1,636 research outputs found

    Selected topics in information technology : series 1

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    This volume is devoted to the recent developments on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) systems and applications spread across various domain. It seeks to illustrate the potential of Information Technology for a wide range of applications via a systematic collection of recent methods, procedures, and applications designed to solve real-life problems. This book contains ten chapters that emphasize recent information technologies development. Each chapter has been carefully selected to represent a distinctive domain, each with its own unique theoretical, methodological, and empirical developments of solutions on different platforms. The content of this book is organized as follows: Chapter 1 models an assistive ICT solution for people with health concerns by monitoring the patients’ general well-being and medicine intake. In Chapter 2, a standard brick-and-mortar directory kiosk is transformed to allow a virtual walkthrough through an experiential approach. Chapter 3 details out a proof of concept for a monitoring system dedicated for air quality for upto-the-minute information that helps user optimize their decisions. Chapter 4 looks into tailoring human resource management system for home furnishing business. Apart from monitoring and management system, Chapter 5 presents a yet another management system but for facilitators in managing campus orientation programs. Chapter 6 and Chapter 7 are social systems for planning a wedding and marriage matchmaking. The online systems cater from pre-to post wedding, hence suggesting a complete chain of new business model. In Chapter 8, an online practical exam system focuses on one specific course for an undergraduate program at UTHM. Finally, Chapter 9 and Chapter 10 present interesting information systems for expecting mothers and a decision support system for promoting Korean skincare products online. The opportunities now afforded by ICT as deliberated in this book ensures that there is great potential to serve a wide range of audiences. The editors would like to thank chapters’ contributors for their valuable contributions to make this book a success. The edited research book would not have been possible without them

    Green characters in Cabernet Sauvignon

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    The intensity rating of green character attributes of five commercial Cabernet Sauvignon wines from the Margaret River appellation were determined according to the Standards Association of Australia method 2542.2.3 (1988), using an expert panel of five judges, comprising winemakers and wine judges

    The Effect of Cluster Position Determined by Vineyard Row Orientation on Grape Flavonoids and Aroma Profiles of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Cabernet Sauvignon and Italian Riesling in the North Foot of Tianshan Mountains

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    Vineyard row orientation plays a critical role in determining cluster microclimate. This study aimed tofigure out how cluster positions determined by vineyard row orientation affect grape flavonoids and aromaprofiles of Cabernet Sauvignon and Italian Riesling grapes. Three cluster positions (two canopy sidesand the inner canopy) of NS and EW oriented row Cabernet Sauvignon and NS oriented row ItalianRiesling were selected for the experiment. Microclimate data was monitored around clusters from bothcanopy sides of different row orientations. The south canopy side had higher daytime temperaturesand PAR than the north canopy side in EW row orientation. Flavonoids of grape skins and seeds wereseparated and determined by LC-MS, and aroma compounds of grape must were determined by GC-MS.Results showed that flavanols were affected by orientations, and EW orientation had higher berries skinflavanol concentration than NS orientation. EW-IN berries had fewer glucuronide form flavonols and3’-hydroxylated flavonols than the other two positions in EW orientation. Inner canopy berries had lowerflavonol concentration than other positions in EW orientation of CS and NS orientation of IR. To aromas,C6/C9 were the main compounds significantly affected by row orientations. EW orientation berries hadhigher C6 alcohols concentration such as (E)-3-Hexen-1-ol, (E)-2-Hexen-1-ol and (Z)-3-Hexen-1-ol thanNS orientation, while NS orientation berries had higher C6 aldehyde concentrations such as Hexanal and(E)-2-hexenal than EW orientation. EW-IN berries had more abundant C6/C9 compounds than the othertwo positions. The study provided preliminary scientific evidence for vineyard viticulture practice andharvest strategy

    Potential of mathematical modeling in fruit quality

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    A review of mathematical modeling applied to fruit quality showed that these models ranged inresolution from simple yield equations to complex  representations of processes as respiration, photosynthesis and assimilation of nutrients. The latter models take into account complex  genotype environment interactions to estimate their effects on growth and yield. Recently, models are used to estimate seasonal changes in quality traits as fruit size, dry matter, water content and the concentration of sugars and acids, which are very important for flavor and aroma. These models have demonstrated their ability to generate relationships between physiological variables and quality attributes (allometric relations). This new kind of hybrid models has sufficient complexity to predict quality traits behavior

    Wheat bread with dairy products - Technology, nutritional and sensory properties

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    Featured Application: Bakery industry, as nutritional and functional breads, with a considerable contribution to balance the daily diet for children and seniors in terms of proteins and mineralsAs the relation between diet and health became a priority for the consumers, the development of healthy foods enriched with functional ingredients increased substantially. Dairy products represent an alternative for new products and can be used to enhance the functional and nutritional value of bakery products. The addition of yoghurt and curd cheese to wheat bread was studied, and the impact on the dough rheology, microstructure, bread quality, and sensory properties were evaluated. Dairy product additions from 10 to 50 g and higher levels up to 70 g of yoghurt and 83 g of curd cheese were tested. Replacements were performed on wheat flour basis and water absorption. It was observed that the yoghurt additions had a positive impact on the rheology characteristics of the dough. For curd cheese additions, the best dough evaluated on extension was the 30 g of wheat flour formulation. In both cases, the microstructure analysis supported the results obtained for doughs and breads. These breads showed a significant improvement on nutrition profile, which is important to balance the daily diet in terms of major and trace minerals and is important for health-enhancing and maintenance. Good sensorial acceptability for breads with 50 g of yoghurt and 30 g of curd cheese was obtainedinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Microclimatic influences on grape quality

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    Ensuring a well-ventilated bunch zone is a key target of canopy management in viticulture, facilitating spray penetration and reducing the spread of fungal diseases. To achieve this aim, the use of mechanical leaf removal systems available since the early 1990s became increasingly widespread under central European conditions. However, apart from positive phytosanitary impacts, leaf removal alters canopy microclimate substantially. While some research has been conducted on the effects of such canopy management techniques on red grape quality, their effects on fruit quality of white varieties have rarely been investigated. The objective of this thesis was to provide a deeper understanding of the microclimatic influence on grape quality at different stages of berry development, with a focus on the white grape cultivar Riesling (Vitis vinifera L.). An optimized protocol for high-throughput FTIR measurements and other state of the art analysis were used to quantify compounds relevant for grape and wine quality. Three different approaches to create samples from variable microclimatic conditions were evaluated: The removal of leaves in the bunch zone to maximize bunch exposure, the complete shading of bunches using opaque boxes and the utilization of the natural variance of the microclimatic conditions within homogenous vineyards. The effect of microclimate manipulation on different classes of phenolic substances was large in the case of flavonols, and rather small in the case of flavanols and hydroxycinnamic acids. The only effects of microclimatic conditions on flavanol and hydroxycinnamic acid concentration were observed when leaf removal or shading were conducted directly after berry set. Radiation exposure at any developmental stage led to a rapid increase of flavonol concentration in the berry skin, whilst without radiation the synthesis of flavonols was inhibited completely. The concentration of amino acids was strongly negatively correlated with the concentration of phenolic substances. Bunches shaded during the ripening phase had barely detectable monoterpene concentrations, and re-illumination during the last weeks of ripening only increased their concentration by 2-fold, representing just 20 % of the concentration of the control treatment. In the same time period, flavonol concentration recovered rapidly to levels comparable to those of the control. Although monoterpenes accumulate only at later stages of ripening, the most important period for their synthesis is around veraison, when the expression of monoterpene biosynthetic genes is at a maximum. Microclimate also influences the optical properties of a berry, mainly because of their effects on chlorophyll and carotenoid synthesis as well as degradation and phenol accumulation. Sorting berries by their VIS-spectra led to subsamples of significantly different composition of aroma compounds organic acids and amino nitrogen. The common factor behind these compositional and optical differences seems to be the berry microclimate, which is in accordance with our other studies. These findings may be technically exploited in targeted berry sorting operations for premium winemaking or to remove undesired fruit prior to fermentation.Die gute Durchlüftung der Traubenzone zur phytosanitären Prävention von Pilzkrankheiten ist ein wichtiges Element der guten fachlichen Praxis im Weinbau. Um diese sicherzustellen, wurden seit Anfang der 90er Jahre Gerätesysteme zur maschinellen Entblätterung der Traubenzone entwickelt. Der technische Fortschritt in den folgenden Dekaden führte zu einer heute flächendeckenden, effizienten Anwendung dieser Maßnahme in der weinbaulichen Praxis. Neben ihren phytosanitären Effekten stellt die Entblätterung der Traubenzone jedoch auch einen massiven Eingriff in das Mikroklima der Rebe dar. Auch wenn bereits seit den 1970er Jahren einige Studien zu den mikroklimatischen Effekten auf die Traubengesundheit und -qualität roter Sorten durchgeführt wurden, ist das Wissen zu den mikroklimatischen Effekten auf die Qualität weißer Trauben begrenzt. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es daher, ein eingehenderes Verständnis der mikroklimatisch bedingten Effekte auf die Traubenqualität von Riesling (Vitis vinifera L.) zu verschiedenen Zeitpunkten der Beerenentwicklung zu gewinnen. Ein erster Teil dieser Arbeit befasste sich zunächst mit der Optimierung der FTIR-Analytik. Hierbei wurden verschiedene FTIR-Spektrometer mit verschiedenen Variablenselektions-Algorithmen kalibriert und verglichen. Um die mikroklimatisch bedingten Effekte auf die Traubenqualität zu untersuchen, wurden drei Methoden angewandt, um Proben aus variablen mikroklimatischen Bedingungen zu erhalten: Die komplette Freistellung aller Trauben in der Traubenzone und die komplette Beschattung von Trauben mittels lichtundurchlässiger Boxen und die Auswahl von Proben aus welche in einem homogenen Bestand unter natürlich bedingter Varianz des Mikroklimas gewachsen waren. Der Effekt des Mikroklimas auf die Akkumulation von phenolischen Inhaltsstoffen war – unabhängig vom Versuchsaufbau – im Fall der Flavonole deutlich und im Fall der Flavanole und Hydroxyzimtsäuren eher gering. Der letztgenannte Effekt konnte nur durch Manipulation des Mikroklimas kurz nach der Blüte induziert werden, während Flavonole als Reaktion auf Belichtung nahezu proportional zur UV-Einstrahlung und ohne zeitliche Verzögerung neu synthetisiert wurden. Die Akkumulation von Aminosäuren in der Traube korrelierte dabei stark negativ mit der Akkumulation der Phenole. Während der gesamten Reifephase vollständig beschattete Rieslingtrauben (Boxen) hatten zur Lese einen kaum nachweisbaren Monoterpengehalt, doch auch ein Entfernen der Boxen vor der eigentlichen Hauptphase der Akkumulation führte lediglich zu einem geringen Anstieg der Monoterpenkonzentration, während der Flavonolgehalt auf das Niveau der Kontrollvariante anstieg. Obwohl sich die Hauptphase der Akkumulation von Monoterpenen im Stadium der Vollreife abspielt, scheint der Zeitpunkt um die Veraison, wenn die Expression der Terpenoidsynthasen ihr Maximum erreicht, für ihre Synthese entscheidender zu sein. Das Mikroklima beeinflusst zudem die Konzentration der Pigmente der Beerenhaut. Mit einer Sortierung im VIS-Spektralbereich konnten Beeren in Klassen mit signifikant unterschiedlicher Ausprägung verschiedener Qualitätsmerkmale sortiert werden. Die Art und Ausprägung dieser Qualitätsunterschiede weist deutlich auf die mikroklimatischen Bedingungen als deren Ursache hin. Diese Tatsache kann in technischen, gezielten Sortierprozessen genutzt werden, um Beeren mit gewünschten Qualitätsmerkmalen für hochpreisige Weine zu selektieren oder unerwünschte Beeren aus großen Partien zu entfernen

    Yield and Quality of Passion Fruit in Relation to Training Systems

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    Four different training systems, viz., Kniffin, High trellis, Tatura and Bower were evaluated in passion fruit cv. Kaveri. Kniffin system with 4 arms recorded highest cumulative yield of 67.22 t/ha with a cost:benefit ratio of 1:4.25, followed by Kniffin 2 arm and 6 arm, respectively. Kniffin system was also the most ideal system of training for passion fruit, facilitating easy cultural operations. Although Tatura system recorded highest cumulative yield/vine (43.57kg), it registered lowest yield/ha, largely due to lower plant population/ha (1250 vines/ha). Fruit quality parameters like TSS, Vit. C, carotene content and titrable acidity were not significantly influenced by different training systems. Similarly, interception of Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) by the canopy did not differ significantly among training systems. Though photosynthetic rate did not differ significantly, shaded leaves in the canopy did not contribute photosynthates and were parasitic on the vine

    Tree and orchard variability of Silver King nectarine(Prunus persica (L.) Batsch) fruit quality components

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    The variability of crop quality accounts for most of seasonal variation of farmers’ incomes, since fruit growth and quality components may greatly change according to various environmental and within-tree factors. Canopy architecture and orchard layout are mainly responsible for fruit size, quality and its variability. A positive relationship was measured in peach between intercepted radiation and PAR and Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC). This study was carried out to measure within tree and orchard variability of fruit of the early ripening cv. Silver King nectarine (Prunus persica (L.), Batsch) 8-years-old peach trees trained to a Y-shape and Delayed vase. Fruit were picked twice and all harvested fruit were analysed in terms of size, soluble solids content, titratable acidity, pH, firmness and TEAC. Fruit weight variability between single trees was larger than within the tree and between training systems. Fruit soluble solid content and firmness had a higher variability than fruit size and within tree variability was higher in Delayed vase trees than in Y-shaped ones. TEAC changed with fruit position within the canopy

    Carbon dioxide enrichment: a technique to mitigate the negative effects of salinity on the productivity of high value tomatoes

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    The present study was conducted to determine the mitigating influence of greenhouse CO2 enrichment on the negative effects of salinity in Mediterranean conditions. Hybrid Raf (cv. Delizia) tomato plants were exposed to two salinity levels of the nutrient solution (5 and 7 dS/m) obtained by adding NaCl, and two CO2 concentrations (350 and 800 ÎĽmol/mol) in which CO2 enrichment was applied during the daytime according to a strategy linked to ventilation. Increasing water salinity negatively affected the leaf area index (LAI), the specific leaf area (SLA), the water use efficiency (WUE), the radiation use efficiency (RUE) and dry weight (DW) accumulation resulting in lower marketable yield. The high salinity treatment (7 dS/m) increased fruit firmness (N), total soluble solids content (SSC) and titratable acidity (TA), whereas pH was reduced in the three ripening stages: mature green/breaker (G), turning (T), and pink/light red (P). Also, the increase in electrical conductivity of the nutrient solution led to a general change in intensity of the sensory characteristics of tomato fruits. On the other hand, CO2 enrichment did not affect LAI although SLA was reduced. RUE and DW accumulation were increased resulting in higher marketable yield, through positive effects on fruit number and their average weight. WUE was enhanced by CO2 supply mainly through increased growth and yield. Physical-chemical quality parameters such as fruit firmness, TA and pH were not affected by CO2 enrichment whereas SSC was enhanced. Greenhouse CO2 enrichment did mitigate the negative effect of saline conditions on productivity without compromising organoleptic and sensory fruit quality
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