
FedRR: a federated resource reservation algorithm for multimedia services


The Internet is rapidly evolving towards a multimedia service delivery platform. However, existing Internet-based content delivery approaches have several disadvantages, such as the lack of Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees. Future Internet research has presented several promising ideas to solve the issues related to the current Internet, such as federations across network domains and end-to-end QoS reservations. This paper presents an architecture for the delivery of multimedia content across the Internet, based on these novel principles. It facilitates the collaboration between the stakeholders involved in the content delivery process, allowing them to set up loosely-coupled federations. More specifically, the Federated Resource Reservation (FedRR) algorithm is proposed. It identifies suitable federation partners, selects end-to-end paths between content providers and their customers, and optimally configures intermediary network and infrastructure resources in order to satisfy the requested QoS requirements and minimize delivery costs

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