496 research outputs found

    Dal testo alla conoscenza e ritorno: estrazione terminologica e annotazione semantica di basi documentali di dominio.

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    The paper focuses on the automatic extraction of domain knowledge from Italian legal texts and presents a fully-implemented ontology learning system (T2K, Text-2-Knowledge) that includes a battery of tools for Natural Language Processing, statistical text analysis and machine learning. Evaluated results show the considerable potential of systems like T2K, exploiting an incremental interleaving of NLP and machine learning techniques for accurate large-scale semi-automatic extraction and structuring of domain-specific knowledge

    Chapter Scenari di reverse processing nel rilievo architettonico da nuvola di punti

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    The 43rd UID conference, held in Genova, takes up the theme of ‘Dialogues’ as practice and debate on many fundamental topics in our social life, especially in these complex and not yet resolved times. The city of Genova offers the opportunity to ponder on the value of comparison and on the possibilities for the community, naturally focused on the aspects that concern us, as professors, researchers, disseminators of knowledge, or on all the possibile meanings of the discipline of representation and its dialogue with ‘others’, which we have broadly catalogued in three macro areas: History, Semiotics, Science / Technology. Therefore, “dialogue” as a profitable exchange based on a common language, without which it is impossible to comprehend and understand one another; and the graphic sign that connotes the conference is the precise transcription of this concept: the title ‘translated’ into signs, derived from the visual alphabet designed for the visual identity of the UID since 2017. There are many topics which refer to three macro sessions: - Witnessing (signs and history) - Communicating (signs and semiotics) - Experimenting (signs and sciences) Thanks to the different points of view, an exceptional resource of our disciplinary area, we want to try to outline the prevailing theoretical-operational synergies, the collaborative lines of an instrumental nature, the recent updates of the repertoires of images that attest and nourish the relations among representation, history, semiotics, sciences

    Giving Depth to TEI-Based Descriptions of Manuscripts: The Golden Gospel of Ham

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    The work on the Golden Gospel of Dabra Libānos za-Ham in Eritrea, one of the main archives of the medieval history of Ethiopia and Eritrea, was initiated within the frame of the Ethiopian Manuscript Archives project, ANR EthioChristProcess, and Beta maṣāḥǝft. The work aims to describe the codicological disposition of the archival notes (i.e. arrangement of texts within the codex and its by-side folia), to provide their transcription, translation, and indexation. This article will discuss the encoding method for this work in progress, supported by TEI

    La Linguistica Computazionale a Venezia

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    Questo saggio ha come argomento lo sviluppo della Linguistica Computazionale a Venezia con l’intenzione di mettere in luce le interrelazioni con gli altri componenti del Dipartimento di Linguistica, quelli di glottodidattica e quellidella linguistica teorica con le quali ha interagito nel tempo. Lo sviluppo temporale permette anche di legare gli eventi locali all'avanzamento della tecnologia e della scienza linguistica sperimentale in ambito internazionale

    Testi brevi di accompagnamento: linguistica, semiotica, traduzione

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    La brevitas non è certo una invenzione recente. Incisioni e graffiti, fin da tempi remoti, rappresentano forme espressive concise, lapidarie, affidate a supporti che, per loro natura, non lasciano spazio a messaggi di ampio respiro: pietra, muro, manufatti. Tuttavia, la brevità non coincide necessariamente con la (poca) lunghezza: essa ha, al contrario, una propria retorica, stilistica e poetica, poiché riguarda le caratteristiche di una scrittura che tende a una concisione formale ottenuta attraverso specifici fattori di condensazione, sintesi ed economia. Di conseguenza, a dispetto della – o grazie alla – concisione, le forme brevi rappresentano unità di informazione ad alto contenuto. L’estetica del corto è insomma caratterizzata da una ricercata densità semantica, per cui la brevità “non è un ripiego, bensì un punto di forza” (A. Abruzzese) grazie alla sua intensità comunicativa. I contributi del libro prendono in considerazione la brevitas nell’interazione tra modi semiotici differenti (linguaggio, immagini, simboli, oggetti, voce) in ambiti di varia natura: espografica, giornalismo, pubblicità, cinema, traduzione, interpretazione

    Machine Learning Algorithm for the Scansion of Old Saxon Poetry

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    Several scholars designed tools to perform the automatic scansion of poetry in many languages, but none of these tools deal with Old Saxon or Old English. This project aims to be a first attempt to create a tool for these languages. We implemented a Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (BiLSTM) model to perform the automatic scansion of Old Saxon and Old English poems. Since this model uses supervised learning, we manually annotated the Heliand manuscript, and we used the resulting corpus as labeled dataset to train the model. The evaluation of the performance of the algorithm reached a 97% for the accuracy and a 99% of weighted average for precision, recall and F1 Score. In addition, we tested the model with some verses from the Old Saxon Genesis and some from The Battle of Brunanburh, and we observed that the model predicted almost all Old Saxon metrical patterns correctly misclassified the majority of the Old English input verses

    From numbers to forms. The digital turn in morphogenic processes

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    The digital turn, or specifically the second Digital Turn, was at disposal of the architectural and urban project sophisticated morphogenic tools. These tools have been used mainly to create new forms with non-Euclidean geometries and their integration with building systems, also dynamic. This paper investigates the possibility of using parametric tools to handle urban transformations based on formal parameters and not merely quantitative ones, coming from the morphological analysis of the existent city. To this purpose, three tools have been identified and analysed (type, diagram and model), to translate the morphologic urban characteristics in elements embeddable into parametric processes, investigating their potential and possible limits also with two practical experimentations