102 research outputs found

    Wide-Angle Multistatic Synthetic Aperture Radar: Focused Image Formation and Aliasing Artifact Mitigation

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    Traditional monostatic Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) platforms force the user to choose between two image types: larger, low resolution images or smaller, high resolution images. Switching to a Wide-Angle Multistatic Synthetic Aperture Radar (WAM-SAR) approach allows formation of large high-resolution images. Unfortunately, WAM-SAR suffers from two significant implementation problems. First, wavefront curvature effects, non-linear flight paths, and warped ground planes lead to image defocusing with traditional SAR processing methods. A new 3-D monostatic/bistatic image formation routine solves the defocusing problem, correcting for all relevant wide-angle effects. Inverse SAR (ISAR) imagery from a Radar Cross Section (RCS) chamber validates this approach. The second implementation problem stems from the large Doppler spread in the wide-angle scene, leading to severe aliasing problems. This research effort develops a new anti-aliasing technique using randomized Stepped-Frequency (SF) waveforms to form Doppler filter nulls coinciding with aliasing artifact locations. Both simulation and laboratory results demonstrate effective performance, eliminating more than 99% of the aliased energy

    Opportunistic radar imaging using a multichannel receiver

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    Bistatic Synthetic Aperture Radars have a physically separated transmitter and receiver where one or both are moving. Besides the advantages of reduced procurement and maintenance costs, the receiving system can sense passively while remaining covert which offers obvious tactical advantages. In this work, spaceborne monostatic SARs are used as emitters of opportunity with a stationary ground-based receiver. The imaging mode of SAR systems over land is usually a wide-swath mode such as ScanSAR or TOPSAR in which the antenna scans the area of interest in range to image a larger swath at the expense of degraded cross-range resolution compared to the conventional stripmap mode. In the bistatic geometry considered here, the signals from the sidelobes of the scanning beams illuminating the adjacent sub-swath are exploited to produce images with high cross-range resolution from data obtained from a SAR system operating in wide-swath mode. To achieve this, the SAR inverse problem is rigorously formulated and solved using a Maximum A Posteriori estimation method providing enhanced cross-range resolution compared to that obtained by classical burst-mode SAR processing. This dramatically increases the number of useful images that can be produced using emitters of opportunity. Signals from any radar satellite in the receiving band of the receiver can be used, thus further decreasing the revisit time of the area of interest. As a comparison, a compressive sensing-based method is critically analysed and proves more sensitive to off-grid targets and only suited to sparse scene. The novel SAR imaging method is demonstrated using simulated data and real measurements from C-band satellites such as RADARSAT-2 and ESA’s satellites ERS-2, ENVISAT and Sentinel-1A. In addition, this thesis analyses the main technological issues in bistatic SAR such as the azimuth-variant characteristic of bistatic data and the effect of imperfect synchronisation between the non-cooperative transmitter and the receiver

    Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Sonar Signal Processing for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Operating Shallow Water

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    The goal of the research was to develop best practices for image signal processing method for InSAS systems for bathymetric height determination. Improvements over existing techniques comes from the fusion of Chirp-Scaling a phase preserving beamforming techniques to form a SAS image, an interferometric Vernier method to unwrap the phase; and confirming the direction of arrival with the MUltiple SIgnal Channel (MUSIC) estimation technique. The fusion of Chirp-Scaling, Vernier, and MUSIC lead to the stability in the bathymetric height measurement, and improvements in resolution. This method is computationally faster, and used less memory then existing techniques

    Technique-Based Exploitation Of Low Grazing Angle SAR Imagery Of Ship Wakes

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    The pursuit of the understanding of the effect a ship has on water is a field of study that is several hundreds of years old, accelerated during the years of the industrial revolution where the efficiency of a ship’s engine and hull determined the utility of the burgeoning globally important sea lines of communication. The dawn of radar sensing and electronic computation have expanding this field of study still further where new ground is still being broken. This thesis looks to address a niche area of synthetic aperture radar imagery of ship wakes, specifically the imaging geometry utilising a low grazing angle, where significant non-linear effects are often dominant in the environment. The nuances of the synthetic aperture radar processing techniques compounded with the low grazing angle geometry to produce unusual artefacts within the imagery. It is the understanding of these artefacts that is central to this thesis. A sub-aperture synthetic aperture radar technique is applied to real data alongside coarse modelling of a ship and its wake before finally developing a full hydrodynamic model for a ship’s wake from first principles. The model is validated through comparison with previously developed work. The analysis shows that the resultant artefacts are a culmination of individual synthetic aperture radar anomalies and the reaction of the radar energy to the ambient sea surface and spike events

    Phase error estimation for synthetic aperture imagery.

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    The estimation of phase errors in synthetic aperture imagery is important for high quality images. Many methods of autofocus, or the estimation of phase errors from the measured data, are developed using certain assumptions about the imaged scene. This thesis develops improved methods of phase estimation which make full use of the information in the recorded signal. This results in both a more accurate estimate of the image phase error and improved imagery compared to using standard techniques. The standard phase estimation kernel used in echo-correlation techniques is shear-average. This technique averages the phase-difference between each ping over all range-bins, weighted by the signal strength. It is shown in this thesis that this is not the optimal method of weighting each phase estimate. In images where the signal to clutter ratio (SCR) is not proportional to the signal amplitude, shear-average does not meet the predicted error bound. This condition may be met by many image types, including those with shadows, distributed targets and varying surface structure. By measuring the average coherence between echos at each range-bin, it is possible to accurately estimate the variance of each phase estimate, and weight accordingly. A weighted phase-difference estimation (WPDE) using this coherence weighting meets the performance bound for all images tested. Thus an improved performance over shear-average is shown for many image types. The WPDE phase estimation method can be used within the framework of many echo-correlation techniques, such as phase-gradient autofocus (PGA), phase curvature estimation, redundant phase-centre or displaced phase-centre algorithms. In addition, a direct centre-shifting method is developed which reduces bias compared to the centre-shifting method used in PGA. For stripmap images, a weighted phase curvature estimator shows better performance than amplitude weighted shear-average for images with high SCR. A different method of phase estimation, known as sharpness maximisation, perturbs an estimate of the phase error to maximise the sharpness of the reconstructed image. Several improvements are made to the technique of sharpness maximisation. These include the reduction of over-sharpening using regularisation and an improvement in accuracy of the phase estimate using range-weighting based on the coherence measure. A cascaded parametric optimisation method is developed which converges significantly faster than standard optimisation methods for stripmap images. A number of novel insights into the method of sharpness maximisation are presented. A derivation of the phase that gives maximum intensity squared sharpness is extended from a noncoherent imaging system to a coherent spotlight system. A bound on the performance of sharpness-maximisation is presented. A method is developed which allows the direct calculation of the result of a sharpness maximisation for a single ping of a spotlight synthetic aperture image. The phase correction that maximises sharpness can be directly calculated from the signal in a manner similar to a high-order echo-correlation. This calculation can be made for all pings in a recursive manner. No optimisation is required, resulting in a significantly faster phase estimation. The techniques of sharpness maximisation and echo-correlation can be shown to be closely related. This is confirmed by direct comparisons of the results. However, the classical intensity-squared sharpness measure gives poorer results than WPDE and different sharpness measures tested for a distributed target. The standard methods of shear average and maximisation of the intensity-squared sharpness measure, both perform well below the theoretical performance bound. Two of the techniques developed, WPDE and direct entropy minimisation perform at the bound, showing improved performance over standard techniques. The contributions of this thesis add considerably to the body of knowledge on the technique of sharpness maximisation. This allows an improvement in the accuracy of some phase estimation methods, as well as an increase in the understanding of how these techniques work on coherent imagery in general

    Seafloor depth estimation by means of interferometric synthetic aperture sonar

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    The topic of this thesis is relative depth estimation using interferometric sidelooking sonar. We give a thorough description of the geometry of interferometric sonar and of time delay estimation techniques. We present a novel solution for the depth estimate using sidelooking sonar, and review the cross-correlation function, the cross-uncertainty function and the phase-differencing technique. We find an elegant solution to co-registration and unwrapping by interpolating the sonar data in ground-range. Two depth estimation techniques are developed: Cross-correlation based sidescan bathymetry and synthetic aperture sonar (SAS) interferometry. We define flank length as a measure of the horizontal resolution in bathymetric maps and find that both sidescan bathymetry and SAS interferometry achieve theoretical resolutions. The vertical precision of our two methods are close to the performance predicted from the measured coherence. We study absolute phase-difference estimation using bandwidth and find a very simple split-bandwidth approach which outperforms a standard 2D phase unwrapper on complicated objects. We also examine advanced filtering of depth maps. Finally, we present pipeline surveying as an example application of interferometric SAS

    Signal Processing for Synthetic Aperture Sonar Image Enhancement

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    This thesis contains a description of SAS processing algorithms, offering improvements in Fourier-based reconstruction, motion-compensation, and autofocus. Fourier-based image reconstruction is reviewed and improvements shown as the result of improved system modelling. A number of new algorithms based on the wavenumber algorithm for correcting second order effects are proposed. In addition, a new framework for describing multiple-receiver reconstruction in terms of the bistatic geometry is presented and is a useful aid to understanding. Motion-compensation techniques for allowing Fourier-based reconstruction in widebeam geometries suffering large-motion errors are discussed. A motion-compensation algorithm exploiting multiple receiver geometries is suggested and shown to provide substantial improvement in image quality. New motion compensation techniques for yaw correction using the wavenumber algorithm are discussed. A common framework for describing phase estimation is presented and techniques from a number of fields are reviewed within this framework. In addition a new proof is provided outlining the relationship between eigenvector-based autofocus phase estimation kernels and the phase-closure techniques used astronomical imaging. Micronavigation techniques are reviewed and extensions to the shear average single-receiver micronavigation technique result in a 3 - 4 fold performance improvement when operating on high-contrast images. The stripmap phase gradient autofocus (SPGA) algorithm is developed and extends spotlight SAR PGA to the wide-beam, wide-band stripmap geometries common in SAS imaging. SPGA supersedes traditional PGA-based stripmap autofocus algorithms such as mPGA and PCA - the relationships between SPGA and these algorithms is discussed. SPGA's operation is verified on simulated and field-collected data where it provides significant image improvement. SPGA with phase-curvature based estimation is shown and found to perform poorly compared with phase-gradient techniques. The operation of SPGA on data collected from Sydney Harbour is shown with SPGA able to improve resolution to near the diffraction-limit. Additional analysis of practical stripmap autofocus operation in presence of undersampling and space-invariant blurring is presented with significant comment regarding the difficulties inherent in autofocusing field-collected data. Field-collected data from trials in Sydney Harbour is presented along with associated autofocus results from a number of algorithms

    Phase History Decomposition for Efficient Scatterer Classification in SAR Imagery

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    A new theory and algorithm for scatterer classification in SAR imagery is presented. The automated classification process is operationally efficient compared to existing image segmentation methods requiring human supervision. The algorithm reconstructs coarse resolution subimages from subdomains of the SAR phase history. It analyzes local peaks in the subimages to determine locations and geometric shapes of scatterers in the scene. Scatterer locations are indicated by the presence of a stable peak in all subimages for a given subaperture, while scatterer shapes are indicated by changes in pixel intensity. A new multi-peak model is developed from physical models of electromagnetic scattering to predict how pixel intensities behave for different scatterer shapes. The algorithm uses a least squares classifier to match observed pixel behavior to the model. Classification accuracy improves with increasing fractional bandwidth and is subject to the high-frequency and wide-aperture approximations of the multi-peak model. For superior computational efficiency, an integrated fast SAR imaging technique is developed to combine the coarse resolution subimages into a final SAR image having fine resolution. Finally, classification results are overlaid on the SAR image so that analysts can deduce the significance of the scatterer shape information within the image context

    Urban Deformation Monitoring using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry and SAR tomography

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    This book focuses on remote sensing for urban deformation monitoring. In particular, it highlights how deformation monitoring in urban areas can be carried out using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Tomography (TomoSAR). Several contributions show the capabilities of Interferometric SAR (InSAR) and PSI techniques for urban deformation monitoring. Some of them show the advantages of TomoSAR in un-mixing multiple scatterers for urban mapping and monitoring. This book is dedicated to the technical and scientific community interested in urban applications. It is useful for choosing the appropriate technique and gaining an assessment of the expected performance. The book will also be useful to researchers, as it provides information on the state-of-the-art and new trends in this fiel

    Detecting depolarized targets using a new geometrical perturbation filter

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    Target detectors using polarimetry are often focused on single targets, since these can be characterized in a simpler and deterministic way. The algorithm proposed in this paper is aimed at the more difficult problem of partial target detection (i.e. targets with arbitrary degree of polarization). The authors have already proposed a single target detector employing filters based on a geometrical perturbation. In order to enhance the algorithm to the detection of partial targets, a new vector formalism is introduced. The latter is similar to the one exploited for single targets but suitable for complete characterization of partial targets. A new feature vector is generated starting from the covariance matrix, and exploited for the perturbation method. Validation against L-band fully polarimetric airborne E-SAR, and satellite ALOS-PALSAR data and X-band dual polarimetric TerraSAR-X data is provided with significant agreement with the expected results. Additionally, a comparison with the supervised Wishart classifier is presented revealing improvements
