13 research outputs found

    Integrability, rational solitons and symmetries for nonlinear systems in Biology and Materials Physics

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    [ES] Los sistemas no lineales constituyen un tema de investigaciĂłn de creciente interĂ©s en las Ășltimas dĂ©cadas dada su versatilidad en la descripciĂłn de fenĂłmenos fĂ­sicos en diversos campos de estudio. Generalmente, dichos fenĂłmenos vienen modelizados por ecuaciones diferenciales no lineales, cuya estructura matemĂĄtica ha demostrado ser sumamente rica, aunque de gran complejidad respecto a su anĂĄlisis. Dentro del conjunto de los sistemas no lineales, cabe destacar un reducido grupo, pero a la vez selecto, que se distingue por las propiedades extraordinarias que presenta: los denominados sistemas integrables. La presente tesis doctoral se centra en el estudio de algunas de las propiedades mĂĄs relevantes observadas para los sistemas integrables. En esta tesis se pretende proporcionar un marco teĂłrico unificado que permita abordar ecuaciones diferenciales no lineales que potencialmente puedan ser consideradas como integrables. En particular, el anĂĄlisis de integralidad de dichas ecuaciones se realiza a travĂ©s de tĂ©cnicas basadas en la Propiedad de PainlevĂ©, en combinaciĂłn con la subsiguiente bĂșsqueda de los problemas espectrales asociados y la identificaciĂłn de soluciones analĂ­ticas de naturaleza solitĂłnica. El mĂ©todo de la variedad singular junto con las transformaciones de auto-BĂ€cklund y de Darboux jugarĂĄn un papel fundamental en este estudio. AdemĂĄs, tambiĂ©n se lleva a cabo un anĂĄlisis complementario basado en las simetrĂ­as de Lie y reducciones de similaridad, que nos permitirĂĄn estudiar desde esta nueva perspectiva los problemas espectrales asociados. Partiendo de la archiconocida ecuaciĂłn de Schrödinger no lineal, se han investigado diferentes generalizaciones integrables de dicha ecuaciĂłn con numerosas aplicaciones en diversos campos cientĂ­ficos, como la FĂ­sica MatemĂĄtica, FĂ­sica de Materiales o BiologĂ­a.[EN] Nonlinear systems emerge as an active research topic of growing interest during the last decades due to their versatility when it comes to describing physical phenomena. Such scenarios are typically modelled by nonlinear differential equations, whose mathematical structure has proved to be incredibly rich, but highly nontrivial to treat. In particular, a narrow but surprisingly special group of this kind stands out: the so-called integrable systems. The present doctoral thesis focuses on the study of some of the extraordinary properties observed for integrable systems. The ultimate purpose of this dissertation lies in providing a unified theoretical framework that allows us to approach nonlinear differential equations that may potentially be considered as integrable. In particular, their integrability characterization is addressed by means of PainlevĂ© analysis, in conjunction with the subsequent quest of the associated spectral problems and the identification of analytical solutions of solitonic nature. The singular manifold method together with auto-BĂ€ckund and Darboux transformations play a critical role in this setting. In addition, a complementary methodology based on Lie symmetries and similarity reductions is proposed so as to analyze integrable systems by studying the symmetry properties of their associated spectral problems. Taking the ubiquitous nonlinear Schrödinger equation as the starting point, we have investigated several integrable generalizations of this equation that possess copious applications in distinct scientific fields, such as Mathematical Physics, Material Sciences and Biology

    Integrable systems and their finite-dimensional reductions

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    Studies on the geometry of Painlevé equations

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    This thesis is a collection of work within the geometric framework for Painlevé equations. This approach was initiated by the Japanese school, and is based on studying Painlevé equations (differential or discrete) via certain rational surfaces associated with affine root systems. Our work is grouped into two main themes: on the one hand making use of tools and techniques from the geometric framework to study problems from applications where Painlevé equations appear, and on the other hand developing and extending the geometric framework itself. Differential and discrete Painlevé equations arise in a wide range of areas of mathematics and physics, and we present a general procedure for solving the identification problem for Painlevé equations. That is, if a differential or discrete system is suspected to be equivalent to one of Painlevé type, we outline a method, based on constructing the associated surfaces explicitly, for identifying the system with a standard example, in which case known results can be used, and demonstrate it in the case of equations appearing in the theory of orthogonal polynomials. Our results on the geometric framework itself begin with an observation of a new class of discrete equations that can described through the geometric theory, beyond those originally defined by Sakai in terms of translation symmetries of families of surfaces. To be precise, we build on previous studies of equations corresponding to non-translation symmetries of infinite order (so-called projective reductions, with fewer parameters than translations of the same surface type) and show that Sakai’s theory allows for integrable discrete equations to be constructed from any element of infinite order in the symmetry group and still have the full parameter freedom for their surface type. We then also make the first steps toward a geometric theory of delay-differential Painlevé equations by giving a description of singularity confinement in this setting in terms of mappings between jet spaces

    Inverse Scattering Transform Method for Lattice Equations

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    The main original contribution of this thesis is the development of a fully discrete inverse scattering transform (IST) method for nonlinear partial difference equations. The equations we solve are nonlinear partial difference equations on a quad-graph, also called lattice equations, which are known to be multidimensionally consistent in N dimensions for arbitrary N. Such equations were discovered by Nijhoff, Quispel and Capel and Adler and later classified by Adler, Bobenko and Suris. The main equation solved by our IST framework is the Q3ÎŽ lattice equation. Our approach also solves all of its limiting cases, including H1, known as the lattice potential KdV equation. Our results provide the discrete analogue of the solution of the initial value problem on the real line. We provide a rigorous justification that solves the problem for wide classes of initial data given along initial paths in a multidimensional lattice. Moreover, we show how soliton solutions arise from the IST method and also utilise asymptotics of the eigenfunctions to construct infinitely many conservation laws

    Nonlinear guided waves in fibre optics

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    Lagrangian Multiform Structures, Discrete Systems and Quantisation

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    Lagrangian multiforms are an important recent development in the study of integrable variational problems. In this thesis, we develop two simple examples of the discrete Lagrangian one-form and two-form structures. These linear models still display all the features of the discrete Lagrangian multiform; in particular, the property of Lagrangian closure. That is, the sum of Lagrangians around a closed loop or surface, on solutions, is zero. We study the behaviour of these Lagrangian multiform structures under path integral quantisation and uncover a quantum analogue to the Lagrangian closure property. For the one-form, the quantum mechanical propagator in multiple times is found to be independent of the time-path, depending only on the endpoints. Similarly, for the two-form we define a propagator over a surface in discrete space-time and show that this is independent of the surface geometry, depending only on the boundary. It is not yet clear how to extend these quantised Lagrangian multiforms to non-linear or continuous time models, but by examining two such examples, the generalised McMillan maps and the Degasperis-Ruijsenaars model, we are able to make some steps towards that goal. For the generalised McMillan maps we find a novel formulation of the r-matrix for the dual Lax pair as a normally ordered fraction in elementary shift matrices, which offers a new perspective on the structure. The dual Lax pair may ultimately lead to commuting flows and a one-form structure. We establish the relation between the Degasperis-Ruijsenaars model and the integrable Ruijsenaars-Schneider model, leading to a Lax pair and two particle Lagrangian, as well as finding the quantum mechanical propagator. The link between these results is still needed. A quantum theory of Lagrangian multiforms offers a new paradigm for path integral quantisation of integrable systems; this thesis offers some first steps towards this theory

    Quantum Field Theories, Isomonodromic Deformations and Matrix Models

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    Recent years have seen a proliferation of exact results in quantum field theories, owing mostly to supersymmetric localisation. Coupled with decades of study of dualities, this ensured the development of many novel nontrivial correspondences linking seemingly disparate parts of the mathematical landscape. Among these, the link between supersymmetric gauge theories with 8 supercharges and Painlev{\'e} equations, interpreted as the exact RG flow of their codimension 2 defects and passing through a correspondence with two-dimensional conformal field theory, was highly surprising. Similarly surprising was the realisation that three-dimensional matrix models coming from M-theory compute these solutions, and provide a non-perturbative completion of the topological string. Extending these two results is the focus of my work. After giving a review of the basics, hopefully useful to researchers in the field also for uses besides understanding the thesis, two parts based on published and unpublished results follow. The first is focused on giving Painlev{\'e}-type equations for general groups and linear quivers, and the second on matrix models

    Extensions supersymétriques des équations structurelles des supervariétés plongées dans des superespaces

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    Le but de cette thĂšse par articles est d’étudier certains aspects gĂ©omĂ©triques des supervariĂ©tĂ©s associĂ©es aux systĂšmes supersymĂ©triques intĂ©grables. Ce travail a abouti en quatre articles publiĂ©s et un article prĂ©sentement soumis dans des revues internationales avec des comitĂ©s de lecture. Dans le premier article, deux extensions supersymĂ©triques des Ă©quations de Gauss–Weingarten et de Gauss– Codazzi pour des surfaces plongĂ©es dans des superespaces euclidiens ont Ă©tĂ© construites. Cela a permis de fournir une caractĂ©risation gĂ©omĂ©trique de telles surfaces avec des vecteurs tangents linĂ©airement indĂ©pendants orientĂ©s dans la direction des dĂ©placements infinitĂ©simaux des dĂ©rivĂ©es fermioniques covariantes. De plus, une Ă©tude des symĂ©tries des versions supersymĂ©triques des Ă©quations de Gauss–Codazzi a permis de construire des solutions invariantes au moyen de la mĂ©thode de rĂ©duction par symĂ©trie impliquant les variables bosoniques et fermioniques, ce qui a menĂ© Ă  des surfaces non triviales, par exemple des surfaces Ă  courbure de Gauss nulle. Dans le second article, l’extension aux cas supersymĂ©triques d’une conjecture Ă©nonçant les conditions nĂ©cessaires pour qu’un systĂšme soit intĂ©grable au sens de la thĂ©orie des solitons a Ă©tĂ© formulĂ©e. Cela a Ă©tĂ© accompli en introduisant un nouvel opĂ©rateur de projection et en comparant les symĂ©tries du systĂšme original avec celles du problĂšme linĂ©aire associĂ©. Cette conjecture a Ă©tĂ© appliquĂ©e Ă  certains exemples et un paramĂštre « spectral » fermionique a Ă©tĂ© introduit dans un des systĂšmes. Dans le troisiĂšme article, deux versions supersymĂ©triques de la formule de Fokas–Gel’fand pour l’immersion de surfaces solitoniques dans une superalgĂšbre de Lie ont Ă©tĂ© construites. La caractĂ©risation gĂ©omĂ©trique de la fonction d’immersion, prĂ©sentĂ©e dans cet article, a permis d’investiguer les comportements des surfaces associĂ©es. Ces considĂ©rations thĂ©oriques ont Ă©tĂ© appliquĂ©es Ă  l’équation de sine-Gordon supersymĂ©trique pour laquelle des surfaces Ă  courbure de Gauss constante et de type Weingarten non linĂ©aire ont Ă©tĂ© obtenues. Le quatriĂšme article est dĂ©vouĂ© aux propriĂ©tĂ©s d’intĂ©grabilitĂ© de l’équation de sine-Gordon supersymĂ©trique et Ă  la construction de solutions multisolitoniques explicites. Deux types de problĂšmes linĂ©aires spectraux, une version supersymĂ©trique d’un ensemble d’équations de Riccati couplĂ©es et la transformation d’auto-BĂ€cklund, tous Ă©quivalents Ă  l’équation de sine-Gordon supersymĂ©trique, ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©s. De plus, une analyse dĂ©taillĂ©e de la Ă©niĂšme transformation de Darboux a permis de trouver des solutions multisolitoniques non triviales de l’équation de sine-Gordon supersymĂ©trique. Ces solutions ont Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©es pour investiguer la version supersymĂ©trique bosonique de la formule d’immersion de Sym–Tafel. Dans le cinquiĂšme article, une nouvelle caractĂ©risation gĂ©omĂ©trique de la formule d’immersion de Fokas–Gel’fand est prĂ©sentĂ©e. Afin d’accomplir cela, trois diffĂ©rents types de problĂšmes linĂ©aires spectraux sont Ă©tudiĂ©s, un impliquant les dĂ©rivĂ©es fermioniques covariantes, un impliquant les dĂ©rivĂ©es par rapport aux variables bosoniques et un impliquant les dĂ©rivĂ©es par rapport aux variables fermioniques. Cette caractĂ©risation gĂ©omĂ©trique implique huit coefficients linĂ©airement indĂ©pendants pour les premiĂšre et deuxiĂšme formes fondamentales, contrairement Ă  trois dans le troisiĂšme article, ce qui mĂšne Ă  une gĂ©omĂ©trie plus riche dans le sens oĂč les supervariĂ©tĂ©s caractĂ©risĂ©es de type unidimensionnel (« curve-like ») dans le troisiĂšme article sont de type multidimensionnel dans le cinquiĂšme article.The goal of this thesis consisting of articles is to study certain geometric aspects of supermanifolds associated with integrable suspersymmetric systems. This work is contained in four published articles and one currently submitted article in international peer-reviewed journals. In the first article, two supersymmetric extensions of the Gauss–Weingarten and Gauss–Codazzi equations for surfaces immersed in Euclidean superspaces were constructed. This allowed us to provide a geometric characterization of such surfaces with linearly independent tangent vectors oriented in the directions of the infinitesimal displacement of the fermionic covariant derivatives. In addition, a study of the symmetries of the supersymmetric versions of the Gauss–Codazzi equations led to the construction of invariant solutions, involving bosonic and fermionic variables, through the symmetry reduction method, which led to nontrivial surfaces, e.g. vanishing Gauss curvature surfaces. In the second article, a conjecture stating the necessary conditions for a system to be integrable in the sense of soliton theory was extended to the supersymmetric cases. This was accomplished by introducing a new projection operator and by comparing the symmetries of the original system to those of the associated linear problem. This conjecture was applied to some examples and a fermionic “spectral” parameter was introduced in one of the systems. In the third article, two supersymmetric versions of the Fokas–Gel’fand formula for the immersion of soliton surfaces in Lie superalgebras were constructed. The geometric characterization of the immersion function presented in this article allowed us to investigate the behavior of the associated surfaces. These theoretical considerations were applied to the supersymmetric sine-Gordon equation, for which constant Gaussian curvature surfaces and nonlinear-type surfaces were obtained. The fourth article was devoted to integrability properties of the supersymmetric sine-Gordon equation and to the construction of explicit multisoliton solutions. Two types of linear spectral problems, a set of coupled super-Riccati equations and the auto-BĂ€cklund transformation, all equivalent to the supersymmetric sine-Gordon equation, were studied. In addition, a detailed analysis of the nth Darboux transformations allowed us to find nontrivial multisoliton solutions of the supersymmetric sine-Gordon equation. These solutions were used to investigate the bosonic supersymmetric version of the Sym–Tafel immersion formula. In the fifth article, a new geometric characterization of the Fokas–Gel’fand immersion formula was presented. In order to do this, three different types of linear spectral problems were studied, one involving the covariant fermionic derivatives, one involving the bosonic variable derivatives and one involving the fermionic variable derivatives. This geometric characterization involves eight linearly independent coefficients for both the first and second fundamental forms, in constrast with three such coefficients in the third article, which leads to a richer geometry in the sense that curve-like supermanifolds in the third article are of higher dimensions in the fifth article