12 research outputs found

    Studying web 2.0 interactivity: a research framework and two case studies

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    With more than one third of the world’s population being online, the Internet has increasingly become part of modern living, giving rise to popular literature that often takes a teleological and celebratory perspective, heralding the Internet and Web 2.0 specifically, as an enabler of participation, democracy, and interactivity. However, one should not take these technological affordances of Web 2.0 for granted. This article applies an interaction framework to the analysis of two Web 2.0 websites viewed as spaces where interaction goes beyond the mere consultation and selection of content, i.e., as spaces supporting the (co)creation of content and value. The authors’ approach to interactivity seeks to describe websites in objective, structural terms as spaces of user, document, and website affordances. The framework also makes it possible to talk about the websites in subjective, functional terms, considering them as spaces of perceived inter-action, intra-action and outer-action affordances. Analysis finds that both websites provide numerous user, document, and website affordances that can serve as inter-action or social affordances

    An illustrated framework for the analysis of Web2.0 interactivity

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    University students' perspective on blended learning

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    This research project aimed to explore students’ perspective on an appropriate mix of online and-face-to-face activities in a master’s programme in library and information science at an Australian university. Identifying aspects that students evaluate as supportive, challenging and efficient in their learning is important for the design of an appropriate mix in blended learning courses. Twenty-three master’s students responded to a questionnaire containing 40 open-ended and closed questions. Applying both statistical and content analysis provides a deeper understanding of students’ responses. Students like the flexibility and the convenience of online learning, but also the possibilities of face-to-face interaction with teachers and peers for building personal learning networks. Students expect an equal quality of learning delivery and criticised the quality of online participation and lecture recordings. Blended learning is an approach that supports a range of learning styles and life styles

    Pre-service Music Teachers’ Understanding of Blended Learning: Implications for Teaching Post COVID-19

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    The significant increase in online teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic has created a heightened need for educators to implement teaching methods which do not rely solely on “face-to-face” learning within the same physical space. Blended Learning (BL) is one such approach, allowing for flexibility in the delivery of a class and constant access to unit materials. This paper reports on an investigation, by two Australian Pre-service Teacher (PST) educators, of their students’ understanding of BL at the beginning and end of a BL music method unit. Data were collected for three consecutive years with three separate cohorts. Findings indicated that the majority of the participants began the unit with little to no understanding of BL. This improved considerably through direct BL experience, with some exceptions. The implications for the development of flexible and responsive PST education in the current and post pandemic education environment are considered

    Effectiveness of Blended Instruction on Pain and Requirement for Analgesic after Knee Arthroplasty Surgery

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    Background and aims: Most patients undergoing knee replacement surgery have pain and limited range of motion during recovery and rehabilitation and due to pain and lack of experience and knowledge are not able to run an effective rehabilitation program. So, this study was aimed to determine the effect of blended instruction on the intensity and the admission palliative of patients undergoing knee surgery. Methods: 64 patients scheduled for knee replacement surgery randomized block Foursome assigned to two experimental and control groups. The training program including film screenings and providing face to face training, manual and training video in the individual manner was implemented days before the surgery for the experimental group. The control group received routine care. Data by demographic and clinical form and pain assessment checklist were collected using a visual analogue scale. Numerical data about the pain from the second to fifth days and one month after surgery were collected and analyzed useing the SPSS software and Independent t-test, Chi-square and Repeated measure tests. Results: The results of this study showed that the experimental group reported significantly less pain than the control group at most times (P=0.012). According to independent t-test statistically significant difference between the 2 groups in terms of the amount of admission palliative at the time was found (P>0.054). However, based on analysis of variance with repeated measures between the admission palliative on study, there was a significant difference in both groups (P<0.001). Conclusion: According to our results, the combined intervention before surgery can reduce the level of pain experienced after surgery and as a training method used to teach these patients after surgery

    Pengaruh Strategi Blended Learning Terhadap Hasil Belajar Mata Kuliah Sejarah Pendidikan Islam pada Mahasiswa yang Memiliki Locus of Control Berbeda

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    Asbtrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji: (1) perbedaan perolehan hasil belajar (mengingat dan memahami konsep dan fakta) mahasiswa yang dibelajarkan dengan strategi pembelajaran blended learning dan strategi pembelajaran face to face (tatap muka secara langsung), (2) perbedaan hasil belajar (mengingat dan memahami konsep dan fakta) mahasiswa yang memiliki internal locus of control dan mahasiswa yang memiliki external locus of control, (3) interaksi antara penggunaan strategi pembelajaran blended learning dan face to face dengan locus of control terhadap hasil belajar (mengingat dan memahami konsep dan fakta) mata kuliah Sejarah Pendidikan Islam. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode a factorial (2x2) version of non equivalent control group design dengan mengambil tempat penelitian di UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya yang dilaksanakan pada semester ganjil 2015/2016. Subjek penelitian sebanyak 124 orang pada semester 3 Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) dan Program Studi Pendidikan Guru MI (PGMI) yang tersebar dari 4 rombongan belajar (rombel) yang terbagi dalam 2 kelompok kelas eksperimen dan 2 kelompok kelas kontrol. Penetapan kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol dilakukan dengan teknik acak. Instrumen pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik angket dan tes. Subjek yang dianalisis berjumlah 84 pebelajar berdasarkan pada 33% kelompok internal locus of control dan 33% external locus of control, dengan menggunakan Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) 2 x 2. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, bahwa: 1) Perolehan hasil belajar (mengingat dan memahami konsep dan fakta) mata kuliah Sejarah Pendidikan Islam antara kelompok mahasiswa yang dibelajarkan dengan strategi pembelajaran blended learning (face to face, online dan offline) dan strategi pembelajaran face to face (tatap muka secara langsung) menunjukkan adanya perbedaan yang signifikan. Hal ini dapat dibuktikan dengan nilai Fhitung = 98,880 dengan nilai probabilitas (p) = 0,000. 2) Perolehan hasil belajar (mengingat dan memahami konsep dan fakta) mata kuliah Sejarah Pendidikan Islam antara kelompok mahasiswa yang memiliki internal locus of control dan kelompok mahasiswa yang memiliki external locus of control menunjukkan adanya perbedaan yang signifikan, yang ditunjukkan dengan nilai Fhitung = 36,950 dengan nilai probabilitas (p) = 0,000, 3) Tidak terdapat pengaruh interaksi antara strategi pembelajaran blended learning (Face to face, online dan offline), strategi pembelajaran face to face (tatap muka secara langsung), dan locus of control terhadap hasil belajar (mengingat dan memahami konsep dan fakta) Sejarah Pendidikan Islam, yang dibuktikan dengan perolehan nilai Fhitung = 2,955 dengan nilai probabilitas (p) = 0,089.Abstract: The purpose of this study is to examine: (1) differences in the acquisition of learning outcomes (remembering and understanding concepts and facts) of students who are taught with blended learning learning strategies and face to face learning strategies (face to face), (2) differences in learning outcomes ( remember and understand the concepts and facts) students who have internal locus of control and students who have external locus of control, (3) the interaction between the use of blended learning and face to face learning strategies with locus of control on learning outcomes (remembering and understanding concepts and facts) History of Islamic Education course. This study uses a factorial (2x2) version of non-equivalent control group design method by taking a place of research at Sunan Ampel UIN Surabaya which was held in the 2015/2016 odd semester. The research subjects were 124 people in the third semester of the Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty of Islamic Education (PAI) Study Program and the MI Teacher Education Study Program (PGMI) which were spread out of 4 study groups divided into 2 experimental class groups and 2 control class groups. Determination of the experimental class and control class is done by random technique. The instrument of data collection uses questionnaire and test techniques. Subjects analyzed were 84 students based on 33% group internal locus of control and 33% external locus of control, using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) 2x2. The results showed that: 1) Obtaining learning outcomes (remembering and understanding concepts and facts) History of Islamic Education courses between student groups taught with blended learning strategies (face to face, online and offline) and face-to-face (face-to-face) learning strategies show significant differences. This can be proven by the value of F-count = 98.880 with a probability value (p) = 0,000. 2) Obtaining learning outcomes (remembering and understanding concepts and facts) History of Islamic Education courses between groups of students who have internal locus of control and groups of students who have external locus of control indicate a significant difference, which is indicated by the value of F = 36,950 with probability value (p) = 0,000, 3) There is no interaction effect between blended learning strategies (Face to face, online and offline), face to face learning strategies (face to face face to face), and locus of control on learning outcomes (remembering and understanding the concepts and facts) History of Islamic Education, as evidenced by the acquisition of F-count = 2.955 with a probability value (p) = 0.089

    Perceptions of Blended Learning: A Case Study on Student Experiences in an Advanced Placement Macroeconomics Course

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    The purpose of this study was to use a case study design to examine the impact of a blended learning instructional model on students in an Advanced Placement (AP) Macroeconomics course. Using an instrumental case study design, the researcher investigated blended learning and students’ perceptions of their own interactions with the materials as well as perceptions of overall performance in the course. The study also used grade point averages (GPA), LMS Usage Reports, and AP exam scores to triangulate with the interview data. The key factors influencing the students’ views were discussed, an enhanced model of blended learning was proposed, recommendations for future research were made, and strategies and practices were offered

    Examining the Effects of Ethnicity on Transactional Distance in an Online Distance Learning Course

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    Distance learning (DL), commonly referred to as online learning has grown exponentially in the past two decades with at least 85% of institutions of higher education in the US offering DL courses by 2013, serving more than 7 million students in the US. As the number of students taking online courses has increased, the number of ethnic minority students, specifically African Americans enrolled in online courses has also significantly increased. Despite this demonstrated interest in higher education, African Americans have had poorer learning outcomes and higher dropout rates than Caucasians in both online and face to face programs. According to Michael Moore’s transactional distance theory (TDT), the physical separation of the teacher from the learner creates a transactional distance which is defined as a communication gap or a psychological space that potentially causes misunderstandings between the instructors and the learner. The theory infers that a high level of transactional distance in a DL course leads to low levels of learner satisfaction with the course and consequently to poor learning outcomes. This dissertation utilized TDT as a theoretical framework to investigate whether ethnicity has a direct effect on transactional distance in online courses. The study did not find any relationship between ethnicity and transactional distance. Recommendations are made for additional research into this subject incorporating larger, more ethnically diverse study samples

    Aprendizaje combinado de las habilidades visuoespaciales en fisioterapia: estudio de caso

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    La finalidad de esta tesis es describir el aprendizaje combinado para mejorar las habilidades visuoespaciales. Los estudiantes de Fisioterapia participantes fueron distribuidos aleatoriamente en un grupo de retroalimentación visual y textual (VT), y en otro grupo que solo recibió la textual (T). Durante las 10 semanas que duró el aprendizaje combinado, las sesiones presenciales fueron filmadas y las participaciones en el entorno virtual registradas para evaluar la interacción. Los estudiantes cumplimentaron un cuestionario mixto que incluía preguntas sobre la interactividad y la transferencia del conocimiento antes de iniciar el proceso experimental y al finalizarlo. Además, para complementar estos datos, los estudiantes participaron en sesiones de discusión grupal después de la experiencia. Los resultados de este estudio contribuyen a reforzar que la retroalimentación visual y textual de casos reales en vídeo facilita la transferencia de conocimiento en el aprendizaje combinado de las habilidades visuoespaciales. Palabras clave: educación superior, aprendizaje combinado, casos reales, retroalimentación, transferencia de conocimiento y habilidades visuoespaciales.The purpose of this dissertation was to describe the blended learning for improving visuospatial skills. Undergraduate physiotherapy students who participated in the 10-weeks blended learning sessions, were randomized into visual-textual (VT) or textual (T) feedback groups. The face-to face sessions were filmed and virtual learning participations were collected to identify students’ interaction during the learning process. The students completed a mixed questionnaire asking them about interactivity and transfer of knowledge before starting the experiment and at the end. The data were complemented with a focus group at the end of the learning process. This study aims to contribute new insight regarding the instructional visual and textual feedback design of case-based instruction, in a visuospatial skills-blended learning programme to improve transfer of learning for beginners. Keywords: higher education, blended learning, case method (teaching technique), feedback (response), transfer of training and visuospatial abilities