673 research outputs found

    SPRK: A Low-Cost Stewart Platform For Motion Study In Surgical Robotics

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    To simulate body organ motion due to breathing, heart beats, or peristaltic movements, we designed a low-cost, miniaturized SPRK (Stewart Platform Research Kit) to translate and rotate phantom tissue. This platform is 20cm x 20cm x 10cm to fit in the workspace of a da Vinci Research Kit (DVRK) surgical robot and costs $250, two orders of magnitude less than a commercial Stewart platform. The platform has a range of motion of +/- 1.27 cm in translation along x, y, and z directions and has motion modes for sinusoidal motion and breathing-inspired motion. Modular platform mounts were also designed for pattern cutting and debridement experiments. The platform's positional controller has a time-constant of 0.2 seconds and the root-mean-square error is 1.22 mm, 1.07 mm, and 0.20 mm in x, y, and z directions respectively. All the details, CAD models, and control software for the platform is available at github.com/BerkeleyAutomation/sprk

    Laparoscopic motor learning and workspace exploration

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    Background: Laparoscopic surgery requires operators to learn novel complex movement patterns. However, our understanding of how best to train surgeons’ motor skills is inadequate and research is needed to determine optimal laparoscopic training regimes. This difficulty is confounded by variables inherent in surgical practice – e.g. the increasing prevalence of morbidly obese patients presents additional challenges related to restriction of movement due to abdominal wall resistance and reduced intra-abdominal space. The aim of this study was to assess learning of a surgery related task in constrained and unconstrained conditions using a novel system linking a commercially available robotic arm with specialised software creating the novel kinematic assessment tool (Omni-KAT). Methods: We created an experimental tool that records motor performance by linking a commercially available robotic arm with specialised software that presents visual stimuli and objectively measures movement outcome (kinematics). Participants were given the task of generating aiming movements along a horizontal plane to move a visual cursor on a vertical screen. One group received training that constrained movements to the correct plane whilst the other group was unconstrained and could explore the entire ‘action space’. Results: The tool successfully generated the requisite force fields and precisely recorded the aiming movements. Consistent with predictions from structural learning theory, the unconstrained group produced better performance after training as indexed by movement duration (p < .05). Conclusion: The data showed improved performance for participants who explored the entire action space, highlighting the importance of learning the full dynamics of laparoscopic instruments. These findings, alongside the development of the Omni-KAT, open up exciting prospects for better understanding of the learning processes behind surgical training and investigating ways in which learning can be optimised

    Real-time 3D Tracking of Articulated Tools for Robotic Surgery

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    In robotic surgery, tool tracking is important for providing safe tool-tissue interaction and facilitating surgical skills assessment. Despite recent advances in tool tracking, existing approaches are faced with major difficulties in real-time tracking of articulated tools. Most algorithms are tailored for offline processing with pre-recorded videos. In this paper, we propose a real-time 3D tracking method for articulated tools in robotic surgery. The proposed method is based on the CAD model of the tools as well as robot kinematics to generate online part-based templates for efficient 2D matching and 3D pose estimation. A robust verification approach is incorporated to reject outliers in 2D detections, which is then followed by fusing inliers with robot kinematic readings for 3D pose estimation of the tool. The proposed method has been validated with phantom data, as well as ex vivo and in vivo experiments. The results derived clearly demonstrate the performance advantage of the proposed method when compared to the state-of-the-art.Comment: This paper was presented in MICCAI 2016 conference, and a DOI was linked to the publisher's versio

    A First Evaluation of a Multi-Modal Learning System to Control Surgical Assistant Robots via Action Segmentation

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    The next stage for robotics development is to introduce autonomy and cooperation with human agents in tasks that require high levels of precision and/or that exert considerable physical strain. To guarantee the highest possible safety standards, the best approach is to devise a deterministic automaton that performs identically for each operation. Clearly, such approach inevitably fails to adapt itself to changing environments or different human companions. In a surgical scenario, the highest variability happens for the timing of different actions performed within the same phases. This paper presents a cognitive control architecture that uses a multi-modal neural network trained on a cooperative task performed by human surgeons and produces an action segmentation that provides the required timing for actions while maintaining full phase execution control via a deterministic Supervisory Controller and full execution safety by a velocity-constrained Model-Predictive Controller

    Smart Navigation in Surgical Robotics

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    La cirugía mínimamente invasiva, y concretamente la cirugía laparoscópica, ha supuesto un gran cambio en la forma de realizar intervenciones quirúrgicas en el abdomen. Actualmente, la cirugía laparoscópica ha evolucionado hacia otras técnicas aún menos invasivas, como es la cirugía de un solo puerto, en inglés Single Port Access Surgery. Esta técnica consiste en realizar una única incisión, por la que son introducidos los instrumentos y la cámara laparoscópica a través de un único trocar multipuerto. La principal ventaja de esta técnica es una reducción de la estancia hospitalaria por parte del paciente, y los resultados estéticos, ya que el trocar se suele introducir por el ombligo, quedando la cicatriz oculta en él. Sin embargo, el hecho de que los instrumentos estén introducidos a través del mismo trocar hace la intervención más complicada para el cirujano, que necesita unas habilidades específicas para este tipo de intervenciones. Esta tesis trata el problema de la navegación de instrumentos quirúrgicos mediante plataformas robóticas teleoperadas en cirugía de un solo puerto. En concreto, se propone un método de navegación que dispone de un centro de rotación remoto virtual, el cuál coincide con el punto de inserción de los instrumentos (punto de fulcro). Para estimar este punto se han empleado las fuerzas ejercidas por el abdomen en los instrumentos quirúrgicos, las cuales han sido medidas por sensores de esfuerzos colocados en la base de los instrumentos. Debido a que estos instrumentos también interaccionan con tejido blando dentro del abdomen, lo cual distorsionaría la estimación del punto de inserción, es necesario un método que permita detectar esta circunstancia. Para solucionar esto, se ha empleado un detector de interacción con tejido basado en modelos ocultos de Markov el cuál se ha entrenado para detectar cuatro gestos genéricos. Por otro lado, en esta tesis se plantea el uso de guiado háptico para mejorar la experiencia del cirujano cuando utiliza plataformas robóticas teleoperadas. En concreto, se propone la técnica de aprendizaje por demostración (Learning from Demonstration) para generar fuerzas que puedan guiar al cirujano durante la resolución de tareas específicas. El método de navegación propuesto se ha implantado en la plataforma quirúrgica CISOBOT, desarrollada por la Universidad de Málaga. Los resultados experimentales obtenidos validan tanto el método de navegación propuesto, como el detector de interacción con tejido blando. Por otro lado, se ha realizado un estudio preliminar del sistema de guiado háptico. En concreto, se ha empleado una tarea genérica, la inserción de una clavija, para realizar los experimentos necesarios que permitan demostrar que el método propuesto es válido para resolver esta tarea y otras similares

    Gesture Recognition and Control for Semi-Autonomous Robotic Assistant Surgeons

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    The next stage for robotics development is to introduce autonomy and cooperation with human agents in tasks that require high levels of precision and/or that exert considerable physical strain. To guarantee the highest possible safety standards, the best approach is to devise a deterministic automaton that performs identically for each operation. Clearly, such approach inevitably fails to adapt itself to changing environments or different human companions. In a surgical scenario, the highest variability happens for the timing of different actions performed within the same phases. This thesis explores the solutions adopted in pursuing automation in robotic minimally-invasive surgeries (R-MIS) and presents a novel cognitive control architecture that uses a multi-modal neural network trained on a cooperative task performed by human surgeons and produces an action segmentation that provides the required timing for actions while maintaining full phase execution control via a deterministic Supervisory Controller and full execution safety by a velocity-constrained Model-Predictive Controller
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