1,964 research outputs found

    Impact of mobile app user acquisition on managerial decisions: Evidence from empirical experiment

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    In this research we conducted a mixed research, using qualitative and quantitative analysis to study the relationship and impact between mobile advertisement and mobile app user acquisition and the conclusions companies can derive from it. Data was gathered from management of mobile advertisement campaigns of a portfolio of three different mobile apps. We found that a number of implications can be extracted from this intersection, namely to product development, internationalisation and management of marketing budget. We propose further research on alternative app users sources, impact of revenue on apps and exploitation of product segments: wearable technology and Internet of Things

    The impact of different appeals on the performance of the Facebook advert

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    The advent of the online social media brought many challenges and opportunities for advertisers. While there are multiple online social networks, only a few sell advertising space. However, this few social media reach millions of consumers. This dissertation focused on Facebook, the largest online social network, to study how to optimize the performance of ads by using different combinations of promotional appeals and product types. Two different types of promotional appeals – hard-sell and soft-sell – were compared based on performance (measured by the CTR, Conversion Rate and/or Like Rate). The performances were compared firstly for the same product types, and secondly for different product types. The results from these comparisons were obtained from the statistical analyses of secondary and primary data. The secondary data originated from Facebook advertising campaigns performed by Revshare in 2014 and 2015. The primary data originated from A/B tests of two Facebook advertising campaigns that combined the advertising appeals with the product types. Independent T-test and regression analyses on secondary data presented that none of the appeals led to a better comparative performance, and that none of the product types affected the performance of each appeal. Independent T-test analyses on primary data wield the same results. The main conclusion taken from both secondary data and primary data is that there are no significant changes in performance on Facebook ads for different types of advertising appeals. This finding remained unaltered when the different advertising appeals are combined with different product types.O advento dos meios de comunicação social em linha trouxe muitos desafios e oportunidades para os anunciantes. Embora existam várias redes sociais online, apenas um número reduzido vende espaço publicitário. No entanto, este número restrito de mídias sociais atinge milhões de consumidores. Esta dissertação focou-se no Facebook, a maior rede social online, para estudar a forma de otimizar o desempenho dos anúncios usando diferentes combinações de apelos promocionais e tipos de produtos. Dois géneros diferentes de apelos promocionais – venda dura e venda suave - foram comparados com base no desempenho (medido pela Taxa de Cliques, Taxa de Conversão e/ou Taxa de Gostos). Os desempenhos foram comparados em primeiro lugar para os mesmos tipos de produtos, e em segundo lugar para diferentes tipos de produtos. Os resultados destas comparações foram obtidos a partir de análises estatísticas de dados secundários e primários. Os dados secundários provieram de campanhas publicitárias no Facebook realizadas pela Revshare em 2014 e 2015. Os dados primários originaram de testes A/B de duas campanhas de publicidade no Facebook que combinaram os apelos publicitários com os tipos de produto. As análises com testes t de Student e com regressão, realizadas em dados secundários, revelaram que nenhum dos apelos originou um melhor desempenho comparativo, e que nenhum dos tipos de produtos afetou o desempenho de cada apelo. Análises com testes t de Student, realizadas em dados primários, apresentaram os mesmos resultados. A principal conclusão, tirada de ambos os dados secundários e primários, é que não há mudanças significativas no desempenho dos anúncios no Facebook para diferentes tipos de apelos publicitários. Esta conclusão permaneceu inalterada quando os diferentes apelos publicitários foram combinados com os diferentes tipos de produtos

    When mobile advertising is interesting: interaction of minors with ads and influencers’ sponsored content on social media

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    Social ads, along with apps, display and geolocation are the most used actions in the context of mobile marketing. Adolescents are also identified as the main target audience for mobile marketing because they are very active users, they have a sound command of technology and their role as prescribers, especially in social networks. For this reason, the interaction between advertising on social networks among minors (10-14 years) was studied, differentiating between those standard format ads and those commercial content published by influencers. To this avail, more than 2,400 ads were analyzed after monitoring for a week the commonly used device of a sample of minors from the Metropolitan Area of Santiago de Chile. Standard formats, despite being the most used, they hardly generated interaction, unlike commercial content by influencers, which achieved a higher level of interaction (visual and click interaction), although they were less employed. These results open the door to question the advertising management of a digital space which was created for dialogue such as social networks, in which advertisers prioritize selling products and services.La publicidad en redes sociales, junto con las apps, display y geolocalización, son las acciones más recurrentes de las marcas en el contexto del marketing móvil. Igualmente, se identifica a los adolescentes como el principal público objetivo del marketing móvil por ser usuarios muy activos, por sus conocimientos en tecnología y por su papel de prescriptores, especialmente en redes sociales. Por ello, se ha propuesto analizar qué interacción despierta la publicidad en redes sociales entre los menores de edad (10-14 años), tanto aquellos anuncios en formato estándar como los contenidos comerciales publicados por influencers. Para ello se analizaron más de 2.400 anuncios registrados tras monitorizar durante una semana los móviles de uso común de una muestra de menores del Área Metropolitana de Santiago de Chile. Se pudo comprobar que los formatos estándares, a pesar de ser de uso recurrente, apenas generaron interacción en los usuarios, a diferencia de los contenidos comerciales de la mano de influencers que sí lograron un mayor nivel de interacción (tanto visual como en forma de clic), aunque tuvieran una presencia más anecdótica en el conjunto de la muestra. Estos resultados abren la puerta a cuestionar el uso publicitario que se realiza de un espacio concebido para el diálogo, como son las redes sociales, en el que los anunciantes tienen como principal objetivo la venta de productos y servicios

    Mobile advertising effectiveness versus PC and TV using consumer neuroscience

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    This Doctoral Thesis, entitled Mobile Advertising Effectiveness versus PC and TV, Using Consumer Neuroscience, while analyzes both the evolution of mobile advertising and its current situation, also discusses, how effective is mobile advertising when compared against advertising in other digital devices, such as PC and TV. The last few years have been characterized by an increase of the time that consumers spend on their mobile phones and as a result, by an increase in the expending on digital mobile advertising. Brands are already demanding models that measure digital advertising effectiveness, and consumer neuroscience technology may help, not only to measure it, but also to understand its impact on consumers. Considering this environment, this research proposes various recommendations for advertisers that may be considering using consumer neuroscience technology to measure mobile advertising effectiveness, as well as recommendations on how to design mobile ads that increase advertising effectiveness

    The influence of mobile ad fraud on intercompany relationships : the case of Hang My Ads

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    Mestrado em MarketingDesde o seu início, a indústria da publicidade mobile tem vindo a enfrentar problemas de fraude associados a grandes perdas financeiras e danos na forma como as empresas se relacionam. O presente estudo explora os efeitos dos problemas de fraude nas relações entre empresas da indústria; abordando o ecosistema da publicidade das aplicações mobile, o contexto focal da Hang My Ads e os processos de adaptação necessários para lidar com os efeitos da fraude. O ecosistema da publicidade de aplicações mobile revela organizar-se em advertisers, intermediários, publishers e empresas de tecnologia, e é marcado por desafios como a fraude, a falta de transparência e a falta de regulamentação. Advertisers e publishers parecem adaptar-se de formas semelhantes, embora diferenças sejam detetadas nos processos de planeamento e agendamento do serviço, produção, e ?outro? ? onde advertisers adaptam mais e investem mais recursos; mas também ao nível de estrutura organizacional ? onde as adaptações parecem estar relacionadas com a dimensão da empresa. Além disto, a investigação confirma a ocorrência de adaptações ao nível da díade, que se propagam para a rede de empresas mais alargada. Além de perdas financeiras e baixo ROI, a realocação de orçamentos de acordo com a competência do publisher para lidar com fraude é confirmada; o estudo revela ainda como efeitos da fraude danos aos níveis da experiência do utilizador, da reputação da indústria e da eficiência das empresas. Um esquema visual do mapeamento do ecosistema e um modelo de análise modificado são propostos.Since its emergence, the mobile advertising industry has been struggling with fraud issues that cause great financial losses and damage how companies relate to one another. The present study exlores the effects of fraud issues taking place in the mobile advertising industry on intercompany relationships; particularly, it looks at the mobile app advertising ecosystem, the focal context of Hang My Ads and the adaptation processes undertaken by advertisers and publishers to tackle the effects of fraud. The mobile app advertising ecosystem is found to be organized in advertisers, intermediates, publishers and technology companies, and characterized by marking challenges such as fraud, lack of transparency and lack of regulation. Advertisers and publishers seem to adapt in similar ways to one another, but differences are found at the processes of service planning and scheduling, production, and "other" - where advertisers adapt more and seem to invest more resources; and at the level of organization structure - where adaptations appear to be related with company size. Furthermore, the case confirms the occurrence of adaptations taking place in the dyad and propagating to the broader network. In addition to financial losses and poor ROI, the reallocation of budgets according to a publisher's competence to handle fraud is confirmed; moreover, it is found that damages at the levels of user experience, industry's reputation and companies' efficiency are caused by fraud. A visual scheme of the ecosystem's mapping and a modified framework of analysis are proposed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Assessing advertising effectiveness in social network media for products with different appeals

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    Advertising on Social Networked Media is becoming more relevant for marketers. In fact, marketers’ budget for online advertising is gaining more weight in total marketing budget for brands. Therefore, it is becoming far more important these days to understand the aspects that build up an effective advertising campaign within SNS channels. This dissertation aims to study the effect that appeal types – hedonic or utilitarian – have on advertising effectiveness, whilst considering the impact of the platform in which the ad was being ran. This paper presents a multiple linear regression developed based on 274 actual campaigns that have been displayed both on Facebook and Instagram with two different appeals. The core analysis was made through a multiple regression model and independent samples t-test, using SPSS. Results have shown that ads with a utilitarian appeal perform better on social networked media than those with a hedonic appeal, meaning that consumers give more attention to ads where usefulness and benefits are featured. Moreover, it was concluded that the variable platform did not have an impact to the overall model. For marketing managers, this finding could mean allocating a higher amount of money for ads with this kind of appeal as they generate more clicks what demonstrates a higher interest in that specific product or service. Furthermore, it also could point out that actually it is not where the advertisement is displayed but what type of message it conveys.O orçamento gasto por marketers em publicidade online está a ganhar cada vez mais peso no orçamento total de publicidade nas empresas. Assim sendo, é cada vez mais importante compreender os aspetos que constituem uma campanha de publicidade eficaz dentro dos meios sociais digitais. Esta dissertação tem como objetivo estudar o efeito que os tipos de apelos – hedónicos ou utilitários – têm na eficácia da publicidade, considerando, ao mesmo tempo, o impacto da plataforma em que são passados os anúncios. Esta tese apresenta um modelo de regressão linear múltipla desenvolvido tendo por base 274 campanhas reais que decorrem tanto no Facebook como no Instagram com dois tipos de apelos diferentes. As análises principais forma feitas através de uma regressão linear múltipla e t-testes para amostras independentes, utilizando a ferramenta SPSS. Os resultados demonstraram que os anúncios com um apelo utilitário apresentam um melhor desempenho em redes socias do que os anúncios com um apelo hedónico, i.e., os consumidores prestam mais atenção a anúncios em que as características de utilidade e benefícios são destacadas. Por último, concluiu-se que a variável plataforma não tem qualquer impacto no resultado final do modelo desenhado. Para gestores, este resultado pode significar começar a alocar uma parte maior do orçamento das campanhas em anúncios com este tipo de apelo dado que estes geram mais clicks e, por isso, demonstram um maior interesse no produto. É realçado o facto de não ser a rede social em que o anúncio está, mas sim a mensagem o mesmo transmite

    Expanding market strategies for logon

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    This company project provides an analysis and evaluation of market expansion possibilities of the German company LogOn. The company offers an innovative and intuitive online matching technology originally designed for online recruiting in the field of human resources. Innovation plays an increasingly important role to be competitive in times of globalization, both in small businesses and general economic growth. Current success with the matching technology raises expansion plans into the area digital advertisement, focusing on an increasingly dramatic situation: on one hand digital advertising spend is constantly growing in Western Europe. On the other hand dissatisfaction with digital advertisement, by reason of low quality and clutter is simultaneously increasing. As a matter of fact advertising is getting less effective. Linking the current situation of digital advertising with the concept of Innovation Management, a new challenge and market expansion into digital advertisement appears possible: can LogOn’s online matching technology expands into the field of digital and media advertising in order to create added value? Following the framework of Innovation Process, the idea generation process delivers a concrete product idea. The matching technology is able to intuitively create a profile of a user. It looks at the motivation of information, estimates possible consequences and generates additional information intuitively. The matching technology serves as an intelligent spam filter, which is able to exclude irrelevant content from a user’s mobile or desktop device. The technology offers a better customer experience and increases customer satisfaction. This benefit can be used in the B2C and B2B sector by offering users a more enjoyable advertisement experience and adding value by making advertisement more effective and successful in general. LogOn´s matching technology has three target groups: users, publisher and vendors

    Interactive Newsprint: The Future of Newspapers? Printed electronics meets hyperlocal and community co-design

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    The news industry is currently in a well-documented state of flux, with publishers from across the developed world examining new business models, reinterpreting existing relationships between their income streams and readers, while maintaining their ability to generate editorial output that is relevant and interesting to the communities they cover. Interactive Newsprint seeks to add a new and revolutionary dimension to this media evolution by asking: can printed electronics and internet-enabled paper (technologies that utilise standard paper and printing processes and through conductive ink and battery power offer capacitive touch interactions similar to smartphones and tablets) create a new way of transmitting community-based news and information? Utilising co-design techniques and practices, the project seeks to produce community- relevant hyperlocal text and audio content and place it on a centuries-old platform: the newspaper. As a result of the paper's internet connectivity, the project is also examining potential benefits of transplanting some online features such as analytic data on user interactions. Led by the School of Journalism, Media and Communication (JoMeC) at the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan), the 18-month, EPRSC-funded project is therefore examining the potential for community co-design and printed electronics to transform paper- based news and information for the 21st Century, along with revenue and data generation that is unique to digital formats such as websites, social networks, smartphones and tablets. Building on work carried out on the EPSRC-funded Bespoke project, researchers from UCLan, University of Dundee, University of Surrey and commercial printed electronics firm Novalia are prototyping a series of paper-based community news platforms that are populated by content produced by community reporters and generated through an iterative co-design process. This paper will outline the methodology, technological potential of interactive newsprint and how the project is looking to embed analytic data into traditional printed-paper formats. It will also focus on how members of the Preston community are shaping both the news and platform over the 18-month process. As the project is mid-way through, the paper will present an overview of the project to date, outline the design methodology and describe and demonstrate the early-stage prototypes. The paper will also hint at new editorial construction practices as community and professional reporters all contribute to the hyperlocally-themed editorial output. The authors will present a discussion of the theoretical framework that underpins the project as a whole. In addition to the practical illustrations, the paper will outline the authors' initial thoughts on how interactive newsprint – through its internet connectivity and potential for data transfer – could revolutionise editorial and advertorial relationships