20 research outputs found

    Novel applications and contexts for the cognitive packet network

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    Autonomic communication, which is the development of self-configuring, self-adapting, self-optimising and self-healing communication systems, has gained much attention in the network research community. This can be explained by the increasing demand for more sophisticated networking technologies with physical realities that possess computation capabilities and can operate successfully with minimum human intervention. Such systems are driving innovative applications and services that improve the quality of life of citizens both socially and economically. Furthermore, autonomic communication, because of its decentralised approach to communication, is also being explored by the research community as an alternative to centralised control infrastructures for efficient management of large networks. This thesis studies one of the successful contributions in the autonomic communication research, the Cognitive Packet Network (CPN). CPN is a highly scalable adaptive routing protocol that allows for decentralised control in communication. Consequently, CPN has achieved significant successes, and because of the direction of research, we expect it to continue to find relevance. To investigate this hypothesis, we research new applications and contexts for CPN. This thesis first studies Information-Centric Networking (ICN), a future Internet architecture proposal. ICN adopts a data-centric approach such that contents are directly addressable at the network level and in-network caching is easily supported. An optimal caching strategy for an information-centric network is first analysed, and approximate solutions are developed and evaluated. Furthermore, a CPN inspired forwarding strategy for directing requests in such a way that exploits the in-network caching capability of ICN is proposed. The proposed strategy is evaluated via discrete event simulations and shown to be more effective in its search for local cache hits compared to the conventional methods. Finally, CPN is proposed to implement the routing system of an Emergency Cyber-Physical System for guiding evacuees in confined spaces in emergency situations. By exploiting CPN’s QoS capabilities, different paths are assigned to evacuees based on their ongoing health conditions using well-defined path metrics. The proposed system is evaluated via discrete-event simulations and shown to improve survival chances compared to a static system that treats evacuees in the same way.Open Acces

    On Information-centric Resiliency and System-level Security in Constrained, Wireless Communication

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) interconnects many heterogeneous embedded devices either locally between each other, or globally with the Internet. These things are resource-constrained, e.g., powered by battery, and typically communicate via low-power and lossy wireless links. Communication needs to be secured and relies on crypto-operations that are often resource-intensive and in conflict with the device constraints. These challenging operational conditions on the cheapest hardware possible, the unreliable wireless transmission, and the need for protection against common threats of the inter-network, impose severe challenges to IoT networks. In this thesis, we advance the current state of the art in two dimensions. Part I assesses Information-centric networking (ICN) for the IoT, a network paradigm that promises enhanced reliability for data retrieval in constrained edge networks. ICN lacks a lower layer definition, which, however, is the key to enable device sleep cycles and exclusive wireless media access. This part of the thesis designs and evaluates an effective media access strategy for ICN to reduce the energy consumption and wireless interference on constrained IoT nodes. Part II examines the performance of hardware and software crypto-operations, executed on off-the-shelf IoT platforms. A novel system design enables the accessibility and auto-configuration of crypto-hardware through an operating system. One main focus is the generation of random numbers in the IoT. This part of the thesis further designs and evaluates Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs) to provide novel randomness sources that generate highly unpredictable secrets, on low-cost devices that lack hardware-based security features. This thesis takes a practical view on the constrained IoT and is accompanied by real-world implementations and measurements. We contribute open source software, automation tools, a simulator, and reproducible measurement results from real IoT deployments using off-the-shelf hardware. The large-scale experiments in an open access testbed provide a direct starting point for future research

    On the realization of VANET using named data networking: On improvement of VANET using NDN-based routing, caching, and security

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    Named data networking (NDN) presents a huge opportunity to tackle some of the unsolved issues of IP-based vehicular ad hoc networks (VANET). The core characteristics of NDN such as the name-based routing, in-network caching, and built-in data security provide better management of VANET proprieties (e.g., the high mobility, link intermittency, and dynamic topology). This study aims at providing a clear view of the state-of-the-art on the developments in place, in order to leverage the characteristics of NDN in VANET. We resort to a systematic literature review (SLR) to perform a reproducible study, gathering the proposed solutions and summarizing the main open challenges on implementing NDN-based VANET. There exist several related studies, but they are more focused on other topics such as forwarding. This work specifically restricts the focus on VANET improvements by NDN-based routing (not forwarding), caching, and security. The surveyed solution herein presented is performed between 2010 and 2021. The results show that proposals on the selected topics for NDN-based VANET are recent (mainly from 2016 to 2021). Among them, caching is the most investigated topic. Finally, the main findings and the possible roadmaps for further development are highlighted

    An Icn-Based Secure Task Cooperation Scheme in Challenging Wireless Edge Networks

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    Task cooperation is an effective way to execute a complex task in challenging wireless edge networks. Existing TCP/IP-based solutions encounter the problem of low network resource utilization and the heavy dependency of infrastructure connections. Information-centric networking (ICN) is a promising architecture to address these issues. In existing ICN-based task cooperation schemes, the data reuse feature of ICN improves the utilization of network resources, which also brings potential security threats to the reused data. To guarantee the security of data reuse in task cooperation without affecting the data reuse feature, we propose an ICN-based secure task cooperation scheme. In our scheme, the specific naming convention is designed to support task cooperation and the acquisition of keys. In addition, our scheme implements fine-grained access control for data reuse in task cooperation combined with attribute-based encryption. Experimental results show that our scheme enhances the security of task cooperation with low cost compared with existing schemes

    Encaminhamento baseado no contexto em ICNs móveis

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    Over the last couple of decades, vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) have been at the forefront of research, yet still are afflicted by high network fragmentation, due to their continuous node mobility and geographical dispersion. To address these concerns, a new paradigm was proposed - Information-Centric Networks(ICN), whose focus is the delivery of Content based on names, being ideal to attend to high latency environments. However, the main proposed solutions for content delivery in ICNs do not take into account the type of content nor the various available communication interfaces in each point of the network, a factor which can be deciding in mobile networks. The scope of this dissertation lies on the use of ICNs concepts for the delivery of both urgent and non-urgent information in urban mobile environments. In order to do so, a context-based forwarding strategy was proposed, with a very clear goal: to take advantage of both packet names and Data, and node's neighborhood analysis in order to successfully deliver content into the network in the shortest period of time, and without worsening network congestion. The design, implementation and validation of the proposed strategy was performed using the ndnSIM platform simulator along with real mobility traces from communication infrastructure of the Porto city. The results show that the proposed context-based forwarding strategy for mobile ICN presents a clear improvement in performance in terms of delivery, while maintaining network overhead at a constant. Furthermore, by means of better pathing and through cooperation with caching mechanisms, lower transmission delays can be attained.Nas últimas décadas, as redes veiculares ad hoc (VANETs) estiveram na vanguarda da pesquisa, mas continuam a ser afetadas por alta fragmentação na rede, devido à mobilidade contínua dos nós e a sua dispersão geográfica. Para abordar estes problemas, um novo paradigma foi proposto - Redes Centradas na Informação (ICN), cujo foco é a entrega de Conteúdo com base em nomes, sendo ideal para atender ambientes de alta latência. No entanto, as principais soluções propostas para entrega de conteúdo em ICNs não têm em conta o tipo de conteúdo nem as várias interfaces de comunicação disponíveis em cada ponto da rede, fator que pode ser determinante em redes móveis. O objetivo desta dissertação reside no uso dos conceitos de ICNs para a entrega de informações urgentes e não urgentes em ambientes móveis urbanos. Para isso, foi proposta uma estratégia de encaminhamento baseada em contexto, com um objetivo muito claro: tirar proveito do nome e dados dos pacotes, e da análise de vizinhança dos nós, com vista em fornecer com êxito o conteúdo para a rede no menor período de tempo e sem piorar o congestionamento da rede. O desenho, implementação e validação da estratégia proposta foram realizados usando o simulador ndnSIM, juntamente com traces reais de mobilidade da infraestrutura de comunicação da cidade do Porto. Os resultados mostram que a estratégia de encaminhamento baseada em contexto proposta para o ICN móvel apresenta uma clara melhoria no desempenho em termos de entrega, mantendo a carga da rede constante. Além disso, através da escolha de melhores caminhos e através da cooperação com mecanismos de armazenamento em cache, é possível alcançar atrasos de transmissão mais baixos.Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e Telemátic

    Distribution efficace des contenus dans les réseaux : partage de ressources sans fil, planification et sécurité

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    In recent years, the amount of traffic requests that Internet users generate on a daily basis has increased exponentially, mostly due to the worldwide success of video streaming services, such as Netflix and YouTube. While Content-Delivery Networks (CDNs) are the de-facto standard used nowadays to serve the ever increasing users’ demands, the scientific community has formulated proposals known under the name of Content-Centric Networks (CCN) to change the network protocol stack in order to turn the network into a content distribution infrastructure. In this context this Ph.D. thesis studies efficient techniques to foster content distribution taking into account three complementary problems:1) We consider the scenario of a wireless heterogeneous network, and we formulate a novel mechanism to motivate wireless access point owners to lease their unexploited bandwidth and cache storage, in exchange for an economic incentive.2) We study the centralized network planning problem and (I) we analyze the migration to CCN; (II) we compare the performance bounds for a CDN with those of a CCN, and (III) we take into account a virtualized CDN and study the stochastic planning problem for one such architecture.3) We investigate the security properties on access control and trackability and formulate ConfTrack-CCN: a CCN extension to enforce confidentiality, trackability and access policy evolution in the presence of distributed caches.Au cours de ces dernières années, la quantité de trafic que les utilisateurs Internet produisent sur une base quotidienne a augmenté de façon exponentielle, principalement en raison du succès des services de streaming vidéo, tels que Netflix et YouTube. Alors que les réseaux de diffusion de contenu (Content-Delivery Networks, CDN) sont la technique standard utilisée actuellement pour servir les demandes des utilisateurs, la communauté scientifique a formulé des propositions connues sous le nom de Content-Centric Networks (CCN) pour changer la pile de protocoles réseau afin de transformer Internet en une infrastructure de distribution de contenu. Dans ce contexte, cette thèse de doctorat étudie des techniques efficaces pour la distribution de contenu numérique en tenant compte de trois problèmes complémentaires : 1) Nous considérons le scénario d’un réseau hétérogène sans fil, et nous formulons un mécanisme pour motiver les propriétaires des points d’accès à partager leur capacité WiFi et stockage cache inutilisés, en échange d’une contribution économique.2) Nous étudions le problème centralisé de planification du réseau en présence de caches distribuées et (I) nous analysons la migration optimale du réseau à CCN; (II) nous comparons les bornes de performance d’un réseau CDN avec ceux d’un CCN, et (III) nous considérons un réseau CDN virtualisé et étudions le problème stochastique de planification d’une telle infrastructure.3) Nous considérons les implications de sécurité sur le contrôle d’accès et la traçabilité, et nous formulons ConfTrack-CCN, une extension deCCN utilisée pour garantir la confidentialité, traçabilité et l’évolution de la politique d’accès, en présence de caches distribuées

    Applying named data networking in mobile ad hoc networks

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    This thesis presents the Name-based Mobile Ad-hoc Network (nMANET) approach to content distribution that ensure and enables responsible research on applying named data networking protocol in mobile ad-hoc networks. The test framework of the nMANET approach allows reproducibility of experiments and validation of expected results based on analysis of experimental data. The area of application for nMANETs is the distribution of humanitarian information in emergency scenarios. Named-Data Networking (NDN) and ad-hoc mobile communication allow exchange of emergency information in situations where central services such as cellular towers and electric systems are disrupted. The implemented prototype enables researchers to reproduce experiments on content distribution that consider constraints on mobile resources, such as the remaining power of mobile devices and available network bandwidth. The nMANET framework validates a set of experiments by measuring network traffic and energy consumption from both real mobile devices and those in a simulated environment. Additionally, this thesis presents results from experiments in which the nMANET forwarding strategies and traditional wireless services, such as hotpost, are analysed and compared. This experimental data represents the evidence that supports and validates the methodology presented in this thesis. The design and implementation of an nMANET prototype, the Java NDN Forwarder Daemon (JNFD) is presented as a testing framework, which follows the principles of continuous integration, continuous testing and continuous deployment. This testing framework is used to validate JNFD and IP-based technologies, such as HTTP in a MANET using the OLSR routing protocol, as well as traditional wireless infrastructure mode wireless. The set of experiments executed, in a small network of Android smart-phones connected in ad-hoc mode and in a virtual ad-hoc network simulator show the advantages of reproducibility using nMANET features. JNFD is open source, all experiments are scripted, they are repeatable and scalable. Additionally, JNFD utilises real GPS traces to simulate mobility of nodes during experiments. This thesis provides experimental evidence to show that nMANET allows reproducibility and validation of a wide range of future experiments applying NDN on MANETs

    Integration of ICN and MEC in 5G and beyond networks : mutual benefits, use cases, challenges, standardization, and future research

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    Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) is a novel edge computing paradigm that moves cloudbased processing and storage capabilities closer to mobile users by implementing server resources in the access nodes. MEC helps fulfill the stringent requirements of 5G and beyond networks to offer anytimeanywhere connectivity for many devices with ultra-low delay and huge bandwidths. Information-Centric Networking (ICN) is another prominent network technology that builds on a content-centric network architecture to overcome host-centric routing/operation shortcomings and to realize efficient pervasive and ubiquitous networking. It is envisaged to be employed in Future Internet including Beyond 5G (B5G) networks. The consolidation of ICN with MEC technology offers new opportunities to realize that vision and serve advanced use cases. However, various integration challenges are yet to be addressed to enable the wide-scale co-deployment of ICN with MEC in future networks. In this paper, we discuss and elaborate on ICN MEC integration to provide a comprehensive survey with a forward-looking perspective for B5G networks. In that regard, we deduce lessons learned from related works (for both 5G and B5G networks). We present ongoing standardization activities to highlight practical implications of such efforts. Moreover, we render key B5G use cases and highlight the role for ICN MEC integration for addressing their requirements. Finally, we layout research challenges and identify potential research directions. For this last contribution, we also provide a mapping of the latter to ICN integration challenges and use cases