204 research outputs found

    A survey on pseudonym changing strategies for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks

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    The initial phase of the deployment of Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANETs) has begun and many research challenges still need to be addressed. Location privacy continues to be in the top of these challenges. Indeed, both of academia and industry agreed to apply the pseudonym changing approach as a solution to protect the location privacy of VANETs'users. However, due to the pseudonyms linking attack, a simple changing of pseudonym shown to be inefficient to provide the required protection. For this reason, many pseudonym changing strategies have been suggested to provide an effective pseudonym changing. Unfortunately, the development of an effective pseudonym changing strategy for VANETs is still an open issue. In this paper, we present a comprehensive survey and classification of pseudonym changing strategies. We then discuss and compare them with respect to some relevant criteria. Finally, we highlight some current researches, and open issues and give some future directions

    Context-based Pseudonym Changing Scheme for Vehicular Adhoc Networks

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    Vehicular adhoc networks allow vehicles to share their information for safety and traffic efficiency. However, sharing information may threaten the driver privacy because it includes spatiotemporal information and is broadcast publicly and periodically. In this paper, we propose a context-adaptive pseudonym changing scheme which lets a vehicle decide autonomously when to change its pseudonym and how long it should remain silent to ensure unlinkability. This scheme adapts dynamically based on the density of the surrounding traffic and the user privacy preferences. We employ a multi-target tracking algorithm to measure privacy in terms of traceability in realistic vehicle traces. We use Monte Carlo analysis to estimate the quality of service (QoS) of a forward collision warning application when vehicles apply this scheme. According to the experimental results, the proposed scheme provides a better compromise between traceability and QoS than a random silent period scheme.Comment: Extended version of a previous paper "K. Emara, W. Woerndl, and J. Schlichter, "Poster: Context-Adaptive User-Centric Privacy Scheme for VANET," in Proceedings of the 11th EAI International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks, SecureComm'15. Dallas, TX, USA: Springer, June 2015.

    A Survey on Attacks and Preservation Analysis of IDS in Vanet

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    Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs) are the extremely famous enabling network expertise for Smart Transportation Systems. VANETs serve numerous pioneering impressive operations and prospects although transportation preservation and facilitation functions are their basic drivers. Numerous preservation allied VANETs functions are immediate and task imperative, which would entail meticulous assurance of preservation and authenticity. Yet non preservation associated multimedia operations, which would assist an imperative task in the future, would entail preservation assistance. Short of such preservation and secrecy in VANETs is one of the fundamental barriers to the extensive extended implementations of it. An anxious and untrustworthy VANET could be more hazardous than the structure without VANET assistance. So it is imperative to build specific that “life-critical preservation” data is protected adequate to rely on. Securing the VANETs including proper shield of the secrecy drivers or vehicle possessors is an extremely challenging assignment. In this research paper we review the assaults, equivalent preservation entails and objections in VANETs. We as well present the enormously admired common preservation guidelines which are based on avoidance as well recognition methods. Many VANETs operations entail system wide preservation support rather than individual layer from the VANETs’ protocol heap. This paper will also appraise the existing researches in the perception of holistic method of protection. Finally, we serve some potential future trends to attain system-wide preservation with secrecy pleasant preservation in VANETs. Keywords: VANET (Vehicular Ad-hoc Network), Routing algorithm, Vehicle preservation, IDS, attack, Secrec

    Recent Developments on Security and Privacy of V2V & V2I Communications: A Literature Review

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    In the recent years Intelligent Transportation Systems and associated technologies have progressed significantly, including services based on wireless communications between vehicles (V2V) and infrastructure (V2I). In order to increase the trustworthiness of these communications, and convince drivers to adopt the new technologies, specific security and privacy requirements need to be addressed, using Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs). To maintain VANET′s security and eliminate possible attacks, mechanisms are to be developed. In this paper, previous researches are reviewed aiming to provide information concerning matches between an attack and a solution in a VANET environment

    Towards a Framework for Preserving Privacy in VANET

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    Vehicular Ad-hoc Network (VANET) is envisioned as an integral part of the Intelligent Transportation Systems as it promises various services and benefits such as road safety, traffic efficiency, navigation and infotainment services. However, the security and privacy risks associated with the wireless communication are often overlooked. Messages exchanged in VANET wireless communication carry inferable Personally Identifiable Information(PII). This introduces several privacy threats that could limit the adoption of VANET. The quantification of these privacy threats is an active research area in VANET security and privacy domains. The Pseudonymisation technique is currently the most preferred solution for critical privacy threats in VANET to provide conditional anonymous authentication. In the existing literature, several Pseudonym Changing Schemes(PCS) have been proposed as effective de-identification approaches to prevent the inference of PII. However, for various reasons, none of the proposed schemes received public acceptance. Moreover, one of the open research challenges is to compare different PCSs under varying circumstances with a set of standardized experimenting parameters and consistent metrics. In this research, we propose a framework to assess the effectiveness of PCSs in VANET with a systematic approach. This comprehensive equitable framework consists of a variety of building blocks which are segmented into correlated sub-domains named Mobility Models, Adversary Models, and Privacy Metrics. Our research introduces a standard methodology to evaluate and compare VANET PCSs using a generic simulation setup to obtain optimal, realistic and most importantly, consistent results. This road map for the simulation setup aims to help the research \& development community to develop, assess and compare the PCS with standard set of parameters for proper analysis and reporting of new PCSs. The assessment of PCS should not only be equitable but also realistic and feasible. Therefore, the sub-domains of the framework need coherent as well as practically applicable characteristics. The Mobility Model is the layout of the traffic on the road which has varying features such as traffic density and traffic scenarios based on the geographical maps. A diverse range of Adversary Models is important for pragmatic evaluation of the PCSs which not only considers the presence of global passive adversary but also observes the effect of intelligent and strategic \u27local attacker\u27 placements. The biggest challenge in privacy measurement is the fact that it is a context-based evaluation. In the literature, the PCSs are evaluated using either user-oriented or adversary-oriented metrics. Under all circumstances, the PCSs should be assessed from both user and adversary perspectives. Using this framework, we determined that a local passive adversary can be strong based on the attacking capabilities. Therefore, we propose two intelligent adversary placements which help in privacy assessment with realistic adversary modelling. When the existing PCSs are assessed with our systematic approach, consistent models and metrics, we identified the privacy vulnerabilities and the limitations of existing PCSs. There was a need for comprehensive PCS which consider the context of the vehicles and the changing traffic patterns in the neighbourhood. Consequently, we developed a Context-Aware \& Traffic Based PCS that focuses on increasing the overall rate of confusion for the adversary and to reduce deterministic information regarding the pseudonym change. It is achieved by increasing the number of dynamic attributes in the proposed PCS for inference of the changing pattern of the pseudonyms. The PCS increases the anonymity of the vehicle by having the synchronized pseudonym changes. The details given under the sub-domains of the framework solidifies our findings to strengthen the privacy assessment of our proposed PCS

    Secure Data Aggregation in Vehicular-Adhoc Networks: A Survey

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    AbstractVehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) are an upcoming technology that is gaining momentum in recent years. That may be the reason that the network attracts more and more attention from both industry and academia. Due to the limited bandwidth of wireless communication medium, scalability is a major problem. Data aggregation is a solution to this. The goal of data aggregation is to combine the messages and disseminate this in larger region. While doing aggregation integrity of the information can not be easily verified and attacks may be possible. Hence aggregation must be secure. Although there are several surveys covering VANETs, they do not concentrate on security issues specifically on data aggregation. In this paper, we discuss and analyse various data aggregation techniques and their solutions

    Contribution to design a communication framework for vehicular ad hoc networks in urban scenarios

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    The constant mobility of people, the growing need to be always connected, the large number of vehicles that nowadays can be found in the roads and the advances in technology make Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANETs) be a major area of research. Vehicular Ad hoc Networks are a special type of wireless Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs), which allow a group of mobile nodes configure a temporary network and maintain it without the need of a fixed infrastructure. A vehicular network presents some specific characteristics, as the very high speed of nodes. Due to this high speed the topology changes are frequent and the communication links may last only a few seconds. Smart cities are now a reality and have a direct relationship with vehicular networks. With the help of existing infrastructure such as traffic lights, we propose a scheme to update and analyse traffic density and a warning system to spread alert messages. With this, traffic lights assist vehicular networks to take proper decisions. This would ensure less congested streets. It would also be possible that the routing protocol forwards data packets to vehicles on streets with enough neighbours to increase the possibility of delivering the packets to destination. Sharing updated, reliable and real-time information, about traffic conditions, weather or security alerts, increases the need of algorithms for the dissemination of information that take into account the main beneffits and constraints of these networks. For all this, routing protocols for vehicular networks have the difficult task to select and establish transmission links to send the data packets from source to destination through multiple nodes using intermediate vehicles efficiently. The main objective of this thesis is to provide improvements in the communication framework for vehicular networks to improve decisions to select next hops in the moment to send information, in this way improving the exchange of information to provide suitable communication to minimize accidents, reduce congestion, optimize resources for emergencies, etc. Also, we include intelligence to vehicles at the moment to take routing decisions. Making them map-aware, being conscious of the presence of buildings and other obstacles in urban environments. Furthermore, our proposal considers the decision to store packets for a maximum time until finding other neighbouring nodes to forward the packets before discarding them. For this, we propose a protocol that considers multiple metrics that we call MMMR (A Multimetric, Map-Aware Routing Protocol ). MMMR is a protocol based on geographical knowledge of the environment and vehicle location. The metrics considered are the distance, the density of vehicles in transmission range, the available bandwidth and the future trajectory of the neighbouring nodes. This allows us to have a complete view of the vehicular scenario to anticipate the driver about possible changes that may occur. Thus, a node can select a node among all its neighbours, which is the best option to increase the likelihood of successful packet delivery, minimizing time and offering a level of quality and service. In the same way, being aware of the increase of information in wireless environments, we analyse the possibility of offering anonymity services. We include a mechanism of anonymity in routing protocols based on the Crowd algorithm, which uses the idea of hiding the original source of a packet. This allowed us to add some level of anonymity on VANET routing protocols. The analytical modeling of the available bandwidth between nodes in a VANET, the use of city infrastructure in a smart way, the forwarding selection in data routing byvehicles and the provision of anonymity in communications, are issues that have been addressed in this PhD thesis. In our research work we provide contributions to improve the communication framework for Vehicular Ad hoc Networks obtaining benefits toenhance the everyday of the population.La movilidad constante de las personas y la creciente necesidad de estar conectados en todo momento ha hecho de las redes vehiculares un área cuyo interés ha ido en aumento. La gran cantidad de vehículos que hay en la actualidad, y los avances tecnológicos han hecho de las redes vehiculares (VANETS, Vehicular Ad hoc Networks) un gran campo de investigación. Las redes vehiculares son un tipo especial de redes móviles ad hoc inalámbricas, las cuales, al igual que las redes MANET (Mobile Ad hoc Networks), permiten a un grupo de nodos móviles tanto configurar como mantener una red temporal por si mismos sin la necesidad de una infraestructura fija. Las redes vehiculares presentan algunas características muy representativas, por ejemplo, la alta velocidad que pueden alcanzar los nodos, en este caso vehículos. Debido a esta alta velocidad la topología cambia frecuentemente y la duración de los enlaces de comunicación puede ser de unos pocos segundos. Estas redes tienen una amplia área de aplicación, pudiendo tener comunicación entre los mismos nodos (V2V) o entre los vehículos y una infraestructura fija (V2I). Uno de los principales desafíos existentes en las VANET es la seguridad vial donde el gobierno y fabricantes de automóviles han centrado principalmente sus esfuerzos. Gracias a la rápida evolución de las tecnologías de comunicación inalámbrica los investigadores han logrado introducir las redes vehiculares dentro de las comunicaciones diarias permitiendo una amplia variedad de servicios para ofrecer. Las ciudades inteligentes son ahora una realidad y tienen una relación directa con las redes vehiculares. Con la ayuda de la infraestructura existente, como semáforos, se propone un sistema de análisis de densidad de tráfico y mensajes de alerta. Con esto, los semáforos ayudan a la red vehicular en la toma de decisiones. Así se logrará disponer de calles menos congestionadas para hacer una circulación más fluida (lo cual disminuye la contaminación). Además, sería posible que el protocolo de encaminamiento de datos elija vehículos en calles con suficientes vecinos para incrementar la posibilidad de entregar los paquetes al destino (minimizando pérdidas de información). El compartir información actualizada, confiable y en tiempo real sobre el estado del tráfico, clima o alertas de seguridad, aumenta la necesidad de algoritmos de difusión de la información que consideren los principales beneficios y restricciones de estas redes. Así mismo, considerar servicios críticos que necesiten un nivel de calidad y servicio es otro desafío importante. Por todo esto, un protocolo de encaminamiento para este tipo de redes tiene la difícil tarea de seleccionar y establecer enlaces de transmisión para enviar los datos desde el origen hacia el destino vía múltiples nodos utilizando vehículos intermedios de una manera eficiente. El principal objetivo de esta tesis es ofrecer mejoras en los sistemas de comunicación vehicular que mejoren la toma de decisiones en el momento de realizar el envío de la información, con lo cual se mejora el intercambio de información para poder ofrecer comunicación oportuna que minimice accidentes, reduzca atascos, optimice los recursos destinados a emergencias, etc. Así mismo, incluimos más inteligencia a los coches en el momento de tomar decisiones de encaminamiento de paquetes. Haciéndolos conscientes de la presencia de edificios y otros obstáculos en los entornos urbanos. Así como tomar la decisión de guardar paquetes durante un tiempo máximo de modo que se encuentre otros nodos vecinos para encaminar paquetes de información antes de descartarlo. Para esto, proponemos un protocolo basado en múltiples métricas (MMMR, A Multimetric, Map-aware Routing Protocol ) que es un protocolo geográfio basado en el conocimiento del entorno y localización de los vehículos. Las métricas consideradas son la distancia, la densidad de vehículos en el área de transmisión, el ancho de banda disponible y la trayectoria futura de los nodos vecinos. Esto nos permite tener una visión completa del escenario vehicular y anticiparnos a los posibles cambios que puedan suceder. Así, un nodo podrá seleccionar aquel nodo entre todos sus vecinos posibles que sea la mejor opción para incrementar la posibilidad de entrega exitosa de paquetes, minimizando tiempos y ofreciendo un cierto nivel de calidad y servicio. De la misma manera, conscientes del incremento de información que circula por medios inalámbricos, se analizó la posibilidad de servicios de anonimato. Incluimos pues un mecanismo de anonimato en protocolos de encaminamiento basado en el algoritmo Crowd, que se basa en la idea de ocultar la fuente original de un paquete. Esto nos permitió añadir cierto nivel de anonimato que pueden ofrecer los protocolos de encaminamiento. El modelado analítico del ancho de banda disponible entre nodos de una VANET, el uso de la infraestructura de la ciudad de una manera inteligente, la adecuada toma de decisiones de encaminamiento de datos por parte de los vehículos y la disposición de anonimato en las comunicaciones, son problemas que han sido abordados en este trabajo de tesis doctoral que ofrece contribuciones a la mejora de las comunicaciones en redes vehiculares en entornos urbanos aportando beneficios en el desarrollo de la vida diaria de la población

    Overview of security issues in Vehicular ad-hoc networks

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    Vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs) are a promising communication scenario. Several new applications are envisioned, which will improve traffic management and safety. Nevertheless, those applications have stringent security requirements, as they affect road traffic safety. Moreover, VANETs face several security threats. As VANETs present some unique features (e.g. high mobility of nodes, geographic extension, etc.) traditional security mechanisms are not always suitable. Because of that, a plethora of research contributions have been presented so far. This chapter aims to describe and analyze the most representative VANET security developments

    State-of-the-art authentication and verification schemes in VANETs:A survey

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    Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANETs), a subset of Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (MANETs), are wireless networks formed around moving vehicles, enabling communication between vehicles, roadside infrastructure, and servers. With the rise of autonomous and connected vehicles, security concerns surrounding VANETs have grown. VANETs still face challenges related to privacy with full-scale deployment due to a lack of user trust. Critical factors shaping VANETs include their dynamic topology and high mobility characteristics. Authentication protocols emerge as the cornerstone of enabling the secure transmission of entities within a VANET. Despite concerted efforts, there remains a need to incorporate verification approaches for refining authentication protocols. Formal verification constitutes a mathematical approach enabling developers to validate protocols and rectify design errors with precision. Therefore, this review focuses on authentication protocols as a pivotal element for securing entity transmission within VANETs. It presents a comparative analysis of existing protocols, identifies research gaps, and introduces a novel framework that incorporates formal verification and threat modeling. The review considers key factors influencing security, sheds light on ongoing challenges, and emphasises the significance of user trust. The proposed framework not only enhances VANET security but also contributes to the growing field of formal verification in the automotive domain. As the outcomes of this study, several research gaps, challenges, and future research directions are identified. These insights would offer valuable guidance for researchers to establish secure authentication communication within VANETs

    A Secure and Distributed Architecture for Vehicular Cloud and Protocols for Privacy-preserving Message Dissemination in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks

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    Given the enormous interest in self-driving cars, Vehicular Ad hoc NETworks (VANETs) are likely to be widely deployed in the near future. Cloud computing is also gaining widespread deployment. Marriage between cloud computing and VANETs would help solve many of the needs of drivers, law enforcement agencies, traffic management, etc. The contributions of this dissertation are summarized as follows: A Secure and Distributed Architecture for Vehicular Cloud: Ensuring security and privacy is an important issue in the vehicular cloud; if information exchanged between entities is modified by a malicious vehicle, serious consequences such as traffic congestion and accidents can occur. In addition, sensitive data could be lost, and human lives also could be in danger. Hence, messages sent by vehicles must be authenticated and securely delivered to vehicles in the appropriate regions. In this dissertation, we present a secure and distributed architecture for the vehicular cloud which uses the capabilities of vehicles to provide various services such as parking management, accident alert, traffic updates, cooperative driving, etc. Our architecture ensures the privacy of vehicles and supports secure message dissemination using the vehicular infrastructure. A Low-Overhead Message Authentication and Secure Message Dissemination Scheme for VANETs: Efficient, authenticated message dissemination in VANETs are important for the timely delivery of authentic messages to vehicles in appropriate regions in the VANET. Many of the approaches proposed in the literature use Road Side Units (RSUs) to collect events (such as accidents, weather conditions, etc.) observed by vehicles in its region, authenticate them, and disseminate them to vehicles in appropriate regions. However, as the number of messages received by RSUs increases in the network, the computation and communication overhead for RSUs related to message authentication and dissemination also increases. We address this issue and present a low-overhead message authentication and dissemination scheme in this dissertation. On-Board Hardware Implementation in VANET: Design and Experimental Evaluation: Information collected by On Board Units (OBUs) located in vehicles can help in avoiding congestion, provide useful information to drivers, etc. However, not all drivers on the roads can benefit from OBU implementation because OBU is currently not available in all car models. Therefore, in this dissertation, we designed and built a hardware implementation for OBU that allows the dissemination of messages in VANET. This OBU implementation is simple, efficient, and low-cost. In addition, we present an On-Board hardware implementation of Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing protocol for VANETs. Privacy-preserving approach for collection and dissemination of messages in VANETs: Several existing schemes need to consider safety message collection in areas where the density of vehicles is low and roadside infrastructure is sparse. These areas could also have hazardous road conditions and may have poor connectivity. In this dissertation, we present an improved method for securely collecting and disseminating safety messages in such areas which preserves the privacy of vehicles. We propose installing fixed OBUs along the roadside of dangerous roads (i.e., roads that are likely to have more ice, accidents, etc., but have a low density of vehicles and roadside infrastructure) to help collect data about the surrounding environment. This would help vehicles to be notified about the events on such roads (such as ice, accidents, etc.).Furthermore, to enhance the privacy of vehicles, our scheme allows vehicles to change their pseudo IDs in all traffic conditions. Therefore, regardless of whether the number of vehicles is low in the RSU or Group Leader GL region, it would be hard for an attacker to know the actual number of vehicles in the RSU/GL region