4 research outputs found

    Language identification based on a discriminative text categorization technique

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    In this paper, we describe new results and improvements to a lan-guage identification (LID) system based on PPRLM previously introduced in [1] and [2]. In this case, we use as parallel phone recognizers the ones provided by the Brno University of Technology for Czech, Hungarian, and Russian lan-guages, and instead of using traditional n-gram language models we use a lan-guage model that is created using a ranking with the most frequent and discrim-inative n-grams. In this language model approach, the distance between the ranking for the input sentence and the ranking for each language is computed, based on the difference in relative positions for each n-gram. This approach is able to model reliably longer span information than in traditional language models obtaining more reliable estimations. We also describe the modifications that we have being introducing along the time to the original ranking technique, e.g., different discriminative formulas to establish the ranking, variations of the template size, the suppression of repeated consecutive phones, and a new clus-tering technique for the ranking scores. Results show that this technique pro-vides a 12.9% relative improvement over PPRLM. Finally, we also describe re-sults where the traditional PPRLM and our ranking technique are combined

    n-gram Frequency Ranking with additional sources of information in a multiple-Gaussian classifier for Language Identification

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    We present new results of our n-gram frequency ranking used for language identification. We use a Parallel phone recognizer (as in PPRLM), but instead of the language model, we create a ranking with the most frequent n-grams. Then we compute the distance between the input sentence ranking and each language ranking, based on the difference in relative positions for each n-gram. The objective of this ranking is to model reliably a longer span than PPRLM. This approach overcomes PPRLM (15% relative improvement) due to the inclusion of 4-gram and 5-gram in the classifier. We will also see that the combination of this technique with other sources of information (feature vectors in our classifier) is also advantageous over PPRLM, showing also a detailed analysis of the relevance of these sources and a simple feature selection technique to cope with long feature vectors. The test database has been significantly increased using cross-fold validation, so comparisons are now more reliable

    Integration of acoustic information and PPRLM scores in a multiple-Gaussian classifier for Language Identification

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    In this paper, we present several innovative techniques that can be applied in a PPRLM system for language identification (LID). We will show how we obtained a 53.5 % relative error reduction from our base system using several techniques. First, the application of a variable threshold in score computation, dependent on the average scores in the language model, provided a 35 % error reduction. A random selection of sentences for the different sets and the use of silence models also improved the system. Then, to improve the classifier, we compared the bias removal technique (up to 19% error reduction) and a Gaussian classifier (up to 37% error reduction). Finally, we included the acoustic score in the Gaussian classifier (2 % error reduction) and increased the number of Gaussians to have a multiple-Gaussian classifier (14 % error reduction). We will show how all these improvements are remarkable as they have been mostly additive. 1