields. The empirical study involves information obtained from both the theoretical and empirical studies were analysed by utilising the Thematic Analysis method to generate the proposed framework for this study. This framework can be utilised as a guide for the management and practitioners in Computer Science education to use Problem-based Learning as an effective Teaching and Learning method for Programming courses

    Ohjelmoinnin oppiminen itseohjautuvasti : tutkimus olio-ohjelmoinnin kurssista

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    Ohjelmoinnin opettamisessa ja oppimisessa on haasteita suunnittelussa ja erityisesti hahmottamisessa, koska tuote on hyvin abstrakti. Opettajan on tärkeää antaa oikea ja johdonmukainen viitekehys sekä pystyttävä selittämään opetettava asia pätevästi auki. Tärkeimpiä asioita oppimisessa on käytännön harjoittelu oikeanlaisilla työkaluilla. Tämän tutkimuksen lähtökohtana on avata malleja, joita on käytetty ohjelmoinnin opetuksessa, kuten prosessioppiminen, ongelmalähtöinen oppiminen sekä itseohjautuva oppiminen. Malleista avataan niiden hyötyjä ja haittoja ohjelmoinnin opetuksessa. Lisäksi perehdytään kolmeen tutkimukseen korona-ajan digiloikasta. Koronavirus on vaikuttanut keväästä 2020 alkaen korkeakouluihin ympäri maailmaa. Globaalisti ongelmia ovat tuottaneet opiskelijoiden jaksaminen sekä opintojen tasapuolinen järjestäminen että tukeminen. Kirjallisuuskatsauksessa tutkitaan ulkoisen ja sisäisen motivaation lähteitä eli opiskelutapoja, joita tarvitaan opinnoissa pärjäämiseen. Sulautuvaa oppimista sekä lämpökartan ja saavutusmerkkien käyttöä tutkittiin ohjelmoinnin opetuksessa ”tietorakenteet ja algoritmit” -kurssilla. Molempien tutkimusten tavoitteena oli löytää tapoja parantaa opiskelijoiden läpäisyä kurssilta. Tutkimuksessa luonteen ominaisuuksista tutkittiin mitä henkilökohtaisia ominaisuuksia tukemalla opinnoissa jatketaan. Tunnollisuus oli yksi avainasia opinnoissa pärjäämiseen sekä etenemiseen. Tutkielman empiirisessä osassa tutkitaan kandidaatintutkintoa suorittavien opiskelijoiden olio-ohjelmoinnin perusteet -kurssin suorittamista. Kurssi järjestettiin keväällä 2021 Turun yliopistossa etäopetuksena ja siinä mitataan miten harjoitusten suorittaminen vaikuttaa tentissä menestymiseen, miten ajankäyttö viikoittaisissa tehtävissä vaikutti suorituksen pistemääriin sekä miten ajankäyttö vaikutti tenttitulokseen. Lisäksi kiinnostus on opiskelijoiden sanallisessa palautteessa, joita tutkittiin opiskelutapojen osalta. Tutkittavat tiedot, harjoitukset ja tentti suoritettiin verkkopohjaisessa oppimisympäristössä ViLLE. Tutkimuksessa kävi ilmi, että harjoitusten suorittamisella on merkitystä tentissä menestymisessä. Ajankäytöllä ei ole vaikutusta tenttitulokseen, mutta tuloksesta käy ilmi, että kaikilla opiskelijoilla ei ole ajankäytölle hyvää suunnitelmaa. Tällöin käytetään paljon aikaa opiskeluun, mutta ei saada toivottua tulosta kurssista eli tentistä läpäisyä. Palautteissa osa on tyytyväinen opintojen työmäärään ja osa antaa palautetta suuresta työmäärästä, toiveesta lisäaikaan sekä esimerkkeihin.There are challenges in teaching and learning programming in perceiving and design because the product is very abstract. It is important for a teacher to provide a correct and consistent frame of reference as well as to be able to explain the thing to be taught competently open. The most important thing about learning is practicing hands-on with the right kind of tools. The goal of this study is to introduce the models that have been used in programming instruction, such as process learning, problem-based learning, and self-directed learning. There are benefits and disadvantages in each method of teaching programming. In addition, three studies of the digitalization due to covid-19. From spring 2020, the covid-19 has affected higher education around the world and added global problems such as the breakdown of students and the equitable organization of studies as well as the support. Literary Review Examines sources of external and internal motivation i.e., the methods of studying in order to successfully finish the course. Blended learning and the use of heat map and achievement marks studied in the teaching of programming data structures and algorithms courses. The aim of both studies was to find ways to improve students' passing grade on the course. The study of the characteristics of different characters, analyzed which personal characteristics supported continuation of the studies. Conscientiousness was found one of the key traits of personality which effected the continuation of the studies. This study examines undergraduate students who are completing a course on the basics of object-oriented programming. The course took place in the spring of 2021 at the University of Turku and course was organized as a distance learning. This study measures how performing exercises affects exam success, how the time was used in weekly tasks affected the performance point, as well as how the use of time affected the exam results. In addition, this study has also interest in verbal feedback from the participating students in terms of ways of their studying. The data gathered on the exercises and exam was analyzed in a web-based learning environment ViLLE. The study revealed that performing exercises is a significant factor in succeeding in the exam. The use of time has no effect on the exam results, but the analysis shows that not all the students have a good plan for the use of time. In this case a lot of time is spent on studying but the results are not desired. The analyzed feedback shows that some of the students are satisfied with the workload of the studies, also indicating that some students experienced the workload heavy, wishing for additional time and extra examples in teaching

    Emirati student and expatriate teacher views on problem-based learning in UAE education courses

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    Understanding how Emirati students value Problem-Based Learning (PBL) in their learning of tertiary subjects such as Business and Information Technology (IT) is an essential component of the pedagogy adopted in UAE Higher Education to achieve active learning in those subject areas. This research targeted the ‘voice’ of Emirati students and their expatriate teachers in the use and subjective evaluation of PBL in their tertiary education experience. Their documented perceptions are available for future UAE education policy development. Currently, there is a lack of understanding of how effectively PBL is being implemented when teaching the subjects of Business and IT. This research took place at a UAE Higher College of Technology where PBL was being used as a part of internal assessments for Business and IT in the students’ first bachelor year of study. Data was collected from a purposive sample of 174 Emirati students and 8 teachers using Mixed Methods design - a questionnaire, student and teacher interviews and classroom observations of students participating in PBL group work were the tools used to establish student voice. The questionnaire results indicated that there is a strong consensus from the Emirati students (between 60 to 80%) and expatriate teachers (between 90 to 100%) in support of the PBL pedagogy being used as a form of assessment within their Business and IT classes. However, 40% of the student interviewees were not satisfied with PBL. The eight teachers were strongly satisfied with PBL as a form of assessment for their Business/IT students. The learning of Business/IT content and implementation of group work for projects were considered to engage students and motivate them although projects were considered a challenge in the PBL process. Students generally need better support as do the teachers in implementing new pedagogies which impact group dynamics, learning styles, resources and learning management. assist Emirati students who may be struggling with group dynamics, independent learning, and lack of teacher support and time management. Recommendations are made that for the sustainability of new pedagogies such as PBL, student and teacher voices be incorporated into curriculum decision making in UAE Higher Education taking account cultural and longitudinal implications for the whole education system

    Revisão sistemática da investigação em ensino da programação em contexto de ensino superior não presencial

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    Os trabalhos de investigação, através de seus métodos científicos, proporcionam valiosos contributos para o avanço do conhecimento. Nesse contexto, a revisão sistemática da literatura ocupa um lugar de capítal importância no processo científico identificando, avaliando e recompilando dados. O propósito da presente investigação é mostrar até que ponto o estado actual do conhecimento sobre o ensino e a aprendizagem da programação abrange o âmbito do ensino superior não presencial. Para tal, realizou-se uma revisão sistemática da produção científica, caracterizando e sintetizando o state-of-the-art do conhecimento, abordando as duas grandes modalidades de educação: presencial e não presencial e analisando o corpus de literatura existente actualmente, dando prioridade à mais recente.Research, through its scientific methods, provides valuable contributions for the advancement of knowledge. In this context, the systematic literature review occupies a place of primary importance in the scientific process by identifying, assessing and gathering data. The aim of this research is to determine to which extent current knowneldge on the teaching and learning of the programming encompasses distance education. Thus, a systematic literature review was conducted, characterizing and synthesizing the state-of-the-art of the knowledge, distinguishing two major types of education: face-to-face and distance learning, and analyzing the current corpus of literature, giving priority to the most recent