61 research outputs found

    Additive model of Larix sp. forest stand biomass sensitive to temperature and precipitation variables in Eurasia

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    The first attempt of modeling changes in additive component composition of biomass of Larix sp. communities on the Trans-Eurasian hydrothermal gradients based on regional peculiarities of age and morphology of the forests is attempted. The increase of all biomass components of the tree layer with increasing temperature at the constant precipitation and its decrease with increasing precipitation at the constant temperature is established. The positive relationship of the understory biomass with the temperature in the areas of insufficient moisture as the transition to moisture-rich areas is replaced by the opposite one. The development of such models for basic forest-forming species in Eurasia will give possibility to predict any changes in the biological productivity of forest cover of Eurasia in relation to climate change. © 2019 IOP Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved

    Landscape Builder: Software for the creation of initial landscapes for LANDIS from FIA data

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    I developed Landscape Builder to create spatially explicit landscapes as starting conditions for LANDIS Pro 7.0 and LANDIS II landscape forest simulation models from classified satellite imagery and Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) data collected over multiple years. LANDIS Pro and LANDIS II models project future landscapes by simulating tree growth, tree species succession, disease, insects, fire, wind, and management disturbance. Landscape Builder uses inventory plot attributes from the FIA inventory database, FIA unit map, National Forest type map, National Forest size class map, land cover map, and landform map to assign FIA plot attributes to raster pixels representing a real forest landscape. In addition to creating a detailed map of current (initial) forest landscape conditions, the software produces specific files required for use in LANDIS Pro 7.0 or LANDIS II format. Other tools include the ability to create a dominant species and age-class map from previously created LANDIS maps, a tool to create a dominant species and age-class map from a stand map and field plot data, and a tool to convert between Esri ascii rasters and Erdas file format types

    FlorNExTPro®: herramienta para la gestión forestal en la región del NE de Portugal

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    En el Nordeste Transmontano (Portugal), la falta de una red de primera transformación forestal bien definida deriva en que la materia prima no esté convenientemente valorizada y, con ello, su precio este por debajo del mínimo de rentabilidad para el propietario, el cual apenas invierte en tratamientos silvícolas. Aplicar una mínima gestión no resuelve el problema económico, ya que este depende de la demanda, pero reduce la probabilidad de ocurrencia de riesgos ambientales y/o sociales, o, en caso de que estos sucedan, mínima el esfuerzo de mitigación. En un contexto de incertidumbre, gestionar es complicado, sin embargo, proporcionar herramientas informáticas específicas para los técnicos lo facilita en cierta medida. En este sentido, involucrar a los técnicos en la fase de desarrollo de estas herramientas permite tener el conocimiento de las necesidades, requerimientos y las barreras de uso, abriendo la posibilidad de aplicar medidas para que la herramienta final se adapte a la realidad. Como resultado de este marco colaborativo, se presenta el FlorNExTPro®, programa de entorno Windows desarrollado para la obtención de un plan de gestión basado en optimización. FlorNExTPro® resuelve la cronología de cortas y claras para un conjunto de parcelas bajo restricciones operativas definidas por el usuario.Esta investigación fue financiada por el Proyecto SimWood (Sustainable Innovative Mobilisation of Wood), EU FP7 Collaborative Project 2013-2017 Grant Agreement No. 613762.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    GIS system and livestock field survey as tools to manage the potential reducing of fuel load for fire prevention

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    This study would mark the potential role of grazing by Podolian cattle for reducing fuel load of fire prevention and propagation. The interconnection of Geographic Information System (GIS) and livestock field survey allowed to monitor different grazing and nograzing areas in Basilicata region. Fifteen grazing areas were monitored for five years during the summer pasture, when the Podolian cattle graze on green grazing areas. These areas were monitored by using GIS system and GPS application. The potential impact of Podolian cattle was monitored for the same time period. The cattle consistency allowed to calculate different parameters: livestock unit, dry matter intake and stocking estimation of potential amount of dry matter intake to understand the removal biomass in order to reduce the fuel load for fire prevention. The spatial analysis (GIS) showed that there were only four grazing areas burned during the time sampling, compared to the surrounding areas used as control (no-grazing area). Therefore an efficient management of grazing by Podolian cattle could be an important tool to prevent the fire propagation

    Fire behaviour in different periods and configurations of a landscape in Northeastern Portugal

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    Neste trabalho aborda-se a importância do planejamento do uso e ocupação do solo, e do manejo dos sistemas florestais na redução do perigo de incêndio, analisando-se o comportamento do fogo em relação às alterações na paisagem da Deilão, nordeste de Portugal. Foram utilizadas cadeias de Markov e modelos de autômatos celulares como metodologia para projetar a paisagem no futuro. FlamMap foi utilizado para simular o comportamento do fogo. De acordo com as métricas da paisagem obtidas no Fragstats, observou- se que os cenários e projeções em Deilão têm uma tendência à simplificação da paisagem, o que pode facilitar a ocorrência de incêndios maiores e mais graves. A análise dos resultados indicou uma tendência ao aumento do perigo de incêndios na região, em grande parte, ocasionado pela expansão de plantações contínuas de florestas. Para evitar tais impactos, o manejo florestal e ordenamento da paisagem devem ser modificados a fim de se reduzir o acúmulo de materiais combustíveis.In this study, we discuss the importance of land use, land cover planning and forest stand management in fire hazard reduction, through the analysis of fire behavior in relation to landscape changes in Deilão, northeastern Portugal. Markov chains and cellular automata model were used to project future landscapes whose structures were quantified by landscape metrics. The FlamMap model was used to simulate fire behavior. According to landscape metrics from Fragstats, we observed that scenarios and projections in Deilão have a trend towards landscape simplification, which may facilitate the occurrence of larger, more severe fires. The analyses indicate an increased fire hazard trend in the region, largely caused by the continuity of forest cover. To avoid such impacts, forest management and landscape plannig should be modified in order to reduce the accumulation of combustible materials.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Parçalanmış bir orman ekosisteminde biyoçeşitliliği desteklemek için bağlantılılık yaşamsal bir öneme sahiptir: Rize için bir analiz

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    Forests are the leading ecosystems that are under threat due to the pressure of global change. Being under pressure for a forest ecosystem means fragmented and isolated habitats, decrease in biodiversity and change in the landscape. In recent years, restoring landscape connectivity by minimising landscape fragmentation has been recognised as a key strategy to conserve biodiversity. Well-connected habitat networks are thought to both protect existing populations and help adaptation under climate change. It is therefore priority to understand how best to maintain and develop connectivity in fragmented landscapes at multiple spatial scales for effective conservation of forest biodiversity. In this study, fragmentation analysis was performed using area, edge, and isolation metrics in the forest matrix in the Rize landscape and connectivity corridors were interpreted to manage the impact of this fragmentation on species and habitats. The fragmentation analysis was carried out on 3 classes as broad-leaved, coniferous, and mixed using land cover/land use data with the years 1990-2018. The connectivity corridors between these classes were analysed using core area data and resistance maps. According to the results; it was observed that fragmentation in broad-leaved and coniferous classes and an increase in mixed forest class. In the connectivity analysis it was observed that the limiting effects arising from human activities increased more in 2018 compared to 1990. The results of this study showed that in a fragmented forest matrix, connectivity corridors can be identified and reconstructed the conditions necessary for the survival of biodiversityKüresel değişim baskısı nedeniyle tehdit altında olan ekosistemlerin başında ormanlar yer almaktadır. Orman ekosisteminin baskı altında olması, parçalanmış ve izole olmuş habitatların oluşması, biyoçeşitliliğin azalması ve peyzajın değişmesi anlamına gelmektedir. Son yıllarda, peyzaj parçalanmasının en aza indirilerek peyzaj bağlantısının yeniden sağlanması, biyolojik çeşitliliği korumaya yönelik anahtar bir strateji olarak kabul görmüştür. Aralarında iyi bağlantı kuran habitat ağlarının hem mevcut popülasyonları koruduğu hem de iklim değişikliği altında adaptasyona yardımcı olduğu düşünülmektedir. Bu nedenle orman biyoçeşitliliğinin etkili bir şekilde korunması için birden çok mekȃnsal ölçekte parçalanmış peyzajlarda bağlantının en iyi nasıl korunacağını ve geliştirileceğini anlamak önceliklidir. Bu çalışmada, Rize peyzajındaki orman matrisinde alan, kenar ve izolasyon metrikleri kullanılarak parçalanma analizi yapılmış ve bu parçalanmanın türler ve habitatlar üzerindeki etkisini yönetmek amacıyla bağlantı koridorları yorumlanmıştır. Parçalanma analizi, 1990-2018 yıllarını kapsayan arazi örtüsü/arazi kullanımı verisi kullanılarak geniş yapraklı, iğne yapraklı ve karışık olmak üzere 3 sınıf üzerinde yapılmıştır. Bu sınıfların birbirleri arasındaki bağlantı koridorları ise çekirdek alan ve direnç haritaları kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Sonuçlara göre; geniş yapraklı ve iğne yapraklı orman sınıflarında parçalanma olduğu, karışık orman sınıfında ise artış olduğu gözlenmiştir. Bağlantılılık analizinde ise, insan faaliyetlerinden kaynaklanan sınırlayıcı etkilerin 1990 yılına göre 2018 yılında daha da arttığı gözlenmiştir. Bu çalışmanın sonuçları, parçalanmış bir orman matrisinin, bağlantı koridorları tespit edilerek biyolojik çeşitliliğin ve türlerin devamı için gerekli olan şartların yeniden yapılandırılabileceğini göstermiştir

    Florestas, ambiente e sustentabilidade. Uma abordagem centrada nos serviços de ecossistema das florestas do distrito de Bragança

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    Os ecossistemas florestais do distrito de Bragança fornecem um conjunto notável de benefícios à sociedade. Neste trabalho são analisados os principais serviços de ecossistema florestal nesta região, adoptando a estrutura conceptual do Millenium Ecosystem Assessment. Descrevem-se resumidamente os serviços de suporte de biodiversidade, de produção de biomassa para energia, de produção de cogumelos e outros recursos não lenhosos, de regulação do CO2 atmosférico e do comportamento do fogo e ainda a biodiversidade enquanto património natural e cultural que as florestas encerram, bem como o bem-estar proporcionado pelos espaços verdes em ambiente urbanos. Debate-se no final a aplicação do conceito de serviço de ecossistema à prática e discutem-se alguns constrangimentos que a mesma apresenta no momento atual, nomeadamente em termos de valoração de serviços e do seu pagamento pela sociedade beneficiada

    Seasonal diet of Lama guanicoe (Camelidae: Artiodactyla) in a heterogeneous landscape of South Patagonia.

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    Large diversity of habitat types, plant species assemblages, and silvopastoral activities in Nothofagus spp. forests condition the food availability for native herbivores. This work evaluates the seasonal diet of Lama guanicoe linked to plant life forms and habitat types in sub-Antarctic forests. The study evaluated the vegetation availability and habitat types by floristic surveys (n = 206) in Tierra del Fuego, and seasonal diet of L. guanicoe by micro-histological analysis of feces (n = 4 in four areas, during four season). Open lands showed the highest plant richness, while lowest values corresponded to primary Nothofagus pumilio forests. Nothofagus pumilio (21.6%), Carex spp. (17.2%), Misodendrum spp. (10.6%), and Deschampsia spp. (8.6%) were the most frequent items found in feces. Significant differences were seasonally found in diet composition and trophic niche breadth: grasses were all consumed along the year, while tree browsing decreases in winter and the proportion of shrubs increased. This study highlights the widespread use of different habitats by guanaco, including harvested forests. In summer and spring Nothofagus spp. forests was the main source of food for guanacos, depending more on open lands during winter. The knowledge of plant-native herbivores interactions in productive landscapes could improve the management plans towards an ecologically sustainable strategy.La heterogeneidad de hábitat, distintos ensambles de especies vegetales y las actividades productivas en bosques del género Nothofagus condicionan la disponibilidad de alimento para los herbívoros nativos. Este trabajo evalúa la dieta estacional de Lama guanicoe vinculada a la vegetación, los tipos de hábitat y el manejo forestal en Tierra del Fuego. Se realizaron censos de vegetación (n = 206) y se estudió la dieta de L. guanicoe mediante recolección de heces y análisis micro-histológico (n = 4 en cuatro áreas, durante las cuatro estaciones). Las áreas abiertas tuvieron la mayor riqueza específica, mientras que los valores más bajos correspondieron a bosques primarios de Nothofagus pumilio. La dieta de L. guanicoe incluyó 25 especies y 13 géneros de plantas y un musgo (Sphagnum spp.). Nothofagus pumilio (21,6 %), Carex spp. (17,2 %), Misodendrum spp. (10,6 %) y Deschampsia spp. (8,6 %) fueron los ítems más frecuentes en la dieta. Se registraron diferencias estacionales tanto en la composición como en la amplitud del nicho trófico: el consumo de pastos fue continuo durante todo el año, el ramoneo de árboles disminuyó en invierno y aumentó el consumo de arbustos perennes. Este estudio confirma que el guanaco utiliza una amplia variedad de ambientes, incluyendo bosques cosechados. En verano y primavera los bosques de Nothofagus spp. fueron los principales sitios de alimentación para los guanacos, dependiendo más del alimento en áreas abiertas durante el invierno. El conocimiento de las interacciones planta-herbívoros nativos en paisajes con manejo agro-forestal podría mejorar los planes de manejo hacia un uso ecológicamente sustentable.Fil: Soler Esteban, Rosina Matilde. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Austral de Investigaciones Científicas; ArgentinaFil: Martínez Pastur, Guillermo José. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Austral de Investigaciones Científicas; ArgentinaFil: Lencinas, María Vanessa. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Austral de Investigaciones Científicas; ArgentinaFil: Borrelli, Laura. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Patagonia Norte. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria San Carlos de Bariloche; Argentin

    Forest stand biomass of Picea spp.: an additive model that may be related to climate and civilisational changes

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    Since ancient times, climate change has largely determined the fate of human civilisation, which was related mainly to changes in the structure and habitats of forest cover. In the context of current climate change, one must know the capabilities of forests to stabilise the climate by increasing biomass and carbon-depositing abilities. For this purpose, the authors compiled a database of harvest biomass (t/ha) in 900 spruce (Picea spp.) sample plots in the Eurasian area and used the methodology of multivariate regression analysis. The first attempt at modelling changes in the biomass additive component composition has been completed, according to the Trans-Eurasian hydrothermal gradients. It is found that the biomass of all components increases with the increase in the mean January temperature, regardless of mean annual precipitation. In warm zonal belts with increasing precipitation, the biomass of most of the components increases. In the process of transitioning from a warm zone to a cold one, the dependence of all biomass components upon precipitation is levelled, and at a mean January temperature of ˗30°C it becomes a weak negative trend. With an increase in temperature of 1°C in different ecoregions characterised by different values of temperature and precipitation, there is a general pattern of decrease in all biomass components. With an increase in precipitation of 100 mm in different ecoregions characterised by different values of temperature and precipitation, most of the components of biomass increase in warm zonal belts, and decrease in cold ones. The development of such models for the main forest-forming species of Eurasia will make it possible to predict changes in the productivity of the forest cover of Eurasia due to climate change