19 research outputs found

    Implementation of an experimental platform for the social internet of things

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    The convergence of the Internet of Things (IoT) technologies with the social networking concepts has led to a new paradigm called the Social Internet of Things (SIoT), where the objects mimic the human behavior and create their own relationships based on the rules set by their owner. This is aimed at simplifying the complexity in handling the communications between billions of objects to the benefits of the humans. Whereas several IoT platforms are already available, the SIoT paradigm has represented only a field for pure research and simulations, until now. The aim of this paper is to present our implementation of a SIoT platform. We begin by analyzing the major IoT implementations, pointing out their common characteristics that could be re-used for our goal. We then discuss the major extensions we had to introduce on the existing platforms to introduce the functionalities of the SIoT. We also present the major functionalities of the proposed system: how to register a new social object to the platform, how the system manages the creation of new relationships, and how the devices create groups of members with similar characteristics. We conclude with the description of possible simple application scenarios

    Integrating Smart Objects into a Integrated Internet of Things Architecture for Smart Cities

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    Increasing population in urban centers day by day demands for more services and infrastructure in order to meet all the needs of residents and visitors of the city. Due to the increased developments in advanced metering and digital technologies smart cities have been equipped with different electronic devices on the basis of Internet of Things (IOT), The utilization of all the technologies to achieve this objective presents an opportunity for the development of smart cities. This paper focus specifically to an urban IOT system and also to provide a comprehensive review on the concepts of smart cities, technologies of IOT and its applications

    Towards NFC payments using a lightweight architecture for the Web of Things

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    The Web (and Internet) of Things has seen the rapid emergence of new protocols and standards, which provide for innovative models of interaction for applications. One such model fostered by the Web of Things (WoT) ecosystem is that of contactless interaction between devices. Near Field Communication (NFC) technology is one such enabler of contactless interactions. Contactless technology for the WoT requires all parties to agree one common definition and implementation and, in this paper, we propose a new lightweight architecture for the WoT, based on RESTful approaches. We show how the proposed architecture supports the concept of a mobile wallet, enabling users to make secure payments employing NFC technology with their mobile devices. In so doing, we argue that the vision of the WoT is brought a step closer to fruition

    Smart Buildings: A Model Approach for Institutional Buildings

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    Smart Buildings should be seen from a multi-industrial standpoint, involving the right combination of architecture, structure, information technology, automation, environment and energy, services and facility management such as to minimize life-cycle costs, maximize comfort and adapt properly to cultural stimuli. Intelligent architecture concerns with intelligent design to meet cultural and contextual requirements, with proper use of IT and smart technology, as well as with optimal building exploitation and cost-effective maintenance over its life-time. This might also include intelligent and responsive facades. Facility management looks for the best financial management for maintenance, rebuild and renovation, for the best space utilization, for the best daily operational services and for maximizing user satisfaction

    A Reputation and Knowledge Based Trust Service Platform for Trustworthy Social Internet of Things

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    The Internet of Things has attracted a plenty of research in this decade and imposed fascinating services where large numbers of heterogeneous-features entities socially collaborate together to solve complex scenarios. However, these entities need to trust each other prior to exchanging data or offering services. In this paper, we briefly present our ongoing project called Trust Service Platform, which offers trust assessment of any two entities in the Social Internet of Things to applications and services. We propose a trust model that incorporates both reputation properties as Recommendation and Reputation trust metrics; and knowledge-based property as Knowledge trust metric. For the trust service platform deployment, we propose a reputation system and a functional architecture with Trust Agent, Trust Broker and Trust Analysis and Management modules along with mechanisms and algorithms to deal with the three trust metrics. We also present a utility theory-based mechanism for trust calculation. To clarify our trust service platform, we describe the trust models and mechanisms in accordance with a trust car-sharing service. We believe this study offers the better understanding of the trust as a service in the platform and will impose many trust-related research challenges as the future work

    Smart Home Network based on Cisco Equipment

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    This paper develops and implements a smart home concept using sensors and actuators that are connected to a gateway via Wi-Fi communication protocol. The 3G/4G client can control the home remotely using an account on the IoT server. The project is simulated using the Cisco Packet Tracer simulation tool. Networking and programming is a powerful foundation for this research as it provides the interface between sensors actuators and devices to be controlled. The proposed system can be applied in many areas, including home security, lighting control, flame detection, intelligent heating, motion sensor, door control, etc., to provide homeowner comfort, safety, energy efficiency (low operating costs), and convenience at any time

    Importance of Internet of Things (IoT) in Marketing Research and Its Ethical and Data Privacy Challenges

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    This paper focuses on examining IoT applications in marketing research and provides information on how organizations utilize IoT devices and other new technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and social media to promote various products and services. Moreover, this study specifies how the consistent use of IoT technologies results in substantial organizational competitiveness. The paper also explains how IoT can be referred to as a new component of business analytics and digital marketing and discusses the challenges related to introducing IoT solutions

    Smart cities at service of the environment

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    La superpoblación, los malos hábitos, la falta de reciclaje y manejo incorrecto de desperdicios, generan un impacto negativo en el medio ambiente, y esto lo está acabando lentamente. El uso de la tecnología de las “Smart Cities” aplicada al medio ambiente, genera una serie de estrategias de sostenibilidad y habitabilidad que permitan una coexistencia del desarrollo de las ciudades y el cuidado del medio ambiente. Las Smart City actualmente hacen uso de energías renovables, inteligentes, donde hay un proceso de monitorización y renovación de infraestructura en los edificios, genera la creación de zonas verdes, mantiene un uso inteligente de alumbrado, un uso adecuado del agua, generan un impacto positivo en la seguridad y también generan índices muy bajos de contaminación atmosférica. Es evidente que la calidad de vida mejora significativamente, así como la calidad del medio ambiente, y ambas entran en un ciclo de armonía, debido a las estrategias de sostenibilidad que traen consigo la implantación de las Smart Cities, sin olvidar que con una mejor salud mejores resultados y productividad se generaran.Overpopulation, bad habits, lack of recycling and improper waste management, generate a negative impact on the environment, and this is slowly ending it. The use of “Smart Cities” technology applied to the environment, generates a series of sustainability and habitability strategies that allow a coexistence of city development and environmental care. Smart City currently makes use of renewable, intelligent energy, where there is a process of monitoring and renovation of infrastructure in buildings, generates the creation of green areas, maintains an intelligent use of lighting, adequate use of water, generates a positive impact in safety and also generate very low rates of air pollution. It is evident that the quality of life improves significantly, as well as the quality of the environment, and both enter a cycle of harmony, due to the sustainability strategies that the implementation of Smart Cities brings, without forgetting that with better health Better results and productivity will be generated.Especializació

    Internet of Things (IoT) as an Instrument to Improve Business and Marketing Strategies. A Literature Review

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    Creative destruction used by German sociologist Werner Sombart in 1913, and later known as Schumpeter’s gale, could be considered the first conceptual stage of what happens nowadays in all industries “forced” to use the digital environment. First three industrial revolutions experienced by the humanity happened in over three centuries with tangible results that improved immensely the day-to-day life of people. The fourth one happened in decades, and it was characterized by the use of information and communication technology in various industries. As the literature review has revealed, Internet of Things (IoT) is part of Industry 4.0., linking industries and consumers in a smarter way through sensors and other devices, collecting valuable data and helping companies. This article proposes a navigation throughout the literature to demonstrate that IoT is a new and modern solution that has a big potential for development to help businesses to take smarter and swifter decisions from data gathered indirectly from consumers. Given that the papers analyzed are quite recent, we would say that this topic of IoT is only lightly investigated, and it opens many subjects of discussions, not only on the business and marketing side, but also economically, socially, and of course, technically. Various questions have arisen during the research: Is there a limitation in using this instrument in business and marketing strategies? Either technical or legal? The ethics of this process is under question and both companies and governments dedicated a lot of time to understand the implications of IoT in the future

    Lead generation and communication strategies for Targomo GMBH

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    More and more importance has been given to the customers’ role in communication strategies in the recent years. Especially in the high tech industry, the increasingly fast pace of innovation has made it vital to understand the customers’ needs and motives. This is crucial in order to base lead generation creation processes and therefore better communicate with the market (Derunova and Semenov, 2013). Buyer personas are archetypes of real buyers which allow marketers to craft strategies to promote services and products. The term has become almost a marketing mantra, but buyer personas also involve the sales department and the concept of lead generation (Adele Ravella, 2015). This paper aims to collect the knowledge required for the subsequent development of buyer personas for each of the solutions of the tech start-up Targomo. Creating personas aims to better embody the behaviours, pain points, goals, and characteristics of real customers or target audiences (Junior and Filgueiras, 2005). The aim of this paper is therefore to collect the information required to subsequently implement the personas in the context of Targomo. Hence, they can later be used as a tool for developing the company’s communication strategy. Moreover, the knowledge acquired can also be applied to the wider context of communication strategy. This is especially beneficial, as the existing academic literature on the topic of buyer personas remains extremely scarce.Mais e mais importância foi dada ao papel dos clientes nas estratégias de comunicação nos últimos anos. Especialmente na indústria de alta tecnologia, o ritmo cada vez mais rápido da inovação tornou essencial entender as necessidades e os motivos dos clientes. Isto é crucial para basear os processos de criação de geração de leads e, portanto, se comunicar melhor com o mercado (Derunova and Semenov, 2013). As personas dos compradores são arquétipos de compradores reais que permitem aos profissionais de marketing elaborar estratégias para promover serviços e produtos. O termo tornou-se quase um mantra de marketing, mas as personas dos compradores também envolvem o departamento de vendas e o conceito de geração de leads (Adele Ravella, 2015). Este artigo tem como objetivo coletar o conhecimento necessário para o desenvolvimento subsequente de personas de compradores para cada uma das soluções da Targomo, uma startup de tecnologia. A criação de personas visa incorporar melhor os comportamentos, pontos problemáticos, objetivos e características de clientes reais ou públicos-alvo (Junior and Filgueiras, 2005). O objetivo deste artigo é, portanto, recolher informação necessária para implementar posteriormente as personas no contexto da Targomo. Posteriormente, podem ser usadas como uma ferramenta para o desenvolvimento da estratégia de comunicação da empresa. Além disso, o conhecimento adquirido também pode ser aplicado ao contexto mais amplo da estratégia de comunicação. Isso é especialmente benéfico, pois a literatura acadêmica existente sobre o tema das personas dos compradores permanece extremamente escassa