50 research outputs found

    Software issues involved in code translation of C to Ada programs

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    It is often thought that translation of one programming language to another is a simple solution that can be used to extend the software life span or in rehosting software to another environment. The possible problems are examined as are the advantages and disadvantages of direct machine or human code translation versus that of redesign and rewrite of the software. The translation of the expert system language called C Language Integrated Production System (CLIPS) which is written in C, to Ada, will be used as a case study of the problems that are encountered

    Fundamental Laws and Assumptions of Software Maintenance

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    Researchers must pay far more attention to discovering and validating the principles that underlie software maintenance and evolution. This was one of the major conclusions reached during the International Workshop on Empirical Studies of Software Maintenance. This workship, held in November 1996 in Monterey, California, brought together an international group of researchers to discuss the successes, challenges and open issues in software maintenance and evolution. This article documents the discussion of the subgroup on fundamental laws and assumption of software maintenance. The participants of this group in included researchers in software engineering, the behavioral sciences, information systems and statistics. Their main conclusion was that insufficient effort has been paid to synthesizing research conjectures into validated theories and this problem has slowed progress in software maintenance. To help remedy this situation they made the following recommendations: (1) when we use empirical methods, an explicit goal should be to develop theories, (2) we should look to other disciplines for help where it is appropriate, and (3) our studies should use a wider range of empirical methods (Also cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR-97-21

    Fears and Triggers: A Conceptual Study of Vendor-Supplied Maintenance and Maintenance Deferral of Standard Package Software

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    Enterprises rely more on Information Systems (IS) and software than ever before. However the issue of maintaining a vendor-supplied IS, in particular standard packaged software, has been poorly represented within academic literature. This paper presents a conceptual study that synthesises the current state of research concerning the deferral or execution of vendor-supplied maintenance by the purchasing organisation. Based on a systematic review process that adopts the purchaser’s viewpoint, a series of fears and triggers emerge and are captured from the literature. Fears are articulated as reasons for the purchasing organisation deferring the installation of vendor-supplied maintenance, whereas triggers are events that upset the equilibrium of the purchasing organisation’s IS or software and require the installation of the vendor-supplied maintenance to proceed. Although prevalent in literature, fears and triggers have not previously been recognised as an area of focus for academic research

    Semantic Literature Review Pada Survey Teknik Pemeliharaan Software

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    Teknik pemeliharaan software adalah segala metode yang berhubungan dengan aktivitas untuk menjaga life-cycle sebuah software. Survey yang dilakukan terhadap teknik pemeliharaan software sudah pernah dilakukan oleh peneliti sebelumnya termasuk Lientz, Swanson, dll. Survey kali ini mengangkat latar belakang masalah yang berbeda; yaitu pesatnya perkembangan jenis teknik pemeliharaan yang tidak sebanding dengan kepastian tingkat akurasi, keefektifan penggunaan serta cost yang harus dikeluarkan. Survey yang dimaksud bertujuan untuk memberikan tinjauan komprehensif kepada pembaca tentang kegunaan, kelebihan, kekurangan teknik-teknik pemeliharaan software dalam penelitian kurun waktu 1978-2020. Metode survey yang digunakan adalah systematic literature review terhadap paper significant yang membahas isu terkait. Manfaat yang diharapkan, dapat memberikan pembaca gambaran dan pilihan penggunaan teknik pemeliharaan yang tepat guna untuk masalah pemeliharaan yang mereka hadapi. Survey menghasilkan 24 jenis teknik software. Tujuh diantaranya (reverse engineering, corrective, perfective, adaptive, restructuring, model maintenance, reengineering) masuk ke dalam klasifikasi teknik yang paling sering dibahas dalam penelitian kurun waktu 1978-2020. Dari hasil survey tersebut, didapatkan temuan berupa rekomendasi pilihan teknik pemeliharaan untuk contoh kasus Pembuatan framework maintenance, Pemeliharaan pada aplikasi berbasis web, dan Pemeliharaan Cryptologic System

    A Conceptual Investigation of Maintenance Deferral and Implementation: Foundation for a Maintenance Lifecycle Model

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    Despite the fact that society and organizations rely heavily on Information Systems (IS) and software, the maintenance of vendor-supplied IS, in particular standard package software has gained little attention within the academic literature. This paper presents a conceptual study of the current state of research concerning the reasons for deferral and performance of vendor-supplied maintenance by the purchasing organization. These reasons have so far neither been investigated together nor from that perspective. Based on a systematic literature review and taking the purchaser’s viewpoint, reasons for maintenance deferral and performance are identified from the literature. They build the groundwork and foundation for a Maintenance Lifecycle and Process Model that provides a starting point to research vendor-supplied maintenance from the customer’s point of view


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    La adopción y expansión de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación en el ámbito empresarial se está produciendo a gran velocidad. De la mano de las más innovadoras TIC y de los sistemas informáticos, surgen y se desarrollan los sistemas ERP. Éstos han sido implantados por empresas de todo el mundo. Tras su implantación, comienza su mantenimiento. Para que el resultado de estos proyectos sea satisfactorio, los riesgos que lo afectan tienen que ser gestionados. Una pobre gestión de estos riesgos, con frecuencia origina fallos en el sistema, lo que hace que las compañías tengan que asumir altas pérdidas. Para gestionar adecuadamente los riesgos, los profesionales deben comenzar identificándolos y clasificándolos. Para apoyar su labor, hemos realizado un estudio formal de los riesgos que afectan al mantenimiento de ERPs. La investigación finaliza con la elaboración de un Modelo de dos dimensiones compuesto por los riesgos identificados en la literatura

    Balancing software engineering education and industrial needs

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    In the world of information and communications technologies the demand for professionals with software engineering skills grows at an exponential rate. On this ground, we have conducted a study to help both academia and the software industry form a picture of the relationship between the competences of recent graduates of undergraduate and graduate software engineering programmes and the tasks that these professionals are to perform as part of their jobs in industry. Thanks to this study, academia will be able to observe which skills demanded by industry the software engineering curricula do or do not cater for, and industry will be able to ascertain which tasks a recent software engineering programme graduate is well qualified to perform. The study focuses on the software engineering knowledge guidelines provided in SE2004 and GSwE2009, and the job profiles identified by Career Space


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    Proses penilaian source code dapat menjadi pekerjaan yang cukup berat. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah banyaknya jumlah source code yang perlu dinilai ditambah lagi dengan sedikitnya waktu yang tersedia untuk menyelesaikan penilaian seluruh source code tersebut. Sehingga kehadiran modul penilaian source code otomatis akan sangat membantu. Pada penelitian ini model state machine akan diimplementasikan kedalam modul penilaian otomatis. Dengan mengimplementasikan model state machine yang sesuai dengan kriteria penilaian, diharapkan modul penilaian otomatis yang dibangun akan melakukan penilaian selayaknya penilai. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa modul penilaian penulisan source code otomatis yang dibangun memiliki nilai koefisien korelasi yang cukup tinggi, yaitu 0,851 dengan skala 1. Namun, penelitian dan pengembangan lebih lanjut akan sangat diperlukan untuk membangun modul penilaian penulisan source code otomatis yang lebih baik. Source code assessment process can become a hard job. One of the reasons are the amount of source code they need to assessed are quiet a lot. More over, they won’t have that much of a time to assessed that much of source code. That is why an existence of automatic source code writing assessment module will helped a lot as lecturer assistant or as a lecturer. In this research, state machine model will be implemented to the automatic assessment module. With implementing the correct state machine model that refers to the lecturer assistant’s or lecturer’s assessment criteria, the automatic assessment module will assessed all the source code as good as how the lecturer assistant or lecturer would assessed. The result of this research show that the automatic source code writing assessment module have a correlation coefficient value of 0,851 in a scale of 1, which is quiet high. But a future development and research will be needed to get a better automatic source code writing assessment module

    Development in times of hype: How freelancers explore Generative AI?

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    The rise of generative AI has led many companies to hire freelancers to harness its potential. However, this technology presents unique challenges to developers who have not previously engaged with it. Freelancers may find these challenges daunting due to the absence of organizational support and their reliance on positive client feedback. In a study involving 52 freelance developers, we identified multiple challenges associated with developing solutions based on generative AI. Freelancers often struggle with aspects they perceive as unique to generative AI such as unpredictability of its output, the occurrence of hallucinations, and the inconsistent effort required due to trial-and-error prompting cycles. Further, the limitations of specific frameworks, such as token limits and long response times, add to the complexity. Hype-related issues, such as inflated client expectations and a rapidly evolving technological ecosystem, further exacerbate the difficulties. To address these issues, we propose Software Engineering for Generative AI (SE4GenAI) and Hype-Induced Software Engineering (HypeSE) as areas where the software engineering community can provide effective guidance. This support is essential for freelancers working with generative AI and other emerging technologies