31,350 research outputs found

    Is Robustness To Transformations Driven by Invariant Neural Representations?

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    Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (DCNNs) have demonstrated impressive robustness to recognize objects under transformations (e.g. blur or noise) when these transformations are included in the training set. A hypothesis to explain such robustness is that DCNNs develop invariant neural representations that remain unaltered when the image is transformed. Yet, to what extent this hypothesis holds true is an outstanding question, as including transformations in the training set could lead to properties different from invariance, e.g. parts of the network could be specialized to recognize either transformed or non-transformed images. In this paper, we analyze the conditions under which invariance emerges. To do so, we leverage that invariant representations facilitate robustness to transformations for object categories that are not seen transformed during training. Our results with state-of-the-art DCNNs indicate that invariant representations strengthen as the number of transformed categories in the training set is increased. This is much more prominent with local transformations such as blurring and high-pass filtering, compared to geometric transformations such as rotation and thinning, that entail changes in the spatial arrangement of the object. Our results contribute to a better understanding of invariant representations in deep learning, and the conditions under which invariance spontaneously emerges

    A Deep Representation for Invariance And Music Classification

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    Representations in the auditory cortex might be based on mechanisms similar to the visual ventral stream; modules for building invariance to transformations and multiple layers for compositionality and selectivity. In this paper we propose the use of such computational modules for extracting invariant and discriminative audio representations. Building on a theory of invariance in hierarchical architectures, we propose a novel, mid-level representation for acoustical signals, using the empirical distributions of projections on a set of templates and their transformations. Under the assumption that, by construction, this dictionary of templates is composed from similar classes, and samples the orbit of variance-inducing signal transformations (such as shift and scale), the resulting signature is theoretically guaranteed to be unique, invariant to transformations and stable to deformations. Modules of projection and pooling can then constitute layers of deep networks, for learning composite representations. We present the main theoretical and computational aspects of a framework for unsupervised learning of invariant audio representations, empirically evaluated on music genre classification.Comment: 5 pages, CBMM Memo No. 002, (to appear) IEEE 2014 International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2014

    On Invariance and Selectivity in Representation Learning

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    We discuss data representation which can be learned automatically from data, are invariant to transformations, and at the same time selective, in the sense that two points have the same representation only if they are one the transformation of the other. The mathematical results here sharpen some of the key claims of i-theory -- a recent theory of feedforward processing in sensory cortex

    Invariance of visual operations at the level of receptive fields

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    Receptive field profiles registered by cell recordings have shown that mammalian vision has developed receptive fields tuned to different sizes and orientations in the image domain as well as to different image velocities in space-time. This article presents a theoretical model by which families of idealized receptive field profiles can be derived mathematically from a small set of basic assumptions that correspond to structural properties of the environment. The article also presents a theory for how basic invariance properties to variations in scale, viewing direction and relative motion can be obtained from the output of such receptive fields, using complementary selection mechanisms that operate over the output of families of receptive fields tuned to different parameters. Thereby, the theory shows how basic invariance properties of a visual system can be obtained already at the level of receptive fields, and we can explain the different shapes of receptive field profiles found in biological vision from a requirement that the visual system should be invariant to the natural types of image transformations that occur in its environment.Comment: 40 pages, 17 figure

    Learning An Invariant Speech Representation

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    Recognition of speech, and in particular the ability to generalize and learn from small sets of labelled examples like humans do, depends on an appropriate representation of the acoustic input. We formulate the problem of finding robust speech features for supervised learning with small sample complexity as a problem of learning representations of the signal that are maximally invariant to intraclass transformations and deformations. We propose an extension of a theory for unsupervised learning of invariant visual representations to the auditory domain and empirically evaluate its validity for voiced speech sound classification. Our version of the theory requires the memory-based, unsupervised storage of acoustic templates -- such as specific phones or words -- together with all the transformations of each that normally occur. A quasi-invariant representation for a speech segment can be obtained by projecting it to each template orbit, i.e., the set of transformed signals, and computing the associated one-dimensional empirical probability distributions. The computations can be performed by modules of filtering and pooling, and extended to hierarchical architectures. In this paper, we apply a single-layer, multicomponent representation for phonemes and demonstrate improved accuracy and decreased sample complexity for vowel classification compared to standard spectral, cepstral and perceptual features.Comment: CBMM Memo No. 022, 5 pages, 2 figure

    View-tolerant face recognition and Hebbian learning imply mirror-symmetric neural tuning to head orientation

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    The primate brain contains a hierarchy of visual areas, dubbed the ventral stream, which rapidly computes object representations that are both specific for object identity and relatively robust against identity-preserving transformations like depth-rotations. Current computational models of object recognition, including recent deep learning networks, generate these properties through a hierarchy of alternating selectivity-increasing filtering and tolerance-increasing pooling operations, similar to simple-complex cells operations. While simulations of these models recapitulate the ventral stream's progression from early view-specific to late view-tolerant representations, they fail to generate the most salient property of the intermediate representation for faces found in the brain: mirror-symmetric tuning of the neural population to head orientation. Here we prove that a class of hierarchical architectures and a broad set of biologically plausible learning rules can provide approximate invariance at the top level of the network. While most of the learning rules do not yield mirror-symmetry in the mid-level representations, we characterize a specific biologically-plausible Hebb-type learning rule that is guaranteed to generate mirror-symmetric tuning to faces tuning at intermediate levels of the architecture

    Visual Representations: Defining Properties and Deep Approximations

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    Visual representations are defined in terms of minimal sufficient statistics of visual data, for a class of tasks, that are also invariant to nuisance variability. Minimal sufficiency guarantees that we can store a representation in lieu of raw data with smallest complexity and no performance loss on the task at hand. Invariance guarantees that the statistic is constant with respect to uninformative transformations of the data. We derive analytical expressions for such representations and show they are related to feature descriptors commonly used in computer vision, as well as to convolutional neural networks. This link highlights the assumptions and approximations tacitly assumed by these methods and explains empirical practices such as clamping, pooling and joint normalization.Comment: UCLA CSD TR140023, Nov. 12, 2014, revised April 13, 2015, November 13, 2015, February 28, 201