1,563 research outputs found

    Efficient Many-Light Rendering of Scenes with Participating Media

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    We present several approaches based on virtual lights that aim at capturing the light transport without compromising quality, and while preserving the elegance and efficiency of many-light rendering. By reformulating the integration scheme, we obtain two numerically efficient techniques; one tailored specifically for interactive, high-quality lighting on surfaces, and one for handling scenes with participating media

    An approximation to multiple scattering in volumetric illumination towards real-time rendering

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    Many volumetric illumination techniques for volume rendering were developed through out the years. However, there are still many constraints regarding the computation of multiple scattering path tracing in real-time applications due to its natural complexity and scale. Path tracing with multiple scattering support can produce physically correct results but suffers from noise and low convergence rates. This work proposes a new real-time algorithm to approximate multiple scattering, usually only available in offline rendering production, to real-time. Our approach explores the human perceptual system to speed up computation. Given two images, we use a CIE metric stating that the two will be perceived as similar to the human eye if the Euclidean distance between the two images in CIELAB color space is smaller than 2.3. Hence, we use this premise to guide our in vestigations when changing ray and bounce parameters in our renderer. Our results show that we can reduce from 105 to 104 Samples Per Pixel (SPP) with a negligible perceptual difference between both results, allowing us to cut rendering times by 10 whenever we divide SPP by 10. Similarly, we can reduce the number of bounces from 1000 to 100 with a negligible perceptual difference while reducing rendering times by almost half. We also propose a new algorithm in real-time, Lobe Estimator, that approximates these behaviors and parameters while performing twice as faster as the classic Ray Marching technique.Muitas técnicas de ilmuninação volumétrica foram desenvolvidas ao longo dos anos. Entretanto, ainda há muitas restrições na computação de multiple scattering em aplicações de tempo real usando path tracing, devido à sua complexidade e escala. Path tracing com suporte a multiple scattering é capaz de produzir resultados fisicamente corretos, mas sofre de ruídos e baixa taixa de convergência. Portanto, este trabalho propõe um novo algoritmo de tempo real para aproximar multiple scattering, usado em offline rendering. Nossa abordagem irá explorar o sistema perceptual visual humano para acelerar a computação. A partir de duas imagens, nós usamos a métrica da CIE que afirma que duas imagens são percebidas como similar ao olho humano se a distância Euclidiana das duas imagens no espaço de cores CIELAB for menor que 2.3. Dessa forma, nós usamos essa premissa para guiar nossas investigações quando alterando os parâmetros de Samples Per Pixel (SPP) e bounces nos renderizadores. Nossos resultados mostram que podemos redu zir de 105 para 104 Samples Per Pixel (SPP) com uma diferença perceptual negligenciável entre ambos paramêtros, permitindo reduzir o tempo de renderização por 10 a cada vez que dividimos o SPP por 10. Similarmente, nós podemos reduzir o número de bounces de 1000 para 100 com uma diferença perceptual negligenciável, enquanto reduzindo o tempo de renderização por quase metade. Nós também propusemos um novo algoritmo em tempo real, Lobe Estimator, que permite aproximar esses comportamentos e paramê tros enquanto permformando duas vezes mais rápido que o clássico Ray Marching

    A directional occlusion shading model for interactive direct volume rendering

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    Volumetric rendering is widely used to examine 3D scalar fields from CT/MRI scanners and numerical simulation datasets. One key aspect of volumetric rendering is the ability to provide perceptual cues to aid in understanding structure contained in the data. While shading models that reproduce natural lighting conditions have been shown to better convey depth information and spatial relationships, they traditionally require considerable (pre)computation. In this paper, a shading model for interactive direct volume rendering is proposed that provides perceptual cues similar to those of ambient occlusion, for both solid and transparent surface-like features. An image space occlusion factor is derived from the radiative transport equation based on a specialized phase function. The method does not rely on any precomputation and thus allows for interactive explorations of volumetric data sets via on-the-fly editing of the shading model parameters or (multi-dimensional) transfer functions while modifications to the volume via clipping planes are incorporated into the resulting occlusion-based shading

    Surface Shape Perception in Volumetric Stereo Displays

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    In complex volume visualization applications, understanding the displayed objects and their spatial relationships is challenging for several reasons. One of the most important obstacles is that these objects can be translucent and can overlap spatially, making it difficult to understand their spatial structures. However, in many applications, for example medical visualization, it is crucial to have an accurate understanding of the spatial relationships among objects. The addition of visual cues has the potential to help human perception in these visualization tasks. Descriptive line elements, in particular, have been found to be effective in conveying shape information in surface-based graphics as they sparsely cover a geometrical surface, consistently following the geometry. We present two approaches to apply such line elements to a volume rendering process and to verify their effectiveness in volume-based graphics. This thesis reviews our progress to date in this area and discusses its effects and limitations. Specifically, it examines the volume renderer implementation that formed the foundation of this research, the design of the pilot study conducted to investigate the effectiveness of this technique, the results obtained. It further discusses improvements designed to address the issues revealed by the statistical analysis. The improved approach is able to handle visualization targets with general shapes, thus making it more appropriate to real visualization applications involving complex objects

    Theory and algorithms for efficient physically-based illumination

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    Realistic image synthesis is one of the central fields of study within computer graphics. This thesis treats efficient methods for simulating light transport in situations where the incident illumination is produced by non-pointlike area light sources and distant illumination described by environment maps. We describe novel theory and algorithms for physically-based lighting computations, and expose the design choices and tradeoffs on which the techniques are based. Two publications included in this thesis deal with precomputed light transport. These techniques produce interactive renderings of static scenes under dynamic illumination and full global illumination effects. This is achieved through sacrificing the ability to freely deform and move the objects in the scene. We present a comprehensive mathematical framework for precomputed light transport. The framework, which is given as an abstract operator equation that extends the well-known rendering equation, encompasses a significant amount of prior work as its special cases. We also present a particular method for rendering objects in low-frequency lighting environments, where increased efficiency is gained through the use of compactly supported function bases. Physically-based shadows from area and environmental light sources are an important factor in perceived image realism. We present two algorithms for shadow computation. The first technique computes shadows cast by low-frequency environmental illumination on animated objects at interactive rates without requiring difficult precomputation or a priori knowledge of the animations. Here the capability to animate is gained by forfeiting indirect illumination. Another novel shadow algorithm for off-line rendering significantly enhances a previous physically-based soft shadow technique by introducing an improved spatial hierarchy that alleviates redundant computations at the cost of using more memory. This thesis advances the state of the art in realistic image synthesis by introducing several algorithms that are more efficient than their predecessors. Furthermore, the theoretical contributions should enable the transfer of ideas from one particular application to others through abstract generalization of the underlying mathematical concepts.Tämä tutkimus käsittelee realististen kuvien syntetisointia tietokoneella tilanteissa, jossa virtuaalisen ympäristön valonlähteet ovat fysikaalisesti mielekkäitä. Fysikaalisella mielekkyydellä tarkoitetaan sitä, että valonlähteet eivät ole idealisoituja eli pistemäisiä, vaan joko tavanomaisia pinta-alallisia valoja tai kaukaisia ympäristövalokenttiä (environment maps). Väitöskirjassa esitetään uusia algoritmeja, jotka soveltuvat matemaattisesti perusteltujen valaistusapproksimaatioiden laskentaan erilaisissa käyttötilanteissa. Esilaskettu valonkuljetus on yleisnimi reaaliaikaisille menetelmille, jotka tuottavat kuvia staattisista ympäristöistä siten, että valaistus voi muuttua ajon aikana vapaasti ennalta määrätyissä rajoissa. Tässä työssä esitetään esilasketulle valonkuljetukselle kattava matemaattinen kehys, joka selittää erikoistapauksinaan suuren määrän aiempaa tutkimusta. Kehys annetaan abstraktin lineaarisen operaattoriyhtälön muodossa, ja se yleistää tunnettua kuvanmuodostusyhtälöä (rendering equation). Työssä esitetään myös esilasketun valonkuljetuksen algoritmi, joka parantaa aiempien vastaavien menetelmien tehokkuutta esittämällä valaistuksen funktiokannassa, jonka ominaisuuksien vuoksi ajonaikainen laskenta vähenee huomattavasti. Fysikaalisesti mielekkäät valonlähteet tuottavat pehmeäreunaisia varjoja. Työssä esitetään uusi algoritmi pehmeiden varjojen laskemiseksi liikkuville ja muotoaan muuttaville kappaleille, joita valaisee matalataajuinen ympäristövalokenttä. Useimmista aiemmista menetelmistä poiketen algoritmi ei vaadi esitietoa siitä, kuinka kappale voi muuttaa muotoaan ajon aikana. Muodonmuutoksen aiheuttaman suuren laskentakuorman vuoksi epäsuoraa valaistusta ei huomioida. Työssä esitetään myös toinen uusi algoritmi pehmeiden varjojen laskemiseksi, jossa aiemman varjotilavuuksiin (shadow volumes) perustuvan algoritmin tehokkuutta parannetaan merkittävästi uuden hierarkkisen avaruudellisen hakurakenteen avulla. Uusi rakenne vähentää epäoleellista laskentaa muistinkulutuksen kustannuksella. Työssä esitetään aiempaa tehokkaampia algoritmeja fysikaalisesti perustellun valaistuksen laskentaan. Niiden lisäksi työn esilaskettua valonkuljetusta koskevat teoreettiset tulokset yleistävät suuren joukon aiempaa tutkimusta ja mahdollistavat näin ideoiden siirron erityisalalta toiselle.reviewe

    Local and Global Illumination in the Volume Rendering Integral

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    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationWhile boundary representations, such as nonuniform rational B-spline (NURBS) surfaces, have traditionally well served the needs of the modeling community, they have not seen widespread adoption among the wider engineering discipline. There is a common perception that NURBS are slow to evaluate and complex to implement. Whereas computer-aided design commonly deals with surfaces, the engineering community must deal with materials that have thickness. Traditional visualization techniques have avoided NURBS, and there has been little cross-talk between the rich spline approximation community and the larger engineering field. Recently there has been a strong desire to marry the modeling and analysis phases of the iterative design cycle, be it in car design, turbulent flow simulation around an airfoil, or lighting design. Research has demonstrated that employing a single representation throughout the cycle has key advantages. Furthermore, novel manufacturing techniques employing heterogeneous materials require the introduction of volumetric modeling representations. There is little question that fields such as scientific visualization and mechanical engineering could benefit from the powerful approximation properties of splines. In this dissertation, we remove several hurdles to the application of NURBS to problems in engineering and demonstrate how their unique properties can be leveraged to solve problems of interest

    Efficient Unbiased Rendering using Enlightened Local Path Sampling

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    Efficient From-Point Visibility for Global Illumination in Virtual Scenes with Participating Media

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    Sichtbarkeitsbestimmung ist einer der fundamentalen Bausteine fotorealistischer Bildsynthese. Da die Berechnung der Sichtbarkeit allerdings äußerst kostspielig zu berechnen ist, wird nahezu die gesamte Berechnungszeit darauf verwendet. In dieser Arbeit stellen wir neue Methoden zur Speicherung, Berechnung und Approximation von Sichtbarkeit in Szenen mit streuenden Medien vor, die die Berechnung erheblich beschleunigen, dabei trotzdem qualitativ hochwertige und artefaktfreie Ergebnisse liefern