1,600 research outputs found

    Joint maintenance-inventory optimisation of parallel production systems

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    We model a joint inspection and spare parts inventory policy for maintaining machines in a parallel system, where simultaneous downtime seriously impacts upon production performance and has a significant financial consequence. This dependency between system components means that analysis of realistic maintenance models is intractable. Therefore we use simulation and a numerical optimisation tool to study the cost-optimality of several policies. Inspection maintenance is modelled using the delay-time concept. Critical spare parts replenishment is considered using several variants of a periodic review policy. In particular, our results indicate that the cost-optimal policy is characterised by equal frequencies of inspection and replenishment, and delivery of spare parts that coincides with maintenance intervention. In general, our model provides a framework for studying the interaction of spare parts ordering with maintenance scheduling. The sensitivity analysis that we present offers insights for the effective management of such parallel systems, not only in a paper-making plant, which motivates our modelling development, but also in other manufacturing contexts

    Joint optimisation of inspection maintenance and spare parts provisioning: a comparative study of inventory policies using simulation and survey data

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    The demand for industrial plant spare parts is driven, at least in part, by maintenance requirements. It is therefore important to jointly optimise planned maintenance and the associated spare parts inventory using the most appropriate maintenance and replenishment policies. In this simulation-based study, we address this challenge in the context of the random failure of parts in service and the replacement of defective parts at inspections of period T. Inspections are modelled using the delay-time concept. A number of simultaneous periodic review and continuous review replenishment policies are compared. A paper making plant provides a real context for the presentation of our ideas. We survey practitioners working with such plant to collect real data that inform the values of parameters in the models. Our simulation results indicate that a periodic review policy with ordering that is twice as frequent as inspection is cost optimal in the context of the plant that we study. For the purpose of comparison, we also present and discuss the characteristics of the various policies considered

    Modelling and simulation for the joint maintenance-inventory optimisation of production systems

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    Simulation methodologies are developed to model the joint optimization of preventive maintenance and spare parts inventory for a specific industrial plant under different production configurations. First, spare parts provisioning for a single-line system is considered, with the assumption that the demand is driven by maintenance requirements. The results indicate that a periodic review policy with replenishment as frequent as inspection is cost-optimal. Second, the joint optimization model for a multi-line (parallel) system is developed. It is found that a just-in-time review policy with inspection as frequent as replenishment produces the lowest cost policy. In this latter case, an implication of the proposed methodology is that, where mathematical modelling is intractable, or the use of certain assumptions make them impractical, simulation modelling is an appropriate solution tool. Under both production settings, the long-run average cost per unit time is used as the optimality criterion for the comparison of several policies

    Modelling and simulation for the joint optimisation of inspection maintenance and spare parts inventory in multi-line production settings

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    A simulation methodology is developed to model the joint optimisation of preventive maintenance and spare parts inventory in multi-line settings. The multi-line machines are subject to failure, based on the delay-time concept, and a selection of policies are used for the replenishment of the machines’ critical component. Production lines of varied configurations are modelled and described in three principal chapters. Firstly, the optimisation of preventive maintenance for a multi-line production system is developed in the context of a case study. The policy proposed indicates that consecutive inspection with priority for failure repair is cost-optimal, which suggests a substantial maintenance cost reduction of 61% compared to the run-to-failure policy. The contribution of this study is first and foremost in narrowing the gap between the theory and practice of managing multi-line systems, and in particular, that the scenarios and policies considered have important economic and engineering implications. In a second study, spare parts provisioning for a single-line system is considered, given that the demand for industrial plant spare parts should be driven, at least in part, by maintenance requirements. A paper-making plant provides a real context, for which simulation models are developed to jointly optimise the planned maintenance and the associated spare part inventory. This challenge is addressed in the context of the failure of parts in service and the replacement of defective parts at inspections of period T, using the delay-time concept, and a selection of replenishment policies. The results indicate that a periodic review policy with replenishment twice as frequent as inspection is cost-optimal. Further discussions and sensitivity analysis give insights into the characteristics and features of the policies considered. Finally, in the third study, the joint optimisation of preventive maintenance and the associated spare parts inventory for a multi-line system is developed using an idealised context. It is found that a review policy with inspection as frequent as replenishment using just-in-time (JIT) ordering is cost-optimal, and also the lowest risk policy; it is associated with the lowest simultaneous machine downtime and low stock-out cost-rates. This is a significant contribution to the literature. An implication of the proposed methodology is that, where mathematical modelling is intractable, or the use of certain assumptions make them less practical, simulation modelling is an appropriate solution tool. Throughout this thesis, the long-run average cost per unit time or cost-rate is used as the optimality criterion. In other contexts, one may wish to use availability or reliability instead. To do so would not change the methodology that is presented here

    A review on maintenance optimization

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    To this day, continuous developments of technical systems and increasing reliance on equipment have resulted in a growing importance of effective maintenance activities. During the last couple of decades, a substantial amount of research has been carried out on this topic. In this study we review more than two hundred papers on maintenance modeling and optimization that have appeared in the period 2001 to 2018. We begin by describing terms commonly used in the modeling process. Then, in our classification, we first distinguish single-unit and multi-unit systems. Further sub-classification follows, based on the state space of the deterioration process modeled. Other features that we discuss in this review are discrete and continuous condition monitoring, inspection, replacement, repair, and the various types of dependencies that may exist between units within systems. We end with the main developments during the review period and with potential future research directions

    Spare parts inventory control for an aircraft component repair shop

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    We study spare parts inventory control for a repair shop for aircraft components. Defect components that are removed from the aircraft are sent to such a shop for repair. Only after inspection of the component, it becomes clear which specific spare parts are needed to repair it, and in what quantity they are needed. Market requirements on shop performance are reflected in fill rate requirements on the turn around times of the repairs for each component type. The inventory for spare parts is controlled by independent min-max policies. Because parts may be used in the repair of different component types, the resulting optimization problem has a combinatorial nature. Practical instances may consist of 500 component types and 4000 parts, and thus pose a significant computational challenge. We propose a solution algorithm based on column generation. We study the pricing problem, and develop a method that is very efficient in (repeatedly) solving this pricing problem. With this method, it becomes feasible to solve practical instances of the problem in minutes

    Integrated Systems Health Management as an Enabler for Condition Based Maintenance and Autonomic Logistics

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    Health monitoring systems have demonstrated the ability to detect potential failures in components and predict how long until a critical failure is likely to occur. Implementing these systems on fielded structures, aircraft, or other vehicles is often a struggle to prove cost savings or operational improvements beyond improved safety. A system architecture to identify how the health monitoring systems are integrated into fielded aircraft is developed to assess cost, operations, maintenance, and logistics trade-spaces. The efficiency of a health monitoring system is examined for impacts to the operation of a squadron of cargo aircraft revealing sensitivity to and tolerance for false alarms as a key factor in total system performance. The research focuses on the impacts of system-wide changes to several key metrics: materiel availability, materiel reliability, ownership cost, and mean downtime. Changes to theses system-wide variables include: diagnostic and prognostic error, false alarm sensitivity, supply methods and timing, maintenance manning, and maintenance repair window. Potential cost savings in maintenance and logistics processes are identified as well as increases in operational availability. The result of this research is the development of a tool to conduct trade-space analyses on the effects of health monitoring techniques on system performance and operations and maintenance costs
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