272 research outputs found

    Teleoperation of a service robot using a mobile device

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    Teleoperation is a concept born with the rapid evolution of technology, with an intuitive meaning "operate at a distance." The first teleoperation system was created in the mid 1950s, which were handled chemicals. Remote controlled systems are present nowadays in various types of applications. This dissertation presents the development of a mobile application to perform the teleoperation of a mobile service robot. The application integrates a distributed surveillance (the result of a research project QREN) and led to the development of a communication interface between the robot (the result of another QREN project) and the vigilance system. It was necessary to specify a communication protocol between the two systems, which was implemented over a communication framework 0MQ (Zero Message Queue). For the testing, three prototype applications were developed before to perform the test on the robot

    User-centered design of a dynamic-autonomy remote interaction concept for manipulation-capable robots to assist elderly people in the home

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    In this article, we describe the development of a human-robot interaction concept for service robots to assist elderly people in the home with physical tasks. Our approach is based on the insight that robots are not yet able to handle all tasks autonomously with sufficient reliability in the complex and heterogeneous environments of private homes. We therefore employ remote human operators to assist on tasks a robot cannot handle completely autonomously. Our development methodology was user-centric and iterative, with six user studies carried out at various stages involving a total of 241 participants. The concept is under implementation on the Care-O-bot 3 robotic platform. The main contributions of this article are (1) the results of a survey in form of a ranking of the demands of elderly people and informal caregivers for a range of 25 robot services, (2) the results of an ethnography investigating the suitability of emergency teleassistance and telemedical centers for incorporating robotic teleassistance, and (3) a user-validated human-robot interaction concept with three user roles and corresponding three user interfaces designed as a solution to the problem of engineering reliable service robots for home environments

    Microsurgery robots: addressing the needs of high-precision surgical interventions

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    Robots can help surgeons perform better quality operations, leading to reductions in the hospitalisation time of patients and in the impact of surgery on their postoperative quality of life

    EvaluaciĂłn de un vehĂ­culo teleoperado con fines educativos

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    The use of robotics vehicles in the education of children and teenagers constitutes a modern tendency of great interest in Cuba, due to the quantity of knowledge that provides and the variety of disciplines that it integrates. The present work has as objective to evaluate the use of a teleoperated and robotic vehicle based on Arduino, in the education of children and adolescents from Cuba. It includes the study of the state of the art about educational robotics in the world and in Cuba, who allows to define the main educational activities permitted by robots and the parameters to evaluate in the vehicle of analysis. Afterwards, it carries out a description of the technical specifications of the device, which influences in the benefits obtained by the use of the vehicle. Finally, it carries out the evaluation taking into account the defined parameters in the study of the state of the art. It obtains as conclusions that the use of the vehicle with educational purposes would be very fruitful, in spite of minimum limitations that do not put directly in risk the quality of educational activities.La utilización de vehículos robóticos en la educación de niños y adolescentes constituye una tendencia moderna de gran interés en Cuba, debido a la cantidad de conocimientos que provee y la variedad de disciplinas que integra. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo evaluar el empleo de un vehículo robótico teleoperado basado en Arduino, en la educación de niños y adolescentes cubanos. Contempla el estudio del estado del arte de la robótica educativa en el mundo y en Cuba, lo cual posibilitó definir las principales actividades educativas que permiten los robots y los parámetros a evaluar en el vehículo de análisis. Posteriormente, se realiza una descripción de las características técnica del dispositivo, las cuales influyen en los beneficios que se obtienen del empleo del vehículo. Para finalizar, se realiza la evaluación teniendo en cuenta los parámetros definidos en el estudio del estado del arte. Se obtienen como conclusiones que sería muy provechoso el empleo del vehículo con fines instructivos, a pesar de limitaciones mínimas que no ponen directamente en riesgo la calidad de las actividades educativas

    On the use of haptic tablets for UGV teleoperation in unstructured environments: system design and evaluation

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    Teleoperation of Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGVs), particularly for inspection of unstructured and unfamiliar environments still raises important challenges from the point of view of the operator interface. One of these challenges is caused by the fact that all information available to the operator is presented to the operator through a computer interface, providing only a partial view of the robot situation. The majority of existing interfaces provide information using visual, and, less frequently, sound channels. The lack of Situation Awareness (SA), caused by this partial view, may lead to an incorrect and inefficient response to the current UGV state, usually confusing and frustrating the human operator. For instance, the UGV may become stuck in debris while the operator struggles to move the robot, not understanding the cause of the UGV lack of motion. We address this problem by studying the use of haptic feedback to improve operator SA. More precisely, improving SA with respect to the traction state of the UGV, using a haptic tablet for both commanding the robot and conveying traction state to the user by haptic feedback. We report (1) a teleoperating interface, integrating a haptic tablet with an existing UGV teleoperation interface, and (2) the experimental results of a user study designed to evaluate the advantage of this interface in the teleoperation of a UGV, in a search and rescue scenario. Statistically significant results were found supporting the hypothesis that using the haptic tablet elicits a reduction in the time that the UGV spends in states without traction.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Recent Advancements in Augmented Reality for Robotic Applications: A Survey

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    Robots are expanding from industrial applications to daily life, in areas such as medical robotics, rehabilitative robotics, social robotics, and mobile/aerial robotics systems. In recent years, augmented reality (AR) has been integrated into many robotic applications, including medical, industrial, human–robot interactions, and collaboration scenarios. In this work, AR for both medical and industrial robot applications is reviewed and summarized. For medical robot applications, we investigated the integration of AR in (1) preoperative and surgical task planning; (2) image-guided robotic surgery; (3) surgical training and simulation; and (4) telesurgery. AR for industrial scenarios is reviewed in (1) human–robot interactions and collaborations; (2) path planning and task allocation; (3) training and simulation; and (4) teleoperation control/assistance. In addition, the limitations and challenges are discussed. Overall, this article serves as a valuable resource for working in the field of AR and robotic research, offering insights into the recent state of the art and prospects for improvement

    Model-Augmented Haptic Telemanipulation: Concept, Retrospective Overview, and Current Use Cases

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    Certain telerobotic applications, including telerobotics in space, pose particularly demanding challenges to both technology and humans. Traditional bilateral telemanipulation approaches often cannot be used in such applications due to technical and physical limitations such as long and varying delays, packet loss, and limited bandwidth, as well as high reliability, precision, and task duration requirements. In order to close this gap, we research model-augmented haptic telemanipulation (MATM) that uses two kinds of models: a remote model that enables shared autonomous functionality of the teleoperated robot, and a local model that aims to generate assistive augmented haptic feedback for the human operator. Several technological methods that form the backbone of the MATM approach have already been successfully demonstrated in accomplished telerobotic space missions. On this basis, we have applied our approach in more recent research to applications in the fields of orbital robotics, telesurgery, caregiving, and telenavigation. In the course of this work, we have advanced specific aspects of the approach that were of particular importance for each respective application, especially shared autonomy, and haptic augmentation. This overview paper discusses the MATM approach in detail, presents the latest research results of the various technologies encompassed within this approach, provides a retrospective of DLR's telerobotic space missions, demonstrates the broad application potential of MATM based on the aforementioned use cases, and outlines lessons learned and open challenges

    A continuum robotic platform for endoscopic non-contact laser surgery: design, control, and preclinical evaluation

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    The application of laser technologies in surgical interventions has been accepted in the clinical domain due to their atraumatic properties. In addition to manual application of fibre-guided lasers with tissue contact, non-contact transoral laser microsurgery (TLM) of laryngeal tumours has been prevailed in ENT surgery. However, TLM requires many years of surgical training for tumour resection in order to preserve the function of adjacent organs and thus preserve the patient’s quality of life. The positioning of the microscopic laser applicator outside the patient can also impede a direct line-of-sight to the target area due to anatomical variability and limit the working space. Further clinical challenges include positioning the laser focus on the tissue surface, imaging, planning and performing laser ablation, and motion of the target area during surgery. This dissertation aims to address the limitations of TLM through robotic approaches and intraoperative assistance. Although a trend towards minimally invasive surgery is apparent, no highly integrated platform for endoscopic delivery of focused laser radiation is available to date. Likewise, there are no known devices that incorporate scene information from endoscopic imaging into ablation planning and execution. For focusing of the laser beam close to the target tissue, this work first presents miniaturised focusing optics that can be integrated into endoscopic systems. Experimental trials characterise the optical properties and the ablation performance. A robotic platform is realised for manipulation of the focusing optics. This is based on a variable-length continuum manipulator. The latter enables movements of the endoscopic end effector in five degrees of freedom with a mechatronic actuation unit. The kinematic modelling and control of the robot are integrated into a modular framework that is evaluated experimentally. The manipulation of focused laser radiation also requires precise adjustment of the focal position on the tissue. For this purpose, visual, haptic and visual-haptic assistance functions are presented. These support the operator during teleoperation to set an optimal working distance. Advantages of visual-haptic assistance are demonstrated in a user study. The system performance and usability of the overall robotic system are assessed in an additional user study. Analogous to a clinical scenario, the subjects follow predefined target patterns with a laser spot. The mean positioning accuracy of the spot is 0.5 mm. Finally, methods of image-guided robot control are introduced to automate laser ablation. Experiments confirm a positive effect of proposed automation concepts on non-contact laser surgery.Die Anwendung von Lasertechnologien in chirurgischen Interventionen hat sich aufgrund der atraumatischen Eigenschaften in der Klinik etabliert. Neben manueller Applikation von fasergeführten Lasern mit Gewebekontakt hat sich die kontaktfreie transorale Lasermikrochirurgie (TLM) von Tumoren des Larynx in der HNO-Chirurgie durchgesetzt. Die TLM erfordert zur Tumorresektion jedoch ein langjähriges chirurgisches Training, um die Funktion der angrenzenden Organe zu sichern und damit die Lebensqualität der Patienten zu erhalten. Die Positionierung des mikroskopis chen Laserapplikators außerhalb des Patienten kann zudem die direkte Sicht auf das Zielgebiet durch anatomische Variabilität erschweren und den Arbeitsraum einschränken. Weitere klinische Herausforderungen betreffen die Positionierung des Laserfokus auf der Gewebeoberfläche, die Bildgebung, die Planung und Ausführung der Laserablation sowie intraoperative Bewegungen des Zielgebietes. Die vorliegende Dissertation zielt darauf ab, die Limitierungen der TLM durch robotische Ansätze und intraoperative Assistenz zu adressieren. Obwohl ein Trend zur minimal invasiven Chirurgie besteht, sind bislang keine hochintegrierten Plattformen für die endoskopische Applikation fokussierter Laserstrahlung verfügbar. Ebenfalls sind keine Systeme bekannt, die Szeneninformationen aus der endoskopischen Bildgebung in die Ablationsplanung und -ausführung einbeziehen. Für eine situsnahe Fokussierung des Laserstrahls wird in dieser Arbeit zunächst eine miniaturisierte Fokussieroptik zur Integration in endoskopische Systeme vorgestellt. Experimentelle Versuche charakterisieren die optischen Eigenschaften und das Ablationsverhalten. Zur Manipulation der Fokussieroptik wird eine robotische Plattform realisiert. Diese basiert auf einem längenveränderlichen Kontinuumsmanipulator. Letzterer ermöglicht in Kombination mit einer mechatronischen Aktuierungseinheit Bewegungen des Endoskopkopfes in fünf Freiheitsgraden. Die kinematische Modellierung und Regelung des Systems werden in ein modulares Framework eingebunden und evaluiert. Die Manipulation fokussierter Laserstrahlung erfordert zudem eine präzise Anpassung der Fokuslage auf das Gewebe. Dafür werden visuelle, haptische und visuell haptische Assistenzfunktionen eingeführt. Diese unterstützen den Anwender bei Teleoperation zur Einstellung eines optimalen Arbeitsabstandes. In einer Anwenderstudie werden Vorteile der visuell-haptischen Assistenz nachgewiesen. Die Systemperformanz und Gebrauchstauglichkeit des robotischen Gesamtsystems werden in einer weiteren Anwenderstudie untersucht. Analog zu einem klinischen Einsatz verfolgen die Probanden mit einem Laserspot vorgegebene Sollpfade. Die mittlere Positioniergenauigkeit des Spots beträgt dabei 0,5 mm. Zur Automatisierung der Ablation werden abschließend Methoden der bildgestützten Regelung vorgestellt. Experimente bestätigen einen positiven Effekt der Automationskonzepte für die kontaktfreie Laserchirurgie

    Robot aplicado a la medición de áreas usando gps

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    The geo-referencing and measurement of land areas is the first obstacle to overcome for the farmer, as having no certainty of the place and the extent to which a particular crop began its current state and generates high costs of equipment and personnel movement specialized for this task identification, referencing, and field calculations. One solution to this problem is investigated and described in this article, which comprises software and hardware. In the case of software, this article covers two parts: the first on mobile devices, consisting of 9 classes (GeograficasPlanas, GamePad, Archives, SerieLinux, AreaPoligono, StringMejorado, DatosGPS, VisionArtificial, Xbee) and the second is embedded in the Arduino UNO using 5 classes (SoftwareSerial, PololuQik, Servo, TinyGPS, SD). In the case of hardware worked with the Dagu Wild Thumper 6WD vehicle, stayed in this battery, Arduino, 2s12v10 Pololu Qik, the Xbee, GPS A2100A, sensor pan / tilt and optical sensor.la georreferenciación y medición de áreas de terreno es el primer obstáculo a vencer para el agricultor colombiano quien por no tener certeza del lugar y la extensión en el cual se iniciará un determinado cultivo y su estado genera altos costos en desplazamiento de equipos y personal especializado para realizar labores de identificación, referenciación y cálculos del terreno. El presente artículo describe la investigación que desarrolló una solución a este problema, integrada por software y hardware; el software en dos partes: la primera en el dispositivo móvil, conformada por 9 clases (GeograficasPlanas, GamePad, Archivos, SerieLinux, AreaPoligono, StringMejorado, DatosGPS, VisionArtificial, Xbee), y la segunda embebida en el Arduino UNO usando 5 clases (SoftwareSerial, PololuQik, Servo, TinyGPS, SD). En el caso del hardware se trabajó con el vehículo Dagu Wild Thumper 6WD, en este se alojaron las baterías, Arduino, Pololu Qik 2s12v10, el Xbee, GPS A2100A, sensor pan/tilt y sensor óptic
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