35 research outputs found

    LAView: Learning Analytics Dashboard Towards Evidence-based Education

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    The 9th International Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK) Conference : March 4-8, 2019, Tempe, Arizona, USALearning analytics dashboards (LAD) have supported prior finds that visualizing learning behavior helps students to reflect on their learning. We developed LAViEW, a LAD that can be easily integrated with different learning environments through LTI. In this paper, we focus on the context of eBook-based learning and present an overview of the indicators of engagement that LAView visualizes. Its integrated email widget enables the teacher to directly send personalized feedbacks to selected cohorts of students, clustered by their engagement scores. These interventions and dashboard interactions are further tracked to extract evidence of learning

    The design of smart educational environments

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    This paper discusses the key characteristics of smart learning and the main challenges to be overcome when designing smart educational environments to support personalisation. In order to integrate smart learning environments into the learning ecosystem and educational contexts, innovative uses and new pedagogical approaches need to be implemented to orchestrate formal and informal learning. This contribution describes the main characteristics of smart learning and smart learning environments and sustains the relevance of taking the participation of future users into account during the design process to increase knowledge of the design and the implementation of new pedagogical approaches in smart learning environments

    The design of smart educational environments

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    Õpianalüütika võimalused õppimise ja õpetamise toetamisel õpetajahariduses

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    Info- ja kommunikatsioonitehnoloogia rakendamine ning õpihaldussüsteemide ja õpikeskkondade kasutamine õppeprotsessis on muutnud õpetajaks õppijate õpikogemusi ning õpetajahariduse õppejõudude õpetamisviise. Sellega kaasnevad erinevad digitaalsed andmed, mis annavad õppijale, õpetajale ning õppekava eestvedajale tagasisidet õppimise ja õpetamise tõhustamiseks. Haridusvaldkonnas aina enam rakendust leidev õpianalüütika võimaldab suurendada õppijate teadlikkust ja tõhusust õppeprotsessis, individualiseerida õppeprotsessi ning saada pidevat ja jooksvat tagasisidet õppimise edenemise kohta. Artikli eesmärk on analüüsida õpetajahariduse üliõpilaste ja õppejõudude ootusi õpianalüütika võimaluste suhtes, et toetada õpikeskkonnas õppimist ja õpetamist. Uurimuse teoreetilise raamistiku loob ennastjuhtiva õppija kontseptsioon. Uurimistulemused baseeruvad disainipõhisel uurimusel, kus osalusdisaini sessioonide käigus selgitati välja õpikeskkonna kasutajate (üliõpilaste, õppejõudude, õppekavade juhtide) ootused õpikeskkonna õpianalüütikarakenduste suhtes.  Summar

    Can an online scenario-based learning intervention influence preservice teachers’ self-efficacy, career intentions, and perceived fit with the profession?

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    The purpose of this article is to explore how a brief, scalable, online scenario-based learning (SBL) intervention influences preservice teachers’ self-efficacy, career intentions, and perceived fit with the profession. A sample of 1,513 preservice teachers from a large undergraduate teacher education programme in Australia was recruited over two years to complete three SBL sessions (with four measurement points) over the course of three weeks. We conducted a series of latent change analyses to explore the patterns of change over time, with covariates including year in ITE programme, prospective teaching level, and sex. Results showed that self-efficacy, teaching commitment, and perceived fit with the profession increased after the initial SBL session, and the effect was maintained for self-efficacy and perceived fit, but not for teaching commitment. Implications for practice and further research are discussed

    Motivation in Distance Learning

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    What is the importance of motivation in distance learning? The term motivation comes from the Latin word “movere” which means to move. It is the force that moves all our processes, physical or mental. What can we expect from unmotivated sportsmen or unmotivated workers? Can success be present if there is zero motivation? It is the driving force to all our activities. Motivation is crucial for something that requires a lot of effort and attention, especially a mental effort. Unlike traditional learning that is mostly regulated by the teacher, self-regulation and self-discipline are vital to the success of distance learning. Distance education entails students working via electronic media in the comfort of their home. It is also harder when students work on their own in asynchronous distance education courses compared to synchronous ones. However, in order to sit in front of the computer and opt for learning while being highly distracted in no classroom-alike environment, students need even higher motivation. In this paper we will consider the different aspects of motivation, the different types of motivation such as intrinsic, extrinsic or social motivation. We will take into consideration how these types influence the success in distance learning courses. Moreover, we will discuss the role of the Matthew effect i.e. how the greater motivation or the lack of motivation confirms the same results in terms of distance education. In the end, we will focus on motivation for English language acquisition in both forms of distance learning in higher education, synchronous and asynchronous forms. Keywords: motivation; Matthew effect; synchronous; asynchronous; language learnin

    Mapeamento de projetos de Learning Analytics para a Autorregulação da Aprendizagem em Sala de Aula Invertida

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    O presente trabalho teve por objetivo identificar características relevantes para oprojeto de soluções de Learning Analytics que estimulem a Autorregulação da Aprendizagem em Sala de Aula Invertida. O método adotado contemplou etapas típicas de um mapeamento sistemático de literatura. Como resultado da execução dessas etapas, foram analisados seis artigos, que permitiram obter elementos importantes para o desenvolvimento de artefatos de Learning Analytics que, efetivamente, promovam autorregulação de estudantes em contextos de aprendizagem invertida