14 research outputs found

    Implementation of the Juran Trilogy in Improving the Quality of Islamic Higher Education

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    This research aims to analyze and explore improving the quality of higher education education by implementing the Juran Trilogy. This research uses qualitative descriptive methods to describe, record, analyze and interpret current conditions. Data collection techniques use interviews, observation and documentation. The data analysis used is interactive, data condensation, data presentation, and concluding/verification. The results of the study found that there are three main steps in improving the quality of education, namely quality planning, quality control and quality improvement. Implementation of quality planning by analyzing student needs, arranging activities and giving responsibility to lecturers or staff for each planned activity. Controlling the quality of education is carried out by maximizing the role of leaders as supervisors of activities in higher education prioritizing activities to monitor student development. Improving the quality of education is carried out by forming a special team to enhance the quality of education. Improving the quality of education is carried out by analyzing the needs of educational customers, maximizing the role of leaders in exercising control, and forming special teams to improve the quality of education

    Six Sigma to distinguish patterns in COVID-19 approaches

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    Purpose: COVID-19 has changed life as we know. Data are scarce and necessary for making decisions on fighting COVID-19. The purpose of this paper is to apply Six Sigma techniques on the current COVID-19 pandemic to distinguish between special cause and common cause variation. In the DMAIC structure, different approaches applied in three countries are compared. Design/methodology/approach: For three countries the mortality is compared to the population to distinguish between special cause variation and common cause variation. This variation and the patterns in it are assessed to the countries' different approaches to COVID-19. Findings: In the DMAIC problem-solving approach, patterns in the data are distinguished. The special cause variation is assessed to the special causes and approaches. The moment on which measures were taken has been essential, as well as policies on testing and distancing. Research limitations/implications: Cross-national data comparisons are a challenge as countries have different moments on which they register data on their population. Furthermore, different intervals are taken, varying from registering weekly to registering yearly. For the research, three countries with similar data registration and different approaches in fighting COVID-19 were taken. Originality/value: This is the first study with Master Black Belts from different countries on the application of Six Sigma techniques and the DMAIC from the viewpoint of special cause variation on COVID-19

    Reestruturação de portfólio de produtos : um estudo aplicado em uma empresa alimentícia de grande porte

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    Os ambientes de negócio estão mais complexos nos últimos anos, o que gera mais desafios para as empresas se manterem competitivas. Nesse contexto, a gestão de portfólio de produto apoia decisões de alta relevância dentro das organizações para a sustentação do lucro e o estímulo do crescimento a longo prazo. Este artigo apresenta uma análise do portfólio de uma linha de produtos de uma empresa alimentícia de grande porte. O estudo foi realizado combinando análises quantitativas do portfólio e percepções qualitativas dos executivos da empresa. Os resultados apontam oportunidades de simplificação do portfólio atual com potencial para ganho de eficiência, assim como a possibilidade de replicação do estudo para as demais linhas de produtos da empresa

    Quality, Risk and the Taleb Quadrants

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    Abstract The definition and the management of quality has evolved and assumed a variety of approaches, responding to an increased variety of needs. In industry, quality and its control has responded to the need of maintaining an industrial process operating as "expected", reducing the process sensitivity to uncontrolled disturbances (robustness) etc. By the same token, in services, quality has been defined as "satisfied customers obtaining the services they expect". Quality management, like risk management, has a general negative connotation, arising from the consequential effects of "non-quality". Quality, just as risk, is measured as a consequence resulting from factors and events defined in terms of the statistical characteristics that underlie these events. Quality and risk may thus converge, both conceptually and technically, expanding the concerns that both domains are confronted with and challenged by. In this paper, we analyze such a prospective convergence between quality and risk, and their management. In particular we emphasize aspects of integrated quality, risk, performance and cost in industry and services. Throughout such applications, we demonstrate alternative approaches to quality management, and their merging with risk management, in order to improve both the quality and risk management processes. In the analysis we apply the four quadrants proposed by Nassim Taleb for mapping consequential risks and their probability structure. Three case studies are provided, one on risk finance, a second one on risk management of telecommunication systems and a third one on quality and reliability of web based services

    Implementação da ferramenta 8D em fornecedores de embalagens Bosch

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    Mestrado em Engenharia e Gestão IndustrialO presente trabalho descreve um projecto de implementação da metodologia das 8 disciplinas (8D) em fornecedores de embalagens de cartão, efectuado na empresa BOSCH Termotecnologia S.A., Aveiro. A metodologia 8D fomenta a melhoria contínua ao contribuir para a eliminação dos problemas de qualidade. Este trabalho apresenta em primeiro lugar uma revisão bibliográfica sobre a evolução do conceito de Qualidade e da metodologia 8D. Em seguida efectua-se uma análise às reclamações referentes aos fornecedores de embalagens de cartão existentes e uma introdução do modelo 8D BOSCH. Por último descrevem-se e demonstram-se os passos seguidos na implementação da ferramenta analisando e avaliando os resultados obtidos.The present work describes a project of implementation of the 8 disciplines methodology (8D) in providers of carton packing on the company BOSCH Thermotechnology S.A., Aveiro. The 8D methodology promotes the continuous improvement to contribute to the elimination of quality problems. This paper presents, in first place a review of the literature on the evolution of the concept of Quality and 8D methodology. Then an analysis is performed respecting the complaints concerning the suppliers of carton packaging and is done an introduction of the existing model 8D BOSCH. Finally is described and demonstrated the steps followed in the process of implementing the tool and the results obtained are analyzed and evaluated

    Teadus- ja arenduskoostöö kvaliteedi tagamine kaitsetööstusettevõtete näitel

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    Nii Eestile kui Euroopa Liidule on muutuvas globaliseeruvas maailmas oluline tagada majanduslik konkurentsivõime ning riigikaitse võimekus. Eestil kui väikeriigil tuleb selleks kasutada oma tugevusi, milleks on paindlikkus, innovatsioonile orienteeritud ettevõtted, teadlased ja oma kaitsevägi. Eesti kaitse- ja konkurentsivõime tagamiseks on vaja toimivat teadus- ja arendus- (edaspidi T&A) koostööd riigi, ülikoolide ja kaitsetööstuse vahel. Magistritöö eesmärk on analüüsida T&A koostööd mõjutavaid tegureid kaitsetööstussektoris. Seniste koostööd puudutavate uuringute põhjal võib väita, et kolmepoolset koostööd peetakse oluliseks, kuid koostöö süsteemsel korraldamisel on veel arenguruumi. Uurimisküsimustele vastuste leidmiseks ja uurimisülesannete lahendamiseks on kasutatud nii kvalitatiivset kui kvantitatiivset uurimismeetodit, andmete kogumisel küsitlust, poolstruktureeritud intervjuud ja dokumendianalüüsi. Uuringu tulemused näitavad, et kaitsetööstusettevõtete jaoks on olulised koostöövormid tootearendus ning projektid. Ülikoolidelt oodatakse pakutavate teenuste ja võimaluste paremat tutvustamist, riigilt selgemat visiooni ning infot tooteid ja teenusi puudutavate vajaduste kohta. Vaja on süsteemset koordineerimist ja kaasamist. Kaitsekoostööd on Eestis uuritud, kuid mitte kaitsetööstuse vaatenurgast ja T&A valdkonnas. Kaitsetööstus on kiirelt arenev valdkond, kus koostööd tehakse erinevate arendusprojektide raames, seega võib edaspidi kaaluda sarnase uuringu läbiviimist projektipõhise koostöö tulemuslikkust hinnates, kuna on teada, et lähiajal tekib rohkem võimalus EL T&A koostööprojektides osalemiseks. Samuti on võimalik käsitleda sama teemat ülikoolide ja riigi vaatenurgast, kuna hetkel keskendutakse valdavalt vaid ettevõtjate hinnangutele koostöö kohta. Tulevikus on võimalik uurida ka seda, kuivõrd on koostöö tulemuslikkus mõjutanud riigi arengukavades seatud eesmärkide täitumist ning kas see on muutnud Eesti ülikoolid rahvusvaheliselt nähtavamaks. Uuringu tulemustest lähtuvalt teeb autor ettepanekud T&A sektoritevahelise koostöö parandamiseks.http://www.ester.ee/record=b5145904*es

    Implementação do sistema de gestão da qualidade ISO 9000: vantagens ou desvantagens

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    Dissertação mest., Gestão Empresarial, Universidade do Algarve, 2009Este trabalho identifica as principais alterações ocorridas em empresas que desenvolveram o sistema de gestão de qualidade ISO 9000. O objectivo é verificar se a certificação é, num contexto geral, sinónimo de vantagem ou se pelo contrário a certificação apenas dificulta a vida das organizações. No sentido de desenvolver e enquadrar o tema, discutir-se-ão aspectos relacionados com a qualidade, a certificação, o aparecimento da norma ISO 9000 e a sua relação com a Gestão da Qualidade Total (GQT) e ainda certos factores que possam influenciar a performance das organizações, tais como a dimensão da empresa, a idade, o tempo decorrido pós-certificação e o mercado em que ela actua (doméstico ou internacional). A análise destes aspectos revela ausência de consenso na literatura, pelo que se pretende contribuir para a formação de um consenso sobre a matéria. A metodologia de trabalho consiste em aplicar um inquérito às empresas portuguesas que tenham implementado o sistema de gestão da qualidade ISO 9000. Os dados recolhidos são trabalhados com recurso a técnicas de estatística descritiva e de inferência estatística, por forma a caracterizar a situação em Portugal e a testar algumas hipóteses sobre motivações, obstáculos, vantagens e desvantagens da ISO 9000. O estudo termina com a comparação da análise teórica com a análise prática, na tentativa de responder aos objectivos propostos. Em geral as vantagens verificadas são superiores às desvantagens verificadas após a certificação e por isso, neste estudo, o saldo final revelou-se positivo