2,540 research outputs found

    Measurement of the radial mode spectrum of photons through a phase-retrieval method

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    We propose and demonstrate a simple and easy-to-implement projective-measurement protocol to determine the radial index 'p' of a Laguerre-Gaussian (LGlp) mode. Our method entails converting any specified high-order LG0p mode into a near-Gaussian distribution that matches the fundamental mode of a single-mode fiber (SMF) through the use of two phase-screens (unitary transformations) obtained by applying a phase-retrieval algorithm. The unitary transformations preserve the orthogonality of modes and guarantee that our protocol can, in principle, be free of crosstalk. We measure the coupling efficiency of the transformed radial modes to the SMF for different pairs of phase-screens. Because of the universality of phase-retrieval methods, we believe that our protocol provides an efficient way of fully characterizing the radial spatial profile of an optical field

    A Cross-Mode Universal Digital Pre-Distortion Technology for Low-Sidelobe Active Antenna Arrays in 5G and Satellite Communications

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    A cross-mode universal digital pre-distortion (CMUDPD) technology is proposed here to linearize low-sidelobe active antenna arrays with non-uniform fixed power levels for each branch, which are desired in satellite communications with stringent requirements to minimize interference. In low-sidelobe arrays formed by nonuniform amplitude excitation, conventional digital pre-distortion (DPD) techniques require multiple feedback paths for either one-to-one or average linearization of the PAs, which increases system complexity and is infeasible for large-scale arrays. This is because the power amplifiers (PAs) usually operate in different modes where the supply voltages, bias voltages, and input power levels are different. The proposed CMUDPD method aims at solving this issue by intentionally arranging the PAs to work in different modes but with shared nonlinear characteristics. Based on the nonlinear correlation established among the PAs’ different operating modes, a single feedback path is sufficient to capture the common nonlinearity of all the PAs and determine the parameters of the CMUDPD module. The concept is explained in theory and validated by simulations and experiments using GaN PAs operating with three significantly different output power levels and two orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) signal bandwidths

    FPGA Architecture Optimization Using Geometric Programming

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    Volume 4 No 13 of the periodical Progression. Published November, February, May and August by The Radiant Healing Centre. SPCL PER BT 732 P76 V.1,1932-V.5,193

    Integrated Optical-Wireless Interface and Detection

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    This chapter elaborates on the beneficial aspects and hardware implementations of incorporating ultradense WDM-PONs (UDWDM-PONs) with hybrid optical-wireless fronthaul links and fiber to the home applications. Simulation results on the synthesis of a low-cost and low-energy consumption optoelectronic unit within the future 5G base stations (BS) are presented. In addition, an advanced neural network is investigated capable of compensating for the linear and nonlinear effects induced by semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOA)

    Time Modulated Arrays: from their Origin to Their Utilization in Wireless Communication Systems

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    [Abstract] Time-modulated arrays (TMAs) are electromagnetic systems whose radiated power pattern is controlled by the application of variable-width periodical pulses to the individual elements. The nonlinear nature of the array operation causes the appearance of radiation patterns at the harmonic frequencies of such periodic pulses. The technique can be used for improving the side-lobe level (SLL) topology of the radiation pattern at the central frequency and/or to profitably exploit the harmonic patterns in order to supply smart antenna capabilities. Among the latter features, the TMA harmonic beamforming takes on special importance due to its attractive trade-off performance-hardware complexity. From this perspective, TMAs are sensors capable of transforming the spatial diversity of a communication channel into frequency diversity, thus improving the performance of a wireless communication. In addition to a walk through the origins of the concept, and a brief analysis of the mathematical fundamentals, this paper organizes the prolific state of the art of TMAs in two major thematic blocks: (1) TMA design from an antenna perspective; and (2) TMA design from a signal processing perspective.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad; TEC2013-47141-C4-1-RMinisterio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad; TEC2015-69648-RED

    Otimização de soluções de fotónica integrada para sistemas óticos de nova geração

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    Next generation optical systems can highly benefit from optimized photonic integrated solutions. Photonic integrated circuits (PIC) appear as a promising technology under the current demand for flexibility/reconfigurability in optical systems and telecommunications networks. PIC-based optical systems offer an efficient and cost-effective solution to data transmission increasing claims. In order to contribute to the development of integrated photonic technology, optimized PIC solutions addressing different steps of the PIC development chain, mainly design, testing, and packaging processes, are investigated. Optical signal data compression techniques are progressing to sustain the fast processing/storing of large amounts of bandwidth demanding data, with the advantage of resorting to photonic integrated solutions for the implementation of optical transforms, e.g., Haar transform (HT). This demand motivated the research of an optimized PIC design solution in silicon nitride (Si3N4) based platform comprising a two-level HT network for compression, and a switching network as a framework that supplies all logical inputs of the HT network for testing/characterization purposes. Optimized design models for the multimode interference key building block structure of the PIC design solution, are proposed. Additionally, a first test and characterization of PIC solutions implementing the HT for compression applications in indium phosphide (InP) based platform and in a new organic-inorganic hybrid material were realized. Taking advantage of a tunable lattice filter dispersion compensator in Si3N4-based integrated platform, it was demonstrated a real-time extended reach PAM-4 transmission over 40 km enabled by the photonic integrated dispersion compensator, with application in data center interconnects. Under photonic integrated high-Q resonators need for accurate performance measurement, a technique based on RF calibrated Mach-Zehnder interferometer, and Brillouin gain measurements through Lorentzian fitting analysis were successfully attained. Finally, as technical and functional requirements of PIC demand a thorough characterization/testing to provide an accurate prediction of its performance, and current testing platforms can be expensive and have low flexibility, a proof of concept of a new soft-packaging flexible platform for photonic integrated processors and spatial division multiplexing systems, based in spatial light modulation operation principle is proposed.Os sistemas óticos de nova geração beneficiam com a otimização de fotónica integrada. Com os circuitos de fotónica integrada (PIC) avançados a surgir como uma tecnologia promissora, dentro da crescente procura por flexibilidade/ reconfigurabilidade dos sistemas óticos e redes de telecomunicações. Os sistemas óticos baseados em PIC oferecem soluções eficientes e rentáveis em resposta às necessidades crescentes de transmissão de dados. De modo a contribuir para o desenvolvimento tecnológico associado à fotónica integrada, são investigados no âmbito desta dissertação diferentes soluções otimizadas de PIC, abordando diferentes estágios do seu desenvolvimento, nomeadamente projeto/design, teste e encapsulamento. Técnicas de compressão de sinais óticos estão a progredir no sentido de apoiar a expansão de velocidade de processamento e quantidade de armazenamento com elevada largura de banda associada. São esperadas vantagens recorrendo a PIC para a implementação de transformadas óticas, e.g., transformada de Haar (HT). Esta necessidade motivou a investigação de soluções de PIC com design otimizado, desenvolvidas em plataforma integrada de nitreto de silício (Si3N4). O PIC desenhado é constituído por uma rede 2D a executar a HT para fins de compressão e uma rede de comutação para produzir todas as entradas lógicas esperadas para teste e caracterização. São propostos modelos de design otimizados para a estrutura elementar que compõe o PIC, i.e., componente de interferência multimodal. Adicionalmente, foi realizado o primeiro teste e caracterização experimental de um PIC implementando a HT para fins de compressão, numa plataforma integrada de fosfato de índio (InP) e num material orgânico-inorgânico híbrido. Tirando partido de um filtro sintonizável para compensação de dispersão, desenvolvido em plataforma integrada de Si3N4, foi demostrado um link de transmissão alargada (40 km) em modulação PAM-4, com possível aplicação em centros de processamento de dados de interconexão. A necessidade de medições precisas de desempenho para a caracterização efetiva de soluções integradas de ressoadores de elevado fator de qualidade, motivou a implementação de uma técnica de medição eficaz. Esta é baseada num interferómetro de Mach-Zehnder calibrado em rádio frequência e na realização de mediações de ganho de Brillouin por análise Lorentziana de ajuste de curva. Por fim, tendo em conta os rigorosos requisitos técnicos e funcionais associados ao teste/caracterização precisa de PIC e o facto de as atuais soluções serem dispendiosas e pouco flexíveis. Uma prova de conceito de uma nova plataforma flexível de encapsulamento por software é proposta com aplicação em processadores PIC e sistemas com multiplexagem por divisão espacial.Programa Doutoral em Telecomunicaçõe

    Signal processing with optical delay line filters for high bit rate transmission systems

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    In den letzten Jahrzehnten ist das globale Kommunikationssystem in einem immer größerem Maße ein integraler Bestandteil des täglichen Lebens geworden. Optische Kommunikationssysteme sind die technologische Basis für diese Entwicklung. Nur Fasern können die riesige benötigte Bandbreite bereitstellen. Während für die ersten optischen Übertragungssysteme die Faser als "flacher" Kanal betrachtet werden konnte, machen Wellenlängenmultiplex und steigende Übertragungsraten die Einbeziehung von immer mehr physikalischen Effekten notwendig. Bei einer Erhöhung der Kanaldatenrate auf 40 Gbit/s und mehr ist die statische Kompensation von chromatischer Dispersion nicht mehr ausreichend. Die intrinsische Toleranz der Modulationsformate gegenüber Dispersion nimmt quadratisch mit der Symbolrate ab. Daher können beispielsweise durch Umwelteinflüsse hervorgerufene Dispersionsschwankungen die Dispersionstoleranz der Modulationsformate überschreiten. Dies macht eine adaptive Dispersionskompensation notwendig, was gleichzeitig auch Dispersionsmonitoring erfordert, um den adaptiven Kompensator steuern zu können. Vorhandene Links können mit Restdispersionskompensatoren ausgestattet werden, um sie für Hochgeschwindigkeitsübertragungen zu ertüchtigen. Optische Kompensationstechniken sind unabhängig von der Kanaldatenrate. Daher wird eine Erhöhung der Datenrate problemlos unterstützt. Optische Kompensatoren können WDM-fähig gebaut werden, um mehrere Kanäle auf einmal zu entzerren. Das Buch beschäftigt sich mit optischen Delay-Line-Filtern als eine Klasse von optischen Kompensatoren. Die Filtersynthese von solchen Delay-Line-Filtern wird behandelt. Der Zusammenhang zwischen optischen Filtern und digitalen FIR-Filtern mit komplexen Koeffizienten im Zusammenhang mit kohärenter Detektion wird aufgezeigt. Iterative und analytische Methoden, die die Koeffizienten für dispersions- und dispersions-slope-kompensierende Filter produzieren, werden untersucht. Genauso wichtig wie die Kompensation von Dispersion ist die Schätzung der Dispersion eines Signals. Mit Delay-Line-Filtern können die Restseitenbänder eines Signals genutzt werden, um die Dispersion zu messen. Alternativ kann nichtlineare Detektion angewandt werden, um die Pulsverbreiterung, die hauptsächlich von der Dispersion herrührt, zu schätzen. Mit gemeinsamer Dispersionskompensation und Dispersionsmonitoring können Dispersionskompensatoren auf die Signalverzerrungen eingestellt werden. Spezielle Eigenschaften der Filter zusammen mit der analytischen Beschreibung können genutzt werden, um schnelle und zuverlässige Steueralgorithmen zur Filtereinstellung bereitzustellen. Schließlich wurden Prototypen derartiger faseroptischen Kompensatoren von chromatischer Dispersion und Dispersions-Slope hergestellt und charakterisiert. Die Einheiten und ihr Systemverhalten wird gezeigt und diskutiert.Over the course of the past decades, the global communication system has become a central part of people's everyday lives. Optical communication systems are the technological basis for this development. Only fibers can provide the huge bandwidth that is required. Where the fiber could be regarded as a flat channel for the first optical transmission systems wavelength multiplexing and increasing line rates made it necessary to take more and more physical effects into account. When the line rates are increased to 40 Gbit/s and higher static chromatic dispersion compensation is not enough. The modulation format's intrinsic tolerance for dispersion decreases quadratically with the symbol rate. Thus, environmentally induced chromatic dispersion fluctuations may exceed the dispersion tolerance of the modulation formats. This makes an adaptive dispersion compensation necessary implying also the need for a monitoring scheme to steer the adaptive compensator. Legacy links that are CD-compensated by DCFs can be upgraded with residual dispersion compensators to make them ready for high speed transmission. Optical compensation is independent from the line rate. Hence, increasing the data rates is inherently supported. Optical compensators can be built WDM ready compensating multiple channels at once. The book deals with optical delay line filters as one class of optical compensators. The filter synthesis of such delay line filters is addressed. The connection between optical filters and digital FIR filters with complex coefficients that are used in conjunction with coherent detection could be shown. Iterative and analytical methods that produce the coefficients for dispersion (and also dispersion slope) compensating filters are researched. As important as the compensation of dispersion is the estimation of the dispersion of a signal. Using delay line filters, the vestigial sidebands of a signal can be used to measure the dispersion. Alternatively, nonlinear detection can be used to estimate the pulse broadening which is caused mainly by dispersion. With dispersion compensation and dispersion monitoring, dispersion compensators can be adapted to the signal's impairment. Special properties of the filter in conjunction with an analytical description can be used to provide a fast and reliable control algorithm for setting the filter to a given dispersion and centering it on a signal. Finally, prototypes of such fiber optic chromatic dispersion and dispersion slope compensation filters were manufactured and characterized. The device and system characterization of the prototypes is presented and discussed

    Stationary, MR-compatible brain SPECT imaging based on multi-pinhole collimators

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    Energy-efficient hardware design based on high-level synthesis

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    This dissertation describes research activities broadly concerning the area of High-level synthesis (HLS), but more specifically, regarding the HLS-based design of energy-efficient hardware (HW) accelerators. HW accelerators, mostly implemented on FPGAs, are integral to the heterogeneous architectures employed in modern high performance computing (HPC) systems due to their ability to speed up the execution while dramatically reducing the energy consumption of computationally challenging portions of complex applications. Hence, the first activity was regarding an HLS-based approach to directly execute an OpenCL code on an FPGA instead of its traditional GPU-based counterpart. Modern FPGAs offer considerable computational capabilities while consuming significantly smaller power as compared to high-end GPUs. Several different implementations of the K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm were considered on both FPGA- and GPU-based platforms and their performance was compared. FPGAs were generally more energy-efficient than the GPUs in all the test cases. Eventually, we were also able to get a faster (in terms of execution time) FPGA implementation by using an FPGA-specific OpenCL coding style and utilizing suitable HLS directives. The second activity was targeted towards the development of a methodology complementing HLS to automatically derive power optimization directives (also known as "power intent") from a system-level design description and use it to drive the design steps after HLS, by producing a directive file written using the common power format (CPF) to achieve power shut-off (PSO) in case of an ASIC design. The proposed LP-HLS methodology reduces the design effort by enabling designers to infer low power information from the system-level description of a design rather than at the RTL. This methodology required a SystemC description of a generic power management module to describe the design context of a HW module also modeled in SystemC, along with the development of a tool to automatically produce the CPF file to accomplish PSO. Several test cases were considered to validate the proposed methodology and the results demonstrated its ability to correctly extract the low power information and apply it to achieve power optimization in the backend flow

    Communications techniques and equipment: A compilation

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    This Compilation is devoted to equipment and techniques in the field of communications. It contains three sections. One section is on telemetry, including articles on radar and antennas. The second section describes techniques and equipment for coding and handling data. The third and final section includes descriptions of amplifiers, receivers, and other communications subsystems