7 research outputs found

    ConReg-R: Extrapolative recalibration of the empirical distribution of p-values to improve false discovery rate estimates

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>False discovery rate (FDR) control is commonly accepted as the most appropriate error control in multiple hypothesis testing problems. The accuracy of FDR estimation depends on the accuracy of the estimation of p-values from each test and validity of the underlying assumptions of the distribution. However, in many practical testing problems such as in genomics, the p-values could be under-estimated or over-estimated for many known or unknown reasons. Consequently, FDR estimation would then be influenced and lose its veracity.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We propose a new extrapolative method called <it>Constrained Regression Recalibration </it>(ConReg-R) to recalibrate the empirical p-values by modeling their distribution to improve the FDR estimates. Our ConReg-R method is based on the observation that accurately estimated p-values from true null hypotheses follow uniform distribution and the observed distribution of p-values is indeed a mixture of distributions of p-values from true null hypotheses and true alternative hypotheses. Hence, ConReg-R recalibrates the observed p-values so that they exhibit the properties of an ideal empirical p-value distribution. The proportion of true null hypotheses (<it>π</it><sub>0</sub>) and FDR are estimated after the recalibration.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>ConReg-R provides an efficient way to improve the FDR estimates. It only requires the p-values from the tests and avoids permutation of the original test data. We demonstrate that the proposed method significantly improves FDR estimation on several gene expression datasets obtained from microarray and RNA-seq experiments.</p> <p>Reviewers</p> <p>The manuscript was reviewed by Prof. Vladimir Kuznetsov, Prof. Philippe Broet, and Prof. Hongfang Liu (nominated by Prof. Yuriy Gusev).</p

    Inferential stability in systems biology

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    The modern biological sciences are fraught with statistical difficulties. Biomolecular stochasticity, experimental noise, and the “large p, small n” problem all contribute to the challenge of data analysis. Nevertheless, we routinely seek to draw robust, meaningful conclusions from observations. In this thesis, we explore methods for assessing the effects of data variability upon downstream inference, in an attempt to quantify and promote the stability of the inferences we make. We start with a review of existing methods for addressing this problem, focusing upon the bootstrap and similar methods. The key requirement for all such approaches is a statistical model that approximates the data generating process. We move on to consider biomarker discovery problems. We present a novel algorithm for proposing putative biomarkers on the strength of both their predictive ability and the stability with which they are selected. In a simulation study, we find our approach to perform favourably in comparison to strategies that select on the basis of predictive performance alone. We then consider the real problem of identifying protein peak biomarkers for HAM/TSP, an inflammatory condition of the central nervous system caused by HTLV-1 infection. We apply our algorithm to a set of SELDI mass spectral data, and identify a number of putative biomarkers. Additional experimental work, together with known results from the literature, provides corroborating evidence for the validity of these putative biomarkers. Having focused on static observations, we then make the natural progression to time course data sets. We propose a (Bayesian) bootstrap approach for such data, and then apply our method in the context of gene network inference and the estimation of parameters in ordinary differential equation models. We find that the inferred gene networks are relatively unstable, and demonstrate the importance of finding distributions of ODE parameter estimates, rather than single point estimates

    Restricting Supervised Learning: Feature Selection and Feature Space Partition

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    Many supervised learning problems are considered difficult to solve either because of the redundant features or because of the structural complexity of the generative function. Redundant features increase the learning noise and therefore decrease the prediction performance. Additionally, a number of problems in various applications such as bioinformatics or image processing, whose data are sampled in a high dimensional space, suffer the curse of dimensionality, and there are not enough observations to obtain good estimates. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce such features under consideration. Another issue of supervised learning is caused by the complexity of an unknown generative model. To obtain a low variance predictor, linear or other simple functions are normally suggested, but they usually result in high bias. Hence, a possible solution is to partition the feature space into multiple non-overlapping regions such that each region is simple enough to be classified easily. In this dissertation, we proposed several novel techniques for restricting supervised learning problems with respect to either feature selection or feature space partition. Among different feature selection methods, 1-norm regularization is advocated by many researchers because it incorporates feature selection as part of the learning process. We give special focus here on ranking problems because very little work has been done for ranking using L1 penalty. We present here a 1-norm support vector machine method to simultaneously find a linear ranking function and to perform feature subset selection in ranking problems. Additionally, because ranking is formulated as a classification task when pair-wise data are considered, it increases the computational complexity from linear to quadratic in terms of sample size. We also propose a convex hull reduction method to reduce this impact. The method was tested on one artificial data set and two benchmark real data sets, concrete compressive strength set and Abalone data set. Theoretically, by tuning the trade-off parameter between the 1-norm penalty and the empirical error, any desired size of feature subset could be achieved, but computing the whole solution path in terms of the trade-off parameter is extremely difficult. Therefore, using 1-norm regularization alone may not end up with a feature subset of small size. We propose a recursive feature selection method based on 1-norm regularization which can handle the multi-class setting effectively and efficiently. The selection is performed iteratively. In each iteration, a linear multi-class classifier is trained using 1-norm regularization, which leads to sparse weight vectors, i.e., many feature weights are exactly zero. Those zero-weight features are eliminated in the next iteration. The selection process has a fast rate of convergence. We tested our method on an earthworm microarray data set and the empirical results demonstrate that the selected features (genes) have very competitive discriminative power. Feature space partition separates a complex learning problem into multiple non-overlapping simple sub-problems. It is normally implemented in a hierarchical fashion. Different from decision tree, a leaf node of this hierarchical structure does not represent a single decision, but represents a region (sub-problem) that is solvable with respect to linear functions or other simple functions. In our work, we incorporate domain knowledge in the feature space partition process. We consider domain information encoded by discrete or categorical attributes. A discrete or categorical attribute provides a natural partition of the problem domain, and hence divides the original problem into several non-overlapping sub-problems. In this sense, the domain information is useful if the partition simplifies the learning task. However it is not trivial to select the discrete or categorical attribute that maximally simplify the learning task. A naive approach exhaustively searches all the possible restructured problems. It is computationally prohibitive when the number of discrete or categorical attributes is large. We describe a metric to rank attributes according to their potential to reduce the uncertainty of a classification task. It is quantified as a conditional entropy achieved using a set of optimal classifiers, each of which is built for a sub-problem defined by the attribute under consideration. To avoid high computational cost, we approximate the solution by the expected minimum conditional entropy with respect to random projections. This approach was tested on three artificial data sets, three cheminformatics data sets, and two leukemia gene expression data sets. Empirical results demonstrate that our method is capable of selecting a proper discrete or categorical attribute to simplify the problem, i.e., the performance of the classifier built for the restructured problem always beats that of the original problem. Restricting supervised learning is always about building simple learning functions using a limited number of features. Top Selected Pair (TSP) method builds simple classifiers based on very few (for example, two) features with simple arithmetic calculation. However, traditional TSP method only deals with static data. In this dissertation, we propose classification methods for time series data that only depend on a few pairs of features. Based on the different comparison strategies, we developed the following approaches: TSP based on average, TSP based on trend, and TSP based on trend and absolute difference amount. In addition, inspired by the idea of using two features, we propose a time series classification method based on few feature pairs using dynamic time warping and nearest neighbor

    Statistical Significance Assessment in Computational Systems Biology

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    Converging models for transcriptome studies of human diseases : the case of oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy

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    This dissertation mainly focuses on interdisciplinary approaches for biomedical knowledge discovery. This required special efforts in developing systematic strategies to integrate various data sources and techniques, leading to improved discovery of mechanistic insights on human diseases. Chapter one looks at the possibility in which combining various bioinformatics-based strategies can significantly improve the characterization of the OPMD mouse model. We discuss that this approach in knowledge discovery, on the basis of our extensive analysis, helped us to shed some light on how this model system relates to OPMD pathophysiology in human. In Chapter two, we expand on this combinatory approach by conducting a cross-species data analysis. In this study, we have looked for common patterns that emerge by assessing the transcriptome data from three OPMD model systems and patients. This strategy led to unravelling the most prominent molecular pathway involved in OPMD pathology. The third chapter achieves a similar goal to identify similar molecular and pathophysiological features between OPMD and the common process of skeletal muscle ageing. Engaging in a study in which the focus was made on the universality of biological processes, in the light of evolutionary mechanisms and common functional features, led to novel discoveries. This work helped us uncover remarkable insights on molecular mechanisms of ageing muscles and protein aggregation. Chapters four and five take a different route by tackling the field of computational biology. These chapters aim to extend network inference by providing novel strategies for the exploitation and integration of multiple data sources. We show that these developments allow us to infer more robust regulatory mechanisms to be identified while translations and predictions are made across very different datasets, platforms, and organisms. Finally, the dissertation is concluded by providing an outlook on ways the field of systems biology can evolve in order to offer enhanced, diversified and robust strategies for knowledge discovery.UBL - phd migration 201