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    Ovaj rad opisuje radni stroj viličar te siguran način rada na održavanju viličara, postupci pregleda i održavanja viličara, rad na siguran način pri rukovanju viličarom te postupke i mjere za sprječavanje ozljeda na radu. Opisat će se osnovni dijelovi viličara, opasnosti koje prijete kod rukovanja viličarom te postupci koji se moraju provoditi prije, tijekom i nakon završetka korištenja viličara.This paper describes the forklift machine and safe forklift maintenance, safe forklift handling, and the procedures and measures to aviod injuries during work. Main forklift parts will be described, as well as dangers that may occur during forklift handling and the procedures which should be done before, during, and after forklift usage


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    U ovom radu dan je pregled upotrebe bespilotnih letjelica u funkciji zaštite šuma od požara. Objašnjene su različite strategije upotrebe bespilotnih letjelica, koordinacije i ključni instrumenti detekcije u području zaštite šuma od požara. Suzbijanje šumskih požara velikih razmjera može imati velike koristi od upotrebe bespilotnih letjelica. Autonomija, pouzdanost i otpornost na pogreške neka su od preostalih ograničenja u Hrvatskoj i svijetu. Bespilotne letjelice koja prevoze vodu i sredstva za usporavanje požara izložene su opasnosti od izgaranja, pada i pogrešaka što izaziva zabrinutost u pogledu sigurnosti. Unatoč tome, postoji mnogo prednosti korištenja bespilotnih letjelica i moglo bi potaknuti nove ideje za rješavanje ovih problema.This paper provides an overview of the use of unmanned aerial vehicles in the function of forest fire protection. Various strategies for the use of unmanned aerial vehicles, coordination and key detection instruments in the field of forest fire protection are explained. Suppression of large-scale forest fires can greatly benefit from the use of drones. Autonomy, reliability and resistance to errors are some of the remaining limitations in Croatia and the world. Unmanned aerial vehicles carrying water and fire retardants are exposed to the risk of burning, crashing and malfunctioning, raising safety concerns. Nevertheless, there are many advantages to using drones and it could spark new ideas to solve these problems


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    U ovom radu detaljno ćemo istražiti o bagerima, strojevima koji su neizostavni u današnjim građevinskim, rudarskim i transportnim radovima. Njihova svestranost i snaga omogućuju učinkovito obavljanje različitih zadataka na gradilištima diljem svijeta. Raz- motrit ćemo njihovu podjelu prema kategorijama. Osim toga, detaljno ćemo analizirati izgled bagera, uključujući strukturu stroja, dimenzije, tehnološke karakteristike i komponente koje čine ove moćne strojeve. Posebno ćemo istražiti komande koje se nalaze unutar kabine bagera, gdje se nalazi rukovoditelj, jer razumijevanje ovih komandi ključno je za siguran i učinkovit rad s bagerima. Pri radu s bagerom, neophodno je poštivati razne zakone, propise i pravilnike koji reguliraju rad s ovom vrstom opreme. Sigurnost pri radu s bagerom ima iznimnu važnost, a osoba koja rukovodi bagerom mora biti stručno osposobljena i raditi s velikom pozor- nošću kako bi se izbjegla oštećenja imovine i, što je još važnije, ugrožavanje ljudskih života. Na samom kraju rada, pružit ćemo pregled potrebne radne opreme koja je neop- hodna za sigurno obavljanje poslova s bagerom. Ovo uključuje osobnu zaštitnu opremu, kao i dodatnu opremu potrebnu za održavanje i servisiranje bagera. Cilj nam je istaknuti ključne aspekte koji doprinose sigurnosti i učinkovitosti rada, te pružiti smjernice za pra- vilno korištenje ovih moćnih strojeva.In this paper, we will investigate in detail about excavators, machines that are indispensable in today's construction, mining and transportation works. Their versatility and power enable them to efficiently perform various tasks on construction sites around the world. We will consider their division by categories. In addition, we will analyze in detail the appearance of the excavator, including the structure of the machine, dimensions, technological characteristics and components that make up these powerful machines. We will separately investigate the controls located inside the excavator cabin, where the operator is located, because understanding these controls is essential for safe and efficient work with excavators. When working with an excavator, it is necessary to comply with various laws, regulations and ordinances that regulate work with this type of equipment. Safety when working with an excavator is extremely important, and the person operating the excavator must be professionally trained and work with great attention in order to avoid damage to property and, what is even more important, endangering human lives. At the very end of the work, we will provide an overview of the necessary work equipment that is necessary for safe work with the excavator. This includes personal pro- tective equipment, as well as additional equipment needed to maintain and service the excavator. We aim to highlight key aspects that contribute to safety and efficiency of work and provide guidance for the proper use of these powerful machines


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    Javna nabava u Općini Barilović kao jedinici lokalne samouprave predstavlja ključnu odrednicu u procesu trošenja javnih sredstava na lokalnoj razini. Ovaj sektor obuhvaća nabavu radova, roba i usluga potrebnih za zadovoljenje potreba lokalne zajednice. S obzirom na raznolike potrebe i projekte na lokalnoj razini, proces javne nabave u jedinici lokalne samouprave često zahtijeva posebne prilagodbe i pažljivo planiranje. Efikasna javna nabava na ovoj razini, ne samo da osigurava transparentnost i konkurenciju, već i doprinosi lokalnom ekonomskom razvoju i unapređenju kvalitete života građana. Kao sustav kojim se osigurava nabava sredstvima javnog sektora, ima ključnu ulogu u realizaciji projekata poput izgradnje i opremanja vrtića. Promatranjem šireg konteksta gdje je odgoj i obrazovanje djece prepoznato kao temeljni stup društvenog napretka, ulaganje u infrastrukturu dječjih vrtića nije samo puko zadovoljenje prostornih potreba, već i dugoročno ulaganje u budućnost zajednice. U radu je na konkretnom primjeru izgradnje i opremanja dječjeg vrtića i jaslica u Općini Barilović analizirano planiranje nabave, definiranje kriterija za odabir izvođača s posebnim naglaskom na evaluaciju pristiglih ponuda kao i kriterijima za njihov odabir.Public procurement in the Municipality of Barilović, as a local self-government unit, represents a crucial determinant in the process of spending public funds at the local level. This sector encompasses the procurement of works, goods, and services necessary to meet the needs of the local community. Given the diverse needs and projects at the local level, the public procurement process in the local self-government unit often requires specific adjustments and careful planning. Effective public procurement at this level not only ensures transparency and competition but also contributes to local economic development and the improvement of citizens' quality of life. As a system ensuring procurement with public sector funds, it plays a crucial role in the implementation of projects such as the construction and equipping of kindergartens. Considering the broader context where the education of children is recognized as a fundamental pillar of social progress, investing in the infrastructure of childcare facilities is not only a mere satisfaction of spatial needs but also a long-term investment in the future of the community. In this paper, the planning of procurement, the definition of criteria for the selection of contractors, with special emphasis on the evaluation of received bids and the criteria for their selection, are analyzed through a specific example of the construction and equipping of a kindergarten and nursery in the Municipality of Barilović


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    U ovome završnom radu obrađena je tema projektiranja i konstruiranja dizala, njegove karakteristike te zadaća u modernim vremenima i urbanim središtima. Rad obuhvaća kratku povijest, razvoj dizala te njegovu važnu ulogu i zahtjeve ekonomičnosti. Ovim radom biti će prikazane komponente dizala i njihove uloge u cjelokupnom sustavu koje nazivamo dizalo. Pri izradi pojedinih komponenti koristio se programski sustav SolidWorks. Također cilj rada je izvesti neke od osnovnih proračuna bitne za projekt dizala.In this final paper covered topic is “designing and constructing elevator”, it's importance and role in modern times and urban centers. This paper covers a brief history, development of elevators and its important role and economic requirements. In this work it will be present the components of the elevator and their roles in the entire system that we call the elevator. Through this work it was used SolidWorks software to create all the components. The goal of the work is to perform some of the basic calculations essential for the conceptual development of the elevator


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    U ovome radu biti će govora o mehanizmima interakcije između elektromagnetskih polja i bioloških sustava, pružajući objašnjenje bioloških učinaka. To može pomoći u određivanju granica ljudske izloženosti elektromagnetskim poljima, prema smjernicama, standardima i preporukama. Opisivanje ovih mehanizama i njihovih učinaka je kompleksno, jer uključuje nekoliko znanstvenih disciplina poput fizike, biologije i medicine. Svijest o potencijalnim rizicima i pridržavanje sigurnosnih smjernica ključni su za minimiziranje negativnih učinaka elektromagnetskih polja na zdravlje. Ovaj rad doprinosi boljem razumijevanju ovog kompleksnog pitanja.This thesis discusses the mechanisms of interaction between electromagnetic fields and biological systems, providing an explanation of biological effects. This understanding can help determine the limits of human exposure to electromagnetic fields according to guidelines, standards, and recommendations. Describing these mechanisms and their effects is complex, as it involves several scientific disciplines such as physics, biology, and medicine. Awareness of potential risks and adherence to safety guidelines are crucial for minimizing the negative effects of electromagnetic fields on health. This thesis contributes to a better understanding of this complex issue


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    Opasnim tvarima smatraju se tvari, koje zbog svojih svojstva kao što su eksplozivnost, otrovnost, zapaljivost, korozivnost i slično, mogu ugroziti život i zdravlje ljudi, prouzročiti materijalnu štetu i imati štetan utjecaj na okoliš. Također, opasnim tvarima se smatraju i sirovine od kojih se proizvode opasne tvari i otpad, ako imaju svojstva spomenutih tvari. Prema Zakonu o prijevozu opasnih tvari i ADR-u, opasne tvari podijeljene su u devet skupina, odnosno klasa, a to su: 1. eksplozivne tvari, 2. plinovi, 3. zapaljive tekućine, 4. zapaljive krute tvari, 5. oksidirajuće tvari ili oksidansi, 6. otrovne tvari, 7. radioaktivne tvari, 8. korozivne ili nagrizajuće tvari, 9. ostale opasne tvari. Tema ovog završnog rada jesu eksplozivne tvari (klasa 1), odnosno prijevoz eksplozivnih tvari u cestovnom prometu. Eksplozivne tvari su krute i tekuće kemijske tvari koje imaju svojstvo da, prilikom vanjskih djelovanja kao što su udar, trenje ili toplina, eksplozivnim kemijskim razlaganjem oslobađaju plinove ili energiju u obliku topline.Hazardous substances are substances that, due to their properties such as explosiveness, toxicity, flammability, corrosiveness and the like, can endanger the life and health of people, cause material damage and have a harmful impact on the environment. Also, raw materials from which hazardous substances and waste are produced are considered dangerous substances, if they have the properties of these substances. According to the Act on Transport of Dangerous Goods and ADR, dangerous goods are divided into nine groups, i.e. classes, namely: 1. explosive substances, 2. gases, 3. flammable liquids, 4. flammable solids, 5. oxidizing substances or oxidants, 6. toxic substances, 7. radioactive substances, 8. corrosive or corrosive substances, 9. other dangerous substances. The topic of this final thesis is explosive substances (class 1), that is, the transport of explosive substances in road traffic. Explosive substances are solid and liquid chemical substances that have the property that, during external actions such as impact, friction or heat, they release gases or energy in the form of heat through explosive chemical decomposition


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    U završnom radu prikazane su mjere zaštite od požara u Javnoj ustanovi “Park prirode Kopački rit” kao sustav aktivnosti i postupaka koji se provode s ciljem sprječavanja nastanka požara te zaštite života i zdravlja zaposlenika, imovine i okoliša u slučaju požara. Analiziran je Pravilnik o zaštiti od požara Javne ustanove “Park prirode Kopački rit” i dan je prikaz intervencije - gašenja prizemnog požara u kombinaciji s ovršnim požarom na otvorenom prostoru Kopačkoga rita u kolovozu 2022. godine.In the final paper, the protection measures in the Public Institution “Kopački rit Nature Park” are presented as a system of activities and procedures that are carried out with the aim of preventing the occurrence of fire and protecting the life and health of employees, property and the environment in the case of a fire. The Rulebook on Fire Protection of the Public Institution “Kopački rit Nature Park” was analysed and there was also a presentation of the intervention - extinguishing the ground fire in combination with the forced fire in the open area of Kopački rit in August 2022


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    Predmet istraživanja ovog diplomskog rada su stanje i problemi rada od kuće u Republici Hrvatskoj u kontekstu digitalne transformacije, s posebnim osvrtom na njezin ubrzani tijek tijekom pandemije virusa COVID-19. Analizirane su različite regulative i prakse modela rada od kuće u odabranim članicama EU, kao i aktualne regulative u Republici Hrvatskoj te sukladno utvrđenim stanjima i pokazateljima oblikovana je okvirna procjena rizika za jedno radno mjesto pri radu od kuće. U Republici Hrvatskoj, provođenje zaštite na radu na izdvojenim mjestima rada i radu na daljinu nailazi na probleme u implementaciji aktualnih pravilnika.The subject of research in this thesis is the state and problems of working from home in the Republic of Croatia in the context of digital transformation, with special reference to its accelerated course during the COVID-19 virus pandemic. Different regulations and practices of the work-from-home model in selected EU member states were analyzed, as well as current regulations in the Republic of Croatia, and in accordance with the established conditions and indicators, a rough risk assessment for one workplace when working from home was formed. In the Republic of Croatia, the implementation of occupational health and safety at separate workplaces and remote work encounters problems in the implementation of current regulations


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    U ovom se radu analiziraju specifičnosti i temeljna obilježja hotela baština u Republici Hrvatskoj. Hoteli baština u Republici Hrvatskoj predstavljaju golemo bogatstvo, temelje se na propisanim standardima, a sve u cilju da se zaštiti njihova jedinstvenost i unikatnost. Za potrebe izrade završnog rada, odabrana su dva primjera hotela baština u Republici Hrvatskoj – hotel Palace Zagreb i hotel Vestibul Palace Split kako bi se prikazala sinergija kulture i turizma. Kulturni turizam privlači značajan broj turista koji žele doživjeti jedinstveni odmor, a hoteli baština predstavljaju primjer dobre prakse u kojem se spaja tradicionalno i suvremeno.This paper analyzes the specifics and fundamental characteristics of heritage hotels in the Republic of Croatia. Heritage hotels in the Republic of Croatia represent huge wealth, they are based on prescribed standards, with one goal and that’s protecting their uniqueness. Accordingly to that, here are selected two examples of heritage hotels in the Republic of Croatia – the Palace Hotel Zagreb and the Vestibul Palace Hotel Split for illustrating the synergy between culture and tourism. Cultural tourism is attracting an increasing number of tourists who want to experience a unique vacation, and heritage hotels represent an example of a new direction that combines traditional and contemporary elements


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