21 research outputs found

    A. Duarte Gomes & Revista Psychologica: Construindo a Psicologia do Trabalho, das Organizações e dos Recursos Humanos em Portugal

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    The aim of this paper is to analyze the set of contributions of A. Duarte Gomes to the journal Psychologica. Specifically, his co-authors, the impact of his publications on other researchers, and the topics that have been the subject of his interest are analyzed. The search resulted in a total of 17 articles, published between 1991 and 2016, signed by him and in co-authorship. In this journal, A. Duarte Gomes reaches the highest levels of visibility in 2005, with a total of five articles of various kinds. The largest number of publications co-authored in Psychologica was with Leonor Pais and Teresa Rebelo, with five collaborations, and with Carla Carvalho, with four. Focusing on the topics covered in the different articles, it can be observed that A. Duarte Gomes’ scientific interest has focused on the organizational level of analysis, with the most relevant topic being that of organizational culture. The total number of citations received by the analyzed papers is 123, which means 7.2 citations per paper. Four of the articles have been cited in five articles published in JCR/SJR journals. The results have allowed us to empirically verify the role of A. Duarte Gomes building the work and organizational, and personnel psychology in Portugal.O objetivo deste artigo é analisar o conjunto de contribuições de A. Duarte Gomes para a revista Psychologica. Especificamente, os seus co-autores, o impacto das suas publicações noutros investigadores e os tópicos que têm sido alvo do seu interesse. A pesquisa resultou num total de 17 artigos, publicados entre 1991 e 2016, assinados por ele e em co-autoria. Nesta revista, A. Duarte Gomes atinge os mais altos níveis de visibilidade em 2005, com um total de cinco artigos de vários tipos. O maior número de publicações em co-autoria na Psychologica foi com Leonor Pais e Teresa Rebelo, com cinco colaborações, e com Carla Carvalho, com quatro. Centrando-nos nos tópicos abordados nos diferentes artigos, observa-se que os interesses de investigação de A. Duarte Gomes se centraram no nível organizacional de análise, sendo o tema mais relevante o da cultura organizacional. O número total de citações recebidas pelos artigos analisados ​​é 123, o que significa 7,2 citações por artigo. Quatro dos artigos foram citados em cinco artigos publicados em revistas JCR/SJR. Os resultados permitiram verificar empiricamente o papel de A. Duarte Gomes na construção da Psicologia do trabalho, das Organizações e dos recursos humanos em Portugal

    Knowledge management in public administration of education, science and technology in Northeast Brazil

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    The objective of this study was to analyze the managers’ view on education about Knowledge Management in a public institution of education, science and technology in Northeastern Brazil. This is a basic case study investigation and a qualitative research. The reference frameworks used were the knowledge management diagnosis, suggested by Bukowitz and Williams (2002), and the indexes recommended by Brito, Oliveira and Castro (2012). The results showed that Knowledge Management is in a maturation process in the institution researched. The Obtain and Use sections support the positive performance in the tactic processes, and the Build/Keep and Disposal sections support the strategic process. On the other hand, the results indicate that the organization should invest in the development of the sections Learn, which deals with the connection between organizational strategy and the learning derived from everyday actions, and in the Contribute section of the tactical process, as the organization must encourage its professionals contribute with the knowledge you have. In the strategic process, the organization should invest in the Evaluate section of the DGC, as it is up to the organization to identify new forms of organizational capital that can add value so that it can adapt to changes in the macro environment.Key-words: knowledge management; public administration; education; science; technology


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh kepemimpinan transformasional dan disiplin kerja terhadap komitmen organisasi dan kinerja personil Polri di Polres Lhokseumawe. Banyaknya responden dalam penelitian ini yaitu 176 personil Polri yang bertugas di Polres Lhokseumawe. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) dengan menggunakan softwere AMOS 21. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa secara langsung, kepemimpinan transformasional dan disiplin kerja berpengaruh signifikan terhadap komitmen organisasi, disiplin kerja dan komitmen organisasi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja personil, tetapi kepemimpinan transformasional tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja personil. Hasil pengujian efek mediasi menemukan bahwa komitmen organisasi memediasi secara parsial pengaruh disiplin kerja terhadap kinerja personil, tetapi tidak mampu memediasi pengaruh kepemimpinan transformasional terhadap kinerja personil Kata Kunci: Kepemimpinan Transformasional, Disiplin Kerja, Komitmen Organisasi dan Kinerja Personi

    Manajemen Pengetahuan Sebagai Variabel Pemoderasi, Pengaruh Budaya Organisasi dan Iklim Organisasi terhadap Kompetensi

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    Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh Budaya Organisasi, Iklim Organisasi, Manajemen Pengetahuan dan Kompetensi Pegawai secara langsung maupun tidak langsung. Adapun menjadi populasi dalam penelitian  ialah pegawai KPP Pratama Jakarta Tanjung Pluit yang tersebar 11 seksi yaitu seksi Umum, Pelayanan, PDI, Ekstensifikasi, Pemeriksaan, Penagihan, Pengawasan dan Kosultasi 1 – 4, dan Fungsional Pemeriksa sebesar 107 orang Pegawai Negeri Sipil yang bertugas di KPP Pratama Jakarta Pluit minimal satu tahun. Analisis jalur  merupakan metode statistik yang digunakan untuk mengolah dengan program SPSS dan Lisrel yang dilanjutkan dengan pemodelan persamaan struktural. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, maka kesimpulan yang berhasil diperoleh adalah : Budaya organisasi berpengaruh secara langsung terhadap manajemen pengetahuan sebesar 10.89%. Iklim organisasi berpengaruh secara langsung terhadap manajemen pengetahuan sebesar 6.40%. Budaya organisasi berpengaruh secara langsung terhadap kompetensi sebesar 7.56%. Iklim organisasi berpengaruh secara langsung kepada kompetensi sebesar 28.87% dan Manajemen pengetahuan berpengaruh secara langsung kepada kompetensi sebesar 9.80%, sedangkan sisanya 90.20% dipengaruh faktor lain

    Human resource management impact on knowledge management - Evidence from the Portuguese banking sector

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to explain and empirically test the dependence of organizational processes related to knowledge on the nature of assumptions operating in processes of human resource management (HRM) in organizations. It concentrates on practices related to training, career development and retention. Design/methodology/approach – This empirical study as a quantitative nature and the sample is made up of 5,306 collaborators in 634 organizations belonging to an economic group in the banking sub-sector. Data were collected through two questionnaires: human resource management practices questionnaire and knowledge management questionnaire – short form. The model was tested by applying univariate and multivariate multiple regression analyses. Findings – Findings provide support for the proposed model and show the predictive capacity of the HRM practices regarding knowledge management (KM) processes, revealing a strong direct relationship between the two constructs. It stands out that the people management practices adopted from an organic and valued perspective possess a particular and distinctive capacity to predict and impact positively on KM processes. Practical implications – The findings may be used by human resources and KM practitioners interested in the development of organizational knowledge through human resource practices. Originality/value – Themain contribution of this study is to confirmthe close relationship of dependency between organizational management processes regarding people and knowledge, showing the positive effect of best practices of HRM on KM processes, as opposed to traditional or transactional practices

    A knowledge management performance measurement system for small and medium enterprises

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    An important step after the implementation of knowledge management (KM) is to evaluate its effectiveness and performance. Knowledge management performance measurement (KMPM) is necessary in order to achieve effective and successful KM. Comprehensive set of constructs and metrics for KMPM have yet to be developed. In addition, a KMPM system that applies these constructs and metrics is found lacking. It is more apparent in the case of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) as most of the studies have focused on large organizations. Furthermore, as KM is characterized by an environment subject to uncertainties and fuzziness, there is a need to adopt a specific approach to address this issue. In this research, the focus is on the development of a KMPM system for the SMEs. A novel conceptual framework that categorized KM into three main aspects; knowledge resources, KM processes, and KM factors was used as a foundation for developing the system. New set of KMPM constructs and metrics were developed and tailored for the SMEs. Investigation of the developed constructs and metrics in terms of their applicability was carried out through a questionnaire survey. The constructs and metrics were validated through statistical analysis using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, where reliability analysis was conducted followed by validity analysis in terms of content, construct, convergent, discriminant, and criterion validities. The analysis results indicated that the developed constructs and metrics were applicable, reliable, and valid. Following this, a fuzzy logic methodology was utilized as the evaluation mechanism for the KMPM system. MATLAB software was used to develop the fuzzy inference system and Simulink was used to design and develop the system’s layout and interface. Case studies were conducted in three small and medium sized consultancy companies to evaluate the developed system. From the evaluation, the evaluators commented that the system was comprehensive, userfriendly, and suitable for SMEs application. In essence, this research has developed new set of constructs and metrics as well as a KMPM system specifically designed for SMEs

    Fatores críticos de sucesso na gestão do conhecimento: um estudo de caso baseado na implementação de uma academia do conhecimento

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    Nowadays, knowledge is considered a key resource for organizations, crucial for obtaining long-term sustainable competitive. In line with this principle, many organizations are making efforts toward the implementation of knowledge management (KM) initiatives, recognizing that their competitive foundation lies in the effective way to capture, retain, store and share knowledge. Thus, this research aims to understand how organizations can implement KM initiatives, with a comprehensive study to identify critical success factors, and based on a practical project to implement a knowledge academy in a multinational organization. In order to achieve this objective, the adopted methodology in this research first went through a systematic literature review in order to identify the critical success factors with most influence on the implementation of KM practices. Then, based on the results found with this theoretical approach, it was possible to identify and analyse, in a practical context within a multinational company, the critical factors that contributed the most to the success of a knowledge academy implementation, a project in which the author of this study was involved. The results found suggest that factors related to the organization and people, such as the definition of a clear strategy, the definition of performance measures to evaluate and monitor the strategy, the involvement of top management, or even the organizational culture itself, represent some of the factors that have the most influence on the successful implementation of KM initiatives. With this research, it is expected to contribute from a theoretical perspective to the KM area through the compilation, categorization and classification of a set of critical success factors reported in the literature and subsequently analyzed and validated in a practical context. From a practical perspective, it is expected that these results can contribute as a consultative tool to support the preparation of strategies in this area by organizations wishing to implement KM initiatives.Atualmente o conhecimento é considerado um recurso chave para as organizações, crucial na obtenção de competitividade sustentável a longo prazo. Alinhado com este princípio, muitas organizações estão a fazer esforços no sentido de implementarem iniciativas de gestão do conhecimento (GC), reconhecendo que a sua base competitiva reside na forma eficaz de captar, reter, armazenar e partilhar conhecimento. Desta forma, o presente trabalho tem por objetivo compreender como as organizações podem implementar iniciativas de GC, elencando num estudo exaustivo de identificação de fatores críticos de sucesso, e tendo por base um projeto prático de implementação de uma academia de conhecimento numa organização multinacional. Por forma a alcançar tal objetivo, a metodologia adotada neste trabalho compreendeu, em primeiro lugar, uma revisão sistemática da literatura, de forma a identificar os fatores críticos de sucesso que mais influência têm na implementação de práticas de GC. Seguidamente, e tendo por base os resultados encontrados com esta abordagem teórica, foi possível identificar e analisar, num contexto prático no âmbito de uma empresa multinacional, os fatores críticos que mais contribuíram para o sucesso da implementação de uma academia de conhecimento, projeto onde a autora deste trabalho esteve envolvida. Os resultados encontrados sugerem que fatores relacionados com a organização e com as pessoas, tais como, a definição de uma estratégia clara, a definição de medidas de performance para avaliar e acompanhar a estratégia, o envolvimento da gestão de topo, ou mesmo a própria cultura organizacional, representam alguns dos fatores que mais influência têm na implementação bemsucedida de práticas e iniciativas de GC. Espera-se, assim, com este estudo, contribuir numa perspetiva teórica para a área da GC através da compilação, categorização e classificação de um conjunto de fatores críticos de sucesso reportados na literatura e, posteriormente, analisados e validados num contexto prático. Numa perspetiva prática, espera-se que estes resultados possam contribuir com uma ferramenta consultiva de apoio à preparação de estratégias nesta área, por parte das organizações que pretendam implementar iniciativas de GC.Mestrado em Engenharia e Gestão Industria

    Structural model of knowledge elements mediating constructs and performance for facilities management organisation

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    Despite the increasing interest in managing knowledge, there has been limited research on applying knowledge as the intangible source for competitive advantages in the Facilities Management (FM) organisational performance. A review of literature revealed that only limited number of studies related to the relationship between knowledge and FM organisational performance, resulting lack of understanding and good practices in FM implementation. This research elaborated on the theories of resource-based view (RBV) and knowledge-based view (KBV) to identify the importance of knowledge management. The aim of this study is to improve the existing model by developing a new dimension of the relationships between a group of constructs (knowledge elements, mediating constructs, and FM organisational performance) in the model of FM organisational performance. The model used in this research was tested using empirical data collected from survey involving practitioners in the organisation that practising FM. The survey collected 215 usable questionnaires. The collected data were analysed by using structural equation modeling. The research findings revealed that 10 out of 12 relationships were significant, which proves that all constructs are modelled based on the sample data. Two relationships were not significant, which are the relationship between knowledge management and dynamic capabilities; and the relationship between dynamic capabilities and FM organisational performance. Furthermore, there are three constructs that play the role of mediator between the relationship of knowledge management and FM organisational performance, which are customer performance, efficiency, and innovation. Therefore, this research showed the importance of knowledge elements and mediating constructs in creating a competitive advantage among the FM organisation

    Marketing interno em apoio às práticas de gestão do conhecimento em organizações de base tecnológica

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal da Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia e Gestão do Conhecimento, Florianópolis, 2014.A implementação de práticas de gestão do conhecimento apresenta, como um de seus principais desafios, a obtenção de adesão e comprometimento por parte dos colaboradores das organizações. Os paradigmas organizacionais foram alterados com a evolução da sociedade do conhecimento, oferecendo contexto favorável à redução de departamentalizações, maior integração e diálogo interdisciplinar, o que por sua vez expressa o valor do conhecimento. Motivada por esta visão, a pesquisa teve como principal objetivo analisar como o marketing interno pode apoiar as práticas de gestão do conhecimento em organizações de base tecnológica, usualmente identificadas como intensivas em conhecimento. O método apropriado de condução dos estudos surgiu a partir da busca e revisão sistemática da literatura, que localizou seis publicações com os termos combinados marketing interno e gestão do conhecimento, sinalizando a necessidade de investigação exploratória. O método de procedimento foi o de estudo qualitativo básico, com definição da estratégia analítica geral com base nas proposições teóricas, cujo agrupamento evidenciou oito focos de análises, sendo eles: 1) Promoção de GC internamente; 2) Cultura organizacional; 3) Alinhamento estratégico; 4) Gestão de pessoas; 5) Liderança; 6) Processos e tecnologias; 7) Interdisciplinaridade; 8) Gestão, comunicação, ação. Em paralelo, com base na literatura sobre o marketing interno, identificou-se como essa atividade pode apoiar as práticas de gestão do conhecimento, correlacionando-se, em resumo: 1) Utilização de campanhas promocionais para "vender" GC internamente; 2) Gestão da mudança e da identidade corporativa; 3) Implementação de estratégias; 4) visão de que o colaborador é um dos principais clientes, endereçando a ele campanhas de integração e de incentivos; 5) Formação de líderes propagadores de GC; 6) Dinâmica da comunicação; 7) Integração e comunicação alicerçada em sinergia; 8) Planejamento integrado, comunicação para difusão do conhecimento, incentivo à ação e aos inter-relacionamentos. Conclui-se que, apesar de não haver um contexto de maturidade de gestão do conhecimento nas organizações pesquisadas, existe significativo número de práticas e ferramentas do conhecimento empregadas, que necessitam ser divulgadas e tornadas visíveis para melhor utilização e envolvimento por parte dos colaboradores. Os casos pesquisados apresentaram um conjunto significativo de práticas e ferramentas de marketing interno que podem oferecer o apoio à GC. Constatou-se, porém, que as abordagens de marketing precisam ser melhor utilizadas no mercado interno, de forma estratégica e estruturada. Recomenda-se, como estudos futuros, o aprofundamento de cada tópico pesquisado, em especial os relacionados às lideranças de GC e à inovação fomentada por cultura de criação do conhecimento em organizações de base tecnológica.Abstract : The implementation of knowledge management practices in organizations shows the obtainement of adhesion and commitment of employees as one of its mais challenges. Organizational paradigms have been changing with the evolution of the knowledge society, now providing a favorable environment for reducing departmentalizations, increasing integration and promoting interdisciplinary dialogue, which in turn expresses the value of knowledge. Driven by this vision, the research aimed at analysing how internal marketing may support the knowledge management practices in technology-based organizations, usually identified as knowledge intensive. The proper method of conducting this study was identified after running a systematic search and review of the literature, which located six publications when combining the internal marketing and knowledge management terms, signaling as such the need for exploratory research. The procedure method was the basic qualitative study, with definition of the general analytical strategy based on theoretical propositions, whose grouping highlighted eight foci of analysis, which are: 1) KM promotion internally; 2) Organizational Culture; 3) Strategic Alignment; 4) People Management; 5) Leadership; 6) processes and technologies; 7) Interdisciplinary; 8) Management, communication, action. At the same time, based on the literature on internal marketing, we identified how this activity can support knowledge management practices, correlating, briefly: 1) Using promotional campaigns to "sell" KM internally; 2) Change management and corporate identity; 3) Strategies implementation; 4) Viewing the employee as the main client, addressing him integration and incentives campaigns; 5) Training KM propagator leaders; 6) Communication dynamic; 7) Integration and communication grounded in synergy; 8) Integrated planning, communication for knowledge diffusion, encouraging action and interrelationships. We conclude that, although there is no context of knowledge management maturity in the organizations studied, there is a significant number of knowledge practices and tools employed that need to be made visibleand disclosed for better use and involvement by employees. The cases studied showed a significant set of internal marketing practices and tools that can provide support for KM. It was found, however, that marketing approaches need to be better used in the internal market, strategically and in a structured way. It is recommended as future work to detail each topic researched, particularly those related to KM leadership, and innovation fostered by knowledge creation culture in technology-based organizations

    Gestão do conhecimento em organizações da economia social

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    A gestão do conhecimento surge no setor lucrativo, onde comprovou a sua capacidade de contribuir para a eficácia empresarial e apesar das organizações da economia social a reconhecerem como uma atividade cada vez mais importante no ambiente competitivo e exigente que enfrentam, a maior parte apresenta dificuldades na sua implementação. Nesse sentido, foram realizadas 20 entrevistas a profissionais de organizações da economia social portuguesas, tendo-se analisado as atividades e os processos de gestão do conhecimento, as razões para as inadequações apontadas e retiradas conclusões sobre a gestão do conhecimento em organizações da economia social e nos seus projetos. Analisaram-se as barreiras e os fatores facilitadores da gestão do conhecimento nas organizações da economia social, concluindo-se, com base na experiências apenas destas 20, que a partilha de conhecimento depende da confiança e que não se deve assumir a existência de um clima de confiança por se estar numa organização da economia social; que as parcerias e as organizações de cúpula podem desempenhar um papel importante na geração e partilha de conhecimento, desde que as organizações as integrem na sua estratégia de gestão do conhecimento; que, apesar de reportarem melhorias, existe competição entre as organizações da economia social, numa visão que prejudica a partilha de conhecimento e o seu objetivo último; e que a rotatividade de colaboradores e voluntários pode ter um grande impacto na retenção do conhecimento nas organizações, mas pode ser mitigado com a implementação de processos adequados e pode também ter aspetos positivos.Knowledge management appears in the lucrative sector, where it has proven its ability to contribute to business efficiency and despite social economy organisations recognizing it as an increasingly important activity in the competitive and demanding environment they face, most present difficulties in its implementation. In this sense, 20 interviews were conducted with professionals from Portuguese social economy organisations, having analysed the knowledge management activities and processes, the reasons for the reported inadequacies and conclusions were drawn about knowledge management in social economy organisations and in their projects. Barriers and facilitating factors of knowledge management in social economy organisations were analysed, concluding, based on the experiences of only these 20, that knowledge sharing depends on trust and that a climate of trust should not be assumed in an social economy organisation; that partnerships and umbrella organizations can play an important role in knowledge generation and sharing, as long as organisations integrate them into their knowledge management strategy; that, despite reporting improvements, there is competition between the social economy organisations, in a perspective that undermines the sharing of knowledge and its ultimate objective; and that employee and volunteer turnover can have a major impact on knowledge retention in organisations, but it can be mitigated with the implementation of adequate processes and can also have positive aspects