7 research outputs found

    A Model of Knowledge-sharing for the 21st Century Organizations

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    Organizations’ survival ability is increasingly constrained by their innovation possibilities, that is, by their capacity to create and share knowledge in order to cope with new and more complex challenges. Aiming for the three axes on which new organizational models must be based (economic, technological, and social innovation), this article carries out a systematic review among five databases on the variables related to innovation in organizations. After applying exclusion criteria, 132 papers out of the 1,215 originally found were analyzed. As a result, an integrating theoretical model was proposed from the organizational psychology perspective: the model of knowledge-sharing organizations. The model allows for cultural, psychosocial, and technological aspects and proposes three levels of analysis: 1) innovative culture and governance (that groups together the characteristics of a culture oriented towards innovation, and the organizational policies into which it is translated); 2) leadership, teams, and people (that includes variables that impact people’s innovative capacity, leadership styles, and forms of teamwork); and 3) technological tools for innovation (that focus on how technology can be used, specifically ICT, to enhance the organization’s innovative capacity). Future directions as well as limitations are addressed at the end of the article. La capacidad de supervivencia de las organizaciones está cada vez más condicionada por sus posibilidades de innovación, es decir, por su capacidad de crear y compartir conocimiento para hacer frente a nuevos y más complejos retos. Atendiendo a los tres ejes en los que deben basarse los nuevos modelos organizativos (innovación económica, tecnológica y social), el artículo realiza una revisión sistemática en cinco bases de datos sobre las variables relacionadas con la innovación en las organizaciones. Tras aplicar criterios de exclusión, se analizaron 132 trabajos de los 1,215 encontrados inicialmente. Como resultado, se propuso un modelo teórico integrador desde la perspectiva de la psicología organizacional: el modelo de organizaciones creadoras de conocimiento compartido. El modelo contempla aspectos culturales, psicosociales y tecnológicos, y propone tres niveles de análisis: 1) cultura innovadora y gobernanza (que agrupa las características de una cultura orientada a la innovación y las políticas organizativas en las que se traduce); 2) liderazgo, equipos y personas (que incluye las variables que inciden en la capacidad innovadora de las personas, los estilos de liderazgo y las formas de trabajo en equipo); 3) herramientas tecnológicas para la innovación (que se centra en cómo se puede utilizar la tecnología, concretamente las TIC, para potenciar la capacidad innovadora de la organización). Finalmente, se abordan las limitaciones del estudio y se proponen futuras líneas de investigación

    Open innovation in the manufacturing industry: a review and research agenda

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    In today's competitive world, globalization touches all industries. The open innovation (OI) paradigm has garnered increasing importance in academic research and industrial applications. Considering this interest, this paper aims to synthetize up-to-date findings, outline the intellectual structure of OI within the manufacturing research domain, and suggest a future research agenda. Building upon the content analysis of 239 articles indexed in Web of Science and Scopus databases, using homogeneity analysis by means of alternating least squares (HOMALS), this study reveals the theoretical underpinnings, research trends, and methodologies of this research field. Our analysis revealed that the study of sustainability, commitment-based human resource practices, and Industry 4.0 (I40) represent important future research streams for OI in the manufacturing industry. In collaborating throughout the supply chain, manufacturing firms could minimize production waste, ensure better working conditions, and adapt business models. In the “new normal” posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, it is more important than ever to study the effects of managerial competencies, employee training and development, and reward systems on open cultures in manufacturing firms. This study goes on to outline research opportunities in I40, particularly regarding knowledge exchange and technology transfer among partners and OI's influence on the adoption of I40 technologies

    Factors Influencing Cloud Computing Adoption by Small Firms in the Payment Card Industry

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    Technology acceptance is increasingly gaining attention in research considering the continuous exploits of innovation and various derived advantages. Cloud computing (CC) has shown to be the ideal solution for aligning information technology with business strategies. However, small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the payment card industry are reluctantly adopting this technology despite the benefits. This correlational study aims at investigating whether security, cost effectiveness, or regulatory compliance influence CC adoption by U.S. SMEs in the payment card sector. The study builds on the technology-organization-environment (TOE) framework and uses a previously validated instrument to assess CC adoption by decision-makers in U.S. SMEs handling payment data. A multiple linear regression analysis of survey data from 140 participants indicated that the model could predict CC acceptance. Cost effectiveness and regulatory compliance significantly predicted the decision to adopt CC with a strong and positive effect. Pearson’s coefficients indicated a significant correlation between each independent variable and the outcome variable. Leaders in small payment markets may gain the latest insights on cloud services in their technology decisions. Cloud service providers may be well informed on consumers’ demands for the effective delivery of products and services. Implications for positive social change include enhanced cloud security to reduce compliance defects, cybersecurity attacks, and small business failures. This study may increase consumers’ confidence and comfort while using their credit or debit cards in various sales outlets, thus boosting business performance and employment with a better quality of life

    Modelo multidimensional para la construcción y desarrollo de la capacidad de innovación abierta en pymes

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    [ES] Esta investigación propone un modelo que orienta a las PYMES en sus procesos para incrementar su capacidad innovadora. La metodología utilizada se basó en la caracterización de las prácticas para la construcción y el desarrollo de la capacidad de innovación a partir de revisiones sistemáticas de la literatura científica. Posteriormente, se validó en una muestra de las pymes para los sectores priorizados por el gobierno (Agroindustria, Sistema Moda, Construcción y TIC), el nivel de aplicación de las variables y estadísticamente se definió el modelo que explica la incidencia de las variables en los resultados financieros de las pymes. Por último, se realizó un mapeo riguroso de los actores que componen el Sistema Nacional de Competitividad, Ciencia y Tecnología e Innovación de Colombia, al identificar su geolocalización, objetivo, instrumentos disponibles y roles bajo la teoría de Ecosistemas de Innovación. Como variable dependiente se consideraron los resultados exitosos de las empresas medidos a partir de la rentabilidad igual o superior a la media del sector. Precisamente, se identificaron nueve variables relacionadas con aquellos factores que permiten la construcción y el desarrollo de la capacidad innovadora, las cuales inciden en los resultados financieros de las pymes. Por otra parte, frente al mapeo de actores del ecosistema y de los instrumentos disponibles para promover el desarrollo de estrategias innovadoras en las pymes de los 4 sectores de estudio, se evidenció una alta concentración de geolocalización en las 2 ciudades más grandes de Colombia (Bogotá D.C. y Medellín), y pese a que ofrecen programas con alcance nacional se tiene poco acceso por la falta de recursos. Estas brechas se describen en el CONPES 3866 sobre la adquisición de conocimiento y tecnología, y ponen en desventaja a empresas localizadas en regiones apartadas de ciudades intermedias que no cuentan con actores articuladores y facilitadores. Sumado al modelo, este proyecto explica las variables que inciden en el éxito financiero de las pymes con lo cual podrán proponerse programas relacionados.[CA] Aquesta investigació proposa un model que orienta a les PIMES en els seus processos per a incrementar la seua capacitat innovadora. La metodologia utilitzada es va basar en la caracterització de les pràctiques per a la construcció i el desenvolupament de la capacitat d'innovació a partir de revisions sistemàtiques de la literatura científica. Posteriorment, es va validar en una mostra de les pimes per als sectors prioritzats pel govern (Agroindústria, Sistema Moda, Construcció i TIC), el nivell d'aplicació de les variables i estadísticament es va definir el model que explica la incidència de les variables en els resultats financers de les pimes. Finalment, es va realitzar un mapatge rigorós dels actors que componen el Sistema Nacional de Competitivitat, Ciència i Tecnologia i Innovació de Colòmbia, en identificar la seua geolocalització, objectiu, instruments disponibles i rols sota la teoria d'Ecosistemes d'Innovació. Com a variable dependent es van considerar els resultats reeixits de les empreses mesurats a partir de la rendibilitat igual o superior a la mitjana del sector. Precisament, es van identificar nou variables relacionades amb aquells factors que permeten la construcció i el desenvolupament de la capacitat innovadora, les quals incideixen en els resultats financers de les pimes. D'altra banda, enfront del mapatge d'actors de l'ecosistema i dels instruments disponibles per a promoure el desenvolupament d'estratègies innovadores en les pimes dels 4 sectors d'estudi, es va evidenciar una alta concentració de geolocalització en les 2 ciutats més grans de Colòmbia (Bogotà D. C. i Medellín), i malgrat que ofereixen programes amb abast nacional es té poc accés per la falta de recursos. Aquestes bretxes es descriuen en el *CONPES 3866 sobre l'adquisició de coneixement i tecnologia, i posen en desavantatge a empreses localitzades en regions apartades de ciutats intermèdies que no compten amb actors *articuladores i facilitadors. Sumat al model, aquest projecte explica les variables que incideixen en l'èxit financer de les pimes amb la qual cosa podran proposar-se programes relacionats[EN] This research proposes a model that guides SMEs in their processes to increase their innovative capacity. The methodology used was based on the characterization of practices for the construction and development of innovation capacity based on systematic reviews of the scientific literature. Subsequently, the level of application of the variables was validated in a sample of SMEs for the sectors prioritized by the government (Agribusiness, Fashion System, Construction and ICT), and statistically the model that explains the incidence of the variables in the financial results of SMEs. Finally, a rigorous mapping of the actors that make up the National System of Competitiveness, Science and Technology and Innovation of Colombia was carried out, by identifying their geolocation, objective, available instruments and roles under the theory of Innovation Ecosystems. As a dependent variable, the successful results of the companies were considered, measured from profitability equal to or greater than the sector average. Precisely, nine variables were identified related to those factors that allow the construction and development of innovative capacity, which affect the financial results of SMEs. On the other hand, facing the mapping of ecosystem actors and the available instruments to promote the development of innovative strategies in SMEs of the 4 study sectors, a high concentration of geolocation was evidenced in the 2 largest cities of Colombia (Bogotá D.C. and Medellín), and even though they offer programs with a national scope, there is little access due to lack of resources. These gaps are described in CONPES 3866 on the acquisition of knowledge and technology and put at a disadvantage companies located in remote regions of intermediate cities that do not have coordinating and facilitating actors. Added to the model, this project explains the variables that affect the financial success of SMEs with which related programs can be proposed.Diaz Delgado, MF. (2023). Modelo multidimensional para la construcción y desarrollo de la capacidad de innovación abierta en pymes [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/19349

    Understanding the role of information and communication technology (ICT) in the shaping of inter-organisational knowledge exchange (IOKE) practice: The context of European living labs

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    Inter-organizational knowledge exchange is an important process for stimulating innovation and improving collaboration among multiple organizations. With the use of information and communication technologies (ICT), this process could be greatly affected for effectiveness and efficiency. However, existing studies provide an insufficient understanding of how knowledge exchange processes are shaped by the nature of ICT in the context of inter-organisational settings. Therefore, this research attempts to address this research gap through conceptualising the role of ICT in the shaping of inter-organisational knowledge exchange (IOKE) practice by investigating the context of European Living Labs, as an exemplary inter-organisational collaboration setting. In methodological terms, this study adopts an inductive, qualitative research approach, and follows a combination of Grounded Theory, Multiple Case Study and Documentary Research, making use of in-depth semi-structured interviews with European Living Labs stakeholders and analysing Living Labs project documents. The data has informed the use of Practice Theory, Sociomateriality Theory, and Technology Affordance Theory at different levels of analysis to understand the research phenomena. This research has found that 1) ICT-based IOKE practice can be characterised by ICT affordances and constraints, human knowledgeabilities, and triple-layer contexts (inter-organisational context, intra-organisational context, and wider environmental context). 2) ICT mediates such enactment of knowledgeability by affording or constraining distinct human abilities that allow actors to accomplish their knowledge work or hold them back as they engage in knowledge exchange practice. Diverse ICT affordances (e.g., cross-distance networking, instant workaround) and constraints (e.g., accessing, communication continuity) can mediate the enactment of four different types of knowledgeabilities: inter-connecting, interactive learning, co-creating, and co-ordinating. 3) Different knowledgeabilities, their associated ICT affordances/constraints, and their embedded contexts are inter-related, and they co-evolve over time across the project lifecycle. This has been conceptualised into an ICT-based IOKE practice framework (integrated) and its three variations (three variated frameworks for different project lifecycle stages). The findings have strong theoretical and practical implications that signal the salient areas for future research to study, particularly for ICT affordance studies