2,467 research outputs found

    Understanding “influence”: An exploratory study of academics’ process of knowledge construction through iterative and interactive information seeking

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    The motivation for this study is to better understand the searching and sensemaking processes undertaken to solve exploratory tasks for which people lack pre-existing frames. To investigate people’s strategies for that type of task, we focused on “influence” tasks because, although they appear to be unfamiliar, they arise in much academic discourse, at least tacitly. This qualitative study reports the process undertaken by academics of different levels of seniority to complete exploratory search tasks that involved identifying influential members of their academic community and “rising stars, ” and to identify similar roles in an unfamiliar academic community. 11 think-aloud sessions followed by semi-structured interviews were conducted to investigate the role of specific and general domain expertise in the process of information seeking and knowledge construction. Academics defined and completed the task through an iterative and interactive process of seeking and sensemaking, during which they constructed an understanding of their communities and determined qualities of “being influential”. Elements of the Data/Frame Theory of Sensemaking (Klein et al., 2007) were used as sensitising theoretical constructs. The study shows that both external and internal knowledge resources are essential to define a starting point or frame, make and support decisions, and experience satisfaction. Ill-defined or non-existent initial frames may cause unsubstantial or arbitrary decisions, and feelings of uncertainty and lack of confidence


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    Previous studies of users with visual impairments access to the web have focused on human-web interaction. This study explores the under investigated area of cross-modal collaborative information seeking (CCIS), that is, the challenges and opportunities that exist in supporting visually impaired (VI) users to take an effective part in collaborative web search tasks with sighted peers. We conducted an observational study to investigate the process with fourteen pairs of VI and sighted users in co-located and distributed settings. The study examined the effects of cross-modal collaborative interaction on the stages of the individual Information Seeking (IS) process. The findings showed that the different stages of the process were performed individually most of the time; however it was observed that some collaboration took place in the results exploration and management stages. The accessibility challenges faced by VI users affected their individual and collaborative interaction and also enforced certain points of collaboration. The paper concludes with some recommendations towards improving the accessibility of cross-modal collaborative search.Peer Reviewe

    Designing Search User Interfaces for Visually Impaired Searchers: A User-centred Approach

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    PhDThe Web has been a blessing for visually impaired users as with the help of assistive technologies such as screen readers, they can access previously inaccessible information independently. However, for screen reader users, web-based information seeking can still be challenging as web pages are mainly designed for visual interaction. This affects visually impaired users’ perception of theWeb as an information space as well as their experience of search interfaces. The aim of this thesis is therefore to consider visually impaired users’ information seeking behaviour, abilities and interactions via screen readers in the design of a search interface to support complex information seeking. We first conduct a review of how visually impaired users navigate the Web using screen readers. We highlight the strategies employed, the challenges encountered and the solutions to enhance web navigation through screen readers. We then investigate the information seeking behaviour of visually impaired users on the Web through an observational study and we compare this behaviour to that of sighted users to examine the impact of screen reader interaction on the information seeking process. To engage visually impaired users in the design process, we propose and evaluate a novel participatory approach based on a narrative scenario and a dialogue-led interaction to verify user requirements and to brainstorm design ideas. The development of the search interface is informed by the requirements gathered from the observational study and is supported through the inclusion of visually impaired users in the design process. We implement and evaluate the proposed search interface with novel features to support visually impaired users for complex information seeking. This thesis shows that considerations for information seeking behaviour and users’ abilities and mode of interaction contribute significantly to the design of search user interfaces to ensure that interface components are accessible as well as usable

    Supporting interactive summarization for explainable exploratory search

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    Exploratory search is characterised by user uncertainty with respect to search domain and information seeking goals. This uncertainty can negatively impact users’ abilities to assess the quality of search results, causing them to scroll through more documents than necessary and struggle to give consistent relevance feedback. As users’ information needs are assumed to be highly dynamic and expected to evolve over time, successful searches can be indistinguishable from those that have drifted erroneously away from their original search intent. Indeed, given their lack of domain knowledge, searchers may be slow, or even unable, to recognise when search results have become skewed towards another topic. With these issues in mind, we designed and implemented an interactive search system which integrated a keyword summaries algorithm, Exploratory Search Captions (ESC) to support users in exploratory search. This thesis investigated into the usefulness of ESC in terms of user experience, user behaviour and also explored impact of design decision in terms of user satisfaction. We evaluated the ESC system with a user study in the context of exploratory search of scientific literature in Computer Science. According to the user study results, participants almost unanimously preferred the retrieval system that incorporated ESC; and the presence of captions dramatically impacts user behaviour: users issue more queries, investigate fewer documents per query, but see more documents overall. We demonstrated the usefulness of ESC, the improved usability of ESC system, and the positive impact of our design decisions

    Agents, simulated users and humans : an analysis of performance and behaviour

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    Most of the current models that are used to simulate users in Interactive Information Retrieval (IIR) lack realism and agency. Such models generally make decisions in a stochastic manner, without recourse to the actual information encountered or the underlying information need. In this paper, we develop a more sophisticated model of the user that includes their cognitive state within the simulation. The cognitive state maintains data about what the simulated user knows, has done and has seen, along with representations of what it considers attractive and relevant. Decisions to inspect or judge are then made based upon the simulated user's current state, rather than stochastically. In the context of ad-hoc topic retrieval, we evaluate the quality of the simulated users and agents by comparing their behaviour and performance against 48 human subjects under the same conditions, topics, time constraints, costs and search engine. Our findings show that while naive configurations of simulated users and agents substantially outperform our human subjects, their search behaviour is notably different from actual searchers. However, more sophisticated search agents can be tuned to act more like actual searchers providing greater realism. This innovation advances the state of the art in simulation, from simulated users towards autonomous agents. It provides a much needed step forward enabling the creation of more realistic simulations, while also motivating the development of more advanced cognitive agents and tools to help support and augment human searchers. Future work will focus not only on the pragmatics of tuning and training such agents for topic retrieval, but will also look at developing agents for other tasks and contexts such as collaborative search and slow search

    Say It with Emojis: Co-Designing Relevance Cues for Searching in the Classroom

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    Search Engine Result Pages (SERP) include snippets of retrieved resources as a means to help searchers select the ones that satisfy their information needs. This way, result relevance can be determined by scanning through snippets, an exercise that requires experience with reading, understanding, and assessing the value of a document. These are skills that primary school children are still developing and thus are not yet proficient with. As web search tools are essential to support children learning at school and home, we explore how to help young searchers in making informed relevance assessments while conducting searches in a classroom. In this paper, we describe a collaborative design exercise involving primary school children as co-designers: we asked them to examine interfaces with combinations of different emojis to help them assess the usefulness of results in SERP–a crucial factor to determine relevance for the classroom. This activity made our child experts engage with the design exercise while enabling us to collect their judgments so as to get a better sense of the user requirements for this age group. Here we discuss the main design issues emerging from the analysis of children’s preferences, the rationale behind them, comments and concerns raised, and alternative proposals children sketched
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