82 research outputs found


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    As processor development shifts from strict single core frequency scaling to het- erogeneous resource scaling two important considerations require evaluation. First, how to design systems with an increasing amount of heterogeneous resources, and second, how to maintain a designer’s productivity as the number of possible con- figurations grows. Therefore, it is necessary to determine what useful information can be gathered from existing designs to help predict or identify a design’s potential scalability, as well as, identifying which routine tasks can be automated to improve a designer’s productivity. Moreover, once this information is collected, how can this information be conveyed to the designer such that it can be used to increase overall productivity when implementing the design over increasing amounts of resources? This research looks at various approaches to analyze designs and attempts to distribute an application efficiently across a heterogeneous cluster of computing re- sources through the use of a Systematic Design Analysis flow and an assortment of productivity tools. These tools provide the designer with projections on the amount of resources needed to scale an existing design to a specified performance, as well as, projecting the performance based on a specified amount of resources. This is accomplished through the combination of static HDL profiling, component synthesis resource utilization, and runtime performance monitoring. For evaluation, four case studies are presented to demonstrate the proposed flow’s scalability on a small scale cluster of FPGAs. The results are highly favorable, providing orders of magnitude speedup with minimal intervention from the designer

    The case for a Hardware Filesystem

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    As secondary storage devices get faster with flash based solid state drives (SSDs) and emerging technologies like phase change memories (PCM), overheads in system software like operating system (OS) and filesystem become prominent and may limit the potential performance improvements. Moreover, with rapidly increasing on-chip core count, monolithic operating systems will face scalability issues on these many-core chips. Future operating systems are likely to have a distributed nature, with a separation of operating system services amongst cores. Also, general purpose processors are known to be both performance and power inefficient while executing operating system code. In the domain of High Performance Computing with FPGAs too, relying on the OS for file I/O transactions using slow embedded processors, hinders performance. Migrating the filesystem into a dedicated hardware core, has the potential of improving the performance of data-intensive applications by bypassing the OS stack to provide higher bandwdith and reduced latency while accessing disks. To test the feasibility of this idea, an FPGA-based Hardware Filesystem (HWFS) was designed with five basic operations (open, read, write, delete and seek). Furthermore, multi-disk and RAID-0 (striping) support has been implemented as an option in the filesystem. In order to reduce design complexity and facilitate easier testing of the HWFS, a RAM disk was used initially. The filesystem core has been integrated and tested with a hardware application core (BLAST) as well as a multi-node FPGA network to provide remote-disk access. Finally, a SATA IP core was developed and directly integrated with HWFS to test with SSDs. For evaluation, HWFS's performance was compared to an Ext2 filesystem, both on an FPGA-based soft processor as well as a modern AMD Opteron Linux server with sequential and random workloads. Results prove that the Hardware Filesystem and supporting infrastructure provide substantial performance improvement over software only systems. The system is also resource efficient consuming less than 3% of logic and 5% of the Block RAMs of a Xilinx Virtex-6 chip

    High performance communication on reconfigurable clusters

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    High Performance Computing (HPC) has matured to where it is an essential third pillar, along with theory and experiment, in most domains of science and engineering. Communication latency is a key factor that is limiting the performance of HPC, but can be addressed by integrating communication into accelerators. This integration allows accelerators to communicate with each other without CPU interactions, and even bypassing the network stack. Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are the accelerators that currently best integrate communication with computation. The large number of Multi-gigabit Transceivers (MGTs) on most high-end FPGAs can provide high-bandwidth and low-latency inter-FPGA connections. Additionally, the reconfigurable FPGA fabric enables tight coupling between computation kernel and network interface. Our thesis is that an application-aware communication infrastructure for a multi-FPGA system makes substantial progress in solving the HPC communication bottleneck. This dissertation aims to provide an application-aware solution for communication infrastructure for FPGA-centric clusters. Specifically, our solution demonstrates application-awareness across multiple levels in the network stack, including low-level link protocols, router microarchitectures, routing algorithms, and applications. We start by investigating the low-level link protocol and the impact of its latency variance on performance. Our results demonstrate that, although some link jitter is always present, we can still assume near-synchronous communication on an FPGA-cluster. This provides the necessary condition for statically-scheduled routing. We then propose two novel router microarchitectures for two different kinds of workloads: a wormhole Virtual Channel (VC)-based router for workloads with dynamic communication, and a statically-scheduled Virtual Output Queueing (VOQ)-based router for workloads with static communication. For the first (VC-based) router, we propose a framework that generates application-aware router configurations. Our results show that, by adding application-awareness into router configuration, the network performance of FPGA clusters can be substantially improved. For the second (VOQ-based) router, we propose a novel offline collective routing algorithm. This shows a significant advantage over a state-of-the-art collective routing algorithm. We apply our communication infrastructure to a critical strong-scaling HPC kernel, the 3D FFT. The experimental results demonstrate that the performance of our design is faster than that on CPUs and GPUs by at least one order of magnitude (achieving strong scaling for the target applications). Surprisingly, the FPGA cluster performance is similar to that of an ASIC-cluster. We also implement the 3D FFT on another multi-FPGA platform: the Microsoft Catapult II cloud. Its performance is also comparable or superior to CPU and GPU HPC clusters. The second application we investigate is Molecular Dynamics Simulation (MD). We model MD on both FPGA clouds and clusters. We find that combining processing and general communication in the same device leads to extremely promising performance and the prospect of MD simulations well into the us/day range with a commodity cloud


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    The current trend in High-Performance Computing (HPC) is to extract concurrency from clusters that include heterogeneous resources such as General Purpose Graphical Processing Units (GPGPUs) and Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGAs). Although these heterogeneous systems can provide substantial performance for massively parallel applications, much of the available computing resources are often under-utilized due to inefficient application mapping, load balancing, and tuning. While several performance prediction models exist to efficiently tune applications, they often require significant computing architecture knowledge for reliable prediction. In addition, they do not address multiple levels of design space abstraction and it is often difficult to choose a reliable prediction model for a given design. In this research, we develop a multi-level suite of performance prediction models for heterogeneous systems that primarily targets Synchronous Iterative Algorithms (SIAs). The modeling suite aims to produce accurate and straightforward application runtime prediction prior to the actual large-scale implementation. This suite addresses two levels of system abstraction: 1) low-level where partial knowledge of the application implementation is present along with the system specifications and 2) high-level where the implementation details are minimum and only high-level computing system specifications are given. The performance prediction modeling suite is developed using our proposed Synchronous Iterative GPGPU Execution (SIGE) model for GPGPU clusters, motivated by the RC Amenability Test for Scalable Systems (RATSS) model for FPGA clusters. The low-level abstraction for GPGPU clusters consists of a regression-based performance prediction framework that statistically abstracts system architecture characteristics, enabling performance prediction without detailed architecture knowledge. In this framework, the overall execution time of an application is predicted using regression models developed for host-device computations and network-level communications performed in the algorithm. We have used a family of Spiking Neural Network (SNN) models and an Anisotropic Diffusion Filter (ADF) algorithm as SIA case studies for verification of the regression-based framework and achieved over 90% prediction accuracy compared to the actual implementations for several GPGPU cluster configurations tested. The results establish the adequacy of the low-level abstraction model for advanced, fine-grained performance prediction and design space exploration (DSE). The high-level abstraction consists of the following two primary modeling approaches: qualitative modeling that uses existing subjective-analytical models for computation and communication; and quantitative modeling that predicts computation and communication performance by measuring hardware events associated with objective-analytical models using micro-benchmarks. The performance prediction provided by the high-level abstraction approaches, albeit coarse-grained, delivers useful insight into application performance on the chosen heterogeneous system. A blend of the two high-level modeling approaches, labeled as hybrid modeling, is explored for insightful preliminary performance prediction. The performance prediction models in the multi-level suite are verified and compared for their accuracy and ease-of-use, allowing developers to choose a model that best satisfies their design space abstraction. We also construct a roadmap that guides user from optimal Application-to-Accelerator (A2A) mapping to fine-grained performance prediction, thereby providing a hierarchical approach to optimal application porting on the target heterogeneous system. The end goal of this dissertation research is to offer the HPC community a thorough, non-architecture specific, performance prediction framework in the form of a hierarchical modeling suite that enables them to optimally utilize the heterogeneous resources

    Implementation of Ultra-Low Latency and High-Speed Communication Channels for an FPGA-Based HPC Cluster

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    RÉSUMÉ Les clusters basĂ©s sur les FPGA bĂ©nĂ©ficient de leur flexibilitĂ© et de leurs performances en termes de puissance de calcul et de faible consommation. Et puisque la consommation de puissance devient un Ă©lĂ©ment de plus en plus importants sur le marchĂ© des superordinateurs, le domaine d’exploration multi-FPGA devient chaque annĂ©e plus populaire. Les performances des ordinateurs n’ont jamais cessĂ© d’augmenter mais la latence des rĂ©seaux d’interconnexion n’a pas suivi leur taux d’amĂ©lioration. Dans le but d’augmenter le niveau d’abstraction et les fonctionnalitĂ©s des interconnexions, la complexitĂ© des piles de communication atteinte Ă  nos jours engendre des coĂ»ts et affecte la latence des communications, ce qui rend ces piles de communication trĂšs souvent inefficaces, voire inutiles. Les protocoles de communication commerciaux existants et les contrĂŽleurs d’interfaces rĂ©seau FPGA-FPGA n’ont la performance pour supporter ni les applications Ă  temps critique ni un partitionnement Ă©troitement couplĂ© des systĂšmes sur puce. Au lieu de cela, les approches de communication personnalisĂ©es sont souvent prĂ©fĂ©rĂ©es. Dans ce travail, nous proposons une implĂ©mentation de canaux de communication Ă  haut dĂ©bit et Ă  faible latence pour une grappe de FPGA. Le systĂšme est constituĂ© de deux BEE3, chacun contenant 4 FPGA de la famille Virtex-5 interconnectĂ©s par une topologie en anneau. Notre approche exploite la technologie Ă  transducteur Ă  plusieurs gigabits par seconde pour l’obtention d’une bande passante fiable de 8Gbps. Le module de propriĂ©tĂ© intellectuelle (IP) de communication proposĂ© permet le transfert de donnĂ©es entre des milliers de coprocesseurs sur le rĂ©seau, grĂące Ă  l’implĂ©mentation d’un rĂ©seau direct avec capacitĂ© de routage de paquets. Les rĂ©sultats expĂ©rimentaux ont montrĂ© une latence de seulement 34 cycles d’horloge entre deux noeuds voisins, ce qui est un des plus bas parmi ceux rapportĂ©s dans la littĂ©rature. En outre, nous proposons une architecture adaptĂ©e au calcul Ă  haute performance qui comporte un traitement extensible, parallĂšle et distribuĂ©. Pour une plateforme Ă  8 FPGA, l’architecture fournit 35.6Go/s de bande passante effective pour la mĂ©moire externe, une bande passante globale de rĂ©seau de 128Gbps et une puissance de calcul de 8.9GFLOPS. Un solveur matrice-vecteur de grande taille est partitionnĂ© et mis en oeuvre Ă  travers le cluster. Nous avons obtenu une performance et une efficacitĂ© de calcul concurrentielles grĂące Ă  la faible empreinte du protocole de communication entre les Ă©lĂ©ments de traitement distribuĂ©s. Ce travail contribue Ă  soutenir de nouvelles recherches dans le domaine du calcul parallĂšle intensif et permet le partitionnement de systĂšme sur puce Ă  grande taille sur des clusters Ă  base de FPGA.----------ABSTRACT An FPGA-based cluster profits from the flexibility and the performance potential FPGA technology provides. Since price and power consumption are becoming increasingly important elements in the High-Performance Computing market, the multi-FPGA exploration field is getting more popular each year. Network latency has failed to keep up with other improvements in computer performance. Complex communication stacks have sacrificed latency and increased overhead to achieve other goals, being in most of the time inefficient and unnecessary. The existing commercial offthe- shelf communication protocols and Network Interfaces Controllers for FPGA-to-FPGA interconnection lack of performance to support time-critical applications and tightly coupled System-on-Chip partitioning. Instead, custom communication approaches are preferred. In this work, ultra-low latency and high-speed communication channels for an FPGA-based cluster are presented. Two BEE3s grouping 8 FPGAs Virtex-5 interconnected in a ring topology, compose the targeting platform. Our approach exploits Multi-Gigabit Transceiver technology to achieve reliable 8Gbps channel bandwidth. The proposed communication IP supports data transfer from coprocessors over the network, by means of a direct network implementation with hop-by-hop packet routing capability. Experimental results showed a latency of only 34 clock cycles between two neighboring nodes, being one of the lowest in the literature. In addition, it is proposed an architecture suitable for High-Performance Computing which includes performing scalable, parallel, and distributed processing. For an 8 FPGAs platform, the architecture provides 35.6GB/s off-chip memory throughput, 128Gbps network aggregate bandwidth, and 8.9GFLOPS computing power. A large and dense matrix-vector solver is partitioned and implemented across the cluster. We achieved competitive performance and computational efficiency as a result of the low communication overhead among the distributed processing elements. This work contributes to support new researches on the intense parallel computing fields, and enables large System-on-Chip partitioning and scaling on FPGA-based clusters

    Productive Programming Systems for Heterogeneous Supercomputers

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    The majority of today's scientific and data analytics workloads are still run on relatively energy inefficient, heavyweight, general-purpose processing cores, often referred to in the literature as latency-oriented architectures. The flexibility of these architectures and the programmer aids included (e.g. large and deep cache hierarchies, branch prediction logic, pre-fetch logic) makes them flexible enough to run a wide range of applications fast. However, we have started to see growth in the use of lightweight, simpler, energy-efficient, and functionally constrained cores. These architectures are commonly referred to as throughput-oriented. Within each shared memory node, the computational backbone of future throughput-oriented HPC machines will consist of large pools of lightweight cores. The first wave of throughput-oriented computing came in the mid 2000's with the use of GPUs for general-purpose and scientific computing. Today we are entering the second wave of throughput-oriented computing, with the introduction of NVIDIA Pascal GPUs, Intel Knights Landing Xeon Phi processors, the Epiphany Co-Processor, the Sunway MPP, and other throughput-oriented architectures that enable pre-exascale computing. However, while the majority of the FLOPS in designs for future HPC systems come from throughput-oriented architectures, they are still commonly paired with latency-oriented cores which handle management functions and lightweight/un-parallelizable computational kernels. Hence, most future HPC machines will be heterogeneous in their processing cores. However, the heterogeneity of future machines will not be limited to the processing elements. Indeed, heterogeneity will also exist in the storage, networking, memory, and software stacks of future supercomputers. As a result, it will be necessary to combine many different programming models and libraries in a single application. How to do so in a programmable and well-performing manner is an open research question. This thesis addresses this question using two approaches. First, we explore using managed runtimes on HPC platforms. As a result of their high-level programming models, these managed runtimes have a long history of supporting data analytics workloads on commodity hardware, but often come with overheads which make them less common in the HPC domain. Managed runtimes are also not supported natively on throughput-oriented architectures. Second, we explore the use of a modular programming model and work-stealing runtime to compose the programming and scheduling of multiple third-party HPC libraries. This approach leverages existing investment in HPC libraries, unifies the scheduling of work on a platform, and is designed to quickly support new programming model and runtime extensions. In support of these two approaches, this thesis also makes novel contributions in tooling for future supercomputers. We demonstrate the value of checkpoints as a software development tool on current and future HPC machines, and present novel techniques in performance prediction across heterogeneous cores

    Energy efficient enabling technologies for semantic video processing on mobile devices

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    Semantic object-based processing will play an increasingly important role in future multimedia systems due to the ubiquity of digital multimedia capture/playback technologies and increasing storage capacity. Although the object based paradigm has many undeniable benefits, numerous technical challenges remain before the applications becomes pervasive, particularly on computational constrained mobile devices. A fundamental issue is the ill-posed problem of semantic object segmentation. Furthermore, on battery powered mobile computing devices, the additional algorithmic complexity of semantic object based processing compared to conventional video processing is highly undesirable both from a real-time operation and battery life perspective. This thesis attempts to tackle these issues by firstly constraining the solution space and focusing on the human face as a primary semantic concept of use to users of mobile devices. A novel face detection algorithm is proposed, which from the outset was designed to be amenable to be offloaded from the host microprocessor to dedicated hardware, thereby providing real-time performance and reducing power consumption. The algorithm uses an Artificial Neural Network (ANN), whose topology and weights are evolved via a genetic algorithm (GA). The computational burden of the ANN evaluation is offloaded to a dedicated hardware accelerator, which is capable of processing any evolved network topology. Efficient arithmetic circuitry, which leverages modified Booth recoding, column compressors and carry save adders, is adopted throughout the design. To tackle the increased computational costs associated with object tracking or object based shape encoding, a novel energy efficient binary motion estimation architecture is proposed. Energy is reduced in the proposed motion estimation architecture by minimising the redundant operations inherent in the binary data. Both architectures are shown to compare favourable with the relevant prior art

    Multipass communication systems for tiled processor architectures

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2006.Includes bibliographical references (p. 191-202).Multipass communication systems utilize multiple sets of parallel baseband receiver functions to balance communication data rates and available computation capabilities. This is achieved by spatially pipelining baseband functions across parallel resources to perform multiple processing passes on the same set of received values, thus allowing the system to simultaneously convey multiple sequences of data using a single wireless link. The use of multiple passes mitigates the effects of data rate on receiver processing bottlenecks, making the use of general-purpose processing elements for high data rate communication functions viable. The flexibility of general-purpose processing, in turn, allows the receiver composition to trade-off resource usage and required processing rate. For instance, a communication system could be distributed across 2 passes using 2x the overall area, but reducing the data rate for each pass and the resultant overall required processing rate, and hence clock speed, by 1/2. Lowering the clock speed can also be leveraged to reduce power through voltage scaling and/or the use of higher Vt devices. The characteristics of general-purpose parallel processors for communications processing are explored, as well as the applicability of specific parallel designs to communications processing.(Cont.) In particular, an in depth look is taken of the Raw processor's tiled architecture as a general-purpose parallel processor particularly well suited to portable communications processing. An example of a multipass system, based on the 802.11a baseband, implemented on the Raw processor along with the accompanying hardware implementation is presented as both a proof-of-concept, as well as a means to explore some of the advantages and trade-offs of such a system. A bit-error rate study is presented which shows this multipass system to be within a small fraction of dB of the performance of an equivalent data rate single pass system, thus demonstrating the viability of the multipass algorithm. In addition, the capability of tiled processors to maximize processing capabilities at the system block level, as well as the system architectural level, is shown. Parallel implementations of two processing intensive functions: the FFT and the Viterbi decoder are shown. A parallelized assembly language FFT utilizing 16 tiles is shown to have a 1,000x improvement , and a parallelized 48-tile assembly language Viterbi decoder is shown to have a 10, 000x improvement over corresponding serial C implementations.by Nathan Robert Shnidman.Ph.D
