20 research outputs found

    Decentralized Coordination in Self-Organizing Systems based on Peer-to-Peer Coordination Spaces

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    Coordination is an important aspect to realize Self-organizing Systemsusually implemented as part of the functional properties of the system. This paper promotes a separation of concerns via a declarative approach to realize decentralized coordination in Self-organizing Multi-Agent Systems (MAS). In previous work the concept of Coordination Spaces was developed which provides explicit support for the task of coordination in MAS. Coordination Spaces are part of the agent environment and handle a declarative description of the coordination process. Thereby, this approach allows developers rather focusing on what to coordinate than on how to  coordinate. Also by releasing the developer from programming coordination manually, the approach offers benefits like reusability and interoperability of coordination processes. This paper extends the approach by a distribution concept for coordination spaces. By using different techniques like remote service calls, group communicationand publish/subscribe models the distribution of information among multiple platforms in a peer-to-peer like approach is achieved

    Plan Acquisition Through Intentional Learning in BDI Multi-Agent Systems

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    Multi-Agent Systems (MAS), a technique emanating from Distributed Artificial Intelligence, is a suitable technique to study complex systems. They make it possible to represent and simulate both elements and interrelations of systems in a variety of domains. The most commonly used approach to develop the individual components (agents) within MAS is reactive agency. However, other architectures, like cognitive agents, enable richer behaviours and interactions to be captured and modelled. The well-known Belief-Desire-Intentions architecture (BDI) is a robust approach to develop cognitive agents and it can emulate aspects of autonomous behaviour and is thus a promising tool to simulate social systems. Machine Learning has been applied to improve the behaviour of agents both individually or collectively. However, the original BDI model of agency, is lacking learning as part of its core functionalities. To cope with learning, the BDI agency has been extended by Intentional Learning (IL) operating at three levels: belief adjustment, plan selection, and plan acquisition. The latter makes it possible to increase the agent’s catalogue of skills by generating new procedural knowledge to be used onwards. The main contributions of this thesis are: a) the development of IL in a fully-fledged BDI framework at the plan acquisition level, b) extending IL from the single-agent case to the collective perspective; and c) a novel framework that melts reactive and BDI agents through integrating both MAS and Agent-Based Modelling approaches, it allows the configuration of diverse domains and environments. Learning is demonstrated in a test-bed environment to acquire a set of plans that drive the agent to exhibit behaviours such as target-searching and left-handed wall-following. Learning in both decision strata, single and collective, is tested in a more challenging and socially relevant environment: the Disaster-Rescue problem

    Hydric-agent: ferramenta de simulação baseada em agentes para gestão da água em áreas residenciais / Hydric-agent: an agent-based simulation tool for water management in residential areas

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    Na  implementação  de  planos  de  gerenciamento  hídrico,  se  faz  necessário  compreender  o  comportamento  dos  agentes  consumidores  de  água diante  de  decisões,  planos  e  projetos  de  gerenciamento  do  sistema  hídrico. essa  integração  possibilita  tomadas  de  decisão  por  parte  dos  gestores  em concordância  com  a  realidade  do  sistema  hídrico.   no  presente  trabalho  se apresenta a ferramenta hydric-agent desenvolvida em jadex que permite a simulação de consumidores de água sob diferentes cenários de gestão hídrica, fornecendo ao usuário da plataforma uma visão do cooperativismo do agente consumidor de água e o grau de adesão á ação de gestão estabelecida

    Mission programming for flying ensembles: combining planning with self-organization

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    The application of autonomous mobile robots can improve many situations of our daily lives. Robots can enhance working conditions, provide innovative techniques for different research disciplines, and support rescue forces in an emergency. In particular, flying robots have already shown their potential in many use-cases when cooperating in ensembles. Exploiting this potential requires sophisticated measures for the goal-oriented, application-specific programming of flying ensembles and the coordinated execution of so defined programs. Because different goals require different robots providing different capabilities, several software approaches emerged recently that focus on specifically designed robots. These approaches often incorporate autonomous planning, scheduling, optimization, and reasoning attributable to classic artificial intelligence. This allows for the goal-oriented instruction of ensembles, but also leads to inefficiencies if ensembles grow large or face uncertainty in the environment. By leaving the detailed planning of executions to individuals and foregoing optimality and goal-orientation, the selforganization paradigm can compensate for these drawbacks by scalability and robustness. In this thesis, we combine the advantageous properties of autonomous planning with that of self-organization in an approach to Mission Programming for Flying Ensembles. Furthermore, we overcome the current way of thinking about how mobile robots should be designed. Rather than assuming fixed-design robots, we assume that robots are modifiable in terms of their hardware at run-time. While using such robots enables their application in many different use cases, it also requires new software approaches for dealing with this flexible design. The contributions of this thesis thus are threefold. First, we provide a layered reference architecture for physically reconfigurable robot ensembles. Second, we provide a solution for programming missions for ensembles consisting of such robots in a goal-oriented fashion that provides measures for instructing individual robots or entire ensembles as desired in the specific use case. Third, we provide multiple self-organization mechanisms to deal with the system’s flexible design while executing such missions. Combining different self-organization mechanisms ensures that ensembles satisfy the static requirements of missions. We provide additional self-organization mechanisms for coordinating the execution in ensembles ensuring they meet the dynamic requirements of a mission. Furthermore, we provide a solution for integrating goal-oriented swarm behavior into missions using a general pattern we have identified for trajectory-modification-based swarm behavior. Using that pattern, we can modify, quantify, and further process the emergent effect of varying swarm behavior in a mission by changing only the parameters of its implementation. We evaluate results theoretically and practically in different case studies by deploying our techniques to simulated and real hardware.Der Einsatz von autonomen mobilen Robotern kann viele Abläufe unseres täglichen Lebens erleichtern. Ihr Einsatz kann Arbeitsbedingungen verbessern, als innovative Technik für verschiedene Forschungsdisziplinen dienen oder Rettungskräfte im Einsatz unterstützen. Insbesondere Flugroboter haben ihr Potenzial bereits in vielerlei Anwendungsfällen gezeigt, gerade wenn mehrere in Ensembles eingesetzt werden. Das Potenzial fliegender Ensembles zielgerichtet und anwendungsspezifisch auszuschöpfen erfordert ausgefeilte Programmiermethoden und Koordinierungsverfahren. Zu diesem Zweck sind zuletzt viele unterschiedliche und auf speziell entwickelte Roboter zugeschnittene Softwareansätze entstanden. Diese verwenden oft klassische Planungs-, Scheduling-, Optimierungs- und Reasoningverfahren. Während dies vor allem den zielgerichteten Einsatz von Ensembles ermöglicht, ist es jedoch auch oft ineffizient, wenn die Ensembles größer oder deren Einsatzumgebungen unsicher werden. Die genannten Nachteile können durch das Paradigma der Selbstorganisation kompensiert werden: Falls Anwendungen nicht zwangsläufig auf Optimalität und strikte Zielorientierung ausgelegt sind, kann so Skalierbarkeit und Robustheit im System erreicht werden. In dieser Arbeit werden die vorteilhaften Eigenschaften klassischer Planungstechniken mit denen der Selbstorganisation in einem Ansatz zur Missionsprogrammierung für fliegende Ensembles kombiniert. In der dafür entwickelten Lösung wird von der aktuell etablierten Ansicht einer unveränderlichen Roboterkonstruktion abgewichen. Stattdessen wird die Hardwarezusammenstellung der Roboter als zur Laufzeit modifizierbar angesehen. Der Einsatz solcher Roboter erfordert neue Softwareansätze um mit genannter Flexibilität umgehen zu können. Die hier vorgestellten Beiträge zu diesem Thema lassen sich in drei Punkten zusammenfassen: Erstens wird eine Schichtenarchitektur als Referenz für physikalisch konfigurierbare Roboterensembles vorgestellt. Zweitens wird eine Lösung zur zielorientierten Missions-Programmierung für derartige Ensembles präsentiert, mit der sowohl einzelne Roboter als auch ganze Ensembles instruiert werden können. Drittens werden mehrere Selbstorganisationsmechanismen vorgestellt, die die autonome Ausführung so erstellter Missionen ermöglichen. Durch die Kombination verschiedener Selbstorganisationsmechanismen wird sichergestellt, dass Ensembles die missionsspezifischen Anforderungen erfüllen. Zusätzliche Selbstorganisationsmechanismen ermöglichen die koordinierte Ausführung der Missionen durch die Ensembles. Darüber hinaus bietet diese Lösung die Möglichkeit der Integration zielorientierten Schwarmverhaltens. Durch ein allgemeines algorithmisches Verfahren für auf Trajektorien-Modifikation basierendes Schwarmverhalten können allein durch die Änderung des Parametersatzes unterschiedliche emergente Effekte in einer Mission erzielt, quantifiziert und weiterverarbeitet werden. Zur theoretischen und praktischen Evaluierung der Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit wurden die vorgestellten Techniken in verschiedenen Fallstudien auf simulierter sowie realer Hardware zum Einsatz gebracht

    Agents and Robots for Reliable Engineered Autonomy

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    This book contains the contributions of the Special Issue entitled "Agents and Robots for Reliable Engineered Autonomy". The Special Issue was based on the successful first edition of the "Workshop on Agents and Robots for reliable Engineered Autonomy" (AREA 2020), co-located with the 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2020). The aim was to bring together researchers from autonomous agents, as well as software engineering and robotics communities, as combining knowledge from these three research areas may lead to innovative approaches that solve complex problems related to the verification and validation of autonomous robotic systems

    Proceedings of The Multi-Agent Logics, Languages, and Organisations Federated Workshops (MALLOW 2010)

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    http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-627/allproceedings.pdfInternational audienceMALLOW-2010 is a third edition of a series initiated in 2007 in Durham, and pursued in 2009 in Turin. The objective, as initially stated, is to "provide a venue where: the cost of participation was minimum; participants were able to attend various workshops, so fostering collaboration and cross-fertilization; there was a friendly atmosphere and plenty of time for networking, by maximizing the time participants spent together"

    Konzept einer agentenbasierten Transportsteuerung für komplexe, dynamische und multimodale Logistiknetzwerke

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    Transports within industrial logistics networks are planned strategically. Due to the existence of uncertainties an operational control of transports is necessary. Thereby, dispatchers are today not supported adequately. A control approach for dynamic, complex and multimodal transports is developed, which intends to support or automate the operational control. The approach has a decentral and heterarchical organization, in which the goods and means of transports are modeled as agents

    Model for WCET prediction, scheduling and task allocation for emergent agent-behaviours in real-time scenarios

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    [ES]Hasta el momento no se conocen modelos de tiempo real específicamente desarrollados para su uso en sistemas abiertos, como las Organizaciones Virtuales de Agentes (OVs). Convencionalmente, los modelos de tiempo real se aplican a sistemas cerrados donde todas las variables se conocen a priori. Esta tesis presenta nuevas contribuciones y la novedosa integración de agentes en tiempo real dentro de OVs. Hasta donde alcanza nuestro conocimiento, éste es el primer modelo específicamente diseñado para su aplicación en OVs con restricciones temporales estrictas. Esta tesis proporciona una nueva perspectiva que combina la apertura y dinamicidad necesarias en una OV con las restricciones de tiempo real. Ésto es una aspecto complicado ya que el primer paradigma no es estricto, como el propio término de sistema abierto indica, sin embargo, el segundo paradigma debe cumplir estrictas restricciones. En resumen, el modelo que se presenta permite definir las acciones que una OV debe llevar a cabo con un plazo concreto, considerando los cambios que pueden ocurrir durante la ejecución de un plan particular. Es una planificación de tiempo real en una OV. Otra de las principales contribuciones de esta tesis es un modelo para el cálculo del tiempo de ejecución en el peor caso (WCET). La propuesta es un modelo efectivo para calcular el peor escenario cuando un agente desea formar parte de una OV y para ello, debe incluir sus tareas o comportamientos dentro del sistema de tiempo real, es decir, se calcula el WCET de comportamientos emergentes en tiempo de ejecución. También se incluye una planificación local para cada nodo de ejecución basada en el algoritmo FPS y una distribución de tareas entre los nodos disponibles en el sistema. Para ambos modelos se usan modelos matemáticos y estadísticos avanzados para crear un mecanismo adaptable, robusto y eficiente para agentes inteligentes en OVs. El desconocimiento, pese al estudio realizado, de una plataforma para sistemas abiertos que soporte agentes con restricciones de tiempo real y los mecanismos necesarios para el control y la gestión de OVs, es la principal motivación para el desarrollo de la plataforma de agentes PANGEA+RT. PANGEA+RT es una innovadora plataforma multi-agente que proporciona soporte para la ejecución de agentes en ambientes de tiempo real. Finalmente, se presenta un caso de estudio donde robots heterogéneos colaboran para realizar tareas de vigilancia. El caso de estudio se ha desarrollado con la plataforma PANGEA+RT donde el modelo propuesto está integrado. Por tanto al final de la tesis, con este caso de estudio se obtienen los resultados y conclusiones que validan el modelo