3,050 research outputs found

    HookNet: multi-resolution convolutional neural networks for semantic segmentation in histopathology whole-slide images

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    We propose HookNet, a semantic segmentation model for histopathology whole-slide images, which combines context and details via multiple branches of encoder-decoder convolutional neural networks. Concentricpatches at multiple resolutions with different fields of view are used to feed different branches of HookNet, and intermediate representations are combined via a hooking mechanism. We describe a framework to design and train HookNet for achieving high-resolution semantic segmentation and introduce constraints to guarantee pixel-wise alignment in feature maps during hooking. We show the advantages of using HookNet in two histopathology image segmentation tasks where tissue type prediction accuracy strongly depends on contextual information, namely (1) multi-class tissue segmentation in breast cancer and, (2) segmentation of tertiary lymphoid structures and germinal centers in lung cancer. Weshow the superiority of HookNet when compared with single-resolution U-Net models working at different resolutions as well as with a recently published multi-resolution model for histopathology image segmentatio

    GAN-Based Super-Resolution And Segmentation Of Retinal Layers In Optical Coherence Tomography Scans

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    Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) has been identified as a noninvasive and cost-effective imaging modality for identifying potential biomarkers for Alzheimer\u27s diagnosis and progress detection. Current hypotheses indicate that retinal layer thickness, which can be assessed via OCT scans, is an efficient biomarker for identifying Alzheimer\u27s disease. Due to factors such as speckle noise, a small target region, and unfavorable imaging conditions manual segmentation of retina layers is a challenging task. Therefore, as a reasonable first step, this study focuses on automatically segmenting retinal layers to separate them for subsequent investigations. Another important challenge commonly faced is the lack of clarity of the layer boundaries in retina OCT scans, which compels the research of super-resolving the images for improved clarity. Deep learning pipelines have stimulated substantial progress for the segmentation tasks. Generative adversarial networks (GANs) are a prominent field of deep learning which achieved astonishing performance in semantic segmentation. Conditional adversarial networks as a general-purpose solution to image-to-image translation problems not only learn the mapping from the input image to the output image but also learn a loss function to train this mapping. We propose a GAN-based segmentation model and evaluate incorporating popular networks, namely, U-Net and ResNet, in the GAN architecture with additional blocks of transposed convolution and sub-pixel convolution for the task of upscaling OCT images from low to high resolution by a factor of four. We also incorporate the Dice loss as an additional reconstruction loss term to improve the performance of this joint optimization task. Our best model configuration empirically achieved the Dice coefficient of 0.867 and mIOU of 0.765

    3D Medical Image Segmentation based on multi-scale MPU-Net

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    The high cure rate of cancer is inextricably linked to physicians' accuracy in diagnosis and treatment, therefore a model that can accomplish high-precision tumor segmentation has become a necessity in many applications of the medical industry. It can effectively lower the rate of misdiagnosis while considerably lessening the burden on clinicians. However, fully automated target organ segmentation is problematic due to the irregular stereo structure of 3D volume organs. As a basic model for this class of real applications, U-Net excels. It can learn certain global and local features, but still lacks the capacity to grasp spatial long-range relationships and contextual information at multiple scales. This paper proposes a tumor segmentation model MPU-Net for patient volume CT images, which is inspired by Transformer with a global attention mechanism. By combining image serialization with the Position Attention Module, the model attempts to comprehend deeper contextual dependencies and accomplish precise positioning. Each layer of the decoder is also equipped with a multi-scale module and a cross-attention mechanism. The capability of feature extraction and integration at different levels has been enhanced, and the hybrid loss function developed in this study can better exploit high-resolution characteristic information. Moreover, the suggested architecture is tested and evaluated on the Liver Tumor Segmentation Challenge 2017 (LiTS 2017) dataset. Compared with the benchmark model U-Net, MPU-Net shows excellent segmentation results. The dice, accuracy, precision, specificity, IOU, and MCC metrics for the best model segmentation results are 92.17%, 99.08%, 91.91%, 99.52%, 85.91%, and 91.74%, respectively. Outstanding indicators in various aspects illustrate the exceptional performance of this framework in automatic medical image segmentation.Comment: 37 page

    Improving the translation environment for professional translators

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    When using computer-aided translation systems in a typical, professional translation workflow, there are several stages at which there is room for improvement. The SCATE (Smart Computer-Aided Translation Environment) project investigated several of these aspects, both from a human-computer interaction point of view, as well as from a purely technological side. This paper describes the SCATE research with respect to improved fuzzy matching, parallel treebanks, the integration of translation memories with machine translation, quality estimation, terminology extraction from comparable texts, the use of speech recognition in the translation process, and human computer interaction and interface design for the professional translation environment. For each of these topics, we describe the experiments we performed and the conclusions drawn, providing an overview of the highlights of the entire SCATE project

    Meningioma segmentation in T1-weighted MRI leveraging global context and attention mechanisms

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    Meningiomas are the most common type of primary brain tumor, accounting for approximately 30% of all brain tumors. A substantial number of these tumors are never surgically removed but rather monitored over time. Automatic and precise meningioma segmentation is therefore beneficial to enable reliable growth estimation and patient-specific treatment planning. In this study, we propose the inclusion of attention mechanisms over a U-Net architecture: (i) Attention-gated U-Net (AGUNet) and (ii) Dual Attention U-Net (DAUNet), using a 3D MRI volume as input. Attention has the potential to leverage the global context and identify features' relationships across the entire volume. To limit spatial resolution degradation and loss of detail inherent to encoder-decoder architectures, we studied the impact of multi-scale input and deep supervision components. The proposed architectures are trainable end-to-end and each concept can be seamlessly disabled for ablation studies. The validation studies were performed using a 5-fold cross validation over 600 T1-weighted MRI volumes from St. Olavs University Hospital, Trondheim, Norway. For the best performing architecture, an average Dice score of 81.6% was reached for an F1-score of 95.6%. With an almost perfect precision of 98%, meningiomas smaller than 3ml were occasionally missed hence reaching an overall recall of 93%. Leveraging global context from a 3D MRI volume provided the best performances, even if the native volume resolution could not be processed directly. Overall, near-perfect detection was achieved for meningiomas larger than 3ml which is relevant for clinical use. In the future, the use of multi-scale designs and refinement networks should be further investigated to improve the performance. A larger number of cases with meningiomas below 3ml might also be needed to improve the performance for the smallest tumors.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables. Submitted to Artificial Intelligence in Medicin

    Pine wilt disease spreading prevention system using semantic segmentation

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    Pine wilt disease is a disease that affects ecosystems by rapidly killing trees in a short period of time due to the close interaction between three factors such as trees, mediates, and pathogens. There is no 100% mortality infectious forest pests. According to the Korea Forest Service survey, as of April 2019, the damage of pine re-nematode disease was about 490,000 dead trees in 117 cities, counties and wards across the country. It's a fatal condition. In order to prevent this problem, this paper proposes a system that detects dead trees, early infection trees, and the like, using deep learning-based semantic segmentation. In addition, drones were used to photograph the area of the forest, and a separate pixel segmentation label could be used to identify three levels of transmission information: Suspicion, attention, and confirmation. This allows the user to grasp information such as area, location, and alarm to prevent the spread of re-nematode disease

    Workflow for reducing semantic segmentation annotation time

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    Abstract. Semantic segmentation is a challenging task within the field of pattern recognition from digital images. Current semantic segmentation methods that are based on neural networks show great promise in accurate pixel-level classification, but the methods seem to be limited at least to some extent by the availability of accurate training data. Semantic segmentation training data is typically curated by humans, but the task is rather slow and tedious even for humans. While humans are fast at checking whether a segmentation is accurate or not, creating segmentations is rather slow as the human visual system becomes limited by physical interfaces such as hand coordination for drawing segmentations by hand. This thesis evaluates a workflow that aims to reduce the need for drawing segmentations by hand to create an accurate set of training data. A publicly available dataset is used as the starting-point for the annotation process, and four different evaluation sets are used to evaluate the introduced annotation workflow in labour efficiency and annotation accuracy. Evaluation of the results indicates that the workflow can produce annotations that are comparable to manually corrected annotations in accuracy while requiring significantly less manual labour to produce annotations.Työnkulku semanttisen segmentoinnin annotointiajan vähentämiseen. Tiivistelmä. Semanttinen segmentointi on haastava osa-alue hahmontunnistusta digitaalisista kuvista. Tämänhetkiset semanttiset segmentaatiomenetelmät, jotka perustuvat neuroverkkoihin, osoittavat suurta potentiaalia tarkassa pikselitason luokittelussa, mutta ovat ainakin osittain tarkan koulutusdatan saatavuuden rajoittamia. Semanttisen segmentaation koulutusdata on tyypillisesti täysin ihmisten annotoimaa, mutta segmentaatioiden annotointi on hidasta ja pitkäveteistä. Vaikka ihmiset ovat nopeita tarkistamaan ovatko annotaatiot tarkkoja, niiden luonti on hidasta, koska ihmisen visuaalisen järjestelmän nopeuden ja tarkkuuden rajoittavaksi tekijäksi lisätään fyysinen rajapinta, kuten silmä-käsi-koordinaatio piirtäessä segmentaatioita käsin. Tämä opinnäytetyö arvioi kokonaisvaltaisen semanttisten segmentaatioiden annotointitavan, joka pyrkii vähentämään käsin piirtämisen tarvetta tarkan koulutusdatan luomiseksi. Julkisesti saatavilla olevaa datajoukkoa käytetään annotoinnin lähtökohtana, ja neljää erilaista evaluointijoukkoa käytetään esitetyn annotointitavan työtehokkuuden sekä annotaatiotarkkuuden arviointiin. Evaluaatiotulokset osoittavat, että esitetty tapa kykenee tuottamaan annotaatioita jotka ovat yhtä tarkkoja kuin käsin korjatut annotaatiot samalla merkittävästi vähentäen käsin tehtävän työn määrää