148,191 research outputs found

    Collaborative decision making by ensemble rule based classification systems

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    Supervised Classification: Quite a Brief Overview

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    The original problem of supervised classification considers the task of automatically assigning objects to their respective classes on the basis of numerical measurements derived from these objects. Classifiers are the tools that implement the actual functional mapping from these measurements---also called features or inputs---to the so-called class label---or output. The fields of pattern recognition and machine learning study ways of constructing such classifiers. The main idea behind supervised methods is that of learning from examples: given a number of example input-output relations, to what extent can the general mapping be learned that takes any new and unseen feature vector to its correct class? This chapter provides a basic introduction to the underlying ideas of how to come to a supervised classification problem. In addition, it provides an overview of some specific classification techniques, delves into the issues of object representation and classifier evaluation, and (very) briefly covers some variations on the basic supervised classification task that may also be of interest to the practitioner

    Evolving Ensemble Fuzzy Classifier

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    The concept of ensemble learning offers a promising avenue in learning from data streams under complex environments because it addresses the bias and variance dilemma better than its single model counterpart and features a reconfigurable structure, which is well suited to the given context. While various extensions of ensemble learning for mining non-stationary data streams can be found in the literature, most of them are crafted under a static base classifier and revisits preceding samples in the sliding window for a retraining step. This feature causes computationally prohibitive complexity and is not flexible enough to cope with rapidly changing environments. Their complexities are often demanding because it involves a large collection of offline classifiers due to the absence of structural complexities reduction mechanisms and lack of an online feature selection mechanism. A novel evolving ensemble classifier, namely Parsimonious Ensemble pENsemble, is proposed in this paper. pENsemble differs from existing architectures in the fact that it is built upon an evolving classifier from data streams, termed Parsimonious Classifier pClass. pENsemble is equipped by an ensemble pruning mechanism, which estimates a localized generalization error of a base classifier. A dynamic online feature selection scenario is integrated into the pENsemble. This method allows for dynamic selection and deselection of input features on the fly. pENsemble adopts a dynamic ensemble structure to output a final classification decision where it features a novel drift detection scenario to grow the ensemble structure. The efficacy of the pENsemble has been numerically demonstrated through rigorous numerical studies with dynamic and evolving data streams where it delivers the most encouraging performance in attaining a tradeoff between accuracy and complexity.Comment: this paper has been published by IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy System

    Reactive with tags classifier system applied to real robot navigation

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    7th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation. Barcelona, 18-21 October 1999.A reactive with tags classifier system (RTCS) is a special classifier system. This system combines the execution capabilities of symbolic systems and the learning capabilities of genetic algorithms. A RTCS is able to learn symbolic rules that allow to generate sequence of actions, chaining rules among different time instants, and react to new environmental situations, considering the last environmental situation to take a decision. The capacity of RTCS to learn good rules has been prove in robotics navigation problem. Results show the suitability of this approximation to the navigation problem and the coherence of extracted rules

    An enhanced classifier system for autonomous robot navigation in dynamic environments

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    In many cases, a real robot application requires the navigation in dynamic environments. The navigation problem involves two main tasks: to avoid obstacles and to reach a goal. Generally, this problem could be faced considering reactions and sequences of actions. For solving the navigation problem a complete controller, including actions and reactions, is needed. Machine learning techniques has been applied to learn these controllers. Classifier Systems (CS) have proven their ability of continuos learning in these domains. However, CS have some problems in reactive systems. In this paper, a modified CS is proposed to overcome these problems. Two special mechanisms are included in the developed CS to allow the learning of both reactions and sequences of actions. The learning process has been divided in two main tasks: first, the discrimination between a predefined set of rules and second, the discovery of new rules to obtain a successful operation in dynamic environments. Different experiments have been carried out using a mini-robot Khepera to find a generalised solution. The results show the ability of the system to continuous learning and adaptation to new situations.Publicad
