142 research outputs found

    Throughput and Link Design Choices for Communication over LED Optical Wireless Channels

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    Visible Light Communication (VLC)

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    Visible light communication (VLC) using light-emitting diodes (LEDs) or laser diodes (LDs) has been envisioned as one of the key enabling technologies for 6G and Internet of Things (IoT) systems, owing to its appealing advantages, including abundant and unregulated spectrum resources, no electromagnetic interference (EMI) radiation and high security. However, despite its many advantages, VLC faces several technical challenges, such as the limited bandwidth and severe nonlinearity of opto-electronic devices, link blockage and user mobility. Therefore, significant efforts are needed from the global VLC community to develop VLC technology further. This Special Issue, “Visible Light Communication (VLC)”, provides an opportunity for global researchers to share their new ideas and cutting-edge techniques to address the above-mentioned challenges. The 16 papers published in this Special Issue represent the fascinating progress of VLC in various contexts, including general indoor and underwater scenarios, and the emerging application of machine learning/artificial intelligence (ML/AI) techniques in VLC

    Optical Power Domain NOMA for Visible Light Communications

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    We propose an optical power domain non-orthogonal multiple access (OPD-NOMA) scheme for visible light communications. OPD-NOMA superposes user messages in the optical power domain based on a light-emitting diode (LED) array. The maximum driven current for respective circuits is reduced compared to that of conventional NOMA, in which the LED-array-module is driven by a single circuit. OPD-NOMA reduces the gain and bandwidth requirements for the driver circuit of light source. The nonlinear power-current response of LED largely restricts its usable dynamic range and thus the transmit power. In OPD-NOMA, signals with lower powers suffer from reduced nonlinear distortion. The experimental results show that, OPD-NOMA offers improved transmission performance compared to conventional NOMA using the same driver circuit, since it can make a better use of the linear dynamic range of the LED’s power-current response

    Precoded Chebyshev-NLMS based pre-distorter for nonlinear LED compensation in NOMA-VLC

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    Visible light communication (VLC) is one of the main technologies driving the future 5G communication systems due to its ability to support high data rates with low power consumption, thereby facilitating high speed green communications. To further increase the capacity of VLC systems, a technique called non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) has been suggested to cater to increasing demand for bandwidth, whereby users' signals are superimposed prior to transmission and detected at each user equipment using successive interference cancellation (SIC). Some recent results on NOMA exist which greatly enhance the achievable capacity as compared to orthogonal multiple access techniques. However, one of the performance-limiting factors affecting VLC systems is the nonlinear characteristics of a light emitting diode (LED). This paper considers the nonlinear LED characteristics in the design of pre-distorter for cognitive radio inspired NOMA in VLC, and proposes singular value decomposition based Chebyshev precoding to improve performance of nonlinear multiple-input multiple output NOMA-VLC. A novel and generalized power allocation strategy is also derived in this work, which is valid even in scenarios when users experience similar channels. Additionally, in this work, analytical upper bounds for the bit error rate of the proposed detector are derived for square MM-quadrature amplitude modulation.Comment: R. Mitra and V. Bhatia are with Indian Institute of Technology Indore, Indore-453552, India, Email:[email protected], [email protected]. This work was submitted to IEEE Transactions on Communications on October 26, 2016, decisioned on March 3, 2017, and revised on April 25, 2017, and is currently under review in IEEE Transactions on Communication

    A review of gallium nitride LEDs for multi-gigabit-per-second visible light data communications

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    The field of visible light communications (VLC) has gained significant interest over the last decade, in both fibre and free-space embodiments. In fibre systems, the availability of low cost plastic optical fibre (POF) that is compatible with visible data communications has been a key enabler. In free-space applications, the availability of hundreds of THz of the unregulated spectrum makes VLC attractive for wireless communications. This paper provides an overview of the recent developments in VLC systems based on gallium nitride (GaN) light-emitting diodes (LEDs), covering aspects from sources to systems. The state-of-the-art technology enabling bandwidth of GaN LEDs in the range of >400 MHz is explored. Furthermore, advances in key technologies, including advanced modulation, equalisation, and multiplexing that have enabled free-space VLC data rates beyond 10 Gb/s are also outlined

    Améliorations des transmissions VLC (Visible Light Communication) sous contrainte d'éclairage : études théoriques et expérimentations

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    Abstract : Indoor visible light communication (VLC) networks based on light-emitting diodes (LEDs) currently enjoy growing interest thanks in part to their robustness against interference, wide license-free available bandwidth, low cost, good energy efficiency and compatibility with existing lighting infrastructure. In this thesis, we investigate spectral-efficient modulation techniques for the physical layer of VLC to increase throughput while considering the quality of illumination as well as implementation costs. Numerical and experimental studies are performed employing pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) and carrierless amplitude and phase (CAP) modulation under illumination constraints and for high modulation orders. Furthermore, the impact of LED nonlinearity is investigated and a postdistortion technique is evaluated to compensate these nonlinear effects. Within this framework, transmission rates in the order of a few hundred Mb/s are achieved using a test bench made of low-cost components. In addition, an imaging multiple input multiple-output (MIMO) system is developed and the impact on performance of imaging lens misalignment is theoretically and numerically assessed. Finally, a polynomial matrix decomposition technique based on the classical LU factorization method is studied and applied for the first time to MIMO VLC systems in large space indoor environments.Les réseaux de communication en lumière visible (VLC) s’appuyant sur l’utilisation de diodes électroluminescentes (LED) bénéficient actuellement d’un intérêt grandissant, en partie grâce à leur robustesse face aux interférences électromagnétiques, leur large bande disponible non-régulée, leur faible coût, leur bonne efficacité énergétique, ainsi que leur compatibilité avec les infrastructures d’éclairage déjà existantes. Dans cette thèse, nous étudions des techniques de modulation à haute efficacité spectrale pour la couche physique des VLC pour augmenter les débits tout en considérant la qualité de l’éclairage ainsi que les coûts d’implémentation. Des études numériques et expérimentales sont réalisées sur la modulation d’impulsion d’amplitude (PAM) et sur la modulation d’amplitude et de phase sans porteuse (CAP) sous des contraintes d’éclairage et pour des grands ordres de modulation. De plus, l’impact des non-linéarités de la LED est étudié et une technique de post-distorsion est évaluée pour corriger ces effets non-linéaires. Dans ce cadre, des débits de plusieurs centaines de Mb/s sont atteints en utilisant un banc de test réalisé à partir de composants à bas coûts. Par ailleurs, un système multi-entrées multi-sorties (MIMO) imageant est également développé et l’impact du désaxage de l’imageur sur les performances est étudié. Finalement, une technique de décomposition polynomiale basée sur la méthode de factorisation classique LU est étudiée et appliquée aux systèmes MIMO VLC dans des grands espaces intérieurs

    Data Detection and Code Channel Allocation for Frequency-Domain Spread ACO-OFDM Systems Over Indoor Diffuse Wireless Channels

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    Future optical wireless communication systems promise to provide high-speed data transmission in indoor diffuse environments. This paper considers frequency-domain spread asymmetrically clipped optical orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (ACOOFDM) systems in indoor diffuse channels and aims to develop efficient data detection and code channel allocation schemes. By exploiting the frequency-domain spread concept, a linear multi-code detection scheme is proposed to maximize the signal to interference plus noise ratio (SINR) at the receiver. The achieved SINR and bit error ratio (BER) performance are analyzed. A computationally efficient code channel allocation algorithm is proposed to improve the BER performance of the frequency-domain spread ACO-OFDM system. Numerical results show that the frequency-domain spread ACO-OFDM system outperforms conventional ACO-OFDM systems in indoor diffuse channels. Moreover, the proposed linear multi-code detection and code channel allocation algorithm can improve the performance of optical peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR

    System capacity enhancement for 5G network and beyond

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    A thesis submitted to the University of Bedfordshire, in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of PhilosophyThe demand for wireless digital data is dramatically increasing year over year. Wireless communication systems like Laptops, Smart phones, Tablets, Smart watch, Virtual Reality devices and so on are becoming an important part of people’s daily life. The number of mobile devices is increasing at a very fast speed as well as the requirements for mobile devices such as super high-resolution image/video, fast download speed, very short latency and high reliability, which raise challenges to the existing wireless communication networks. Unlike the previous four generation communication networks, the fifth-generation (5G) wireless communication network includes many technologies such as millimetre-wave communication, massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO), visual light communication (VLC), heterogeneous network (HetNet) and so forth. Although 5G has not been standardised yet, these above technologies have been studied in both academia and industry and the goal of the research is to enhance and improve the system capacity for 5G networks and beyond by studying some key problems and providing some effective solutions existing in the above technologies from system implementation and hardware impairments’ perspective. The key problems studied in this thesis include interference cancellation in HetNet, impairments calibration for massive MIMO, channel state estimation for VLC, and low latency parallel Turbo decoding technique. Firstly, inter-cell interference in HetNet is studied and a cell specific reference signal (CRS) interference cancellation method is proposed to mitigate the performance degrade in enhanced inter-cell interference coordination (eICIC). This method takes carrier frequency offset (CFO) and timing offset (TO) of the user’s received signal into account. By reconstructing the interfering signal and cancelling it afterwards, the capacity of HetNet is enhanced. Secondly, for massive MIMO systems, the radio frequency (RF) impairments of the hardware will degrade the beamforming performance. When operated in time duplex division (TDD) mode, a massive MIMO system relies on the reciprocity of the channel which can be broken by the transmitter and receiver RF impairments. Impairments calibration has been studied and a closed-loop reciprocity calibration method is proposed in this thesis. A test device (TD) is introduced in this calibration method that can estimate the transmitters’ impairments over-the-air and feed the results back to the base station via the Internet. The uplink pilots sent by the TD can assist the BS receivers’ impairment estimation. With both the uplink and downlink impairments estimates, the reciprocity calibration coefficients can be obtained. By computer simulation and lab experiment, the performance of the proposed method is evaluated. Channel coding is an essential part of a wireless communication system which helps fight with noise and get correct information delivery. Turbo codes is one of the most reliable codes that has been used in many standards such as WiMAX and LTE. However, the decoding process of turbo codes is time-consuming and the decoding latency should be improved to meet the requirement of the future network. A reverse interleave address generator is proposed that can reduce the decoding time and a low latency parallel turbo decoder has been implemented on a FPGA platform. The simulation and experiment results prove the effectiveness of the address generator and show that there is a trade-off between latency and throughput with a limited hardware resource. Apart from the above contributions, this thesis also investigated multi-user precoding for MIMO VLC systems. As a green and secure technology, VLC is achieving more and more attention and could become a part of 5G network especially for indoor communication. For indoor scenario, the MIMO VLC channel could be easily ill-conditioned. Hence, it is important to study the impact of the channel state to the precoding performance. A channel state estimation method is proposed based on the signal to interference noise ratio (SINR) of the users’ received signal. Simulation results show that it can enhance the capacity of the indoor MIMO VLC system
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