7 research outputs found

    An SLA-driven framework for dynamic multimedia content delivery federations

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    Recently, the Internet has become a popular platform for the delivery of multimedia content. However, its best effort delivery approach is ill-suited to guarantee the stringent Quality of Service (QoS) requirements of many existing multimedia services, which results in a significant reduction of the Quality of Experience. This paper presents a solution to these problems, in the form of a framework for dynamically setting up federations between the stakeholders involved in the content delivery chain. More specifically, the framework provides an automated mechanism to set up end-to-end delivery paths from the content provider to the access Internet Service Providers (ISPs), which act as its direct customers and represent a group of end-users. Driven by Service Level Agreements (SLAs), QoS contracts are automatically negotiated between the content provider, the access ISPs, and the intermediary network domains along the delivery paths. These contracts capture the delivered QoS and resource reservation costs, which are subsequently used in the price negotiations between content provider and access ISPs. Additionally, it supports the inclusion of cloud providers within the federations, supporting on-the-fly allocation of computational and storage resources. This allows the automatic deployment and configuration of proxy caches along the delivery paths, which potentially reduce delivery costs and increase delivered quality

    FedRR: a federated resource reservation algorithm for multimedia services

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    The Internet is rapidly evolving towards a multimedia service delivery platform. However, existing Internet-based content delivery approaches have several disadvantages, such as the lack of Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees. Future Internet research has presented several promising ideas to solve the issues related to the current Internet, such as federations across network domains and end-to-end QoS reservations. This paper presents an architecture for the delivery of multimedia content across the Internet, based on these novel principles. It facilitates the collaboration between the stakeholders involved in the content delivery process, allowing them to set up loosely-coupled federations. More specifically, the Federated Resource Reservation (FedRR) algorithm is proposed. It identifies suitable federation partners, selects end-to-end paths between content providers and their customers, and optimally configures intermediary network and infrastructure resources in order to satisfy the requested QoS requirements and minimize delivery costs

    End-to-end resource management for federated delivery of multimedia services

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    Recently, the Internet has become a popular platform for the delivery of multimedia content. Currently, multimedia services are either offered by Over-the-top (OTT) providers or by access ISPs over a managed IP network. As OTT providers offer their content across the best-effort Internet, they cannot offer any Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees to their users. On the other hand, users of managed multimedia services are limited to the relatively small selection of content offered by their own ISP. This article presents a framework that combines the advantages of both existing approaches, by dynamically setting up federations between the stakeholders involved in the content delivery process. Specifically, the framework provides an automated mechanism to set up end-to-end federations for QoS-aware delivery of multimedia content across the Internet. QoS contracts are automatically negotiated between the content provider, its customers, and the intermediary network domains. Additionally, a federated resource reservation algorithm is presented, which allows the framework to identify the optimal set of stakeholders and resources to include within a federation. Its goal is to minimize delivery costs for the content provider, while satisfying customer QoS requirements. Moreover, the presented framework allows intermediary storage sites to be included in these federations, supporting on-the-fly deployment of content caches along the delivery paths. The algorithm was thoroughly evaluated in order to validate our approach and assess the merits of including intermediary storage sites. The results clearly show the benefits of our method, with delivery cost reductions of up to 80 % in the evaluated scenario

    Service Level Agreement-based adaptation management for Internet Service Provider (ISP) using Fuzzy Q-learning

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    Internet access is the vital catalyst for online users, and the number of mobile subscribers is predicted to grow from dramatically in the next few years. This huge demand is the main issue facing the Internet Service Providers (ISPs) who need to handle users’ expectations along with their current resources. An adaptive mechanism within the ISPs architecture is a promising solution to handle such situation. A Service Level Agreement (SLA)is the legal catalyst to monitor any contract violation between end users and ISPs and is embedded within a Quality of Service (QoS) framework. It strengthens and advances the quality of control over the user’s application and network resources and can be further stretched to fulfill the QoS terms through negotiation and re-negotiation. Moreover, the present literature does not focus on the combination of rule-based approaches and adaptation together to update the established learning repository. Therefore, this mainstream of this research in the context of SLAs is to fill in this gap by addressing the combination of rule-base uncertainties and iteration of the learning ability. The key to the proposed architecture is the utilization of self - * capabilities designed to have self-management over uncertainties and the provision of self-adaptive interactions. Thus, the Monitor, Analyse, Plan, Execute and Knowledge Base (MAPE-K) approach is able to deal with this problem together with the integration of Fuzzy and Q-Learning algorithms. The proposed architecture is in the context of autonomic computing. An adaptation manager is the main proposed component to update admission control on the ISP current resources and the ability to manage SLAs. A general methodology type-2 fuzzy logic is applied to ensure the uncertainties and precise decision-making are well addressed in this research. The proposed solution, demonstrating Q-Learning works adaptive with QoS parameters, e.g. Latency, Availability and Packet Loss. With the combination of fuzzy and Q-Learning, we demonstrate that the proposed adaptation manager is able to handle the uncertainties and learning abilities. Q-Learning is able to identify the initial state from various ISPs iterations and update them with appropriate actions, reflecting the reward configurations. The higher the iterations process the higher is the increase the learning ability,rewards and exploration probability. The research outcomes benefit the SLA framework by incorporating the information for SLA policies and Service Level Objectives (SLOs). Lastly, an important contribution is the ability to demonstrate that the MAPE-K approach is a contender for ISP SLA-based frameworks for QoS provision

    Federated and autonomic management of multimedia services

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