934 research outputs found

    Evolutionary multi-objective decision support systems for conceptual design

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    Merged with duplicate record 10026.1/2328 on 07.20.2017 by CS (TIS)In this thesis the problem of conceptual engineering design and the possible use of adaptive search techniques and other machine based methods therein are explored. For the multi-objective optimisation (MOO) within conceptual design problem, genetic algorithms (GA) adapted to MOO are used and various techniques explored: weighted sums, lexicographic order, Pareto method with and without ranking, VEGA-like approaches etc. Large number of runs are performed for findingZ Dth e optimal configuration and setting of the GA parameters. A novel method, weighted Pareto method is introduced and applied to a real-world optimisation problem. Decision support methods within conceptual engineering design framework are discussed and a new preference method developed. The preference method for translating vague qualitative categories (such as "more important 91 , 4m.9u ch less important' 'etc. ) into quantitative values (numbers) is based on fuzzy preferences and graph theory methods. Several applications of preferences are presented and discussed: * in weighted sum based optimisation methods; s in weighted Pareto method; * for ordering and manipulating constraints and scenarios; e for a co-evolutionary, distributive GA-based MOO method; The issue of complexity and sensitivity is addressed as well as potential generalisations of presented preference methods. Interactive dynamical constraints in the form of design scenarios are introduced. These are based on a propositional logic and a fairly rich mathematical language. They can be added, deleted and modified on-line during the design session without need for recompiling the code. The use of machine-based agents in conceptual design process is investigated. They are classified into several different categories (e. g. interface agents, search agents, information agents). Several different categories of agents performing various specialised task are developed (mostly dealing with preferences, but also some filtering ones). They are integrated with the conceptual engineering design system to form a closed loop system that includes both computer and designer. All thesed ifferent aspectso f conceptuale ngineeringd esigna re applied within Plymouth Engineering Design Centre / British Aerospace conceptual airframe design project.British Aerospace Systems, Warto

    Process control for WAAM using computer vision

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    This study is mainly about the vision system and control algorithm programming for wire arc additive manufacturing (WAAM). Arc additive manufacturing technology is formed by the principle of heat source cladding produced by welders using molten inert gas shielded welding (MIG), tungsten inert gas shielded welding (TIG) and layered plasma welding power supply (PA). It has high deposition efficiency, short manufacturing cycle, low cost, and easy maintenance. Although WAAM has very good uses in various fields, the inability to control the adding process in real time has led to defects in the weld and reduced quality. Therefore, it is necessary to develop the real-time feedback through computer vision and algorithms for WAAM to ensure that the thickness and the width of each layer during the addition process are the same

    Enhancing Information Retrieval by Using Evolution Strategies

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    Similar to Genetic algorithm, Evolution strategy is a process of continuous reproduction, trial and selection. Each new generation is an improvement on the one that went before. This paper presents two different proposals based on the vector space model (VSM) as a traditional model in information Retrieval (TIR). The first uses evolution strategy (ES). The second uses the document centroid (DC) in query expansion technique. Then the results are compared; it was noticed that ES technique is more efficient than the other methods

    Education Quality Control Based on System Dynamics and Evolutionary Computation

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    Evolutionary Computation

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    This book presents several recent advances on Evolutionary Computation, specially evolution-based optimization methods and hybrid algorithms for several applications, from optimization and learning to pattern recognition and bioinformatics. This book also presents new algorithms based on several analogies and metafores, where one of them is based on philosophy, specifically on the philosophy of praxis and dialectics. In this book it is also presented interesting applications on bioinformatics, specially the use of particle swarms to discover gene expression patterns in DNA microarrays. Therefore, this book features representative work on the field of evolutionary computation and applied sciences. The intended audience is graduate, undergraduate, researchers, and anyone who wishes to become familiar with the latest research work on this field

    Population-Based Optimization Algorithms for Solving the Travelling Salesman Problem

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    [Extract] Population based optimization algorithms are the techniques which are in the set of the nature based optimization algorithms. The creatures and natural systems which are working and developing in nature are one of the interesting and valuable sources of inspiration for designing and inventing new systems and algorithms in different fields of science and technology. Evolutionary Computation (Eiben& Smith, 2003), Neural Networks (Haykin, 99), Time Adaptive Self-Organizing Maps (Shah-Hosseini, 2006), Ant Systems (Dorigo & Stutzle, 2004), Particle Swarm Optimization (Eberhart & Kennedy, 1995), Simulated Annealing (Kirkpatrik, 1984), Bee Colony Optimization (Teodorovic et al., 2006) and DNA Computing (Adleman, 1994) are among the problem solving techniques inspired from observing nature. In this chapter population based optimization algorithms have been introduced. Some of these algorithms were mentioned above. Other algorithms are Intelligent Water Drops (IWD) algorithm (Shah-Hosseini, 2007), Artificial Immune Systems (AIS) (Dasgupta, 1999) and Electromagnetism-like Mechanisms (EM) (Birbil & Fang, 2003). In this chapter, every section briefly introduces one of these population based optimization algorithms and applies them for solving the TSP. Also, we try to note the important points of each algorithm and every point we contribute to these algorithms has been stated. Section nine shows experimental results based on the algorithms introduced in previous sections which are implemented to solve different problems of the TSP using well-known datasets

    Monitoring and Control Framework for Advanced Power Plant Systems Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques

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    This dissertation presents the design, development, and simulation testing of a monitoring and control framework for dynamic systems using artificial intelligence techniques. A comprehensive monitoring and control system capable of detecting, identifying, evaluating, and accommodating various subsystem failures and upset conditions is presented. The system is developed by synergistically merging concepts inspired from the biological immune system with evolutionary optimization algorithms and adaptive control techniques.;The proposed methodology provides the tools for addressing the complexity and multi-dimensionality of the modern power plants in a comprehensive and integrated manner that classical approaches cannot achieve. Current approaches typically address abnormal condition (AC) detection of isolated subsystems of low complexity, affected by specific AC involving few features with limited identification capability. They do not attempt AC evaluation and mostly rely on control system robustness for accommodation. Addressing the problem of power plant monitoring and control under AC at this level of completeness has not yet been attempted.;Within the proposed framework, a novel algorithm, namely the partition of the universe, was developed for building the artificial immune system self. As compared to the clustering approach, the proposed approach is less computationally intensive and facilitates the use of full-dimensional self for system AC detection, identification, and evaluation. The approach is implemented in conjunction with a modified and improved dendritic cell algorithm. It allows for identifying the failed subsystems without previous training and is extended to address the AC evaluation using a novel approach.;The adaptive control laws are designed to augment the performance and robustness of baseline control laws under normal and abnormal operating conditions. Artificial neural network-based and artificial immune system-based approaches are developed and investigated for an advanced power plant through numerical simulation.;This dissertation also presents the development of an interactive computational environment for the optimization of power plant control system using evolutionary techniques with immunity-inspired enhancements. Several algorithms mimicking mechanisms of the immune system of superior organisms, such as cloning, affinity-based selection, seeding, and vaccination are used. These algorithms are expected to enhance the computational effectiveness, improve convergence, and be more efficient in handling multiple local extrema, through an adequate balance between exploration and exploitation.;The monitoring and control framework formulated in this dissertation applies to a wide range of technical problems. The proposed methodology is demonstrated with promising results using a high validity DynsimRTM model of the acid gas removal unit that is part of the integrated gasification combined cycle power plant available at West Virginia University AVESTAR Center. The obtained results show that the proposed system is an efficient and valuable technique to be applied to a real world application. The implementation of this methodology can potentially have significant impacts on the operational safety of many complex systems
