30 research outputs found

    Operating System Response to Router Advertisement Packet in IPv6.

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    With growth of internet IPv4 address will run out soon. So the need of new IP protocol is indispensable. IPv6 with 128-bit address space is developed and maintain the support of IPv4 protocols with some upgrades such as BGP, OSPF and ICMP. ICMP protocol used for error reporting, neighbor discovering and other functions for diagnosis, ICMP version 6 has new types of packets to perform function similar to address resolution protocol ARP called Neighbor Discovery Protocol NDP. NDP is responsible for address auto configuration of nodes and neighbor discovery. It define new packets for the purposes of router solicitation, router advertisement and others discovery functions

    {SoK}: {An} Analysis of Protocol Design: Avoiding Traps for Implementation and Deployment

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    Today's Internet utilizes a multitude of different protocols. While some of these protocols were first implemented and used and later documented, other were first specified and then implemented. Regardless of how protocols came to be, their definitions can contain traps that lead to insecure implementations or deployments. A classical example is insufficiently strict authentication requirements in a protocol specification. The resulting Misconfigurations, i.e., not enabling strong authentication, are common root causes for Internet security incidents. Indeed, Internet protocols have been commonly designed without security in mind which leads to a multitude of misconfiguration traps. While this is slowly changing, to strict security considerations can have a similarly bad effect. Due to complex implementations and insufficient documentation, security features may remain unused, leaving deployments vulnerable. In this paper we provide a systematization of the security traps found in common Internet protocols. By separating protocols in four classes we identify major factors that lead to common security traps. These insights together with observations about end-user centric usability and security by default are then used to derive recommendations for improving existing and designing new protocols---without such security sensitive traps for operators, implementors and users

    {SoK}: {An} Analysis of Protocol Design: Avoiding Traps for Implementation and Deployment

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    Today's Internet utilizes a multitude of different protocols. While some of these protocols were first implemented and used and later documented, other were first specified and then implemented. Regardless of how protocols came to be, their definitions can contain traps that lead to insecure implementations or deployments. A classical example is insufficiently strict authentication requirements in a protocol specification. The resulting Misconfigurations, i.e., not enabling strong authentication, are common root causes for Internet security incidents. Indeed, Internet protocols have been commonly designed without security in mind which leads to a multitude of misconfiguration traps. While this is slowly changing, to strict security considerations can have a similarly bad effect. Due to complex implementations and insufficient documentation, security features may remain unused, leaving deployments vulnerable. In this paper we provide a systematization of the security traps found in common Internet protocols. By separating protocols in four classes we identify major factors that lead to common security traps. These insights together with observations about end-user centric usability and security by default are then used to derive recommendations for improving existing and designing new protocols---without such security sensitive traps for operators, implementors and users

    Application generating and verifying configurations of network devices

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    Cieľom tejto diplomovej práce je návrh a následná implementácia programu na nájdenie bezpečnostných a prevádzkových nedostatkov v sieťových zariadeniach, ako aj ich náprava pomocou generovania opravnej konfigurácie. Z dôvodu nedostatočného zabezpečenia a nesprávnej konfigurácie sú mnohé zariadenia v sieti často nevedome vystavené riziku bezpečnostného incidentu. Z tohto dôvodu program porovnáva ich nastavenia s rôznymi štandardmi, odporúčaniami a osvedčenými postupmi a vytvára správu s nálezmi, aby bolo možné tieto nedostatky odstrániť pomocou automaticky vygenerovanej nápravy alebo manuálne, pokiaľ automatická náprav nie je možná. Program využíva na nájdenie problémových nastavení regulárne výrazy, pomocou ktorých hľadá nedostatky vo vyexportovaných konfiguráciách. Jeho implementácia je v jazyku Python a využíva sa aj značkovací jazyk YAML. Vedľajším produktom práce je aj kontrolný zoznam, ktorým sa dá riadiť pri zostavovaní modulov pre podporu ďalších výrobcov, a tým rozšíriť program.The aim of this master's thesis is a design and implementation of a program for finding security and operational deficiencies of network devices and afterwards, resolving them by generating corrective configuration. Due to a lack of security and misconfiguration, there are a lot of devices exposed to the risk of a security incident. Therefore, the program compares settings with various standards, recommendations, and best practices and generates a report with findings. Afterwards, deficiencies can be eliminated by automatic resolution or manually if automatic resolving is not possible. The program uses regular expressions to find problem settings in previously exported configurations. Implementation is written in Python, and YAML markup language is used too. Another output of this thesis is a checklist, which can be used for the creation of future modules for support of other network device vendors and thus extend the program.

    Application Adaptive Bandwidth Management Using Real-Time Network Monitoring.

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    Application adaptive bandwidth management is a strategy for ensuring secure and reliable network operation in the presence of undesirable applications competing for a network’s crucial bandwidth, covert channels of communication via non-standard traffic on well-known ports, and coordinated Denial of Service attacks. The study undertaken here explored the classification, analysis and management of the network traffic on the basis of ports and protocols used, type of applications, traffic direction and flow rates on the East Tennessee State University’s campus-wide network. Bandwidth measurements over a nine-month period indicated bandwidth abuse of less than 0.0001% of total network bandwidth. The conclusion suggests the use of the defense-in-depth approach in conjunction with the KHYATI (Knowledge, Host hardening, Yauld monitoring, Analysis, Tools and Implementation) paradigm to ensure effective information assurance

    Network Access Control : single computer viewpoint

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    The purpose of the thesis was to develop an entirely new ideology and technique which is called a client’s NAC (Client’s Network Access Control). The objectives of the thesis were to discover methods how a single computer could make conclusions about the connected network and validate if the network is trusted or not. This is an entirely new ideology, which has not been published on the commercial markets or in academic research. In a nutshell, the philosophy of the Network Access Control is that all devices requesting access to network’s resources are untrusted until they are otherwise proved. The objective was to discover if it is possible to conduct same kind of philosophy to a single computer. A computer does not trust the network before it has done specific validations from the network and depending on the outcome of the validations; network traffic to network is allowed or denied. The discovery in the thesis was that almost every LAN protocol has different kinds of security issues. Usually these threats are blocked in the network’s outer perimeter with firewalls in such a way that the outside of the network cannot exploit these threats. This does not prevent from exploiting these security threats from inside the network. These findings supported the idea of client’s NAC implementation, because if the network is trusted, the devices in the network are also trusted. The goal was to develop methods and techniques how a single computer could execute the conclusion about the connected network. This included developing the basic architecture of the client’s NAC solution and discovering different authentication methods for authenticating the network. These authentication methods were analyzed with security and implementation analysis and based on these analyzes the thesis recommends certain authentication methods for client to authenticate the connected network.Työn tavoitteena oli kehittää uutta ideologiaa ja tekniikoita (client’s NAC), jossa perinteinen verkkolähtöinen näkökulma pääsynhallinnassa suunnataan yksittäiselle tietokoneelle. Tämän kaltaista tutkimusta tai konseptia ei ollut olemassa, joten kyseessä oli aivan uusi tutkimuksen aihe. Kehittämisessä lähtökohtana oli löytää malli, jonka mukaan yksittäinen tietokone pystyy päättelemään, onko verkko, johon se on kytketty, luotettu vai ei. Työssä sovellettiin ja analysointiin eri autentikointivaihtoehtoja, joiden perusteella esitettiin tiettyjä autentikointitekniikoita client’s NAC -sovelluksen toteuttamiseen. Työ osoitti, että yleisimmissä LAN-protokollissa on merkittäviä uhkia ja haavoittuvuuksia. Jos yksittäinen tietokone kykenee päättelemään verkon luottavuuden, näiden uhkien toteutumista voidaan lieventää, sillä luotettava verkko sisältää vain luotettuja laitteita. Tämä vahvisti, että client’s NAC -konseptin avulla voidaan suojautua epäluotettavien laitteiden haitalliselta tietoliikenteeltä. Eri autentikointimallit jaettiin työssä kahteen eri kategoriaan tulevan kohdeympäristön perusteella. Korkean tietoturvallisuuden ympäristöissä tietoturva ja osapuolten luottavuus on tärkein tekijä suunniteltaessa autentikointimalleja, kun taas matalamman tietoturvaluokan ympäristöihin toteutuksen helppous ja käytettävyys ratkaisee valinnassa. Analysointi eri autentikointimallien välillä suoritettiin tietoturva-analyysillä, joka perustui tietoturvaprotokollissa oleviin yleisimpiin haavoittuvuuksiin, ja toteutusanalyysillä, jossa pyrittiin tekemään päätelmiä toteutuksen toimivuudesta ja vaikeudesta. Näiden analyysien perusteella työ esittää eri vaihtoehtoja eri ympäristöihin toteutettavaksi autentikointitavaksi client’s NAC -sovellukseen

    MITM Attack Automation Using Single-Board Solution

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    Práca je zameraná na návrh MiTM útokov s využitím moderných prístupov pri návrhu IT infraštruktúri. Špecificky sa zameriava na možnosti využitia jednodoskových počítačov a na možnosti ako zjednodušiť ich kofiguráciu pre účely penetračného testovania. Navrhnuté a implementované riešenie umožnuje použitie komplikovaných útokov personálom, ktorý je len zaškolený, pričom neobmedzuje použitie skúseným personálom. Zatiaľ čo dnešné prístupy by sa dali považovať sa monolitické a centrické, navrhnuté riešenie berie samotný MiTM útok len ako časť riešenia pričom sa zameriava aj na ostatné aspekty ako napríklad exfiltrácia dát, alebo crackovanie hesiel.Thesis is focused on design of MiTM attack with use of modern approaches in IT infrastructure. Especially it's focused on how to simplify configuration of single-board computer for penetration testing purposes by creating scalable infrastructure for device configuration and control. Proposed solution allows the usage of complicated attacks by trained staff while not limiting users with experience in network security. While today, applications capable of MiTM attacks are monolithic and device-centric, proposed solution considers the device providing MiTM just as one part of the solution and also focuses on other problems like data exfiltration or hash cracking.

    Розробка та реалізація мережних протоколів. Навчальний посібник

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    Розробка та реалізація мережних протоколів важлива частина сучасної галузі знань, що необхідна для актуального забезпечення взаємозв’язку рівнів та різних технологій будь-якої локальної і глобальної мереж. Мережеві протоколи базуються на міжнародних стандартах, що забезпечують якісну взаємодію різних інноваційних технологій та різних елементів мережі. Вони складають семирівневу структуру, яка здійснює забезпечення вирішення інженерно-технічних питань та потребує постійно оновлювати, вдосконалювати та розробки нових протоколів, як правила взаємодії всіх складових глобальної мережі. Розробка та реалізація мережних протоколів потребує постійного розвитку та вдосконалення для надання абонентам високонадійних видів послуг з високошвидкісною передачею даних.The development and implementation of network protocols is an important part of the modern field of knowledge that is necessary for the actual interconnection of levels and different technologies of any local and global networks. Network protocols are based on international standards that ensure high-quality interaction of various innovative technologies and various network elements. They form a seven-tier structure that provides solutions to engineering and technical issues and requires constant updating, improvement and development of new protocols, as rules of interaction of all components of the global network. The development and implementation of network protocols requires constant development and improvement to provide subscribers with highly reliable types of services with high-speed data transmission.Разработка и реализация сетевых протоколов важная часть современной отрасли знаний, которая необходима для актуального обеспечения взаимосвязи уровней и различных технологий любой локальной и глобальной сетей. Сетевые протоколы базируются на международных стандартах, обеспечивающих качественное взаимодействие различных инновационных технологий и различных элементов сети. Они составляют семиступенчатая структуру, которая осуществляет обеспечение решения инженерно-технических вопросов и требует постоянно обновлять, совершенствовать и разрабатывать новые протоколы, как правила взаимодействия всех составляющих глобальной сети. Разработка и реализация сетевых протоколов требует постоянного развития и совершенствования для предоставления абонентам высоконадежных видов услуг по высокоскоростной передачей данных

    Evaluación de software libre para implementar una infraestructura tecnológica de un ambiente empresarial, caso de estudio Enkador S.A

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar la implementación de software libre dentro de una infraestructura tecnológica, analizando cada uno de los servicios que debe realizar y sus funciones para un óptimo desempeño, mejorando el uso de los recursos tecnológicos, económicos y operativos. Es importante considerar los principios de uso y difusión del software libre, así también las ventajas y desventajas técnicas del proyecto. Teniendo en cuenta las condiciones tecnológicas y económicas de la empresa Enkador S.A, se ha propuesto considerar el uso de software libre dentro de su infraestructura, con el afán de solucionar las carencias técnicas que actualmente posee, además de generar beneficio económico y optimizar recursos siendo esto de gran importancia, el cual puede ser aprovechado para potenciar la infraestructura de hardware. El software libre ha sido analizado desde un punto de vista técnico y económico frente a sus principales alternativas comerciales, se ha evaluado las características técnicas que cada uno posee, el costo de inversión que tendría y el tiempo de retorno del mismo, todos estos factores son de gran importancia para una adecuada toma de decisiones

    Junos Pulse Secure Access Service Administration Guide

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    This guide describes basic configuration procedures for Juniper Networks Secure Access Secure Access Service. This document was formerly titled Secure Access Administration Guide. This document is now part of the Junos Pulse documentation set. This guide is designed for network administrators who are configuring and maintaining a Juniper Networks Secure Access Service device. To use this guide, you need a broad understanding of networks in general and the Internet in particular, networking principles, and network configuration. Any detailed discussion of these concepts is beyond the scope of this guide.The Juniper Networks Secure Access Service enable you to give employees, partners, and customers secure and controlled access to your corporate data and applications including file servers, Web servers, native messaging and e-mail clients, hosted servers, and more from outside your trusted network using just a Web browser. Secure Access Service provide robust security by intermediating the data that flows between external users and your company’s internal resources. Users gain authenticated access to authorized resources through an extranet session hosted by the appliance. During intermediation, Secure Access Service receives secure requests from the external, authenticated users and then makes requests to the internal resources on behalf of those users. By intermediating content in this way, Secure Access Service eliminates the need to deploy extranet toolkits in a traditional DMZ or provision a remote access VPN for employees. To access the intuitive Secure Access Service home page, your employees, partners, and customers need only a Web browser that supports SSL and an Internet connection. This page provides the window from which your users can securely browse Web or file servers, use HTML-enabled enterprise applications, start the client/server application proxy, begin a Windows, Citrix, or Telnet/SSH terminal session, access corporate e-mail servers, start a secured layer 3 tunnel, or schedule or attend a secure online meeting