450 research outputs found

    Computer-Assisted Characterization of Prostate Cancer on Magnetic Resonance Imaging

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    Prostate cancer (PCa) is one of the most prevalent cancers among men. Early diagnosis can improve survival and reduce treatment costs. Current inter-radiologist variability for detection of PCa is high. The use of multi-parametric magnetic resonance imaging (mpMRI) with machine learning algorithms has been investigated both for improving PCa detection and for PCa diagnosis. Widespread clinical implementation of computer-assisted PCa lesion characterization remains elusive; critically needed is a model that is validated against a histologic reference standard that is densely sampled in an unbiased fashion. We address this using our technique for highly accurate fusion of mpMRI with whole-mount digitized histology of the surgical specimen. In this thesis, we present models for characterization of malignant, benign and confounding tissue and aggressiveness of PCa. Further validation on a larger dataset could enable improved characterization performance, improving survival rates and enabling a more personalized treatment plan

    Computer-Aided Detection and diagnosis for prostate cancer based on mono and multi-parametric MRI: A review

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    International audienceProstate cancer is the second most diagnosed cancer of men all over the world. In the last decades, new imaging techniques based on Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) have been developed improving diagnosis.In practise, diagnosis can be affected by multiple factors such as observer variability and visibility and complexity of the lesions. In this regard, computer-aided detection and computer-aided diagnosis systemshave been designed to help radiologists in their clinical practice. Research on computer-aided systems specifically focused for prostate cancer is a young technology and has been part of a dynamic field ofresearch for the last ten years. This survey aims to provide a comprehensive review of the state of the art in this lapse of time, focusing on the different stages composing the work-flow of a computer-aidedsystem. We also provide a comparison between studies and a discussion about the potential avenues for future research. In addition, this paper presents a new public online dataset which is made available to theresearch community with the aim of providing a common evaluation framework to overcome some of the current limitations identified in this survey

    A non-invasive image based system for early diagnosis of prostate cancer.

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    Prostate cancer is the second most fatal cancer experienced by American males. The average American male has a 16.15% chance of developing prostate cancer, which is 8.38% higher than lung cancer, the second most likely cancer. The current in-vitro techniques that are based on analyzing a patients blood and urine have several limitations concerning their accuracy. In addition, the prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) blood-based test, has a high chance of false positive diagnosis, ranging from 28%-58%. Yet, biopsy remains the gold standard for the assessment of prostate cancer, but only as the last resort because of its invasive nature, high cost, and potential morbidity rates. The major limitation of the relatively small needle biopsy samples is the higher possibility of producing false positive diagnosis. Moreover, the visual inspection system (e.g., Gleason grading system) is not quantitative technique and different observers may classify a sample differently, leading to discrepancies in the diagnosis. As reported in the literature that the early detection of prostate cancer is a crucial step for decreasing prostate cancer related deaths. Thus, there is an urgent need for developing objective, non-invasive image based technology for early detection of prostate cancer. The objective of this dissertation is to develop a computer vision methodology, later translated into a clinically usable software tool, which can improve sensitivity and specificity of early prostate cancer diagnosis based on the well-known hypothesis that malignant tumors are will connected with the blood vessels than the benign tumors. Therefore, using either Diffusion Weighted Magnetic Resonance imaging (DW-MRI) or Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging (DCE-MRI), we will be able to interrelate the amount of blood in the detected prostate tumors by estimating either the Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC) in the prostate with the malignancy of the prostate tumor or perfusion parameters. We intend to validate this hypothesis by demonstrating that automatic segmentation of the prostate from either DW-MRI or DCE-MRI after handling its local motion, provides discriminatory features for early prostate cancer diagnosis. The proposed CAD system consists of three majors components, the first two of which constitute new research contributions to a challenging computer vision problem. The three main components are: (1) A novel Shape-based segmentation approach to segment the prostate from either low contrast DW-MRI or DCE-MRI data; (2) A novel iso-contours-based non-rigid registration approach to ensure that we have voxel-on-voxel matches of all data which may be more difficult due to gross patient motion, transmitted respiratory effects, and intrinsic and transmitted pulsatile effects; and (3) Probabilistic models for the estimated diffusion and perfusion features for both malignant and benign tumors. Our results showed a 98% classification accuracy using Leave-One-Subject-Out (LOSO) approach based on the estimated ADC for 30 patients (12 patients diagnosed as malignant; 18 diagnosed as benign). These results show the promise of the proposed image-based diagnostic technique as a supplement to current technologies for diagnosing prostate cancer

    Multimodal wavelet embedding representation for data combination (MaWERiC): integratingmagnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy for prostate cancer detection,”

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    Recently, both Magnetic Resonance (MR) Imaging (MRI) and Spectroscopy (MRS) have emerged as promising tools for detection of prostate cancer (CaP). However, due to the inherent dimensionality differences in MR imaging and spectral information, quantitative integration of T 2 weighted MRI (T 2 w MRI) and MRS for improved CaP detection has been a major challenge. In this paper, we present a novel computerized decision support system called multimodal wavelet embedding representation for data combination (MaWERiC) that employs, (i) wavelet theory to extract 171 Haar wavelet features from MRS and 54 Gabor features from T 2 w MRI, (ii) dimensionality reduction to individually project wavelet features from MRS and T 2 w MRI into a common reduced Eigen vector space, and (iii), a random forest classifier for automated prostate cancer detection on a per voxel basis from combined 1.5 T in vivo MRI and MRS. A total of 36 1.5 T endorectal in vivo T 2 w MRI and MRS patient studies were evaluated per voxel by MaWERiC using a three-fold cross validation approach over 25 iterations. Ground truth for evaluation of results was obtained by an expert radiologist annotations of prostate cancer on a per voxel basis who compared each MRI section with corresponding ex vivo wholemount histology sections with the disease extent mapped out on histology. Results suggest that MaWERiC based MRS T 2 w meta-classifier (mean AUC, m = 0.89 AE 0.02) significantly outperformed (i) a T 2 w MRI (using wavelet texture features) classifier (m = 0.55 AE 0.02), (ii) a MRS (using metabolite ratios) classifier (m = 0.77 AE 0.03), (iii) a decision fusion classifier obtained by combining individual T 2 w MRI and MRS classifier outputs (m = 0.85 AE 0.03), and (iv) a data combination method involving a combination of metabolic MRS and MR signal intensity features (m = 0.66 AE 0.02)

    Development of multiparametric MRI models for prostate cancer detection based on improved correlative pathology

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    University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation. June 2014. Major: Biophysical Sciences and Medical Physics. Advisor: Gregory J. Metzger. 1 computer file (PDF); xix, 116 pages.Prostate cancer (PCa) is a prevalent disease which affects 1 in 6 men in the United States and has overtaken lung cancer as the leading cause of cancer related deaths in American men and number two worldwide. Among several diagnostic imaging tests that are available for detection of PCa in the market today, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) occupies a unique position in the detection of PCa due to its excellent soft tissue contrast and its ability to generate tissue property dependent multi-parametric data. While MRI has become an increasingly valuable tool in the management of men with PCa, its use to identify aggressive disease and characterize extent have yet to be developed. Multi-parametric MRI (MP-MRI) studies have been shown to increase sensitivity and specificity towards PCa detection compared to any single MRI dataset. The ability to develop and evaluate MP-MRI to prospectively detect disease, assess aggressiveness and delineate extent, first requires the retrospective validation against post-surgical pathology sections. Despite the large effort made by many groups in this area of research, the correlation of in vivo MP-MRI with pathology is still a challenge and to date is insufficient to develop highly accurate models of disease. To address this problem this thesis showcases (1) a novel registration approach called LATIS (Local Affine Transformation assisted by Internal Structures) for co-registering post prostatectomy pseudo-whole mount (PWM) pathological sections with in vivo MRI images and (2) MP-MRI based predictive model for disease detection using a composite biomarker score based on a unique database of pathology co-registered MR data sets. Also showcased in this thesis is a study where r1 and r2* relaxivities of a common paramagnetic contrast agent were measured in blood and saline at both 3T and 7T. This is important information to have when attempting to perform DCE-MRI studies as part of a MP-MRI protocol at ultra-high magnetic field strengths

    Analysis of contrast-enhanced medical images.

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    Early detection of human organ diseases is of great importance for the accurate diagnosis and institution of appropriate therapies. This can potentially prevent progression to end-stage disease by detecting precursors that evaluate organ functionality. In addition, it also assists the clinicians for therapy evaluation, tracking diseases progression, and surgery operations. Advances in functional and contrast-enhanced (CE) medical images enabled accurate noninvasive evaluation of organ functionality due to their ability to provide superior anatomical and functional information about the tissue-of-interest. The main objective of this dissertation is to develop a computer-aided diagnostic (CAD) system for analyzing complex data from CE magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The developed CAD system has been tested in three case studies: (i) early detection of acute renal transplant rejection, (ii) evaluation of myocardial perfusion in patients with ischemic heart disease after heart attack; and (iii), early detection of prostate cancer. However, developing a noninvasive CAD system for the analysis of CE medical images is subject to multiple challenges, including, but are not limited to, image noise and inhomogeneity, nonlinear signal intensity changes of the images over the time course of data acquisition, appearances and shape changes (deformations) of the organ-of-interest during data acquisition, determination of the best features (indexes) that describe the perfusion of a contrast agent (CA) into the tissue. To address these challenges, this dissertation focuses on building new mathematical models and learning techniques that facilitate accurate analysis of CAs perfusion in living organs and include: (i) accurate mathematical models for the segmentation of the object-of-interest, which integrate object shape and appearance features in terms of pixel/voxel-wise image intensities and their spatial interactions; (ii) motion correction techniques that combine both global and local models, which exploit geometric features, rather than image intensities to avoid problems associated with nonlinear intensity variations of the CE images; (iii) fusion of multiple features using the genetic algorithm. The proposed techniques have been integrated into CAD systems that have been tested in, but not limited to, three clinical studies. First, a noninvasive CAD system is proposed for the early and accurate diagnosis of acute renal transplant rejection using dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI). Acute rejection–the immunological response of the human immune system to a foreign kidney–is the most sever cause of renal dysfunction among other diagnostic possibilities, including acute tubular necrosis and immune drug toxicity. In the U.S., approximately 17,736 renal transplants are performed annually, and given the limited number of donors, transplanted kidney salvage is an important medical concern. Thus far, biopsy remains the gold standard for the assessment of renal transplant dysfunction, but only as the last resort because of its invasive nature, high cost, and potential morbidity rates. The diagnostic results of the proposed CAD system, based on the analysis of 50 independent in-vivo cases were 96% with a 95% confidence interval. These results clearly demonstrate the promise of the proposed image-based diagnostic CAD system as a supplement to the current technologies, such as nuclear imaging and ultrasonography, to determine the type of kidney dysfunction. Second, a comprehensive CAD system is developed for the characterization of myocardial perfusion and clinical status in heart failure and novel myoregeneration therapy using cardiac first-pass MRI (FP-MRI). Heart failure is considered the most important cause of morbidity and mortality in cardiovascular disease, which affects approximately 6 million U.S. patients annually. Ischemic heart disease is considered the most common underlying cause of heart failure. Therefore, the detection of the heart failure in its earliest forms is essential to prevent its relentless progression to premature death. While current medical studies focus on detecting pathological tissue and assessing contractile function of the diseased heart, this dissertation address the key issue of the effects of the myoregeneration therapy on the associated blood nutrient supply. Quantitative and qualitative assessment in a cohort of 24 perfusion data sets demonstrated the ability of the proposed framework to reveal regional perfusion improvements with therapy, and transmural perfusion differences across the myocardial wall; thus, it can aid in follow-up on treatment for patients undergoing the myoregeneration therapy. Finally, an image-based CAD system for early detection of prostate cancer using DCE-MRI is introduced. Prostate cancer is the most frequently diagnosed malignancy among men and remains the second leading cause of cancer-related death in the USA with more than 238,000 new cases and a mortality rate of about 30,000 in 2013. Therefore, early diagnosis of prostate cancer can improve the effectiveness of treatment and increase the patient’s chance of survival. Currently, needle biopsy is the gold standard for the diagnosis of prostate cancer. However, it is an invasive procedure with high costs and potential morbidity rates. Additionally, it has a higher possibility of producing false positive diagnosis due to relatively small needle biopsy samples. Application of the proposed CAD yield promising results in a cohort of 30 patients that would, in the near future, represent a supplement of the current technologies to determine prostate cancer type. The developed techniques have been compared to the state-of-the-art methods and demonstrated higher accuracy as shown in this dissertation. The proposed models (higher-order spatial interaction models, shape models, motion correction models, and perfusion analysis models) can be used in many of today’s CAD applications for early detection of a variety of diseases and medical conditions, and are expected to notably amplify the accuracy of CAD decisions based on the automated analysis of CE images

    3D fusion of histology to multi-parametric MRI for prostate cancer imaging evaluation and lesion-targeted treatment planning

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    Multi-parametric magnetic resonance imaging (mpMRI) of localized prostate cancer has the potential to support detection, staging and localization of tumors, as well as selection, delivery and monitoring of treatments. Delineating prostate cancer tumors on imaging could potentially further support the clinical workflow by enabling precise monitoring of tumor burden in active-surveillance patients, optimized targeting of image-guided biopsies, and targeted delivery of treatments to decrease morbidity and improve outcomes. Evaluating the performance of mpMRI for prostate cancer imaging and delineation ideally includes comparison to an accurately registered reference standard, such as prostatectomy histology, for the locations of tumor boundaries on mpMRI. There are key gaps in knowledge regarding how to accurately register histological reference standards to imaging, and consequently further gaps in knowledge regarding the suitability of mpMRI for tasks, such as tumor delineation, that require such reference standards for evaluation. To obtain an understanding of the magnitude of the mpMRI-histology registration problem, we quantified the position, orientation and deformation of whole-mount histology sections relative to the formalin-fixed tissue slices from which they were cut. We found that (1) modeling isotropic scaling accounted for the majority of the deformation with a further small but statistically significant improvement from modeling affine transformation, and (2) due to the depth (mean±standard deviation (SD) 1.1±0.4 mm) and orientation (mean±SD 1.5±0.9°) of the sectioning, the assumption that histology sections are cut from the front faces of tissue slices, common in previous approaches, introduced a mean error of 0.7 mm. To determine the potential consequences of seemingly small registration errors such as described above, we investigated the impact of registration accuracy on the statistical power of imaging validation studies using a co-registered spatial reference standard (e.g. histology images) by deriving novel statistical power formulae that incorporate registration error. We illustrated, through a case study modeled on a prostate cancer imaging trial at our centre, that submillimeter differences in registration error can have a substantial impact on the required sample sizes (and therefore also the study cost) for studies aiming to detect mpMRI signal differences due to 0.5 – 2.0 cm3 prostate tumors. With the aim of achieving highly accurate mpMRI-histology registrations without disrupting the clinical pathology workflow, we developed a three-stage method for accurately registering 2D whole-mount histology images to pre-prostatectomy mpMRI that allowed flexible placement of cuts during slicing for pathology and avoided the assumption that histology sections are cut from the front faces of tissue slices. The method comprised a 3D reconstruction of histology images, followed by 3D–3D ex vivo–in vivo and in vivo–in vivo image transformations. The 3D reconstruction method minimized fiducial registration error between cross-sections of non-disruptive histology- and ex-vivo-MRI-visible strand-shaped fiducials to reconstruct histology images into the coordinate system of an ex vivo MR image. We quantified the mean±standard deviation target registration error of the reconstruction to be 0.7±0.4 mm, based on the post-reconstruction misalignment of intrinsic landmark pairs. We also compared our fiducial-based reconstruction to an alternative reconstruction based on mutual-information-based registration, an established method for multi-modality registration. We found that the mean target registration error for the fiducial-based method (0.7 mm) was lower than that for the mutual-information-based method (1.2 mm), and that the mutual-information-based method was less robust to initialization error due to multiple sources of error, including the optimizer and the mutual information similarity metric. The second stage of the histology–mpMRI registration used interactively defined 3D–3D deformable thin-plate-spline transformations to align ex vivo to in vivo MR images to compensate for deformation due to endorectal MR coil positioning, surgical resection and formalin fixation. The third stage used interactively defined 3D–3D rigid or thin-plate-spline transformations to co-register in vivo mpMRI images to compensate for patient motion and image distortion. The combined mean registration error of the histology–mpMRI registration was quantified to be 2 mm using manually identified intrinsic landmark pairs. Our data set, comprising mpMRI, target volumes contoured by four observers and co-registered contoured and graded histology images, was used to quantify the positive predictive values and variability of observer scoring of lesions following the Prostate Imaging Reporting and Data System (PI-RADS) guidelines, the variability of target volume contouring, and appropriate expansion margins from target volumes to achieve coverage of histologically defined cancer. The analysis of lesion scoring showed that a PI-RADS overall cancer likelihood of 5, denoting “highly likely cancer”, had a positive predictive value of 85% for Gleason 7 cancer (and 93% for lesions with volumes \u3e0.5 cm3 measured on mpMRI) and that PI-RADS scores were positively correlated with histological grade (ρ=0.6). However, the analysis also showed interobserver differences in PI-RADS score of 0.6 to 1.2 (on a 5-point scale) and an agreement kappa value of only 0.30. The analysis of target volume contouring showed that target volume contours with suitable margins can achieve near-complete histological coverage for detected lesions, despite the presence of high interobserver spatial variability in target volumes. Prostate cancer imaging and delineation have the potential to support multiple stages in the management of localized prostate cancer. Targeted biopsy procedures with optimized targeting based on tumor delineation may help distinguish patients who need treatment from those who need active surveillance. Ongoing monitoring of tumor burden based on delineation in patients undergoing active surveillance may help identify those who need to progress to therapy early while the cancer is still curable. Preferentially targeting therapies at delineated target volumes may lower the morbidity associated with aggressive cancer treatment and improve outcomes in low-intermediate-risk patients. Measurements of the accuracy and variability of lesion scoring and target volume contouring on mpMRI will clarify its value in supporting these roles

    Role of machine learning in early diagnosis of kidney diseases.

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    Machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) approaches have been used as indispensable tools in modern artificial intelligence-based computer-aided diagnostic (AIbased CAD) systems that can provide non-invasive, early, and accurate diagnosis of a given medical condition. These AI-based CAD systems have proven themselves to be reproducible and have the generalization ability to diagnose new unseen cases with several diseases and medical conditions in different organs (e.g., kidneys, prostate, brain, liver, lung, breast, and bladder). In this dissertation, we will focus on the role of such AI-based CAD systems in early diagnosis of two kidney diseases, namely: acute rejection (AR) post kidney transplantation and renal cancer (RC). A new renal computer-assisted diagnostic (Renal-CAD) system was developed to precisely diagnose AR post kidney transplantation at an early stage. The developed Renal-CAD system perform the following main steps: (1) auto-segmentation of the renal allograft from surrounding tissues from diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW-MRI) and blood oxygen level-dependent MRI (BOLD-MRI), (2) extraction of image markers, namely: voxel-wise apparent diffusion coefficients (ADCs) are calculated from DW-MRI scans at 11 different low and high b-values and then represented as cumulative distribution functions (CDFs) and extraction of the transverse relaxation rate (R2*) values from the segmented kidneys using BOLD-MRI scans at different echotimes, (3) integration of multimodal image markers with the associated clinical biomarkers, serum creatinine (SCr) and creatinine clearance (CrCl), and (4) diagnosing renal allograft status as nonrejection (NR) or AR by utilizing these integrated biomarkers and the developed deep learning classification model built on stacked auto-encoders (SAEs). Using a leaveone- subject-out cross-validation approach along with SAEs on a total of 30 patients with transplanted kidney (AR = 10 and NR = 20), the Renal-CAD system demonstrated 93.3% accuracy, 90.0% sensitivity, and 95.0% specificity in differentiating AR from NR. Robustness of the Renal-CAD system was also confirmed by the area under the curve value of 0.92. Using a stratified 10-fold cross-validation approach, the Renal-CAD system demonstrated its reproduciblity and robustness with a diagnostic accuracy of 86.7%, sensitivity of 80.0%, specificity of 90.0%, and AUC of 0.88. In addition, a new renal cancer CAD (RC-CAD) system for precise diagnosis of RC at an early stage was developed, which incorporates the following main steps: (1) estimating the morphological features by applying a new parametric spherical harmonic technique, (2) extracting appearance-based features, namely: first order textural features are calculated and second order textural features are extracted after constructing the graylevel co-occurrence matrix (GLCM), (3) estimating the functional features by constructing wash-in/wash-out slopes to quantify the enhancement variations across different contrast enhanced computed tomography (CE-CT) phases, (4) integrating all the aforementioned features and modeling a two-stage multilayer perceptron artificial neural network (MLPANN) classifier to classify the renal tumor as benign or malignant and identify the malignancy subtype. On a total of 140 RC patients (malignant = 70 patients (ccRCC = 40 and nccRCC = 30) and benign angiomyolipoma tumors = 70), the developed RC-CAD system was validated using a leave-one-subject-out cross-validation approach. The developed RC-CAD system achieved a sensitivity of 95.3% ± 2.0%, a specificity of 99.9% ± 0.4%, and Dice similarity coefficient of 0.98 ± 0.01 in differentiating malignant from benign renal tumors, as well as an overall accuracy of 89.6% ± 5.0% in the sub-typing of RCC. The diagnostic abilities of the developed RC-CAD system were further validated using a randomly stratified 10-fold cross-validation approach. The results obtained using the proposed MLP-ANN classification model outperformed other machine learning classifiers (e.g., support vector machine, random forests, and relational functional gradient boosting) as well as other different approaches from the literature. In summary, machine and deep learning approaches have shown potential abilities to be utilized to build AI-based CAD systems. This is evidenced by the promising diagnostic performance obtained by both Renal-CAD and RC-CAD systems. For the Renal- CAD, the integration of functional markers extracted from multimodal MRIs with clinical biomarkers using SAEs classification model, potentially improved the final diagnostic results evidenced by high accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity. The developed Renal-CAD demonstrated high feasibility and efficacy for early, accurate, and non-invasive identification of AR. For the RC-CAD, integrating morphological, textural, and functional features extracted from CE-CT images using a MLP-ANN classification model eventually enhanced the final results in terms of accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity, making the proposed RC-CAD a reliable noninvasive diagnostic tool for RC. The early and accurate diagnosis of AR or RC will help physicians to provide early intervention with the appropriate treatment plan to prolong the life span of the diseased kidney, increase the survival chance of the patient, and thus improve the healthcare outcome in the U.S. and worldwide
