102 research outputs found

    Panorama et modélisation d’identifiants pérennes pour la création d’identités de confiance

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    Dans le chaos informationnel actuel, les identifiants pérennes (ou PID) sont devenus primordiaux pour améliorer le référencement, l’accessibilité et la pérennité des ressources de tous types, en particulier numériques. Bien que ces identifiants soient cruciaux dans le mouvement de l’Open Science, leur nombre et leur hétérogénéité affectent leur pertinence et leur efficacité. Victimes de leur succès, bien au-delà du domaine académique ou scientifique, les identifiants pérennes se sont en effet multipliés au niveau international. Ils forment aujourd’hui une nuée d’identifiants dont il n’existe aucun aperçu global. De plus, leur allocation n’est que rarement harmonisée au niveau étatique, la Suisse ne faisant pas exception à la règle. La nature de ce projet de recherche est à la fois théorique et pratique. Il a pour objectif de produire un état de l’art des identifiants pérennes actuels, sous forme d’un panorama visuel, et de proposer une réflexion autour de la modélisation d’un service d’attribution ainsi que la création d’une véritable « identité de confiance » (Van de Sompel, Treloar 2014) au niveau national suisse. Notre panorama visuel s’articule autour de 27 identifiants pérennes, tous domaines confondus, analysés selon onze critères. Cette représentation permet une comparaison rapide et rigoureuse des identifiants actuellement disponibles. La supériorité supposée d’un PID sur un autre s’avère toute relative ; la pertinence et l’efficacité de chacun des PID dépend en effet du contexte dans lequel ils s’inscrivent et des besoins de leurs utilisateurs. Notre réflexion autour de la modélisation d’un service national d’allocation nous a amenées, dans un second temps, à décliner deux alternatives quant à l’identifiant attribué (l’ARK, d’une part, le DOI couplé avec l’ORCID, d’autre part) et à proposer une politique d’allocation de ces PID. Elle s’est confrontée aux spécificités helvétiques (langue, autonomie des cantons), rendant a priori malaisée l’implémentation d’une telle structure nationale, mais aussi aux considérations financières et de gouvernance, difficiles à appréhender dans le temps qui nous était imparti pour ce projet de recherche. Enfin, la notion d’identité de confiance et son examen dans une perspective suisse nous ont permis de souligner les acquis de l’infrastructure savante helvétique mais également ses lacunes, en particulier en termes de spécificité d’archivage et d’identification pérenne systématique et harmonisée

    Developing a data identifier taxonomy

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    As the amount of research data management is growing, the use of identity metadata for discovering, linking and citing research data is growing too. To support the awareness of different identifier systems and comparison and selection of identifier for a particular data management environment, there is need for a knowledge base. This paper contributes towards that goal and analyzes the data management and related literatures to develop a data identifier taxonomy. The taxonomy includes four categories (domain, entity types, activities, and quality dimensions). In addition, the paper describes 14 identifiers referenced in the literature and analyzes them along the taxonomy

    Identifier dans l\u27écosystème informationnel Une réflexion autour des approches d\u27identification et leurs problématiques économiques, techniques et culturelles

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    Le terme « identification » comporte trois axes d’interprétation : un moyen de singulariser, un moyen de contextualiser et/ou un moyen de localiser. Les pratiques d’identification dans les écosystèmes informationnels sont diverses et parlent de manière sous-jacente des objectifs des structures qui les mettent en place : elles conditionnent l’appréhension, la compréhension et l’accès aux ressources que ces structures gèrent. Ce mémoire propose une exploration des pratiques d’identification en interrogeant deux types de pratiques: les pratiques physiques et les pratiques numériques. Ces deux approches permettent de mettre en lumière les aspects culturels, économiques et techniques inhérents au domaine, et participent à apporter des éléments de réponse à la problématique globale que nous posons : comment identifier au mieux

    Current Best Practices among Cultural Heritage Institutions when Dealing with Copyright Orphan Works and Analysis of Crowdsourcing Options

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    The purpose of this study is to establish the current state of best practices among Cultural Heritage Institutions (CHIs) when dealing with in-copyright orphan works in three countries: the United Kingdom, Netherlands and Italy. A baseline understanding of current practice provides a benchmark against which crowdsourcing (or any other proposal) to address the challenge posed by orphan works can be evaluated. The research team used a purposive sample to approach the ‘Big 3’ national libraries and film archives in each country, typically including the national library, the national archive and the national film archive. The researchers also aimed to include at least one institution from each jurisdiction that had used the EUIPO database, and one institution that digitized orphan works but opted not to use the database. 15 cultural institutions are included in the study. A semi-structured interview format was used to gather qualitative and quantitative data about the CHIs, their collections, their diligent search processes, the results of rights clearance for specific digitization projects, their thoughts on the potential of crowd-sourcing as a solution, and their views on the current legislative framework

    The Derivative Right,or Why Copyright Law Protects Foxes Better than Hedgehogs

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    The derivative right is at the very core of copyright theory. What can and cannot be reused to create a new work impacts freedom of expression but also impacts the value of the markets for works and their various derivatives. The derivative right includes forms of derivation and adaptation, such as making a movie from a novel or translating a book. It also covers what this Article refers to as penumbral derivatives, which the US Copyright Act captures using the phrase based upon with respect to preexisting works. This leads to indeterminacy about the scope of the derivative right, which may have chilling effects on nonprofessional Internet users who may not have the time, desire, or resources to consider or negotiate copyright rights. This Article acknowledges that derivation often includes reproduction of all or part of a preexisting work. How is the derivative right different from the right of reproduction? That is the main question tackled in this Article. Using the Berne Convention negotiating history, as well as US, British, French, and German jurisprudence, this Article suggests that the derivative right has a different normative target than the right of reproduction, in spite of their considerable overlap. The Article enunciates six mobilizing principles, which it then proceeds to demonstrate. The Article also argues and demonstrates in particular that there is a hard line that divides fundamental changes that are noninfringing under a proper derivative right analysis (in most cases because the idea, not the expression, is appropriated), and those that are noninfringing as transformative fair uses. Finally, the Article strikes a note of caution specific to appropriation art

    Populating Legal Ontologies using Information Extraction based on Semantic Role Labeling and Text Similarity

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    This thesis seeks to address the problem of the 'resource consumption bottleneck' of creating (legal) semantic technologies manually. It builds on research in legal theory, ontologies and natural language processing in order to semi-automatically normalise legislative text, extract definitions and structured norms, and link normative provisions to recitals. The output is intended to help make laws more accessible, understandable, and searchable in a legal document management system. Key contributions are: - an analysis of legislation and structured norms in legal ontologies and compliance systems in order to determine the kind of information that individuals and organisations require from legislation to understand their rights and duties; - an analysis of the semantic and structural challenges of legislative text for machine understanding; - a rule-based normalisation module to transform legislative text into regular sentences to facilitate natural language processing; - a Semantic Role Labeling based information extraction module to extract definitions and norms from legislation and represent them as structured norms in legal ontologies; - an analysis of the impact of recitals on the interpretation of legislative norms; - a Cosine Similarity based text similarity module to link recitals to relevant normative provisions; - a description of important challenges that have emerged from this research which may prove useful for future work in the extraction and linking of information from legislative text

    Architectural support for ubiquitous access to multimedia content

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    Tese de doutoramento. Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores (Telecomunicações). Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 200

    On-line Tutorial Project: Intellectual Property in E-Commerce

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    Copyrights, Trademarks and Patents make up most of the area of law known as Intellectual Property. Intellectual Property\u27s importance in Electronic Commerce is difficult to overstate. The Internet has been defined as a global network of networks through which computers communicate by sending information in packets, and each network consists of computers connected by cables or wireless links. It is the Intellectual Property laws of Copyright, Trademark and Patents that are attempting to harmonize the effects that E-Commerce and the Internet have had on the individual\u27s ability to access and use this information. It should be remembered that most countries have their own systems for patents, copyrights and trademarks, but thanks to international coordination and agreement facilitated by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) these legal regimes are basically similar in structure and approach. This course will focus on the intellectual property laws of the United States, currently the single largest ecommerce marketplace, with supplemental references to other legal regimes where useful

    Literary texts in an electronic age: Scholarly implications and library services [papers presented at the 1994 Clinic on Library applications of Data Processing, April 10-12, 1994]

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    Authors and readers in an age of electronic texts / Jay David Bolter -- Electronic texts in the humanities : a coming of age / Susan Hockey -- The Text Encoding Initiative : electronic text markup for research / C.M. Sperberg-McQueen -- Electronic texts and multimedia in the academic library : a view from the front line / Anita K. Lowry -- Humanizing information technology : cultural evolution and the institutionalization of electronic text processing / Mark Tyler Day -- Cohabiting with copyright on the nets / Mary Brandt Jensen -- The role of the scholarly publisher in an electronic environment / Lorrie LeJeune -- The feasibility of wide-area textual analysis systems in libraries : a practical analysis / John Price-Wilkin -- The scholar and his library in the computer age / James W. Marchand -- The challenges of electronic texts in the library : bibliographic control and access / Rebecca S. Guenther -- Durkheim???s imperative : the role of humanities faculty in the information technologies revolution / Robert Alun Jones -- The materiality of the book : another turn of the screw / Terry Belanger.published or submitted for publicatio
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