3,331 research outputs found

    Towards development of fuzzy spatial datacubes : fundamental concepts with example for multidimensional coastal erosion risk assessment and representation

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    Les systĂšmes actuels de base de donnĂ©es gĂ©odĂ©cisionnels (GeoBI) ne tiennent gĂ©nĂ©ralement pas compte de l'incertitude liĂ©e Ă  l'imprĂ©cision et le flou des objets; ils supposent que les objets ont une sĂ©mantique, une gĂ©omĂ©trie et une temporalitĂ© bien dĂ©finies et prĂ©cises. Un exemple de cela est la reprĂ©sentation des zones Ă  risque par des polygones avec des limites bien dĂ©finies. Ces polygones sont crĂ©Ă©s en utilisant des agrĂ©gations d'un ensemble d'unitĂ©s spatiales dĂ©finies sur soit des intĂ©rĂȘts des organismes responsables ou les divisions de recensement national. MalgrĂ© la variation spatio-temporelle des multiples critĂšres impliquĂ©s dans l’analyse du risque, chaque polygone a une valeur unique de risque attribuĂ© de façon homogĂšne sur l'Ă©tendue du territoire. En rĂ©alitĂ©, la valeur du risque change progressivement d'un polygone Ă  l'autre. Le passage d'une zone Ă  l'autre n'est donc pas bien reprĂ©sentĂ© avec les modĂšles d’objets bien dĂ©finis (crisp). Cette thĂšse propose des concepts fondamentaux pour le dĂ©veloppement d'une approche combinant le paradigme GeoBI et le concept flou de considĂ©rer la prĂ©sence de l’incertitude spatiale dans la reprĂ©sentation des zones Ă  risque. En fin de compte, nous supposons cela devrait amĂ©liorer l’analyse du risque. Pour ce faire, un cadre conceptuel est dĂ©veloppĂ© pour crĂ©er un model conceptuel d’une base de donnĂ©e multidimensionnelle avec une application pour l’analyse du risque d’érosion cĂŽtier. Ensuite, une approche de la reprĂ©sentation des risques fondĂ©e sur la logique floue est dĂ©veloppĂ©e pour traiter l'incertitude spatiale inhĂ©rente liĂ©e Ă  l'imprĂ©cision et le flou des objets. Pour cela, les fonctions d'appartenance floues sont dĂ©finies en basant sur l’indice de vulnĂ©rabilitĂ© qui est un composant important du risque. Au lieu de dĂ©terminer les limites bien dĂ©finies entre les zones Ă  risque, l'approche proposĂ©e permet une transition en douceur d'une zone Ă  une autre. Les valeurs d'appartenance de plusieurs indicateurs sont ensuite agrĂ©gĂ©es basĂ©es sur la formule des risques et les rĂšgles SI-ALORS de la logique floue pour reprĂ©senter les zones Ă  risque. Ensuite, les Ă©lĂ©ments clĂ©s d'un cube de donnĂ©es spatiales floues sont formalisĂ©s en combinant la thĂ©orie des ensembles flous et le paradigme de GeoBI. En plus, certains opĂ©rateurs d'agrĂ©gation spatiale floue sont prĂ©sentĂ©s. En rĂ©sumĂ©, la principale contribution de cette thĂšse se rĂ©fĂšre de la combinaison de la thĂ©orie des ensembles flous et le paradigme de GeoBI. Cela permet l’extraction de connaissances plus comprĂ©hensibles et appropriĂ©es avec le raisonnement humain Ă  partir de donnĂ©es spatiales et non-spatiales. Pour ce faire, un cadre conceptuel a Ă©tĂ© proposĂ© sur la base de paradigme GĂ©oBI afin de dĂ©velopper un cube de donnĂ©es spatiale floue dans le system de Spatial Online Analytical Processing (SOLAP) pour Ă©valuer le risque de l'Ă©rosion cĂŽtiĂšre. Cela nĂ©cessite d'abord d'Ă©laborer un cadre pour concevoir le modĂšle conceptuel basĂ© sur les paramĂštres de risque, d'autre part, de mettre en Ɠuvre l’objet spatial flou dans une base de donnĂ©es spatiales multidimensionnelle, puis l'agrĂ©gation des objets spatiaux flous pour envisager Ă  la reprĂ©sentation multi-Ă©chelle des zones Ă  risque. Pour valider l'approche proposĂ©e, elle est appliquĂ©e Ă  la rĂ©gion Perce (Est du QuĂ©bec, Canada) comme une Ă©tude de cas.Current Geospatial Business Intelligence (GeoBI) systems typically do not take into account the uncertainty related to vagueness and fuzziness of objects; they assume that the objects have well-defined and exact semantics, geometry, and temporality. Representation of fuzzy zones by polygons with well-defined boundaries is an example of such approximation. This thesis uses an application in Coastal Erosion Risk Analysis (CERA) to illustrate the problems. CERA polygons are created using aggregations of a set of spatial units defined by either the stakeholders’ interests or national census divisions. Despite spatiotemporal variation of the multiple criteria involved in estimating the extent of coastal erosion risk, each polygon typically has a unique value of risk attributed homogeneously across its spatial extent. In reality, risk value changes gradually within polygons and when going from one polygon to another. Therefore, the transition from one zone to another is not properly represented with crisp object models. The main objective of the present thesis is to develop a new approach combining GeoBI paradigm and fuzzy concept to consider the presence of the spatial uncertainty in the representation of risk zones. Ultimately, we assume this should improve coastal erosion risk assessment. To do so, a comprehensive GeoBI-based conceptual framework is developed with an application for Coastal Erosion Risk Assessment (CERA). Then, a fuzzy-based risk representation approach is developed to handle the inherent spatial uncertainty related to vagueness and fuzziness of objects. Fuzzy membership functions are defined by an expert-based vulnerability index. Instead of determining well-defined boundaries between risk zones, the proposed approach permits a smooth transition from one zone to another. The membership values of multiple indicators (e.g. slop and elevation of region under study, infrastructures, houses, hydrology network and so on) are then aggregated based on risk formula and Fuzzy IF-THEN rules to represent risk zones. Also, the key elements of a fuzzy spatial datacube are formally defined by combining fuzzy set theory and GeoBI paradigm. In this regard, some operators of fuzzy spatial aggregation are also formally defined. The main contribution of this study is combining fuzzy set theory and GeoBI. This makes spatial knowledge discovery more understandable with human reasoning and perception. Hence, an analytical conceptual framework was proposed based on GeoBI paradigm to develop a fuzzy spatial datacube within Spatial Online Analytical Processing (SOLAP) to assess coastal erosion risk. This necessitates developing a framework to design a conceptual model based on risk parameters, implementing fuzzy spatial objects in a spatial multi-dimensional database, and aggregating fuzzy spatial objects to deal with multi-scale representation of risk zones. To validate the proposed approach, it is applied to Perce region (Eastern Quebec, Canada) as a case study

    Review and prioritization of investment projects in the Waste Management organization of Tabriz Municipality with a Rough Sets Theory approach

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    Purpose: Prioritization of investment projects is a key step in the process of planning the investment activities of organizations. Choosing the suitable projects has a direct impact on the profitability and other strategic goals of organizations. Factors affecting the prioritization of investment projects are complex and the use of traditional methods alone cannot be useful, so there is a need to use a suitable model for prioritizing projects and investment plans. The purpose of this study is to prioritize projects and investment methods for projects (10 projects) considered by the Waste Management Organization of Tabriz Municipality. Methodology: The method of analysis used is the theory of rough, so that first the important investment projects in the field of waste management were determined using the research background and opinion of experts and the weight and priority of the projects were obtained using the Rough Sets Theory. Then, the priority of appropriate investment methods (out of 6 methods) of each project was obtained using Rough numbers, the opinion of experts and other aspects. Findings: The result of the research has been that construction project of a specialized recycling town, plastic recycling project, and recycled tire recycling project are three priority projects of Tabriz Municipality Waste Management Organization, respectively. Three investment methods, civil partnership agreements, BOT, and BOO can be used for them. Originality/Value: Tabriz Municipality Waste Management is an important and influential organization in the activities of the city, in which the investment methods in its projects are mostly based on common contracts and are performed in the same way for all projects. This research offers new methods for projects and their diversity according to Rough Sets technique

    Optimization of maintenance performance for offshore production facilities

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    Master's thesis in Offshore technologyNew technologies are becoming advanced and complex for offshore production facilities. However this advancement and complexity in technology creates a more complicated and time consuming forensic processes for finding causes of failure, or diagnostic processes to identify events that reduce performance. As a result, micro-sensors, efficient signaling and communication technologies for collecting data efficiently, advanced software tools (such as fuzzy logic, neural networks, and simulation based optimization) have been developed, in parallel, to manage such complex assets. Given the nature and scale of ongoing changes on complexities, there are emerging concerns that increasing complexities, ill-defined interfaces, unforeseen events can easily lead to serious performance failures and major risks. To avoid such undesirable circumstances, „just-in-time‟ measures of performance to ensure fully functional is absolutely necessary. The increasing trend in complexity creates a motivation to develop an integrated maintenance management framework to get real-time information to solve problems quickly and hence to increase functional performance (help the asset to perform its required function effectively and efficiently while safeguarding life and the environment). Establishing “just-in-time” maintenance and repairs based on true machine condition maximizes critical asset useful life and eliminates premature replacement of functional components. This thesis focuses on developing an integrated maintenance management framework to establish „just-in-time‟ maintenance and to ensure continuous improvements based on maintenance domain experts as well as operational and historic data. To do this, true degradation of components must be identified. True level of degradation often cannot be inferred by the mere trending of condition indicator‟s level (CBM), because condition indicator levels are modulated under the influence of the diverse operating context. Besides, the maintenance domain expert does not have a precise knowledge about the correlation of the diverse operating context and level of degradation for a given level of condition indicator on specific equipment. Efforts have been made in here to identify the true degradation pattern of a component by analyzing these vagueness and imprecise knowledge. Key words: effective and efficient maintenance strategy, ‘just-in-time’ maintenance, condition based maintenance, P-F interval

    Data quality issues in electronic health records for large-scale databases

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    Data Quality (DQ) in Electronic Health Records (EHRs) is one of the core functions that play a decisive role to improve the healthcare service quality. The DQ issues in EHRs are a noticeable trend to improve the introduction of an adaptive framework for interoperability and standards in Large-Scale Databases (LSDB) management systems. Therefore, large data communications are challenging in the traditional approaches to satisfy the needs of the consumers, as data is often not capture directly into the Database Management Systems (DBMS) in a seasonably enough fashion to enable their subsequent uses. In addition, large data plays a vital role in containing plenty of treasures for all the fields in the DBMS. EHRs technology provides portfolio management systems that allow HealthCare Organisations (HCOs) to deliver a higher quality of care to their patients than that which is possible with paper-based records. EHRs are in high demand for HCOs to run their daily services as increasing numbers of huge datasets occur every day. Efficient EHR systems reduce the data redundancy as well as the system application failure and increase the possibility to draw all necessary reports. However, one of the main challenges in developing efficient EHR systems is the inherent difficulty to coherently manage data from diverse heterogeneous sources. It is practically challenging to integrate diverse data into a global schema, which satisfies the need of users. The efficient management of EHR systems using an existing DBMS present challenges because of incompatibility and sometimes inconsistency of data structures. As a result, no common methodological approach is currently in existence to effectively solve every data integration problem. The challenges of the DQ issue raised the need to find an efficient way to integrate large EHRs from diverse heterogeneous sources. To handle and align a large dataset efficiently, the hybrid algorithm method with the logical combination of Fuzzy-Ontology along with a large-scale EHRs analysis platform has shown the results in term of improved accuracy. This study investigated and addressed the raised DQ issues to interventions to overcome these barriers and challenges, including the provision of EHRs as they pertain to DQ and has combined features to search, extract, filter, clean and integrate data to ensure that users can coherently create new consistent data sets. The study researched the design of a hybrid method based on Fuzzy-Ontology with performed mathematical simulations based on the Markov Chain Probability Model. The similarity measurement based on dynamic Hungarian algorithm was followed by the Design Science Research (DSR) methodology, which will increase the quality of service over HCOs in adaptive frameworks

    A Hybrid Fuzzy Multi-criteria Decision Making Model to Evaluate the Overall Performance of Public Emergency Departments: A Case Study

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    [EN] Performance evaluation is relevant for supporting managerial decisions related to the improvement of public emergency departments (EDs). As different criteria from ED context and several alternatives need to be considered, selecting a suitable Multicriteria Decision-Making (MCDM) approach has become a crucial step for ED performance evaluation. Although some methodologies have been proposed to address this challenge, a more complete approach is still lacking. This paper bridges this gap by integrating three potent MCDM methods. First, the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) is used to determine the criteria and sub-criteria weights under uncertainty, followed by the interdependence evaluation via fuzzy Decision-Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory(FDEMATEL). The fuzzy logic is merged with AHP and DEMATEL to illustrate vague judgments. Finally, the Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) is used for ranking EDs. This approach is validated in a real 3-ED cluster. The results revealed the critical role of Infrastructure (21.5%) in ED performance and the interactive nature of Patient safety (C+R =12.771). Furthermore, this paper evidences the weaknesses to be tackled for upgrading the performance of each ED.Ortiz-Barrios, M.; Alfaro Saiz, JJ. (2020). A Hybrid Fuzzy Multi-criteria Decision Making Model to Evaluate the Overall Performance of Public Emergency Departments: A Case Study. International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making. 19(6):1485-1548. https://doi.org/10.1142/S0219622020500364S14851548196Lord, K., Parwani, V., Ulrich, A., Finn, E. B., Rothenberg, C., Emerson, B., 
 Venkatesh, A. K. (2018). Emergency department boarding and adverse hospitalization outcomes among patients admitted to a general medical service. The American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 36(7), 1246-1248. doi:10.1016/j.ajem.2018.03.043SĂžrup, C. M., Jacobsen, P., & Forberg, J. L. (2013). Evaluation of emergency department performance – a systematic review on recommended performance and quality-in-care measures. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine, 21(1). doi:10.1186/1757-7241-21-62Farokhi, S., & Roghanian, E. (2018). Determining quantitative targets for performance measures in the balanced scorecard method using response surface methodology. Management Decision, 56(9), 2006-2037. doi:10.1108/md-08-2017-0772Ortiz Barrios, M. A., & Felizzola JimĂ©nez, H. (2016). Use of Six Sigma Methodology to Reduce Appointment Lead-Time in Obstetrics Outpatient Department. Journal of Medical Systems, 40(10). doi:10.1007/s10916-016-0577-3Sunder M., V., Ganesh, L. S., & Marathe, R. R. (2018). A morphological analysis of research literature on Lean Six Sigma for services. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 38(1), 149-182. doi:10.1108/ijopm-05-2016-0273Bergeron, B. P. (2017). Performance Management in Healthcare. doi:10.4324/9781315102214Santos, S. P., Belton, V., Howick, S., & Pilkington, M. (2018). Measuring organisational performance using a mix of OR methods. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 131, 18-30. doi:10.1016/j.techfore.2017.07.028Ho, W., & Ma, X. (2018). The state-of-the-art integrations and applications of the analytic hierarchy process. European Journal of Operational Research, 267(2), 399-414. doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2017.09.007Dargi, A., Anjomshoae, A., Galankashi, M. R., Memari, A., & Tap, M. B. M. (2014). Supplier Selection: A Fuzzy-ANP Approach. Procedia Computer Science, 31, 691-700. doi:10.1016/j.procs.2014.05.317Jing, M., Jie, Y., Shou-yi, L., & Lu, W. (2015). Application of fuzzy analytic hierarchy process in the risk assessment of dangerous small-sized reservoirs. International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 9(1), 113-123. doi:10.1007/s13042-015-0363-4Samanlioglu, F., Taskaya, Y. E., Gulen, U. C., & Cokcan, O. (2018). A Fuzzy AHP–TOPSIS-Based Group Decision-Making Approach to IT Personnel Selection. International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 20(5), 1576-1591. doi:10.1007/s40815-018-0474-7CHEN, M.-F., TZENG, G.-H., & TANG, T.-I. (2005). FUZZY MCDM APPROACH FOR EVALUATION OF EXPATRIATE ASSIGNMENTS. International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, 04(02), 277-296. doi:10.1142/s0219622005001520Gul, M., Celik, E., Gumus, A. T., & Guneri, A. F. (2016). Emergency department performance evaluation by an integrated simulation and interval type-2 fuzzy MCDM-based scenario analysis. European J. of Industrial Engineering, 10(2), 196. doi:10.1504/ejie.2016.075846Jovčić, PrĆŻĆĄa, Dobrodolac, & Ć vadlenka. (2019). A Proposal for a Decision-Making Tool in Third-Party Logistics (3PL) Provider Selection Based on Multi-Criteria Analysis and the Fuzzy Approach. Sustainability, 11(15), 4236. doi:10.3390/su11154236Saaty, T. L., & Vargas, L. G. (2012). Models, Methods, Concepts & Applications of the Analytic Hierarchy Process. International Series in Operations Research & Management Science. doi:10.1007/978-1-4614-3597-6Vargas, L. G. (2016). Voting with Intensity of Preferences. International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, 15(04), 839-859. doi:10.1142/s0219622016400058Lee, K.-C., Tsai, W.-H., Yang, C.-H., & Lin, Y.-Z. (2018). An MCDM approach for selecting green aviation fleet program management strategies under multi-resource limitations. Journal of Air Transport Management, 68, 76-85. doi:10.1016/j.jairtraman.2017.06.011Labib, A., & Read, M. (2015). A hybrid model for learning from failures: The Hurricane Katrina disaster. 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Preference modeling experiments with surrogate weighting procedures for the PROMETHEE method. European Journal of Operational Research, 264(2), 453-461. doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2017.08.006Sun, G., Guan, X., Yi, X., & Zhou, Z. (2018). An innovative TOPSIS approach based on hesitant fuzzy correlation coefficient and its applications. Applied Soft Computing, 68, 249-267. doi:10.1016/j.asoc.2018.04.004FrazĂŁo, T. D. C., Camilo, D. G. G., Cabral, E. L. S., & Souza, R. P. (2018). Multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA) in health care: a systematic review of the main characteristics and methodological steps. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 18(1). doi:10.1186/s12911-018-0663-1Ortiz-Barrios, M. A., Herrera-Fontalvo, Z., RĂșa-Muñoz, J., Ojeda-GutiĂ©rrez, S., De Felice, F., & Petrillo, A. (2018). An integrated approach to evaluate the risk of adverse events in hospital sector. Management Decision, 56(10), 2187-2224. doi:10.1108/md-09-2017-0917Al Salem, A. A., & Awasthi, A. (2018). 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    Structuring a Wayfinder\u27s Dynamic and Uncertain Environment

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    Wayfinders typically travel in dynamic environments where barriers and requirements change over time. In many cases, uncertainty exists about the future state of this changing environment. Current geographic information systems lack tools to assist wayfinders in understanding the travel possibilities and path selection options in these dynamic and uncertain settings. The goal of this research is a better understanding of the impact of dynamic and uncertain environments on wayfinding travel possibilities. An integrated spatio-temporal framework, populated with barriers and requirements, models wayfinding scenarios by generating four travel possibility partitions based on the wayfinder\u27s maximum travel speed. Using these partitions, wayfinders select paths to meet scenario requirements. When uncertainty exists, wayfinders often cannot discern the future state of barriers and requirements. The model to address indiscemibility employs a threevalued logic to indicate accessible space, inaccessible space, and possibly inaccessible space. Uncertain scenarios generate up to fifteen distinct travel possibility categories. These fifteen categories generalize into three-valued travel possible partitions based on where travel can occur and where travel is successful. Path selection in these often-complex environments is explored through a specific uncertain scenario that includes a well-defined initial requirement and the possibility of an additional requirement somewhere beforehand. Observations from initial path selection tests with this scenario provide the motivation for the hypothesis that paths arriving as soon as possible to well-defined requirements also maximize the probability of success in meeting possible additional requirements. The hypothesis evaluation occurs within a prototype Travel Possibility Calculator application that employs a set of metrics to test path accessibility in various linear and planar scenarios. The results did not support the hypothesis, but showed instead that path accessibility to possible additional requirements is greatly influenced by the spatio-temporal characteristics of the scenario\u27s barriers

    Uncertainty Management of Intelligent Feature Selection in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSN) are envisioned to revolutionize the paradigm of monitoring complex real-world systems at a very high resolution. However, the deployment of a large number of unattended sensor nodes in hostile environments, frequent changes of environment dynamics, and severe resource constraints pose uncertainties and limit the potential use of WSN in complex real-world applications. Although uncertainty management in Artificial Intelligence (AI) is well developed and well investigated, its implications in wireless sensor environments are inadequately addressed. This dissertation addresses uncertainty management issues of spatio-temporal patterns generated from sensor data. It provides a framework for characterizing spatio-temporal pattern in WSN. Using rough set theory and temporal reasoning a novel formalism has been developed to characterize and quantify the uncertainties in predicting spatio-temporal patterns from sensor data. This research also uncovers the trade-off among the uncertainty measures, which can be used to develop a multi-objective optimization model for real-time decision making in sensor data aggregation and samplin
